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1、初中英语语法大全连词初中英语语法大全:连词连词的定义:连词是连接字、短语、从句与句子的词,是虚词,因此它不能独立担任句子成分。连词主要分为两大类:并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用来连接并列关系的词、词组或分句。它包括:and,or,but,so,for,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also。从属连词用来引导从句,它包括: that, when, till, until, after, before, since,because,if,whether,though,although,sothat,so that,in order that,as

2、soon as并列连词用来连接具有并列关系的词,短语或句子。常见的并列连词有:(1)表并列关系的and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor等。(2)表选择关系的or, eitheror等。(3)表转折关系的but, while等。(4)表因果关系的for, so等。1并列连词1 and:和,并且I like basketball, football and table-tennis.我喜欢篮球、足球和乒乓球。1.基本用法and表示“和”、“而且”的意思,用来连接对等关系的字和字,片语与片语,句子与句子。He got up and put on his

3、hat.他站起来,戴上了帽子。I went to the Summer Palace and he went to Bei Hai Park.我去颐和园,他去北海公园。注意单词或词组如果是三个以上连接,一般在最后的单词或词组前加and。另外“and”在译成中文时不一定要翻译出“和”来。2.特别用法:and在祈使句中的作用句型:祈使句, and=If you, youllUse your head,and youll find a way.动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来。=If you use your head,youll find a way.如果你动动脑子,你就会想出办法。Hurry up,a

4、nd youll catch the bus.快点,你就会赶上公共汽车。=If you hurry up,youll catch the bus.如果你快点,你就会赶上公共汽车。2 or:或,或者,否则Is Li Ming from Beijing or from Shanghai.李明是北京人还是上海人呢?1.基本用法or表示“或”的意思,使用于两者之中选择一个的时候。Would you like coffee or tea?你喜欢咖啡还是茶?Tom or I am right.我或者汤姆是对的。Li Ming or his classmates are cleaning the room.

5、李明或者是他的同班同学在打扫房间。注意“A or B”作主语时,谓语动词随or后面的词(B)而定,因此例子中的谓语动词服从I,用am。2.特别用法句型:祈使句, or=If you dont, youll同and一样,or在祈使句中的用法,译成“请,否则”,有转折的意思。Hurry up,or youll miss the bus.快点吧,否则你就会误了公共汽车。=If you dont hurry up,youll miss the bus.如果你不快点,你就会误了这班车。Study hard,or youll fail in the exam.好好学吧,否则你考试就会不及格。=If you

6、 dont study hard,youll fail in the exam.如果你不努力学习,你考试就会不及格。注意or疑问句的读法or前面的部分用升调,后面的部分用降调。3 but:但是,可是,而He is old, but he looks very young.他老了,但他看起来很年轻。Li Li likes violin but doesnt like piano.李莉喜欢小提琴,(但是)不喜欢钢琴。(but 后面省略了主语Li Li,因为与前面的主语成分相同)Mary likes violin, but Tom doesnt.玛丽喜欢小提琴,而汤姆不喜欢。(doesnt后面省略了

7、like violin,因为与前面的成分相同)He isnt a teacher but a doctor.他不是(一个)老师,而是医生。They came here not for money but for the life.他们到这儿来,不是要钱,而是要命。注意but所连接的句子,句中如果某些成分与前面相同,则可以省略。4 so, forIt began to rain,so we had to stay here.开始下雨了,我们不得不呆在这儿了。所以,因此,于是My teacher asked me to go, so I went.我们老师让我去,因此我就去了。比较so除

8、了作连词外,也可以作副词。I hope you can pass the exam.我希望你能通过考试。I hope so.我也希望。Dont walk so fast.别走得太快。2.for:因为I soon went to sleep, for I was tired.我很快就入睡了,因为我太累了。The sun has risen,for the birds are singing.太阳升起来了,小鸟在唱歌。比较for和be cause for也可译为“因为”,但是它没有什么因果关系,不像because那样,而for只是说明解释而已。5 bothand:和,既也He can play b

9、oth the violin and the piano.他既会拉小提琴,又会弹钢琴。1.bothand构成的词组作为主语时,谓语动词用复数。Both Li Ming and Li Li are good students.(Li Ming和Li Li都是人,所以两者对等)李明和李莉都是好学生。注意在bothand句型中,and连接的词或词组要对等。2.bothand的否定句表示部分否定。He cant play both the violin and the piano.他会拉小提琴或者会弹钢琴。(不全会)Both Li Ming and Li Li are not good student

10、s.明和李莉不都是好学生。(其中一个是好学生)6 eitheror,neithernorI want to visit either Tianjing or Shanghai.我想参观天津或者上海。I like neither English nor Chinese.中文和英文我全不喜欢。1.eitheror:或或;不是就是a.eitheror构成的词组作为主语时,谓语动词随其邻近的词,即or后面的词而定。Either you or he is right.不是你,就是他是对的。b.此句型的否定句是全否定。Either you or he isnt right.你和他都不对。I dont wa

11、nt to visit either Tianjing orShanghai.天津和上海我都不想参观。2.neithernor:既不也不a.当此词组担任主语时,谓语动词的用法和eitheror的用法一样,由nor后面的词而定。Neither you nor I am right.你和我都不对。b.此句型本身是全否定,因此不能再用否定式,即不能再加not。()Neither You nor I am not right.比较both and ,eitheror ,neither nor 这三个句型的相互关系如下:1肯定句:I like both A and B我喜欢A和B。I like both

12、 coffee and tea.我喜欢咖啡和茶。(茶和咖啡我都喜欢)2否定句:I dont like both A and B. =I like either A or B.我不喜欢A 或B。I like either coffee or tea .咖啡和茶,我喜欢一样儿。=I dont like both coffee and tea .3I dont like either A or B .=I like neither A nor B.A和B 我都不喜欢。咖啡和茶,我都不喜欢。I like neither coffee nor tea .I dont like either coffee

13、 or tea .7 not only but also:不但而且(1)Not only you but also your father is coming.不但你,而且你父亲也要来。(2)Jane is not only beautiful but also kind.珍妮不但漂亮,而且人非常好。1.基本用法:not onlybut also担任主语时,此句型的谓语动词随 but also后面的部分而定,参见上文例(1)。另外not onlybut also连接对等的词或词组;例(1)you(你)和 your father(你父亲)都是人。例(2)beautiful(美的)和kind(亲切

14、、慈祥)都是形容词。2.该句型可以和“as well as”互换,但注意汉语翻译。Your father as well as you is coming.不但你,而且你父亲也要来。注意as well as的句子谓语动词随它前面的词“Your father”而定,所以用is coming.Jane is kind as well as beautiful.珍妮不但漂亮,而且为人很好。2 从属连词常见的从属连词有:(1)引导时间状语从句的after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。(2)引导条件状语从句的if,

15、unless等。(3)引导原因状语从句的because, as, since等。(4)引导目的状语从句的so that, in order that等。(5)引导让步状语从句的though, although, even if等。(6)引导结果状语从句的so that, sothat, suchthat等。(7)引导比较状语从句的than, asas等。(8)引导名词从句的that, if , whether等。1 thatI think(that) he likes football.我想他喜欢足球。that引导名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句)和定语从句,本书只介绍宾语

16、从句。1.that在宾语从句、间接引语中可以省略,主句与从句时态一致。I think(that) he is tired.我想他累了。I thought(that) he was tired.注意要特别注意主句与从句时态的呼应。如果主句是过去时,从句一律改为过去的时态,详见第二十章宾语从句。2.如果主句的动词是 think, believe;如果主句的主语是第一人称,变为否定句时,要否定主句,译成中文时,则否定从句。I believe you will leave here.我相信,你会离开这儿的。I dont believe you will leave here.我相信,你不会离开这儿的。

17、必背!I hope that我希望I think that我认为I say that我说I know that我知道I find that我发现be afraid that恐怕be sure that确认be glad(happy) that很高兴(以上的that都可以省略)2 when,while,till,until,sinceWhen he arrives there he will call you.他到达那儿以后,他会给你打电话。when, while, till, until, since, after, before, as soon as等是连接时间状语从句的连词。在时间状语从

18、句中要特别注意时态的搭配:当主句是将来时,从句要用一般现在时。注意while所引导的从句的谓语动词只能是延续性的,不能用点动词。(如begin,stop)When I arrived there, it was raining.当我到那儿时,天正在下雨。I entered the room while(when) Li Ming was talking with her.我进屋时,李明正在和她谈话。I didnt go to sleep until(till)I finished my homework.直到我做完作业,我才上床睡觉。We wont work until(till) our t

19、eacher teaches us how to do it.老师教给我们如何做这工作之后,我们才会开始做。He came to China after the war was over.比较连词连接从句不同,意思不同。He had been in China before the war was over.战争结束前,他已经在中国了。=The war was over before he came to China.=The war had been over before he came to China.战争结束后,他来到中国。I have learned more than two t

20、housand English words since I began learning English two years ago.自从两年前我开始学习英语以来,我已经学习了两千多个英语单词了。注意since引导的是一个过去时的句子,说明自当时以来到现在(自从两年前以来),主句一般要用现在完成时。As soon as I get enough money,Ill buy it.我一得到足够的钱,就买它。3 because:因为,连接原因状语从句She didnt go there,because she was ill.因为她病了,所以她没去那儿。1.回答Why问句时,只能用because,

21、不能用for或 as.Why are you late?你为什么迟到?Because I met a traffic accident on my way here.因为在我来这儿的路上,遇到了车祸。2.汉语中,我们经常说因为所以,但在英文中有了because,就不能再用so。()Because he was tired, so he couldnt walk there.因为他累了,所以他不能走到那儿了。4 if,though (although)If it doesnt rain,well go to the park.如果不下雨,我们就去公园。Though I was tired, I

22、still worked hard.虽然我很累,可是我仍然努力地工作。1.if:如果(引导条件从句)You can pass the exam if you study hard.如果你努力学习,你会及格的。2.though,although:虽然(引导让步状语从句)和原因状语从句一样,如果用了though,although (虽然)就不能再用but(但是)。Although(Though) I live near the sea, Im not a good swimmer.=I live near the sea,but Im not a good swimmer.虽然我住在海边,可是我游

23、泳并不好。注意注意时态一致,和时间状语从句一样。主句是将来时之时,从句要用一般现在时。5 sothat:太以致He is so old that he cant work. = He is too old to work.他太老了,不能工作。The box is so heavy that I cant lift it.=The box is too heavy for me to lift.箱子太沉了,我抬不起来。The girl is so beautiful that everybody likes her.这个小女孩太漂亮了,每个人都喜欢她。注意注意此句型与tooto的互换。sotha

24、t在肯定句中不能转换成tooto。三 连词比较Iand 与or1) 并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。2) 但有时and 也可用于否定句。请注意其不同特点: There is no air or water in the moon. There is no air and no water on the moon.在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。典型例题-I dont like chicken _ fish.-I dont like chicken, _ I like fish very much.A. and; and

25、 B. and; butC. or; butD. or;and答案C。否定句中表并列用or, but 表转折。判断改错:(错) We will die without air and water.(错) We cant live without air or water.(对) We will die without air or water.(对) We cant live without air and water. 3 )表示选择的并列结构 (1) or意思为否则。 I must work hard, or Ill fail in the exam.(2) eitheror意思为或者或者

26、。注意谓语动词采用就近原则。 Either you or I am right.判断改错:(错) They sat down and talk about something.(错) They started to dance and sang.(错) I saw two men sitting behind and whisper there.(对) They sat down and talked about something.(对) They started to dance and sing.(对)I saw two men sitting behind and whispering

27、 there.解析: 第一句: and 连接两个并列的谓语,所以 talk 应改为 talked。 第二句:and 连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定式往往省略to,因此sang 应改为 sing。 第三句:and 连接感观动词saw 后面的用作的宾补的两个并列分词结构,因此whisper应改为whispering。注意:and 还可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件。(or也有此用法) Make up your mind, and youll get the chance. = If you make up your mind, youll get the chance. One more

28、effort, and youll succeed. = If you make one more effort, youll succeed.IIbut表示转折,while表示对比。 Some people love cats, while others hate them.典型例题- Would you like to come to dinner tonight?- Id like to, _ Im too busy.A. and B. so C. as D. but答案D。but与前面形成转折,符合语意。而表并列的and,结果的so,原因的as都不符合句意。III so, theref

29、oreHe hurt his leg, so he couldnt play in the game.注意: a. 两个并列连词不能连用,但therefore, then, yet.可以和并列连词连用。You can watch TV, and or you can go to bed.He hurt his leg, and so / and therefore he couldnt play in the game. b. although yet,但although不与 but连用。 (错)Although he was weak, but he tried his best to do the work. (对)Although he was weak, yet he tried his best to do the work.IV 比较so和 such 其规律由so与such的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little连用,形成固定搭配。so + adj.such + a(n) + + adj. + a(n) + n.such + n. (pl.)so + adj. + n. (pl.) such +n. (pl.)

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