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1、八下期中考试复习 根据要求完成句子1. There will be a sports meeting this weekend. (改为同义句) There _ _ _ be a sports meeting this week.2. I think Sally will be a doctor in five years.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you think Sally _ _ in five years?3. There will be fewer people in 100 years. (改为一般疑问句) _ there _ fewer people in 100 years?

2、4. My classmates often help me learn English. (改为同义句) My classmates often _ me _ my English.5. I think you should do it by yourself. (改为否定句) I _ _ you _ do it by yourself.6. She has to take her daughter to piano lessons. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ to take her daughter to piano lessons?7. Parents are trying t

3、o plan their childrens life. (对画线部分提问) _ are parents trying _ _?8. I have this kind of book. Johnson has this kind of book, too. (改为同义句) Johnson has _ _ kind of book _ me.9. She studied hard in order to pass the exam.(改为同义句) She studied hard _ _ she could pass the exam.10. They are too tired to walk

4、 farther.(改为同义句) They are _ tired that they _ walk farther.11. I telephoned him last night.(改为同义句) I _ him _ last night.12. You cant run at the party. (改为祈使句) _ _ at the party.13. I am going to visit my grandparents next week. (对画线部分提问)_ are you going _ _ next week?14. Whats wrong with you? (改为同义句)

5、Whats _ _ _ you?15His parents seemed to be worried about his English a lot. (同义句转换) It _ _ his parents were worried about his English a lot.16. There will be no paper money in 30 years. (向划线部分提问) _ _ will there be no paper money?17. I borrowed some CDs from my uncle last Sunday.(同义句转换) My uncle _ so

6、me CDs _ me last Sunday.18. I want to know when I should leave.(同义句转换) I want to know when _ _.19. They stopped talking when the teacher came in.(同义句转换) They _ stop talking _ the teacher came in.完成句子1. 凯蒂不能参加运动会了。 Kitty _ _ _ _ take part in the sports meeting.2. 昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。 _ _ people came to vi

7、sit our school yesterday.3. 彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自生活。 Peter finds a job in Shanghai, so he has to _ there_.4. 我们家乡的污染没有以前严重了。 There is _ _ in our hometown than before.5. 十年后你会是什么样子?How _ _ _ _ in ten years?6. 他需要足够的睡眠。He _ to get _ _.7. 学习很重要,但另一方面,你也要多做运动。Study is important. But _ _ _ _, you should

8、 exercise more.8. 我妈妈希望我每天晚上都呆在家里。My mother wants me _ _ _ _ every night.9. 你和同学们相处得怎么样?How are you _ _ _ your classmates? 10. 我想弄明白为什么汤姆没邀请我参加他的生日聚会。I want to _ _ why Tom didnt invite me _ his party.11. 妈妈打电话时我正在写作业。I _ _my homework while my mother _ _ on the phone.12. 你在开玩笑吧! You _ _.13. 你能想象那有多奇怪

9、吗? Can you _ how _ it was?14. 尽管有雾,飞机还是起飞了。 The plane _ _ though it was foggy.15. 汤姆到学校的时候我正在跑步。I _ _ when Tom _ _ school.16. 安迪说他会带一些饮料去参加那个惊喜聚会的。Andy said he _ _ some drinks to that _ _. 17. 首先,让我们翻开课本。_ _ _, lets open our books. 18. 抄袭别人作业是一个坏习惯的开始。_ _ _ will _ a bad habit. 19. 多锻炼,就能保持健康。You can

10、 be _ _ _ if you do more exercise. 20. 来吧,试一试,你可以做得更好的。Come on. Have a try. You _ _ _. 21. 如果我不完成作业,我的老师会很生气的。If I dont _ _ _, my teacher will be angry with me.22. 一名职业运动员的工作有时很危险。A _ athletes job is sometimes _.23. 因为我的父亲是位警察,所以他有的时候会受伤。My father is a policeman, so he sometimes _ _.24. 两星期内完成这项工作是不

11、可能的。_ _ _ _ the work in two weeks.25. 他的梦想将要实现了。His dream _ _ _.26. 你的鞋过时了,你应该买双新的。Your shoes are _ _ _. You should buy a new pair.27. 你应该告诉你的朋友别穿和你同样的衣服。You should tell your friend not to wear _ _ clothes _ you.28. 昨天玛丽和她最好的朋友吵架了。Mary _ _ her best friend yesterday.29. 汤姆是新来的,但他与他的同学们相处融洽。Tom is new

12、 here. But he _ _ _ _ his classmates.30. 现在孩子们承受了太多的压力。Now children are _ _ _ _.31. 我最好的朋友约翰与我年龄相同。My best friend John is _ _ _ _ me.32. 他不得不在一个上午安排两个会议。He had to _ two meetings _ one morning.33. 他将要直到完成所有作业才睡觉。He _ go to bed _ he _ all his homework.34. 飞机起飞的时候天正下着大雨。It _ _ heavily when the plane _

13、_.35. 你可以想象那是多么奇怪的一件事啊。You can _ _ _ it was.36. 星期五晚上发生了一起严重的交通事故。 A terrible accident _ _ on Friday night.37. 我应该九点钟到达那里,但我迟到了十分钟。I _ _ _ arrive there at nine. But I was ten minutes late.39. 他说他不再生李磊的气了。 He said he _ _ _ Li Lei _.40. 她说她能使他们增长见识,了解外面的世界。 She said she could _ _ their eyes to the out

14、side world.41. 首先,在课堂上你应该认真听老师讲解。_ _ _, you should listen to the teacher carefully in class.42. 告诉学生们别在阅览室说话。Tell the students _ _ _ in the reading room.43. 如果这个周六不下雨,学生们将要去动物园。The children _ _ to the zoo if it _ _ this Saturday.44. 我们强烈反对到处扔垃圾。 We _ _ _ dropping litter everywhere.45. Peter 曾有段时间很难和

15、朋友相处。Peter _ a _ time _ along with his friends.46.我觉得大城市里的人会越来越多。I think _ _ _ more and more people in big cities. 47.绝大多数婴儿在会说话之前会走。Most babies _ _ _walk before they _ _ _talk.48.我有两张今晚的免费音乐会票。I have two free_ _ tonights concert.49.你知道怎样活到150岁吗?Do you know _ _ _ _ _ 150 years old? 50.你十年后的生活将会是什么样的

16、? What _ your life _ _ in 10 years?51.2012年奥运会后,很多女孩爱上游泳运动员孙杨。 Many girls_ _ _ _ the swimming player Sun Yang after the 2012 Olympic Games.52.现在是我们做早操的时候了。Its time for us _ _ morning exercises.53.对你来说做这样的事情将会很有趣。It will be very interesting _ you _ _ such things.54.这对夫妇总是为钱吵架。The couple always argues

17、 _each other _ money.55.如果你需要我们的帮助,请随时给我们打电话。 If you need our help, please _ _ _ anytime.56.他买了一件和我上周丢的那件一样的夹克。 He bought_ _ _ _ I lost last week. 57.他能够和任何其他的学生相处好。 He is able to _ _ _ _ any other student.58.我发现和这样的人交谈很无聊。 I find _ boring _ _ _ such a person.59.他从来不拿自己和别人比较。 He never _ himself _ ot

18、hers.60.比尔不喜欢广告里的太阳镜,因为它不能很好地挡太阳。 Bill doesnt like the sunglasses in the ad because they cant _ _ the sun well. 61.我们应该尽可能多的读英语。We should read English_ _ _ _.62.在我今早起床的时候爸爸还在睡觉。 Father_still_whenI_ _yesterdaymorning.63. 我的工作不包括给老板冲咖啡。My job doesnt _ making coffee for the boss. 64.那家店里有各种各样的电脑。There

19、are _ _ _computers in that shop.65爱知学生的学校生活够忙的了。 School life for the students in Aizhi Middle School_ _ _.66. 这个电视机虽然过时了,但是可能还有用。 This TV set is _ _ _, but it could be useful.67. 在周末,我会穿得更随意一些。On the weekend, I am able to dress _ _.68. 我们从来都无法知道将来会发生什么。We never know _ _ _ in the future.69. 机器人会做和人类一

20、样的事情吗?Can robots do _ _ things _ humans?70. 你可以向你哥哥借些钱。You could _ some money _ your brother.71. 我心里很烦,不知道该干什么。I am very upset and dont know _ _ _.72. Tom 把作业忘在家里了。Tom _ his homework _ _.73. 我的表妹和我同岁。My cousin is _ _ _ as me.74. 他们昨天默默的回家。They went home _ _ yesterday.75. 大卫和他爸爸一样高。 Dave is _ _ _ his

21、 father.76. 比起听力我更擅长阅读。Im _ _ reading than listening.77. 我希望你身体健康。I hope you are _ _ _.78. 我在英语学习中经历了一段艰难的时间。 I had a _ _ _ English. I had a _ _ _ English.79. 足球运动员很容易受伤。 It is easy for football players _ _ _.80. 如果你想挣很多钱,你就必须努力工作。 If you want to _ _ _, you will have to work hard.将直接引语变成间接引语。1. The

22、girl in Sams class said, “I love singing.”2. Lilys best friend Judy said, “Im buying a present for Lily.” 3. Liu Qiang said, “I go to the beach every Saturday.” 4. The teacher said to the student, “I will call you tomorrow.” 5. Nana said, “I can speak three languages.” 6. She said to Tom, “Can you h

23、elp me?”7. She asked, “Is this book yours or his?”8. The teacher asked, “how did you repair it?”9. The teacher said to the students, “Dont waste your time.”10.The mother said, “Tom, get up early, please.”11. The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”12. The boy said to us, “ I usually get up

24、at six every day.”13. He said, “We are still students.”14. She said, “I read the book while I was waiting for a bus.16. Mr. Green said to them, “Joe told me all about his story when he asked for a job.”17.She said to us,“ Ill come here tomorrow.”18.“Where does your chemistry teacher live, Mary?” the young man asked.

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