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1、11年四月雅思口语机经总结总共73个话题,但是可以合并成26个话题来准备哦!需要整套P1部分39个部分和200个问题及参考答案,P2部分所有预测话题的范文,P3部分问题和答案的同学,请点击:口语范文和答案 描述一个人(15个话题,有些可以合并,但是有些需要单独准备哦)1. describe an old person you know well2. describe a person you once helped3. describe a teacher in your childhood4. describe a teacher you want to meet again以上4个话题可以

2、想办法合成一个来准备哦!解题思路:是谁,什么时候认知的,当时状况如何的,什么样的结果,你怎么评价这个人的5. describe a child of your neighbor6. describea person who speak a different language7. Describe a visitor to your home以上3个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是谁,什么时候,在哪里,发生了什么状况,结果怎么样,你怎么评价这个人的8. describe a friend who has leading abilities9. describe a long-kno

3、wn friend10. describe a good leader11. Describe a successful person12. Describe a famous person13. describe a person you like to travel with14. Describe a respectful family member以上7个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是谁,怎么认知的,他有什么特性,对你会有什么影响,你的评价15. describe an adventurous person 解题思路:是谁,怎么认知的,举例说明他的冒险性,你的评价 所以,

4、人的话题,最少准备4个哦!但是不要让人感觉到哦,转的时候注意技巧的把握! 描述一个地(14个话题,有些可以合并,但是有些需要单独准备哦)1. describe a place you often go to have lunch2. describe a restaurant3. describe a place near water4. describe a noisy place以上4个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是什么地方,在哪里的,周边怎么样,里面怎么样,你去哪里干了啥,结果如何,你的评价5. describe a peaceful place6. describe a

5、school building7. describe a historical building以上3个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是什么地方,在哪里的,周边如何,里面如何,你去那里干了啥,结果如何,你的评价8. describe an ideal house老题新出/an apartment or house you want to live in9. describe a room you preferred to live in when you were a child以上2个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是什么地方,里面如何布置的,有啥设施,为啥你喜欢这样,

6、对你的影响10. describe a leisure center in your hometown11. describe a hotel12. describe a popular shopping center以上3个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是什么地方,在哪里的,外面看如何,里面如何,你和谁去了那里干了啥,有么影响,评价13. describe a museum14. describe a place/a city you like to visit以上2个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是什么地方,在哪里的,那里都有什么吸引你,你会去那里做啥,评价 所以,

7、地点的话题,要准备5个啦,但是不要让人感觉到哦,转的时候注意技巧的把握! 描述一个物(27个话题,有些可以合并,但是有些需要单独准备哦)1. describe the car you want to buy2. describe a vehicle in the future3. describe a thing you want to save money to buy4. describe the most expensive thing you bought5. describe a gift you sent to others(可以说模型哦)6. describe a toy in

8、your childhood7. describe one of your collections以上7个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的解题思路:是什么,什么时候你和这个东西产生了联系,这个东西怎么样的,有啥用的,对你有啥意义8. describe the book you like to read9. describe your favorite TV program10. describe a film11. describe your favorite subject in high school12. describe a general knowledge quiz show13.

9、 describe an educational program以上6个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的14. describe a foreign food you like15. describe a healthy lifestyle/a healthy diet以上2个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的16. describe your ideal job/ your future job17. Describe a practical skill you want to learn,(such as cooking and driving)18. describe something

10、you are good at19. Describe sth you think people need to learn in the future以上4个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的20. describe a photograph21. describe a new law that helps to improve the life in your country22. describe an effective advertisement23. describe a small but successful company24. describe a piece of clot

11、hes others bought for you25. describe a service you received26. describe the leisure activities you like to do27. describe a broken machine in your home以上8个话题好像很难归在一起准备呢,只好多花点时间哦! 所以,物的话题,要准备12个啦,但是不要让人感觉到哦,转的时候注意技巧的把握! 描述一件事(20个话题,有些可以合并,但是有些需要单独准备哦)1. describe a naughty thing in your childhood2. d

12、escribe a hobby in your childhood3. describe the happy event in your childhood新题4. describe the unforgettable thing in your childhood老题新出5. describe the most impressive visit you had in your childhood新题6. Describe a piece of advice you received from the family or friends7. describe a piece of intere

13、sting news以上7个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的8. describe the thing you would do to protect the environment9. describe the changes happened in part of your city10. talk about the traffic conditions in your home city老题新出11. Describe an occasion of being late12. describe a travelling to some place13. describe a visit

14、ing experience to your friend新题以上6个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的14. describe sth you learned recently/describe something interesting that you want to learn15. describe the outdoor activities you like以上2个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的16. What changes you would make to your life style to stay healthy?17. describe an important e

15、vent or activity in your school老题新出18. describe a celebration in your culture19. describe a traditional festival以上4个话题也可以想办法合成一个来准备的20. A project you did by cooperating with others所以,事的话题,要准备5个啦,但是不要让人感觉到哦,转的时候注意技巧的把握! 第一部分:1) 姓名:full name2) 家乡:hometown history?where r u from?你最喜欢家乡的什么? Introduce yo

16、ur hometown. Have you learned some history about yourhometown in school?描述家乡好的一面家乡需要改进的一面。哪些地方吸引人?3) 工作:工作好找吗?工作外出的机会多吗?4) 专业:major?Whether your major is popular in China?喜欢不喜欢?好 不好就业?Is it important for students to study a subject they are interested in? How to learn a language?会不会其他语言?英语学了多少年?为什么喜

17、欢学其他语言?5) 电影:What kind of movie do you like? Why do you like this kind of movie?Do you like watching the movie with others or alone? Why? Where do you like to watch the movie? Which type of film do you like? How often do yougo to movies?6) 交友:Where do young people often meet? Where do you think youn

18、g peopleoften meet in the past?7) 喜好:你平常喜欢做什么?你的兴趣大多数人玩什么?Do you likecollecting things? What do you like collecting? What did you collect in your childhood? What about now? What do you think of other peoples collections? If you could be rich, what would you collect?会跳舞吗?Do you like reading?8) 博物馆:小时

19、候是否去过博物馆?最近一次去博物馆是什么时候?在博 物馆销售东西你怎么看?9) 大海:大家对大海什么感觉、would do you live near the sea? Why?10) 交通:do you like to take the flight?why/Is it the best way to travel?11) 购物:你喜欢购物吗?什么时候购物?你喜欢买什么东西?你喜欢去大的超市购物吗?你最近一次购物的经历?what kind of clothes do you like /dislike?What date do you choose to go shopping? When

20、was the last time you went shopping? What did you buy? Do you like big shopping centers?你怎么看fashion.12)天气:What weather do you like most? Is the weather good now? What do you usually do in these days? Which seasons do you like? Why?13)颜色和数字:喜欢的颜色,为什么喜欢,传统的中国颜色是什么?为什么。穿衣服时也会选这个颜色吗?家里的墙会刷这个颜色吗?各个颜色代表什么

21、的?你喜欢什么颜色的毛衣?你一般在哪里买毛衣?what numbers are popular in China?14) 动物:whats your favorite animal?Do people keep pets in China?Why?15) 信息渠道:从哪里获取新闻信息?电视还是报纸?有没有用网络获取新闻?对哪一类新闻比较感兴趣?email(和谁、干嘛用、什么样的最难)报纸杂志 会看什么类型的newspapers or magazines?什么样的标题会吸引你?16) 食物:What food did you eat when you were a child? /喜欢cooki

22、ng吗, What kind of food do you like most?17)邻居Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat? What do you think is theadvantage of living in the apartment? Talk about your home Do you know your neighbor?是否有邻居?愿意跟老年人邻居还是 年轻人做邻居?18)旅游 Do you like traveling? How often? Where? Where did you have thelongest

23、visit? Who do you like to travel with? Which city did you go to last year? Which city do you want to go?假期喜欢做什么?19)时间Do you wear a watch, why not? What will you do if you are late? Do you feel that sometimes time just goes very slowly?20)跳舞Dancing Do you like dancing? Have you ever learned to dance?

24、 When was the last time you danced? Do you like to watch dance performances? Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing? Do you think there are any advantages for young people to go dancing? 21)噪音What kind of noise do you like or dislike?不喜欢的声音有哪些?22)设备 should job applicants get training a

25、bout new office equipment?The disadvantages and advantages of cell phones 描述一个人(12个)1. describe a person you once helped,今天讲的是describe an experience when you helped others,要注意这个的转换哦 Why and how can parents teach children to help others? How can school teach students to help others? Do you like helpi

26、ng others? Why? What should you do when you help children/elderly people? Why do you think people want to choose careers that can help others, e.g. nurse, teacher? /Why should teachers and doctors help others? 2. describe a teacher you remembered What should the teacher do if the students dislike hi

27、m or her? Why do you think some people want to become teachers? How can the government encourage the elite to become teachers? How are teachers paid now? What are the characteristics of good teachers? Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so? Nowadays, how are teacher

28、s different from teachers in the past? 3. describe a best friend Can people you admire be good examples for you? In what areas can a good example influence you? What kind of young people can become successful? How does technology affect communication? Whats more important, educational background or

29、experience? What do you think of friendship? What is the most important part of a friendship? Should friends share the same interests? Why? Do you think its better for friends to have different interests? What factors can break up friendships? Do you make friends who are much older or younger than y

30、ou? 5 Describe a successful person What kind of people can be successful? Can you define success? Why do you think people want to be successful? Why do people always link success and money together? How can one balance between work and life? 6 Describe a child you know解:是谁?怎么认识的?外貌特征?有啥性格行为特点?和你的关系?

31、你的评价 7 Describe a friend who speak a different language(who he/she is, what you have learnt from him/her, how do you communicate with him/her, how do you know each other) Where can you meet foreigners or make foreign friends? Do you have difficulties when you talk about culture with people from other countries? Besides professional knowledge, what else can you learn abroad? Do you think after going abroad you may understand yourself better? Why? How can immigrants affect another country? 8. Describe a family member you

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