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1、上海市新场中学高中英语学科一年级上册2上海市新场中学高中英语学科一年级上册-(2)上海市新场中学高中英语学科一年级上册一、Unit3: Using English Properly(6课时)教学目标双向表学习类别学习内容(知识/技能)掌握水平检测方法识记(A)理解(B)简单应用(C)综合应用(D)词汇stewardess, chairperson, pronoun, singular, plural阅读理解中辨认shortcut, recipe, cure-all, signpost(达到拼写程度)选词填空offend, avoid, attempt, emphasis, emphasis,

2、profession, respectful, imply, Respectful, fluency, gender, attendant, structure, workplace单词拼写、中译英、选词填空put emphasis on, change with times, call out, preferto, attempt to, instead of, insist on, be obliged to中译英、看图说话、写作语法动名词的被动和否定形式选择题、翻译综合技能听力理解部分生词后,听懂一篇短文,了解英语的变化及导致变化的原因。课堂提问、判断题抓住相关细节,学习如何提出建议和劝

3、告。W-H选择题阅读把握文章大意,了解讲英语国家的文化。课堂提问、概括段落大意了解文章细节W-H选择题掌握文章中的动名词的被动和否定形式及put emphasis on,avoid, imply等用法中译英、选词填空说话培养学生的语音语调等语言技巧朗读课文用英语转述课文大意复述课文能在学习课文的基础上,根据提示和已有知识进行对话能就某个话题给对方提建议和意见编演对话情景表演写作认识主题句,写好段落中的主题句。写段落说明:掌握水平A:识记。是指会读、会拼写。 B:理解。是指能听懂、看懂。 C:简单应用。是指在一般的语言环境中会应用。 D:综合应用。是指在一般应用的基础之上会综合运用所学语言知识二

4、、Unit3: Using English Properly(6课时)教学效果检测一、课内检测题(题目主要针对目标达成度设计)第一课时:1. The following are explanations of some of the words in the text. Match each item with the right word. (A)1) _to make others unhappy or even angry (offend)2) _an act of trying to do something, especially when it is difficult (atte

5、mpt)3) _ special or extra importance that is given to something (emphasis)4) _a type of job that requires special training and that brings a fairly high social status (profession)5) _to go beyond one specific area and include or affect other areas (extend)6)_being polite and showing respect to other

6、s (respectful)2. Fill in each blank with an expression from the box in its proper form. (B)Put emphasis on enter the profession preferred term instead of change with the times1) Language is a reflection of culture, and language use often _2) _memorizing words from a word list, he builds up his vocab

7、ulary power by reading.3) Chinese people _foreign language learning because they would like to know more about other cultures.4) Shortened forms of words, such as “a.s.a.p.” for “as soon as possible,” are the _widely used by internet users.5) Teaching is now popular with young people and many choose

8、 to _. 3. Read the text and fill out the table below. (C)Traditional terms Preferred termsTerms relating to gender1._2._3. _4._1._2._3. _4._ Terms relating to issues other than gender1._ 1._ 4.Translation: (D)1) 如果老师过于注重语法操练,学生可能会对英语学习失去兴趣。( put emphasis on )2)他一天的工作时间通常延续到晚上。( extent)3)我小心行走以避开路上的水

9、潭。( avoid )4) 你的意思是想说我们没有说实话么?( imply)第二课时1.Fill in each blank with the verb given in its proper forms ( B )1).I am afraid of _(lose) my passport, so I dont usually carry it with me.2).The room has not been painted for years. It needs _(paint).3).Im the boss. I am not used to _(tell) what to do.4).P

10、lease forgive me for _(not write) to you.2.There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find the mistake and correct it. (C)1) When he told me that everybody had made fun of him, I couldnt help to feel sorry for him._.2) She is not looking forward to do the examination._.3) The batteries

11、 in the radio need being changed._.4) I would like playing tennis today._.5) When you see Tom, remember giving him my regards, wont you?_.第三课时A. Listening practice Changes in English (C)1. Listen to the passage and then fill in the blanks by using the facts you have heard on the tape.1) “Good mornin

12、g” used to be _.2) Now people are more likely to greet each other with :_.Factors causing the changes1) A workplace that doesnt _social interaction.2) Neighbourhoods have no community_.3) At home, parents do not encourage_.4) People are simply not as _as they used to be.5)In public schools, children

13、 are not _to say “Good morning” to their teachers.B. SpeakingEnglish outside the classroom1.Look at the pictures. What are some of the ways of learning English outside school? Which ways are more helpful to you? Why? Have a discussion in groups. You may choose to talk about one or two of the above a

14、ctivities or about some other ways you use. (D)2. Practice the following dialogue with your partner and try to act it out.第四课时1. Topic sentence1)Underline the topic sentence (C) A: One of the most important uses of gold is for money. Gold can be used to make rings, earrings, and other things. Gold i

15、s also used to make gold leaf, a very flat ribbon of gold that is often used on picture frames. Cups and dishes can also be made from gold. Gold has many uses. B: Underground systems are already here and there. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities, such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal

16、, there are large underground shopping areas. The “Chunnel”, a tunnel (隧道)connecting England and France, is now complete. 2) Write a suitable topic sentence (D)A:_.It is used not only in caculations, but also in an engineering project, designing ,language learning, etc. In todays society ,computers

17、can be seen working for us almost everywhere ,in shops ,banks ,post offices ,schools ,hospitals ,and so on .Computers have even entered most families .Children can learn various subjects on computers ,and parents can enjoy some entertainment from the computer, too. B:_.With the help of advertisement

18、, the manufactures(生产商) can provide people with information about their new products-their good quality, their cheap prices and their popularity. As a result,they might sell well, which, in return,may greatly benefit the manufactures.2. Additional Reading1) Questions: Decide whether each of the foll

19、owing statements is true(T),false(F) or hard to say(H). (B)a. A lot of people write letters to complain about the bad language in newspapers.b. One of the letter writers in the passage was not satisfied with his spoken English.c. You can find a lot of ads which deal with the question of how to impro

20、ve ones English.d. Listening to English radio programmes is the best way to improve your English.2) Find words or expressions from the article to fill in the blanks, making changes if necessary.a. In doing a scientific experiment, one _be_ careful.b. When he was young, his parents often took him to

21、museums, to _his love to art.c. It is _to regret what has already been done.d. As is proved, laws are not a _for all the crime.2) Retell the text (D)3) Writing: write a topic sentence according to the following topic.(D) (1) keep fit (2) computer (3) my mother 二、课后练习题(题目侧重巩固、拓展与提高设计)(一)巩固题用所给词的正确形式填

22、空。 1I like her,but I dont like_(she,sing) 2When did you go to Shanghai? I remember_(take)there when I was a child 3Sorry,but Ill have to keep you waitingfor some time Thats all rightI dont mind _(keep)waiting 4Im sorry I missed_(see)you whileI was in Beijing last month 5She must be looking forward a

23、s much as I to_(see)him 6We should keep on_(practise,speak)English every day to improve our spoken English 7I feel like_(take)a long walkWould you like_(go)with me? 8He was in low spirits and even considered_(go)away 9I could not imagine that_(be)possible 10Most people prefer_(spend)money to_(earn)i

24、t 11This problem demands_(look into) 12A child cant learn_(spell)without_(be)helped 13I know you will pardon_(I,say)so,but you keep_(give)us many words_(spell)in English (二)拓展题When learning English, people today are beginning to pay attention not only to using it correctly but also properly. Using E

25、nglish involves a number of _. A very important one is concerned with(和有关)_. To avoid gender discrimination(性别歧视), people try to avoid using _ that tend to offend people of either sex, particular females, who have traditionally been the weaker group. As a result, words that put too much _ on the dif

26、ferences between the sexes are _ by more neutral(中性)ones such as “flight attendant,” “server,” and “police officer.” Other areas that also reflect the trend of using English properly include those of _ and _. The purpose of doing so is to make language more _ to all people.(三)提高题Find them if you can

27、.Dear Mrs.Chen:Im writing to express my gratitude to you for the past three years.Thank you for your help and patience.In the past,I was silent and unconfident. I dont have any friends except God. I believe in him and he is the kindest one in the world. He told us to be friendly to all the mankind e

28、ven the man is an annoying salesman.But I was too afraid to do so. Thats why I was lonely.But now I am a freshman in the university.Everything around me is different and I can start a new life.Now I have a very good friend.He is the chairman of our Student Union. Though he is fat and short,he is respected by all the students in our school.I still remember the words you told us.It is not enough for a student to focus all his attention on study. He should also make more friends and enjoy life.This is the on

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