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1、河南省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文评审结果汇总表河南河南省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文评审结果汇总表(河南师范大学部分)序号论文题目等级第一作者姓名第二作者姓名第三作者姓名第四作者姓名第五作者姓名共几位作者1Applications of interval arithmetic in non-smooth global optimization壹申培萍张可材Yanjun Wang32Global optimization of signomial geometric programming using linear relaxation壹申培萍张可材23Adaptative Robust H Al

2、most Disturdance Decoupling for Minimum Phase Uncertain Nonlinear Systems壹毕卫萍袁付顺24Optimal detection of two counterfeit coins with two-arms balance壹刘文安聂赞坎25Global stability for a chemostat-type model with delayed nutrient recycling壹陆志奇16A monotone operator function via Furuta-type inequality with neg

3、ative powers壹杨长森左红亮27Satisfactory orthogonal array and its checking method壹庞善起刘三阳张应山38Normal Mixed Difference Matrix and the Construction of Orthogonal Arrays壹庞善起张应山刘三阳39函数的最优单调区间贰杨长森左红亮210交叉余积上的Hopf代数结构壹焦争鸣王栓宏赵文正311三维抛物型方程的一族两层显格式贰任宗修马明书212图论中矩阵的可实现性贰卢建立杨明波213穿脱原理及其在图论问题中的应用叁卢建立杨明波214Total cross se

4、ctions for electron scattering on polyatomic molecules-considering two different shielding effects壹孙金锋杜朝玲刘玉芳315Frequency-modulated Excitation of Potassium Atoms壹张现周江红民饶建国李白文416Population Trapping and Excitation of Potassium Atom in a Frequency modulated field壹张现周江红民饶建国李白文417Detecting the neutral top

5、-pion at e+ e - colliders.壹王学雷杨跃玲李炳中318Electron scattering from molecule CH4 at 10-5000eV壹刘玉芳朱遵略孙金锋丛书林韩克利519First-principles study of indium on silicon(100) the structure, defects and interdiffusion壹戴宪起琚伟伟王广涛M.H.xie420Magnetic,Thermal and Transport Properties of Ce(Ni1-xCux)2Al3: The Dominant Role o

6、f Electronic Change壹路庆凤孙培杰Dexuan HuoToshio MizushimaYosikazu ISKAWA621La2-xMxCuO4(M=Sr,Ba)体系的正电子湮没研究贰路庆凤杜保立李喜贵322金属间化合物Ce(Ni1-xCux)2Al3的制备和热电特性贰路庆凤王艳文霍德璇孙培杰石川义和623镧系超导体中条纹相(Stripe Phase)的研究评述叁路庆凤杜保立李喜贵324高温氧化物超导体氧含量的测定叁路庆凤杜保立刘英豪李喜贵425多原子-腔系统中的量子信息传递贰赖振讲李莉莎侯 洵白晋涛杨志勇526两能级原子和相干态腔场相互作用过程中的纠缠交换贰赖振讲杨志勇白晋

7、涛孙中禹427RLC串联谐振电路Q值的一种修正方法叁李兴毅高金辉陈运保路庆凤428基于面向对象的语音编解码软件的设计实现贰王 萍陈相宁王 京石 磊429基于BREW平台的信息服务系统的设计与开发叁王 萍李双群尹精琴陈 平430智能单片机频率计的原理与设计叁吴慎山王 芳吴东芳吴雪冰万 霞531智能化住宅防盗防火报警系统设计贰王 芳马幼军蒋国平332Adsorption of Co on Si(100) Surface壹危书义杨宗献戴宪起张开明433Adsorption of Fe on GaAs(100) Surface贰危书义马 丽汪建广王天兴434Chemisorption of Au on

8、 Si(001) surface壹危书义汪建广马 丽335Chemisorption of Fe on Au-passivated Si(001) surface贰危书义汪建广马 丽夏从新闫玉丽536First-Principles Studies for the Electronic Structures of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (Ga, Fe)As贰危书义王天兴杨宗献马 丽437Exciton States in Wurtzite InGaN Coupled Quantum Dots贰夏从新史俊杰危书义438Crystal structure

9、and thermal behavior of NaCsB4O5(OH)44H2O壹周建国赵凤英夏树屏高世扬439Synthesis of single-phase nanocrystallinegarnet phosphor derived from gel-network-coprecipitation贰周建国赵凤英李振泉夏树屏杨 林640Preparation and gas sensing properties of ZnM2O4(M=Fe,Co,Cr)壹牛新书杜卫平杜卫民341Extraction and separation of gallium,indium and thalli

10、um with several carboxylic acids from chloride media壹张秀英尹国寅胡志国342Synthesis and characterization of light lanthanide complexes with 5-aminosalicylic acid贰张秀英雷雪峰戴朝辉343A Novel Route to Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube and Carbon Nanorods at Low Temperature壹王新军陆 俊谢 毅都国安郭奇勋644Synthesis of High Quality Inorgan

11、ic Fullerene-like BN Hollow Spheres via a Simple Chemical Route壹王新军谢 毅郭奇勋345Synthesis and Characterization of an Unexpected Asymmetric Binuclear Copper(I) Complex Containing 4-Vinyl-pyridine贰蒋 凯赵东郭利兵张传建杨瑞娜546Synthesis,Structure and Ionic Conductivity of La2/3-xLi3xMoO4贰蒋 凯王海霞任引哲郭崇峰孟 健747Interactions

12、 between 1-benzoyl-4-p-chlorophenyl thiosemicarbazide and serum albumin: investigation by fluorescence spectroscopy壹崔凤灵樊 静李建平胡之德448fluorescence spectroscopy studies on 5-aminosalicylic acid and zinc 5- aminosalylicylate interaction with human serum albumin贰崔凤灵樊 静李 伟范云场胡之德549Inhibitory Kinetic-Fluori

13、metric Determination of Trace Aniline贰程定玺张红武250Kinetic spectorphotometric determination of formaldehyde in fabric and air by sequential injection analysis贰冯素玲樊 静王爱军陈兴国胡之德551Spectrofluorimetric determination of tannins based on their activative effect on the Cu() catalytic oxidation of rhodamine 6G b

14、y hydrogen peroxide壹冯素玲唐安娜姜聚慧樊 静452Study of the concentration and separation of cadmium with microcrystalline phenolphthalein modified by crystal violet壹李全民欧阳瑞镯刘国光353Flotation Separation of Lead with Sodium Nitrate-Potassium Iodide-Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide System贰李全民刑 云申义阳354Determination of

15、Formaldehyde Traces in Fabric and in Indoor Air by a Kinetic Fluorimetric Method贰樊 静唐晓基冯素玲355Flow-Injection Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfadiazine and Sulfamethoxazole in Pharmaceuticals and Urine壹樊 静陈亚红冯素玲叶存玲王健吉556Determination of Trace Metoclopramide by Anodic strippingVoltammetry with N

16、afion Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode壹汪振辉张宏忠周漱萍Wenju Dong457A Novel Poly(4-Aminopyridine)-Modified Electrode For SelectiveDetection Of Uric Acid In The Presence Of Ascorbic Acid壹汪振辉张 岱张 岩周漱萍458The Separation and Determination of Nitrophenol Isomers By High-Performance Capillary Zone Electrophoresis

17、.壹郭喜凤汪振辉周漱平359An efficient method for the oxidation of aryl substituted semicarbazides to aryl azo compounds with NaNO2-Ac2O贰李晓川王玉炉王谨晔360An efficient method for the synthesis of ,unsaturated acyl azo compounds with NaNO2/NaHSO4H2O/SiO2贰李晓川王玉炉王谨晔361An ionic liquid as a recyclable medium for the green

18、 preparation of ,-bis (substituted benzylidene) cycloalkanones catalyzed by FeCl36H2O贰张新迎范学森牛红英王键吉462An efficient and green procedure for the preparation of acylals from aldehydes catalyzed by Fe2(SO4)3xH2O壹张新迎李凌君张贵生363A Novel Preparation of 4-Phenylquinoline Derivatives in Ionic Liquids贰张新迎范学森王键吉李艳

19、贞464SmI2-mediated facile one-pot preparation of 2,4-diarylquinolines from 3-aryl-2,1-benzisoxazoles贰范学森张永敏265SmI2-mediated synthesis of 2,4-diarylpyrroles from phenacyl azides壹范学森张永敏266Preparation of dihomoallylic secondary amines through samarium mediated allylation of oximes壹范学森张永敏267SmI2 mediated

20、 synthesis of 2,3-disubstituted indole derivatives壹范学森张永敏268Ionic liquid promoted Knoevenagel and Michael Reactions贰范学森胡雪原张新迎王键吉469A Study of the Interaction Bertween a New Reagent and Serum Albumin by Fluorescence Spectroscopy贰崔风灵樊 静马东兰刘满仓陈兴国670Solvent-free synthesis of acyl thiosemi-carbazides wit

21、h microwave activation贰李建平罗千福王玉炉371Deacetylation of 2-O-Ts-3,5-di-O- acetylpurine nucleosides via a free radical reaction贰刘启宾冯峰渠桂荣372Diethyl (Z,Z)-3,3-(ethane-1, 2-diyldiimino)dibut-2-enoate贰张振峰Shou JinShang ZhoubinHuang Shu PingLiu Bo673Synthesis of symmetric 1,3,5-triarylbenzenes贰胡志国刘军李公安董志斌474Syn

22、thesis of chalcones catalysed by SOCl2/EtOH贰胡志国刘军董志斌郭丽丽王 东675Synthesis of ,-bis(substituted benzylidene) ketones catalysed by a SOCl2/EtOH reagent贰胡志国刘军郑丽萍董志斌476Genetic Training of Network Using Chaos Concept: Application to QSAR Studies of Vibration Modes of Tetrahedral Halides壹吕庆章沈国励俞汝勤377A Geneti

23、c Algorithm Based on Prepotency Evolution Using Chaotic Initiation Used for Network Training壹吕庆章蒋键晖俞汝勤沈国励478The structure, catalytic activity and reaction mechanism modeling for halogenated iron-tetraphenylporphyrin complexes贰吕庆章俞汝勤沈国励379煤沥青基中间相炭微球的电化学性能与微观结构贰郑洪河张虎城王键吉苏玉长徐仲榆580电解液组成对中间相石墨微球电化学性能的影响贰

24、郑洪河卓克垒王键吉徐仲榆481Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies on Interactions in PEO-NaSCN-Urea Composites壹张虎成轩小朋王键吉汪汉卿482FT-IR investigations of ion association in PEOMSCN (M=Na, K) polymer electrolytes贰张虎成轩小朋王键吉汪汉卿483A volumetric and viscosity study for the mixtures of 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoro

25、borate ionic liquid with acetonitrile, dichloromethane, 2- butanone and N, N-dimethylformamide壹王键吉田 勇赵 扬卓克垒484Raman spectroscopic and DFT studies on solutions of NabBF4iN,N-dimethylformamide壹轩小朋张虎城王键吉汪汉卿485Vibrational Spectroscopic and Density Functional Studies on Ion Solvation and Association of L

26、ithium Tetrafluorobrate in Acetonitrile壹轩小朋张虎城王键吉汪汉卿486水溶液中氯化钠-单糖的焓和熵相互作用参数壹卓克垒王键吉白光月闫海科汪汉卿587Volumetric studies of ion solvation in propylene carbonate + N,N-dimethylformamide electrolyte solutions壹赵扬王键吉轩小朋林瑞森488Viscosity behavior of ions in propylene carbonate + N,N-dimethylformamide electrolyte s

27、olutions贰赵扬王键吉林瑞森389Non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis with indirect photometric detection for direct analysis of Pb2+,Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions.贰周庆祥江桂斌刘国光刘景富蔡亚岐590Micro-porous membrane liquid-liquid extraction as an enrichment step prior to nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis determination of sulfonylurea herbicides贰周庆祥刘景富蔡亚岐刘国光江桂斌591Sensitivity enhancement of chlorinated phenols by continuous flow liquid membrane extraction followed by capillary electrophoresis壹周庆祥刘景富蔡亚岐刘国光江桂斌592Combination of

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