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1、注塑模具设计中英对照版Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore 工程师机构的期刊,新加坡Vol. 44 Issue 4 2004 44发给4页。2004年15 153D RAPID REALIZATION OF INITIAL DESIGN FOR 快速实现三维初始PLASTIC INJECTION MOULDS 塑料注塑模具设计Maria L.H. Low1 and K.S. Lee2 玛丽亚L.H. Low1 and K.S. Lee2ABSTRACT 摘要To provide an initial design of the m

2、ould assembly for customers prior to receiving the 客户最先收到的是模具装配的初始设计final product CAD data is a preliminary work of any final plastic injection mould design. 最终产品CAD数据是任何最终塑料注射模设计初步的工作。Traditionally and even up till now, this initial design is always created using 2D CAD 在传统上,甚至直到现在,这种最初设计总是利用二维CADp

3、ackages. The information used for the initial design is based on the technical discussion 创造装配。信息用于最初的设计是基于技术交流清单checklist, in which most mould makers have their own standards. This technical ,多数模具制造商都有自己的标准。技术的研讨记录discussion checklist is also being used as a quotation. This paper presents a 也正成为一种报

4、价。本文提出的是一种methodology of rapid realization of the initial design in 3D solid based on the technical 依据技术交流清单快速实现初步设计三维实体的方法discussion checklist, which takes the role of the overall standard template. Information 在整体标准模板中所扮演的角色。are extracted from databases and coupled with the basic information from

5、customer, 从数据库中得到的信息和客户要求的基本信息,these information are input into the technical discussion checklist. Rules and heuristics 这些信息输入到技术交流清单。are also being used in the initial mould design. A case study is provided to illustrate the 对于最初模具设计使用的标准规则,举一案来说明use of the standard template and to exhibit its rea

6、l application of rapid realization of the 标准的模板的使用及对体现其在initial design for plastic injection moulds. 塑料模具初始设计的快速实现的实际应用。INTRODUCTION 介绍The most established method for producing plastic parts in large quantities is plastic 大量生产塑料部件历史最悠久的方法是塑料injection moulding. This is a highly cost-effective, precis

7、e and competent manufacturing 注射成型。这是一种高性价比、精准、符合要求的自动化的制造method, which can be automated. However, costly tooling and machinery are needed in 方法,。但是, 这个生产流程中需要昂贵的模具和机械this manufacturing process. The design of a plastic injection mould is an integral part of 。塑料注射模的设计是plastic injection moulding as th

8、e quality of the final plastic part is greatly reliant on the 塑料注射成型塑料部件最终的质量很大依赖injection mould. A plastic injection mould is a high precision tooling that is being used 注塑模具不可分割的一部分。塑料注塑模具是一种高精密工具,它能生产to mass produce plastic parts and is by itself an assembly of cavities, mould base and 大规模生产塑料配件,

9、它是由型腔、模架和standard components etc. An example of an injection mould assembly is shown in Figure1 标准元件等的一种装配。例如图1所示一种注塑模具在过去几年中的装配图Over the years, much research work using computer-aided techniques had been done 许多技术研究工作中使用计算机辅助软件完成了from studying the very specific areas of mould design to studying mou

10、ld design as a 模具设计的非常特殊领域作为一种whole integrated system. Knowledge-based systems such as IMOLD (Lee et al. 1997), 完整的体系。一信息基础知识系统,如IMOLD(李孙俐,1997年),ESMOLD (Chin et al. 1997), IKMOULD (Mok et al. 2001), etc were developed for ESMOLD(巴孙俐,1997),IKMOULD(莫孙俐,2001年)等injection mould design. Many commercial m

11、ould design software packages such as 因有注塑模具设计而得以发展。很多商业模具设计软件包IMOLD UG MoldWizard, R&B MoldWorks, , etc are also available today in the market 像IMOLD、UG MoldWizard, R&B MoldWorks等也在今天的市场显得非常的重要对于for mould makers. However, the systems and software packages mentioned above did 模具制造商来说。然而,上述提到系统和软件包no

12、t consider the initial design prior to actual mould design. These software packages 都不考虑用于初始设计在实际模具设计之前。这些软件包1 Research Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260 1新加坡119260新加坡国立大学机械工程学系的研究学生2 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engine

13、ering, National University of Singapore, 2新加坡119260新加坡国立大学机械工程学系的副教授Singapore 119260assist in the preparation of the detailed mould design that includes the core/cavity 将完成完整模具设计的准备,它包括型芯/型腔creation, cooling and ejection design. As a result, mould designers hardly used the mould 制作、冷却和注射系统的设计。结果是模具设

14、计师们几乎没用模具design software packages when they are doing their initial design because the software 设计软件包当他们在做初始设计的时候由于软件does not catered for such a design process. 不能满足这样的设计过程。Figure 1: An injection mould assembly 图1:注射模具装配There is not much research being done on the initial design of plastic injection

15、 moulds 没有太多对注塑模的初始设计的研究except for. (2000) who presented an algorithm for the initial design. The 除了Ye et al (2000)提出一种初步设计的算法。researchers first determine the parting line for the plastic part followed by the calculation 研究人员首先确定塑料零件的分型面,其后是计算of the number of cavities required. The cavity layout is

16、created based on the input 所需的型腔数及型腔的分布.型腔布局设计是基于输入information of the layout pattern and the orientation of each cavity. The mould base is 每个型腔空间布局模式和取向的信息。模具的基础是loaded automatically to accommodate the layout. The researchers also proposed to use 装载自动合适布局。研究人员还提出了利用their initial design as a guide to

17、ol for the quotation of the mould. However, the research 他们的初始设计为模具报价的导向工具。不过,调查发现that is being done may not be applicable for most plastic injection moulding industries. 这些正在做的并不适用于对大多数塑料注塑行业。The calculation of the number of cavities required is mostly determined by the customers 计算所需的型腔数主要是取决于客户wh

18、o provides the product CAD file and they seldom seek opinion from the mould makers, 且客户提供产品的CAD文件和他们很少寻求模具制造商的意见,thus this step could be omitted to save time. Although external undercuts are identified in 因此这个步骤可以省略以节省时间。虽然产品有外部卡扣结构the product, the research did not consider the standard components t

19、hat are required in ,但是研发人员并不认为标准元件所需的producing such undercuts, which in this case, the use of sliders. The research also did not 生产这样卡扣结构,在这种情况下,需要用到滑块。这个研究也没有consider internal undercuts where lifters are required. Thus, the quotation derived would 考虑内部的卡扣结构的地方是需要的。因此,模具的报价not reflect the correct c

20、osting of the mould, and thus could be very misleading, since the 没有得到反映真正的模具成本,因此很可能被误导,自从use of these types of standard components can increase the cost of producing such a 标准组件这些类型的使用便增加生产成本像这样mould substantially. 模具。Alternatively, the authors (Low et al. 2002) proposed a methodology of standardi

21、zing the 另外,作者(低孙俐,2002年)提出了一种规范的方法论关于cavity layout design system for plastic injection mould such that only standard cavity 腔布局设计这样的唯一标准型腔布局使用塑料注射模型的系统, layouts are used. When only standard layouts are used, their layout configurations can 当有这唯一标准布局的使用,他们的布局配置即可easily be stored in a database for fa

22、st retrieval later in the mould design stage. This 很容易储存于数据库为后来的模具设计阶段进行快速检索。这research is being incorporated into the rapid realization of the initial design for plastic 此研究正被纳入快速实现塑料注塑模具初步设计injection mould in this paper. 进行了论述。There is a need to introduce a faster method of mould design since there

23、 are fewer very 有必要发明更快的模具设计方法experienced mould designers and coupled with the fact of todays market demands of 基于经验丰富的模具设计师已经越来越少了加上今天的市场需求having shorter lead-time and higher quality products. This is fulfilled by the introduction 有较短的交货期和高质量的产品事实。模具标准化设计的发明才能满足of standardization into mould design,

24、 since the design processes are repeatable for every ,自从模具设计项目的设计过程是可重复的。mould design project. This paper presents a methodology of rapid realization of the 本文提出一种initial design in 3D solid instead of 2D drawings using standardization method. The 初始设计在三维实体而不是2D图纸使用标准化快速实现方法。这initial design in 3D sol

25、id will be based on the technical discussion checklist that acts as 初始设计在三维实体是基于技术讨论清单和扮演着the overall standard template. Every sub-design such as cavity layout design, gating 整体的标准模板。每sub-design如型腔布局设计、浇注system, mould base design etc will have its own respective standard template. This is to 系统、模具设计

26、基础等将会有它自己的权威标准模板。这是为了enable timesavings in the design stage as the final mould design can be obtained directly 在设计阶段节省时间作为最终模具的设计的直接选择by making minute changes to the initial design. 通过对初始设计的微小变化。INITIAL DESIGN OF PLASTIC INJECTION MOULD 塑料注射模的初始设计The customers and the mould designers have to work cl

27、osely together to obtain a mould 客户和模具设计师要共同努力以获得一个that could produce what is desired suitably. It would be costly to rectify the errors after 能生产满足期望的模具。the mould is manufactured completely. Thus the initial planning of how the layout 模具制造完全以后错误纠正将会耗资巨大。因此如何在最初的计划的布局design of the mould is likely to

28、 be is important. A typical mould design project workflow 该模具设计显得非常重要?如图2所示是一个典型的模具设计项目的工作流程chart is shown in Figure 2. When the customers have decided to engage a particular 图表。当客户决定聘请一位特别的mould-make, the CAD file of the product have to be provided to them. However, the 模型工,给为他们提供产品的CAD文件。但mould-ma

29、ker is always prepared to receive newer versions of the product CAD file as 模型工随时准备好接收不断改变产品的模具制造CAD文件 changes are constantly made to it. The downside of this is that the lead-time given to 不好的一面是善用给complete the mould still remains as it is. Thus, the time that was left to complete the 完成模具仍旧在继续,它是。

30、因此,剩下的时间来完成final mould design and manufacture the mould becomes shorter. 最后的模具设计与制造模具变矮。When the product CAD file is first received, the assigned project engineer or mould 当产品CAD文件是最先收到,指定项目工程师或模具designer fills up a technical checklist during their first technical discussion with the 设计师垫技术清单在他们的第一个

31、技术讨论的customers. The checklist records information such as the resin material to be used and its 客户。清单上记录等信息材料可用于树脂和它的shrinkage value, the number of cavities required by customers, the gating system, and the 收缩值,一定数量的蛀牙,根据用户的需求,浇注系统,moulding machine to be used, the required type of mould base and oth

32、er information 成型机使用,其所需类型的模具基地以及其他信息needed to provide the basis of the initial design of the mould. Since this checklist 需要提供的基础上,提出了模具的初步设计。自从这个清单contains most of the basic information, it doubles up as a quotation. This allows 包含大部分的基本信息,它双打,作为一个报价。这允许customers to decide whether to modify their product CAD f

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