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高二英语Unit19 知识点总复习教案.docx

1、高二英语Unit19 知识点总复习教案高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. Deny your father, and refuse your name 否认你的父亲,拒绝你的名字。(p.65 Warming up ) deny (denied,denying)(1) vt. 否认,不承认Can you deny the truth of his statement? 你能否认他的声明的真实性吗? He denied telling methat he had told me. 他否认告诉过我。注意:de

2、ny后跟动名词或跟宾语从句作宾语。(2) vt. 不给;不准 I was denied the chance of going to college. 不给我上大学的机会。(3) vt. (正式)抛弃;背弃He has denied his country and his principles! 他背弃了他的国家和他的原则1 refuse (refused,refusing)(1) vt. 拒绝;不接受;不肯He asked her to marry him, but she refused (to marry him). 他向她求婚,但是她拒绝了。She refused his offer.

3、 她不接受他的求婚。(2) refuse还可跟动词不定式构成refuse +to do;也可用于被动结构。She refused to go home. 她不回家。They were refused admittance. 他们被拒绝入内。(3) vi. 拒绝 He cant refuse if you ask politely. 你如果礼貌地请求,他是不会拒绝的。注意:refuse只接不定式,不接动名词,不接不定式的复合宾语结构,也不接宾语从句,如:不说,He refused me to go (going) there. 而应说:He didnt allow me to go there

4、或 He refused to let me go. 他不让我去那儿。辨析:refuse与rejectrefuse和reject都有“拒绝”的意思,有时可以通用,有时用法又不同。refuse强调坚定地拒绝,后可接动词不定式。reject强调当前拒绝对方的请求、提议的情况,一般后面不接动词不定式。如:He refused to speak at the meeting. 他拒绝在会上发言。He rejected my request. 他当面拒绝了我的要求。Section II 阅读2. As far as I know 据我所知 (p. 67 Useful expressions) as fa

5、r as的用法和意思 as far as或so far as,此处意为“据”“就尽”,常与动词know,see等词连用。如: As far as they know, the room is empty. 据他们所知,房间是空的。 So far as I can judge, she is quite efficient. 据我判断,她的工作效率是相当高的。 There aye no mistakes as far as I can see. 在我看来没什么错误。 So far as I know, their work is far from satisfactory. 据我所知,他们的工作

6、并不令人满意。 【注】类似的用法还有:as far as sb. / sth. is concerned,意思是“就某人 某事而言”“对某人某事来说”。如: As far as I am concerned, its all nonsense.在我看来,这全是一派胡言。 This has been a difficult period as far as the countrys economy is concerned. 就我国经济而言,最近是其困难时期。【注】也可以用as far as sth. goes。如: so far as content goes, it is all right

7、.就内容而言,这还不错。 Its a perfectly good law as far as it goes, but it doesnt deal with the real problems该法就其本身而言非常不错,但是它未解决实际问题。【注】 as far as的原意是“到达”“一直到”。如: The flood waters came as far as the roof. 洪水一直漫到屋顶。 They didnt go as far as we. 他们走得不如我们远。3. The way I would go about it 我要做这件事的方法 (p. 67 Useful exp

8、ressions) go about的用法 (1) go about此处意为“从事于” “进行”。如: You are not going about it the right way. 你的做法不对。 Peter has no idea how to go about finding a better job.彼得不知道怎样才能找到更好的工作。 Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight. 博比今天晚上在非常认真地做功课。 How will you go about building the bird home? 你打算怎

9、样着手建鸟舍? (2) go about可作“流传”解释,此时about是副词,后面不需要跟宾语。如: There are a lot 0f colds going about now.目前感冒传染很厉害。 A story is going about that there will be another party on the 15th of August. 据说八月十五日要举行另一次聚会。 The rumor is going about that John and Mary are getting married. 谣传约翰和玛丽要结婚了。 (3) go about还有“到处走走”之意

10、,此处about也是副词,相当于around。如: People are going about more now that the weathers better. 因为天气热些了,人们外出增多了。 Is it dangerous to go about bareheaded when its mining? 下雨的时候光着头到处走有危险吗? Mother is much better, thank you, shes able to go about a bit more. 谢谢你,母亲好多了,她已能更多地走动了。4. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. 宽恕A

11、ntonio吧,Shylock. (p. 67 Reading 第二行) have mercy on sb. 宽恕某人 mercy n. 仁慈、怜悯、宽恕 She has mercy on little animals. 她怜悯小动物。They showed little mercy to their enemies. 他们对敌人毫不仁慈。(1) 这一意思也可以用show mercy to sb. 或give mercy to sb. 表示。如: Have mercy on me. 饶了我吧! They showed mercy to the defeated enemy. 他们饶恕了被打败的

12、敌人。 In Iraq, the American soldiers had no mercy on the prisoners of war. 在伊拉克,美军士兵对战俘毫无怜悯之意。 The judge showed mercy to him. 法官宽恕了他。 (2) mercy也可作可数名词,这时意为“幸运的事”“值得感激的事”。如: What a mercy he escaped the fire!他从火里逃生,真是幸运。 He is thankful for small mercies. 他对小恩小惠也很感激。 It was a mercy that she wasnt serious

13、ly injured. 谢天谢地,她没有受重伤。注意:表示被动意义时可以说:We were given no mercy. 我们没有得到宽恕。No mercy was shown to the prisoners. 对囚犯毫不宽恕。联想:(复) mercies (同) charity, grace拓展:at he mercy of 任由摆布,在掌握之中; have mercy on upon sb. sth. = show mercy to sb. / sth. 对表示同情;对有怜悯之心; without mercy 毫不留情地5. Ive promised to take my pound

14、of flesh.我说过一定要拿走我的那一磅肉。(p. 67 Reading 第三行) promise(1) vt. 答应,允诺约定I dont remember I ever promised that. 我不记得我答应过这件事。(2) vt. promise + to + v. (原型) I never promised to obey her commands. 我从未答应过要服从她的命令。(3) vt. promise + n. / pron. + n. / pron. She promised me a gift for my birthday. 她答应送我一件生日礼物。(4) vt

15、. promise + that从句He promised that he would come. 他答应来。(5) n. 诺言、约定Give me your promise that youll never do that again. 答应我你永远不要再干那种事。联想:promise n. 诺言、约定、预示; promiser n. 做出诺言的人。拓展:make a promise 做出承诺,允诺; keep ones promise遵守诺言; break ones promise食言6. Its useless trying to argue with Shylock. 跟夏洛克讲理是没

16、有用的。(p. 67 Reading 第七行) Its useless + doing是一固定句型,意思是“做某事没有用处”。拓展:Its useless / no use / no good + v.-ing做某事没有用处 (好处) Its no use quarreling with her. 跟她吵架没有用。Its of no use arguing about it. 争论这事没有用。Its no good crying over spilt milk. 后悔是没有用的。(谚语)覆水难收。Is it any good just crying? 光哭有什么用呢?7. You might

17、as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. 你到不如站在海滩上跟大海讲理。 (p. 67 Reading 第七行) may / might / just / could as well do sth. (as do sth. else) 意思是“还是的好”“倒不如”“干脆”“不妨”。如: If thats the case, I may as well try. 如果真是那样的话,我不妨试试。 I may as well admit that I knew the answer all along. 我干脆承认了吧,我早就知道

18、答案。 The weather was so bad we might as well have stayed home. 天气这样糟糕,我们还不如呆在家里呢。 Anyway, youre here; you might as well stay. 反正你已经来了,最好还是住在这儿吧! I might as well tell you the truth. 我不妨告诉你真相。 Ill come with you if you like; I might as well.如果你愿意,我就和你一起去,我无所谓。 If Ive got to go somewhere, I may as well g

19、o to Birmingham. 如果我非得到什么地方去的话,我还是去伯明翰的好。8. Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants. 对我审判吧,把夏洛克想要的东西给他把。(p. 67 Reading 第八行) pass judgment (opinion) on sb. / sth. pass judgment (opinion) on sb. / sth. 对进行评价(批评),此处表示“作出判决”。如: Its very hard to pass judgment on yourself. 对自己作出评价是很难的。 The vote

20、rs will pass judgment on the government tonight. 选民们今晚得对政府作出评价。 Its difficult to pass judgment on the affair when we know so little about what happened. 对发生的情况了解这么少,要作出判断是困难的。 I cant pass my opinion on your works without examining it thoroughly.不仔细看,我不能对你的作品提出意见。 【注】 也可以说make ones judgment on / abou

21、t / of sb. / sth。如: I shall make my own judgment on the matter when I see the results.看了结果后我将自作评价。 I dont really want to make any judgments on the decisions they made. 我真的不想对他们作出的决定作任何评价。9. If you offered me six times what you have just offered, 你愿意给我六倍于刚才你提出的那个钱数, (p. 67 Reading 第十行) 动词offer的用法 (1)

22、 offer有“主动提出”“提供”之意,表示提供一种东西或提出一项建议。如: The young man offered the old woman his won seat. 那个年轻人要把自己的座位让给老大娘。 They offered him a job at the factory, but he refused.他们提出在工厂给他安排工作,但他拒绝了。 They offered a reward for the return of the jewel that had been lost.他们悬赏寻找失去的珠宝。 It began to rain, so I offered her

23、my umbrella, but she would not take it. 天开始下雨,所以我把雨伞拿给她用,但她不要。 (2) offer表示“出价”,与介词for连用,后接某事物。如: I offered him thirty thousand dollars for the house. 我向他出价三万美元买这幢房子。 They offered their boat for sale for 2000 dollars. 他们把船拿来出售,索价两千美元。 They offered him 3000 pounds for the computer. 他们愿意出三千镑来买他这台计算机。 T

24、hey offered two hundred francs for the right to reproduce the painting.他们愿意出二百法郎取得这幅画的复制权。【注】offer后接价钱,表示主语愿买;后接事物,表示主语愿出售该事物,请比较例句。(3) offer既可作动词也可作名词用,不论作何种词,后面均可跟动词不定式。如: He offered to lend me some books.他主动提出要借一些书给我。 Thank you for your kind offer to lend me some books.谢谢你好心借给我这些书。 Thank you for

25、your offer to help us. 谢谢你表示愿意帮助我们。 He offered to drive us to the station, but we preferred to walk there. 他说他可以开车送我们去车站,但我们宁愿走着去。 倍数的表示方法 times作“倍数”解释时,是可数名词,用times表示“A是B的几倍大 (或高、长、宽、深等)”“A比B大(或高、长、宽、深等)几倍”,常见的句型如下: (1) A is three (four. etc ) times the size (height,length,width,depth,etc) of B。如:

26、The new bridge is four times the width of the old one.这座新桥是旧桥的四倍宽。 The meeting room is three times the size of the classroom.会议室是教室的三倍大。 The tower is three times the height of the building.这座塔是那座楼房的三倍高。 The river is five times the depth of the brook. 这条河是那条小溪的五倍深。 (2) A is three (four. etc) times as

27、 big (high,long,wide,deep,etc) as B。如: Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 This box is three times as heavy as that one.这个箱子是那个箱子的三倍重。 This new highway is three times as wide as the old one. 新公路是旧公路的三倍宽。 The classroom is four times as big as our dormitory.教室是我们寝室的四倍大。(3) A is three (fou

28、retc) times bigger (higher,longer,wider,deeper etc) than B. 如: The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.会议室比我们办公室大三倍(会议室是我们办公室的四倍大)。 Asia is three times larger than Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。 【注】用times表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数,表示两倍不用two times,而用twice或double。如: My income is now double what it was

29、.我的收入是以前的两倍。 Now the number of sheep is more than double that of 1990.现在羊的数目是一九九。年的两倍多。10. I would still take my pound of flesh. 我还是要拿回我应得的那一磅肉。(p. 67 Reading 第十行) flesh: (1) 肌肉,肉A fat man has a great deal of flesh. 胖子肉多。(2) 肉体 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。辨析:flesh与meat的区别 (1

30、) flesh和meat都解释为肉,但涵义有所不同,flesh指人和动物身上的肉,如指食用肉,则来指兽类的肉,不包括鱼禽类的肉。如: Mr Green is losing flesh.格林先生瘦了。 Have you ever tasted the flesh of the snake? 你尝过蛇肉吗? You should get up early and do some exercise. Otherwise, youll put on flesh. 你应该早起锻炼,否则会发胖的。 The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, b

31、ut of the flesh and blood of millions of men. 长城不仅是用石头和泥土砌成的,而且是由几百万人的血肉所组成的。 (2) meat指供食用的肉,是兽类肉的总称;如pork,mutton,beef可统称为meat;有时也指植物的肉。如:the meat of an apple。 What kind of meat is it? 这是什么肉? I like meat while my brother likes fish. 我喜欢吃肉,而我弟弟喜欢吃鱼。 【注】 meat是不可数名词,“一块肉”是a piece of meat;“一磅肉”是a pound

32、of meat, 我们看到的meats是指多种肉。11. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? 夏洛克,如果你对别人一点都不仁慈,你自己怎么能希望得到别人对你的仁慈呢?(p. 67 Reading 第十三行) hope forhope for意为“希望”“盼望。如: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。 After this dry weather,people all hope for rain.经过了这段干旱,人们普遍希望下雨。 We hope for better weather soon.我们希望天气尽快好转。 This time they really hoped for bett

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