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人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册阅读理解1.docx

1、人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册阅读理解1人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册阅读理解1一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读理解 William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the USA, was born in a small town. When he was a boy, he was very quiet and shy. Because he was so quiet, everyone thought that he wasnt bright. People in the town often put a ni

2、ckel(五分镍币)and a dime(十分硬币)before him and asked him which to choose. He always chose the nickel and they laughed. One day a woman felt sorry for him. She asked, Why do you never take a dime and always choose a nickel? Do you know a nickel is worth(值钱) much less than a dime? Certainly I know it.” Will

3、iam answered slowly. But if I choose the dime, they will not ask me to choose them any more.” (1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.William Henry Harrison was the eighth President of the USAB.William Henry Harrison was born in a big town.C.William Henry Harrison was very quie

4、t and shy when he was a boy.D.William Henry Harrison wasnt bright.(2)Why did the people laugh at William Henry Harrison? A.Because he was bright.B.Because he was not shy.C.Because he loved the nickel.D.Because he always chose the nickel.(3)Did William Henry Harrison know a nickel was worth much less

5、 than a dime? A.Yes, he did.B.No, he didnt.C.Yes, he does.D.No, he doesnt.(4)What do you think of William Henry Harrison? A.Stupid.B.Clever.C.Naughty(淘气的).D.Brave(勇敢的).【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是美国的第九届总统William Henry Harrison小时候的一个故事,就体现了他是一个聪明的人。(1)细节理解题。根据When he was a boy, he was ve

6、ry quiet and shy.当他还是一个孩子时,他很安静害羞。可知当William威廉小时候是个安静害羞的人。故选C。(2)细节理解题。根据 People in the town often put a nickel(五分镍币)and a dime(十分硬币)before him and asked him which to choose. He always chose the nickel and they laughed.城镇的人们经常在面前放一个五分镍币和一个十分硬币让挑选。他经常选择五分镍币,并且嘲笑他。可知人们嘲笑他是因为他经常选择五分镍币。故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据Do

7、 you know a nickel is worth(值钱) much less than a dime?你知道五分镍币不如十分硬币值钱吗? Certainly I know it.” William answered slowly. “我当然知道。”威廉慢慢地说。可知他知道这两个钱币哪个值钱。故选A。(4)推理判断题。 But if I choose the dime, they will not ask me to choose them any more.”但是如果我选择了十分硬币,他们将不会再让我选择了。可知他是一个很聪明的人。故选B。【点评】此题考查阅读理解。快速阅读短文;通读测试

8、题,明确考查点。先读题,明确题目要求,弄清考点,然后带着问题去读文章。看完短文后,对整篇短文的内容有了大致的了解,然后马上看后面的问题,带着问题去找答案。如果属于客观信息题,就可直接在短文中找到出处。如果是主观判断题,则应迅速再读全文,仔细分析思考,将近似的答案对照原文反复比较,推敲,选出最佳答案。2根据材料内容,选择正确答案。A I read some stories about amazing people today. Here Id like to share something interesting with you. Xie Qiuping, a Chinese woman, h

9、as the longest hair in the world. Her hair is 5,085 meters long! How amazing! Before I got to know this, I thought my hair was quite long. It is nearly 50cm long. I dont know how she washes her hair. The tallest man in the world lived in the USA. His name was Robert Pershing Wadlow. He was 2.72 metr

10、es tall. I want to know if he lived in a flat like mine, how could he go into the room? The tallest man died in 1940. There is a man in France called Michael Lotito. He eats such items as metal(金属), glass and rubber. He even once ate a model plane! How strange! I dont think metal is as tasty(美味的) as

11、 sweets or chocolates.(1)Where does the woman with the longest hair come from?A.FranceB.The USAC.KoreaD.China(2)The tallest man in the world died the nineteenth the twentieth this centuryD.about thirty years ago(3)Robert Pershing Wadlow was the man in the world.A.shorte

12、stB.oldestC.tallestD.smallest(4)Once Michael Lotito ate . Its so amazing!A.some sweetsB.a model planeC.some hairsD.a frog(5)How many amazing people are there in the passage?A.One man and two womenB.Three menC.Two men and one womanD.Three women【答案】 (1)D(2)B(3)C(4)B(5)C 【解析】【分析】1.文章第一行 Xie Qiuping, a

13、Chinese woman, has the longest hair in the world.谢秋萍,一个中国女人拥有世界上最长的头发。故选D。2. 文章倒数第三行The tallest man died in 1940.最高的人死于1940年。in the nineteenth century十九世纪。in the twentieth century在二十世纪。in this century在本世纪。about thirty years ago大约三十年前。公元1800年至1899年为19世纪,1900年至1999年为20世纪,2000年至2099年为21世纪。21世纪和22世纪构成公元

14、3千纪初期。故1940是二十世纪.故选B。3.文章第四行The tallest man in the world lived in the USA. His name was Robert Pershing Wadlow.世界上最高的人住在美国他的名字叫罗伯特。故选C。4.文章倒数第二行There is a man in France called Michael Lotito.He even once ate a model plane! 有一个法国人叫Michael洛蒂。他甚至曾经吃过一架模型飞机!故选B。5.从文章的内容a Chinese woman,一个中国女人,The tallest

15、 man最高的男人,There is a man in France called Michael Lotito. 在法国有一个男人叫Michael洛蒂。故看出是一个女的和二个男的,故选C。【点评】细节的理解。3阅读理解 When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic goes on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left. If th

16、e traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road. If the lights are green, the traffic can go and people on foot mustnt cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. The traffic is the most dan

17、gerous then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first or youll go the wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From the

18、re you can see the city very well. Thatll be very interesting. (1)Before you cross a street in London, you must look to _. A.only the right sideB.only the left sideC.the left first and then the rightD.the right first and then the left(2)When you drive a car in England, you must _. on the lef

19、 on the rightC.ignore the traffic lightsD.go very quickly(3)If the traffic lights are green, the traffic _. A.can goB.must be carefulC.mustnt crossD.must stop(4)Which of the following is right? A.After you cross the street, you must look to the left first and then the right.B.If the lights a

20、re red, the traffic mustnt stop.C.You must drive cars on the left in England.D.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the traffic is not dangerous at all.【答案】 (1)D(2)A(3)A(4)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了伦敦的交通规则和交通工具,还告诉我们什么时候伦敦街道的交通比较危险。 (1)细节理解题,根据 Before you cross the s

21、treet, you must look to the right first and then the left.可知在你横穿马路之前,你必选先看右边然后再看左边。故答案是D。 (2)细节理解题,根据 You must always remember the traffic moves on the left.可知你必须总是要记住交通是靠左行驶的。故答案是A。 (3)细节理解题,根据 If the lights are green, the traffic can go.可知如果灯绿了,交通就可以运行了。故答案是A。 (4)细节理解题,根据 You must always remember

22、the traffic moves on the left.可知你必须总是要记住交通是靠左行驶的。因此C是正确的。故答案是C。 【点评】考查阅读理解,本题主要涉及的是细节理解题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案。4阅读理解 An Englishman shows a foreign visitor around London. What is that strange building? asks the visitor. Thats the Tower of London. I see. How long did it take to build it? About 20 years. In my

23、 country, we can build it in 20 months, answers the visitor. A short time after that they come to St. Pauls Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂). Very interesting, says the visitor. How long did it take to build it? About forty years. In my country we can finish it in forty days, says the visitor. This goes on all da

24、y. They visit most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they see a new one, the visitor always asks the same question. Then he always answers that they can do the same thing much faster in his country. At last, the Englishman gets angry with the visitor but he tries not to show it. At

25、 last they come to the House of Parliament and the visitor asks his usual question What is that? The Englishman answers I dont know. It wasnt there last night.(1)The visitor says that in his country it would take them _ to build St. Pauls Cathedral. A.more than half a yearB.less than 2 monthsC.20 ye

26、arsD.40 years(2)The Englishman is very angry at the end of the day but he _. A.tries not to let the visitor know itB.tries not to show the visitor aroundC.has no time to tell the visitorD.doesnt want to say anything(3)What the Englishman said at last means he _. sorry that there is no such a bu

27、ilding beforeB.can say nothing because he doesnt know anything about itC.wants to give him a surprising answerD.doesnt know the name of the building【答案】 (1)B(2)A(3)C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:一个英国人带领一个外国游客参观伦敦,每到一个地方,游客都会问这个建筑花费多长时间修建的,然后总是说自己的国家花费更少的时间就能建成。最后来到国会大厦的时候,游客又问了相同的问题,英国人说它是一夜建成的。 (1)细节理解题。根据短文中A sho

28、rt time after that they come to St. Pauls Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂). Very interesting, says the visitor. How long did it take to build it? About forty years. In my country we can finish it in forty days, says the visitor.可知,来到圣保罗大教堂的时候,游客说他们国家修建它只要四十天,故选B。 (2)细节理解题。根据短文At last, the Englishman gets angry wi

29、th the visitor but he tries not to show it.可知,到最后,英国人非常生气,但是他尽力不表现出来。故选A。 (3)推理判断题。根据文意可知,这个英国人每带着这个游客来到一个地方,他都会说自己的国家花费更少的时间修建他们,到最后英国人很生气。所以来到国会大厦,当游客又问相同的问题的时候,他决定给他一个不一样的回答,故选C。 【点评】此题考查阅读理解。关键词定位法,题干中出现的名词或关系到题干意义的词。首尾句定位法。帮助我们快速解决文章的主旨。推理判断法。根据文章细节进行推理判断,找出正确答案。5阅读理解 Hello! Im Bob. Welcome to my classroom. It is very big and new. There are 18 girls and 23 boys in

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