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1、中考语法专项试题形容词和副词A组20142018年福建中考题组1.(2018福建,24)Tony is the best student in the class because he worksharderthan the others.Tony是班级里最好的学生,因为他学习比其他人更努力。2.(2018福建,28)How strange!There are no workers in the bank.Its the first self-service bank in China.多么奇怪啊!银行里没有一个工作人员。它是中国第一家自助银行。3.(2017福建,24)Joan has ma

2、de great progress in speaking Chinese.She always works hard at it, you know.琼在讲汉语方面已经取得了很大进步。你是知道的,她在这件事上总是很努力。4.(2017福建,27)TFBOYS has a lot of fans. It is popular with thousands of young peopleTFBOYS(组合)有很多粉丝,它受到数以千计的年轻人的欢迎。5.(2016漳州,34)David felt disappointed because he was not able to get a ticke

3、t to the concert戴维没有买到音乐会的票可,他是很失望的。6.(2016厦门,19)Have you seen the movie Zootopia?Yes, Ive seen it twice. Of all the movies Ive ever seen, its the most interesting one.你看过电影Zootopia了吗?是的,我已经看过两次了。在我见过的所有电影中,这是最有趣的电影7.(2016龙岩,41)The rules of 2016 Chinas University Entrance Exam(高考)were much stricter

4、than before.2016年中国大学入学考试(高考)的规定比以前严格得多。8.(2015厦门,27)How beautifully Catherine sings! I have never heard a bettervoiceCatherine唱歌多么动听啊!我从没听过比这更好听的嗓音。9.(2015南平,31)She does well in the English exams. But she can hardly understand English radio programs.她在英语考试中考得很好但是她几乎听不懂英语广播节目10.(2015莆田,31)So far, ME

5、RS(中东呼吸综合征)has become one of the most serious illnesses in the world.到目前为止,中东呼吸综合征已经成为世界上最严重的疾病之一。11.(2014福州,34)The relation between the two countries getsworse and worse.A war seems to break out soon.I hope they will make peace with each other.这两个国家的关系变得越来越糟糕了。一场战争好像马上要爆发。我希望他们之间能和解。12.(2014泉州,30)T

6、he bag of rice is so heavy that Tom cant carry it. Lets go and help him这袋大米如此重,以至于汤姆搬不动,让我们去帮助他A组20162018年模拟基础题组1.(2018南平质检,24)I saw you take a taxi to school today.Oh, I seldom take a taxi, but it is raining heavily.我看见你今天打车去学校噢,我很少打车,只是因为今天雨下太大了。2.(2018漳州质检,26)Have you seen the film Operation Red

7、Sea?Yes. And I think its worth watching for a second time.- 你看过电影“红海行动”吗?-看过。而且我认为值得二刷。3.(2018漳州质检,28)The high-speed railways really make our life much easier高铁真的使我们的生活更加方便了4.(2018泉州质检,23)The farm chemicals remaining on the vegetables and fruit are harmful to our health.Yes. They may cause lots of d

8、iseases.残留在蔬菜和水果上的农药对我们的健康有害。是的。它们可能会导致许多疾病。5.(2018三明质检,23)How do you like the documentary“Amazing China”?Its fantastic. It shows the great achievement of China.- 你认为纪录片“神奇的中国”如何?-这很棒。它展示了中国的伟大成就。6.(2018南平适应性检测,31)There is nothing difficult in todays homework. I can finish it easily.今天的作业没有难题,我可以很容易

9、地完成。7.(2018莆田质检,28)Do you know the hottest Chinese words and characters last year, Jack?Of course, “share”, “cloud” and so on.杰克,你知道去年最热门的中文单词和字母吗?当然,“分享”,“云”等等。8.(2018宁德质检,21)How do you like the program Everlasting Classics on CCTV?Wonderful! I have never seen a better one.你认为cctv的Everlasting Class

10、ics这款节目如何?很好看,我从没看过比它更好看的节目了9.(2018福州屏东中学与泉州七中联考,24)How is this kind of American dessert?It tastes good and sells well.这种美式甜品如何?它尝起来美味而且卖得好。10.(2018福州屏东中学与泉州七中联考,31)We all think his pronunciation is as standard as a news reporters.我们都觉得他的发音与新闻报道者一样标准11.(2017厦门质检,24)After several interviews, Wang Yua

11、n finally got the chance to speak in the UN.在几次面试之后,王源最终获得了在联合国发言的机会。12.(2017漳州质检,26)Do you row much?Yes, quite a lot. I often go rowing with my friends on Sundays你划船多吗?是的,很多。我经常周日和我的朋友们去划船13.(2017南平质检,26)Do you know Sally?Yes, she is one of the smartest students in our class你认识萨莉吗? 认识,她是我们班最聪明的学生之一

12、14.(2017莆田质检,30)Wow! We couldnt find a better restaurant.Thats right. The food and service here are so wonderful!哇!我们不能再找到比这更好吃的饭店了。同意,这里的食物和服务都非常棒!15.(2017福州时代中学模拟,32)I think reading is the most important in learning English.I dont agree. I think speaking is as important as reading.- 我认为阅读是学习英语最重要的

13、部分。 - 我不同意。我认为口语和阅读一样重要。16.(2016福州质检,30)The river near my home used to be dirty, but now its getting clearer and clearer.Thats true. Our village has done a lot to improve the environment.- 我家附近的河流曾经很脏,但现在它越来越清澈了。-确实如此。我们村为改善环境做了很多工作。B组20162018年模拟提升题组1.(2018龙岩质检,27)Now English classes pay more attent

14、ion to Chinese culture than before.Were proud of our culture.现在英语课比以前更加注重中国文化。我们以我们的文化为荣。2.(2018厦门质检,26)I tried the self-service system in the supermarket this morning.Its reallyconvenient. It saves time.今早我在超市试用了自助服务系统。它真的很方便,又节约时间。3.(2018厦门质检,27)Take care when you are driving, especially in rush h

15、ours.Thank you. Ill be careful.当你在开车时要小心,尤其是在高峰期。谢谢你,我会小心的。4.(2017龙岩质检,26)Its said that e-sports are becomingmore popular than before.据说电子竞技比以前更受欢迎。5.(2017泉州质检,24)Of all the students, Michael spent the least time but answered the most questions correctly.在所有的学生中,Michael花最少的时间但正确回答出最多的问题。6.(2017宁德质检(

16、一),18)I hardly know them. Ive only met them once我几乎不认识他们,我只见过他们一次。7.(2017厦门双十中学二模,19)The smile on the teachers face showed she was pleased with my answer.老师脸上的笑容表明她很满意我的回答。8.(2017福州延安中学与屏东中学联考,23)Which kind of music sounds more beautiful, folk music or classical music?Folk music, I think.- 什么样的音乐听起来

17、更美丽,民间音乐或古典音乐? - 我认为民族音乐。12.(2016莆田质检,34)How sooncan I get the iPhone SE if I place an order today?In three days, sir.- 如果我今天下订单,我多久可以获得iPhone SE? - 三天,先生。中考英语形容词、副词考点练习1. We should keep _ in the reading-room. A. quite B. quietly C. quiet D.quickly2. The light in the room wasnt _for me to read. A. e

18、nough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough3. She is _of the two. A. the cleverest B. the cleverer C. the clever D. cleverest4. How far is the factory from here? Its about 4 kilometres _. A. far B. long C. away D. near5. Do you have enough men to carry these chairs? No. I thi

19、nk we need _ men. A. another B. other two C. more two D. two more6. He is taller than _ girl in his class. A. any B. other C. any other D. another7. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _ voice. A. the best B. a best C. the better D. a better8. It is _ outside. Lets put on our raincoats and

20、 go out, Tom. A. cold B. hot C. sunny D. rainy9.Although Grandma is about seventy, she always does exercise to keep fit and happy. The underlined word means _.A. fat B. suitable C. healthy D. active10.What the clown(小丑) said was so _ that all of us laughed all the time. A. interesting B. boring C. a

21、mazing D. amusing11. Father looked as soon as he saw his sons report, for he failed in the English exam again. A. happy B. happily C. angry D. angrily12.Although the speed (速度) of the maglev train is very fast ,the price of its ticket is not very _ these days. A. expensive B. huge C. high D. big 13.

22、The character “WALL-E” in the film helps human to collect rubbish. The film looks _. A. automatic B. amazing C. available D. active 14.Johnny doesnt sing quite _ the other boys and girls in his class well as good like well like good as15. My daughter doesnt take enough exercise b

23、ut eats a lot, so she looks_. (health)16. At the end of every year, some people go back to their _ homes.(national)17.The boys face turned still _after the headmaster praised him. (red)18. Jack is such a fellow, for he always leaves this or that at the office. (forget)19. The boy doesnt speak _ his

24、sister,but his written work is very gooD. well as good as C.more better than D.more worse than21. Its _for him to be active today as he is always a man of few words. (usual)22. It rained _ last night and the river rose two feet. (heavy)23. The Iraq War has made thousands of children _. (ho

25、me)24. The suitcase(手提箱)was _heavy for me to carry,so I pulled it up the stairs and into my flatA. quite B so C very D.too25. What do you think of the lecture(演讲)of Li Yangs Crazy English? I think its_,but someone thinks its much too_. A.wonderful enough;bored B.enough wonderful;boring C.wonderful e

26、nough;boring D.enough wonderful;bored26.The girl doesnt run _ the boy. A. much faster as B. as fastest as C. more careful than D. so fast as27The car is running _ . It seems to be flying A.more and faster B.more and fast and fast D.faster and faster28. -I have three English dictionaries -I ha

27、ve nineI have three times _ you much as many as little as D.1ess than29. -Does Liu Hua ever guess the meanings of English words? -He _ guesses the meanings of new wordsHe uses his dictionary all the time A.usually B.always C.never D.sometimes30. Johnny doesnt sing quite _ the other bo

28、ys and girls in his class well as good like well like good as31.I think P.E. is _ any other subject. A. the more important B. the most important C. as important than D. as important as32.The more you study during the term, _you have to study the week before exams. A. the less B.

29、the lesser C. less D. the little33. Our teacher explained the lesson to us as as he could. A. clear B. clearly C.clearer D.more clearly34. John is much shorter than his sister,but he jumps _she good as B as best as high as higher as35. You know _ about it than Tom does.A. even little B. even less C. more little D. more less36. The badly soldier needed an operation right away. (wounD.37. The red suitcase is _ the black one. I will take the red one to go travelling.A. as heavy as B. so heavy as C. not as heavy as D. heavier than38. Let Tom tell you the truth .

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