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1、北京高考英语七选五专项试题19页2020北京高考英语七选五专项试题阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。1 It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways, that they are too serious an

2、d too strict with their children, and that they seldom give their children a free hand.It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their childrens trust and they tend to forget how they themselves felt when young.For example, young people like to act on the spot without much thinking. It

3、is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at least in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected.When you want your parents to let you d

4、o something, you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.Young people often make their parents angry with their choices in clothes, in entertainment and in music. But they do not mean to cause any trouble; it is just that they feel cut off from the older peoples world, i

5、nto which they have not yet been accepted. Thats why young people want to make a new culture of their own, and if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or clothes or their ways of speech, this will make the young people extremely happy.Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you

6、 do not want your parents to say “yes” to what you do. All you want is to be left alone and do what you like. It is natural enough, after being a child for so many years, when you were completely under your parents control.If you plan to control your life, youd better win your parents over and try t

7、o get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do._2.Spending time together is very important for a family. Parents can use this time to really get to know their children, and children love

8、 spending time together with their parents. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, families can always come together at the table. Meal time can feed more than just the baby alone. Family relations can be promoted as well. Eating breakfast together is a great way to start the day. Eating dinner t

9、ogether every night allows families to share the happenings of the day and plan for tomorrow. Everyone loves a good movie. Break out a bowl of popcorn and gather on the couch together for a family movie night once a week. After a week or two, family members begin to really look forward to this relax

10、ing and quiet family time.Pack up your tent and head for the hills. Going camping is a great way for family members to have some of that special time together, and a great way to have a holiday too! Games are fun for both kids and adults. There are so many games to choose from! This is a wonderful w

11、ay to bring family members together as games make family time so fun! Gather your family together for a story. Kids just love bedtime stories. This allows parents to spend a bit of time with their kids, too. Children will fall asleep much easier after having a story read to them. This little bit of

12、family time is beneficial in a lot of ways. Enjoy your family time and have fun with it. Youll remember the special time for the rest of your lives._3.A welldeveloped class website can save teachers a lot of time in the long run, improving both studentteacher and parentteacher communication while pr

13、oviding a place to store all classroom documents for future use. Although some extra time during the school year is required, once the site is up it needs just minor adjustments each new year. Have a question? Get an answer from online technology support now.Decide which type of software you will us

14、e to create a class website. Microsoft has many applications that can be used to create websites, such as Publisher and Expression Web. Some Web hosting sites also have simple editing tools you can use instead of a formal program.Find a place to host your class website. Your Internet provider often

15、provides some small space for a personal website for free, and many other free website hosting companies are on the Internet.Consider using a template(模版)for your first attempt at website design. Most templates also come with a selection of colour and graphics already in place so you can concentrate

16、 on content instead of design. It will contain basic sections with your specific class information.Add content to your website. You need to have announcement sections for both parents and students, a syllabus or class rules area, homework assignments or a calendar, and maybe a links section for lear

17、ning more about inclass topics and playing educational games.Decorate your website with graphics, clip art, background, cool fonts(字体)and other decorative items. Its best to find a theme you like and make your design elements all match your theme. Remember to keep it simple since too many colours an

18、d pictures make a site look busy and weaken its usability._4.We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us dont do a very good job. This article gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech. So, you have to give a speech and youre terrified. You get nervo

19、us, forget what you want to say, stumble (结巴)over words, talk too long and bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank goodness, its over. Im just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”Cheer up! It doesnt have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain o

20、ut of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many example

21、s as possible and use pictures, charts and graphs if they will help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Dont talk over their heads and dont talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness. Just remember: Be prepared. Know your

22、subject, your audience and the occasion. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make persontoperson contact with your audience. If you follow these simple steps, youll see that you dont have to be afraid of public speaking. In

23、 fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! If youre not convinced yet, give it a try and see what happens._5.Youre sitting on the train home and the person opposite you yawns (打哈欠). Suddenly, youre yawning with him, though youre not tired.This phenomeno

24、n confused scientists for years until a recent study found that people tend to sympathize(同情) with fellow humans. Supporting this claim was the discovery that those children who were unable to form normal emotional ties with others did not experience contagious(有传染性的) yawning, which showed that huma

25、ns communicate regularly without words.Hugo DCritchley, a neuroscientist, has conducted an experiment recently, which will prove that happiness and sadness can spread like the common cold. According to Critchley, our mind and body are in constant exchange about how were feeling. “Emotions are closel

26、y linked with states of internal (体内的) responses,” he explained. “There are also more visible changes in our gestures and facial expressions. When were in a group, these signals can spread to another person. For example, theres the obvious tendency to smile when smiled at and there are less obvious

27、changes that reflect emotions of surprise, anger or sadness such as a change in our heart rate and blood pressure.Hugo DCritchley further explained, “Our bodies synchronize(同步) and when we like the other person, we ever copy his behaviour. Next time you chat with a friend, take note of how youre sittingits pretty likely that you will be the same. Scientists believe its our way of telling each other that were partners. Through body language, humans give each o

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