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1、报价英语Part 1 用简单英语谈生意(1)A: We can offer you this in different levels of quality.B: Is there much of a difference in price ?A: Yes ,the economy model is about 30% less.B: Well take that one .A:这产品我们有三种不同等级的品质。B:价钱也有很大的分别吧?A:是的,经济型的大约便宜30%。B:我们就买那种。(2)A: Is this going to satisfy your requirements ?B: Ac

2、tually , it is more than we need .A: We can give you a little cheaper model .B: Let me see the specifications for that .A:这种的合你的要求吗?B:事实上,已超出我们所需要的。A:我们可以提供你便宜一点的型式。B:让我看看它的规格说明书吧。(3)A: Youre asking too much for this part .B: we have some cheaper ones .A: What is the price difference ?B: The basic m

3、odel will cost about 10% less .A:这零件你们要价太高了。B:我们有便宜一点的。A:价钱差多少?B:基本型的便宜约10%左右。(4)A: How many different models of this do you offer?B: We have five different ones .A: Is there much of a price difference .B: Yes, so we had better look over your specifications.A:这个你们有多少种不同的型式。B:五种A:价钱有很大的差别吗?B:是的,所以我们最

4、好先把您的规格说明细看一遍。(5)A: The last order didnt work out too well for usB: What was wrong?A: We were developing too much waste .B: I suggest you go up to our next higher price level.A:上回订的货用起来不怎么顺。B:有什么问题吗?A:生产出来的废品太多了。B:我建议您采用我们价格再高一级的货(6 )A: Did the material work out well for you ?B: Not really .A: What

5、was wrong?B: We felt that the price was too high for the quality .A:那些材料进行的顺利吗?B:不怎么好。A:怎么啦?B:我们觉得以这样的品质价钱太高了。(7)A: Has our material been all right ?B: Im afraid not .A: Maybe you should order a little better qualityB: Yes, we might have to do that .A:我们的原材料没问题吧?B:有问题呢。A:也许您应该买品质好一点的B:是呀,恐怕只有这么做了。(8

6、 )A: I think you had better come out to the factory .B: Is there something wrong .A: Yes ,your last shipment wasnt up to par .B: Let s go out and have a look at it .A:我看你最好走一趟工厂,B:出了什么事吗。A:嗯,你上次送去的货没有达到标准。B:走,我们去看看?(9)A: I want you to look at this material .B: Is this from our last shipment ?A: Yes

7、,it is .B: I can see why you are having some problems with it .A:我要你看看这材料!B:这是上次叫的货吗?A:是啊。B:我明白为什么你用起来会有问题了。(10)A: I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .B: But that costs more .A: But you will get less waste from this .B: Well try it once .A:我建议你改用这种替代那种。B:可是那样成本较高。A:但可以减少浪费。B:

8、那么就试一次看看吧。(11)A: Our manufacturing costs have gone up too much .B: You might try one of our cheaper components .A: Lets take a look at your price list again B: Sure . Ill bring it in next week .A:我们的制造成本增加太多了。B:你试试这种较便宜的组件怎样?A:我再看一次你们的价目表吧。B:好哇 ,我下个礼拜带过来。(12)A: This is the best material we have to o

9、ffer .B: Actually ,I dont think we need it to be this good .A: I can let you have this kind cheaper .B: Lets do that .A:这是本公司所供应的最好的原料。B:说实在的,我并不认为我们用得着这么好的,A:我可以算你便宜一点。B:那就这么说定吧?(13)A: How is the new material working out for you ?B: Fine .were saving a lot of money with it .A: Im glad to hear that

10、.B: It was a good suggestion .thanks .A:新原料用得如何?B:不错,节省了不少的钱,A:听你这么说真高兴。B:你建议得不错,谢谢。(14)A: How many would you like to order ?B: Is there a minimum order ?A: No ,we can ship in lots of any size .B: Well try one case of this .A:您要订多少?B:有最低订购量的限制吗?A:没有,任何数量都可以出货。 B:那么,这种的就试一箱吧(15)A: Were ready to take

11、your order now.B: We want to try this component as a sample.A: I can send one for you to try .B: Yes , please do that .A:你们现在可以下订单了。B:这种组件我们想试个样品看看。A:我们可以寄个给你试用。B:好,那就麻烦你了。(16)A: How many would you like to order ?B: How do they come packaged ?A: In cases of 100.B: Well take 500.A: 您要订多少?B:货是怎样装的呢?A:

12、一箱装100个。B:我们要500个(17)A: We need seven of these .B: They come in cases of five .A: Then ,send two cases please .B: Good . thank you for the order .A:我们要七个这种的。B:它们是五个一箱。A:这样的话,就送两箱吧。B:好的,谢谢你的订货。(18)A: We cant handle an order that small .B: What is the minimum we would have to order .A: 300 pieces .B:

13、I see ,send those ,then .A:这么少的数量,我们不能接受。B:那么我们至少得订多少呢。A:300个B:哦,那就300个吧。(19)A: We have a problem with your order .B: What is it ?A: We cant split open a case to fill yourorder .B: Ill see if we can take the whole case .A:你订的货有点问题。B:什么问题。A:因为我们不能拆箱来凑足你的订量。B:那我考虑看看是不是可以买整箱。(20)A: Do you offer any qua

14、ntity discounts ?B: No, we dont.A: Then give us three cases of this .A:大量购买有折扣吗?B:不,没有。A:那么这种的就买三箱好了。(21)A: You could save a lot if you would ordera little more .B: How could we do that ?A: We offer a discount for large orders .B: Let me take another look at our requirements .A:如果你单子下得多一点,可以省不少的钱。B:

15、怎么说呢?A:我们对大量订购有打折。B:那我们看看我们的需要量有多少(22)A: Your prices seem a little high .B: We could make them lower for you .A: How ?B: If you order in large lots , well reduce the price .A:你们的价钱高了一些。B:我们可以算你便宜一点。A:怎么做呢?B:如果你大量订购,我们可以降价(23)A: We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces.B: Im not sure

16、we can use that many .A: It would represent quite a savings .B: Ok, Ill see what I can do .A:订购一万个以上,我们可以打九折。B:我怕我们用不了那么多。A:这省下的可是一笔不少的钱哩。B:好吧,我考虑考虑吧(24)A: Why are there three prices quoted for this part ?B: They represent the prices for different quantities.A: I see .B: The more you order , the mor

17、e you will save .A:这种零件为什么有三种不同的报价?B:那表示不同的量有不同的价钱。A:原来如此。B:订购愈多,省的钱愈多(25)A: Is this your standard price ?B: Yes ,it is .A: It seems too high to meB: We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .A:这是你们的基本准价吗?B:是的A:好像贵了一点。B:如果大量订购,单价可以再谈。Part 2 完美报价 1、预期涨价,建议对方趁早订货 You will be interested to hear

18、 that we can offer a further supply of the best classical furnitures previously supplied to you at the lowest price. With the increase of the prices which becomes conspicuous this year, the next consignment will be much dearer, so we recommend you take prompt advantage of this offer.2、提供比其它公司便宜的报价 Y

19、ou will see from the details of the new prices enclosed that all our products are now 2% lower than our usual price. As our prices are quoted CIF Jilong, you will agree that they are below those of our competitors.3、因生产方法改良,故以低价报价 Improved production methods allows us to offer you all our products a

20、t prices considerably below last years. You will note from the attached price list that reduction of up to 20% have been achieved.4、提供特别优惠报价 In order that all of our customers may enjoy the advantage, we are offering a special offer of a 10% discount on all our products to our customers for only a m

21、onth. We suggest that you take advantage of this offer and make a large order.5、因库存不多而提供特别报价 We are pleased to make an offer for this commodity subject to prior sale since it is our final stock and is now out of production. It will be very marketable. It is of excellent quanlity and this is the lowe

22、st price offered to our customers.6、提供限期答复的确定报价 We are pleased to offer you firm 100 sets of our video recorder at US$50,000 CIF Gaoxiong for shipment during December subject to your acceptance reaching us by August 31.7、若收到答复,将尽早交货 If your acceptance can be received by the morning of the 20th in re

23、sponse to this inquiry, we will be able to rush your order to Jilong port for loading before the ship leaves for Los Angeles on the 30th.8、提供有权先售报价 We are pleased to offer you this article subject to being unsold because the market here is exciting now and we cannot keep it open too long. Therefore

24、please fax your acceptance immediately on receiving this fax order.9、有限期的特别报价 We are pleased to offer this stock at the special price to all of our customers with the hope that we may be able to develop some business. The validity of this offer is up to August 31 and we advise you to make an order i

25、mmediately.10、针对询价,提出 CIF 条件的确定报价 Thank you for your inquiry of July 20, against which we have faxed our firm offer at the price of A$100,000 CIF Sydney on a draft at sight under irrevocable L/C subject to your reply reaching us by September 20.11、由于库存不足,要求报价 Owing to the shortage of stock, we will

26、appreciate an offer for your plywood. If you can submit us a favorable offer indicating shipment time, we are ready to make an offer. 12、要求对方报价,并暗示将会订货 The market here is dull at the present. However the business will recover towards October and we expect to have something marketable to offer at tha

27、t time. If your quality is satisfactory and your prices reasonable, we may take an immediate order.13、要求类似样品的 商品的报价 We need goods of similar quality to the sample we sent by seperate mail. If you have goods similar to our samples among the articles you handle, please make us an offer at the best pri

28、ces urgently.14、希望继续报价 We are in the market for your goods. Please offer us your best prices on the usual trade terms. If we find your prices are rather high, the time for us to make an offer will come according to the business situation and we shall appreciate it if you will let us have your offer

29、from time to time.15、希望提供样品并报价 We are on the look-out for the following goods and if you handle them, we shall appreciate your sampling an offer and stating the trade terms. We look forward to your early reply.16、通知准备变更价格 Owing to the frequent fluctuations in the market price, it is impossible for us to keep the prices open for more than two weeks. Therefore, they are subject to change without notice and without engagement. If you make an order for these goods, please let us have your reply immediately on receiving this fax.17、鼓励在报价期限内订货 Owing to a rush of orders, we cannot keep t

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