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1、中考英语培优补差讲义介词2018年中考英语复习之介词1、介词的定义介词是一种虚词,不能独立存在。它必须和随后的不足成分一起构成介词短语,才能用作句子的成分。2、介词(短语)的分类1.表示时间的介词(短语)at用在具体的时间点之前。e.g. at five oclockin用在年,月,季节之前,用在表泛指的上午。下午、晚上之前。 July、in the afternoonon用在星期之前,用在具体某天或者某天的上午、下午、晚上之前。e.g. on the afternoon of July 2nd after表示“在之后”,反义词是before。before表示“在之前”。除了可以用

2、作介词之外,before还可以做连词和副词。until表示“直到”,not until意为“直到才”。since表示“自从”,后跟表示过去的时间点时,通常和现在完成时连用。during表示“在期间”。e.g.during the speechfrom和to搭配,表示“从到”。e.g. from 3:30 to 5:30by表示“在之前”“不迟于”。e.g. by five oclock2.表示方位的介词 at用在比较小的地点之前。e.g. arrive at the airportin用在表较大的地点之前。e.g. arrive in Beijing表示“在里面”。e.g. i

3、n the boxin front of表示“在前面”。反义词是behindbehind表示“在后面”。under表示“在下面”。by表示“在旁边;靠近”。e.g. by the windowbeside表示“在旁边”。near表示“在附近”。next to表示“靠近;紧挨”。from和to搭配,表示“从到”e.g. from Beijing to Shanghaion the left of表示“在的左边”。on the right of表示“在的右边”。【注意】in是常见的介词,还有如下的用法in+颜色/服装此时in表示“穿着某种颜色的衣服”。in+语言此时in表示“用某种

4、语言” in+时间段用在一般将来时的句中,该句表示在“在某段时间之后”。3.表示方式、手段或工具的介词(1)表示方式byby+交通工具。on,inon,in+限定词+交通工具。(2)表示手段或工具with和具体的工具搭配。by表示“通过;以的方式或手段”,其后常跟动名词。in和语言,声音等材料搭配4.其他常考介词的基本用法for表示“为了”。e.g. They fought for the country.of表示“的”,协助构成所有格形式。e.g. a map of China.about表示“关于”。e.g. a book about flowers.with表示“和在一起”。e.g. I

5、 live with my parents.表示“带有,具有”。e.g. a house with a garden构成固定搭配。e.g. with the help of,agree with,provide sb. with sth.without表示“无;没有”。e.g. Fish cannot live without water.三、介词(短语)的基本用法1.用作表语。 e.g. We are in the classroom.2.用作宾语补足语。 e.g. I was surprised to find him on the bus.3.用作后置定语。 e.g. The girl

6、in a white T-shirt is my sister.4.用作状语。 e.g. There are many flowers in the garden.四、常考的易混介词和介词短语between表示“在(两者)之间”。among表示“在(三者或三者之上)之间”。in front of表示“在某范围以外的前面”。in the front of表示“在某范围以内的前面”。on表示“在上面”,强调表面接触。反义词是beneath。over表示“在上方”,强调在垂直的上面。反义词是under。above表示“在上方”,可能在垂直的上方,也可能不在垂直的上方,只表示上下的位置关系。反义词是b

7、elowacross表示“从表面穿过”,通常和road,street,river等搭配。through表示“从立体空间穿过”,通常和window,channel,town,city等搭配。over表示“越过高的物体”,通常和wall,mountain等搭配。for后跟时间段,常用来说明动作延续的时间长度。since后跟时间点,常用来说明动作起始的时间。besides表示“除之外还有”,表示累计关系。except表示“除了”,表示排除关系。be made of表示“由制造”,强调可以看出原材料。be made from表示“由制造”,强调看不出原材料。be made by表示“由(某人)制造”,

8、后面跟人。be made in表示“在(某地)制造”,后跟地点。be made into表示“被制成”,后跟成品。5、介词(短语)中考考点考点一动词+介词:at:look at laugh at knock at shout at point atfor:pay for look for ask for leave foron:depend on get on call on pass on go onwith:agree with argue with begin withabout:think about care about worry aboutbe+形容词+介词:of:be prou

9、d of be full of be afraid offor:be famous for be ready for be sorry for be late forin:be interested in be strcit good at be angry at be surprised atwith:be satisfied/pleased with be srict with be angry with考点二of sb.和for sb.Its +adj.+of sb.+to do sth.该句型多用于表示人物的性格或品德。其中的形容词多是表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如g

10、ood,kind,nice,clever,foolish等。Its adj.+for sb.+to do sth.该句型多用于表示人物或事物的特征。其中的形容词多是表示客观形势的形容词,如easy,hard,difficult,interesting等。 考点针对联系一、单项选择1.【2013北京】Lucy lived in Beijing from 2008 _ 2012. A.on D.of2.【2013大连】In America,people start celebrating the New Year _ 31st December. C.on

11、D.for3.【2013扬州】-How long have you lived in the new flat? -_ 2010. A.In B.After C.Since D.Before4.【2013锦州】Most of my classmates go to school _ bike. C.on D.in5.【2013上海】Wow!Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays _ October! B.on D.to6.【2013呼和浩特】_ her hus

12、band,she has now become a famous film star. A.Because B.Thanks to C.Thanks for D.With the help of7.【2013兰州】-Why do you always go to Lanzhou University on weekends? -Because therere lots of great speakers I can practice English _ in the English corner there. A.with C.on D.about8.【2013烟台】-Why do

13、you always sleep _? -Because Im afraid of the dark. yourself B.with the door open C.with the window open D.with the light on9.【2013三亚】On my visit to Australia,I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways. A.with D.at10.【2013河南】-What did you get _ your birthday,Jason? -An iPad 3,fr

14、om my aunt. C.with D.for11.【2013安徽】Mrs. King put a coat _ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A.over B.with C.behind D.beside12.【2013无锡】Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays _ zero. A.up B.down C.above D,below13.【2013温州】Ann ofte helps me _ math after school

15、. A for B.with C.on D.by14.【2013黔西南】All of you went the zoo _Wang Hui.She had to look after her grandpa. A.besides B,with C.except D.beside15【2013德州】_,the Internet was only used by government.But now its widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far16.【2013重庆】You can improve

16、 your English _ practicing more. B.with C.of D.in17.【2013苏州】Sandy is a real book lover and she often brings home many books to read _ the library. B.for D.from18.【2013武汉】Sue has many nice dresses.She wears a different one every day_ the week. A.of B.from D.for19.【2013荆州】The model

17、 plane isnt as nice as my sisters,but _ it was made by myself. last least times present20.【2013丽水】Before the bridge was built _ the river,the villagers had to take a boat to the other side. B.beside C.across D.along21.【2013聊城】Dont ask him to study too late in the night._,he

18、is only a small child. A.As a result B.After all C.Best of all D.For example22.【2013菏泽】Most of kids in our school enjoy pop songs,_ some hit songs on the Internet like The Coolest Ethnic Trend(最炫民族风). A.besides B.including C.except D.without23.【2013襄阳】-What do you often do _ classes to relax yoursel

19、ves. -We often do eye exercises,listen to music or do some running around the school. B.among C.between D.through24.【2013孝感】Students shouldnt go to school _ breakfast.Its bad for their health. A.with B.without C.for D.by25.【2013广州】I couldnt do it _ your great help.Thanks a lot! A.with B.without

20、 C.for 2、介词填空1.Could you tell me something _ UFOs? I am really interested in it.2.I go to school _ eight oclock.3.Ginas father is _ forty years old.4.I can help you _math.5.The picture is _ the wall.6.The windows are _ the wall.7.Many students do homework _ pens8.My birthday is _ February, 15th

21、.9.Childrens Day is _ June.10.Whats this _ Japanese?11.Please come and see at our store _yourself.12.Many books are_ the bookcase.13.A set of keys is _ the drawer.14.My mirror(镜子) is _ the dresser.15.My shoes are _ the bed. 16.Tom usually plays ping-pong _ two hours17.B is _ A _C.18.I go to school_

22、a backpack.19.Please bring some books _ school.20.We sell these bags _ sports _$5.21.I buy two pairs of shoes _$5022.He often plays computer games _ the evening. 23.They usually play basketball _Saturday morning.24.This boy is _ the tree. Its very dangerous. (危险)。25.There are many pears _ the tree.2

23、6.Here is a photo _ my family.27.This is the map _ China.28.The bank doesnt open _ Sunday.29.My parents usually go to the park _ supper.30.We have socks _ all colors.31.Thanks _ your letter.32.My father is strict _ me _ my study.33.I eat an egg _ breakfast, 34.He often does his homework _ home.35.Th

24、e bank of China is _ front of the post office. 36.He usually watches football game _ TV.37.I really want _ go to the USA.38.I like coffee _ milk.39.Its not polite to talk _ girls age.40.It is very far(远) _China _America.三、阅读练习完形填空(共1 5小题,每小题l分;满分15分) 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do you

25、know that humans have been cleaning their teeth for over 7,000 years? According to the BBC, the Ancient Egyptians used a type of toothpaste (牙膏). _21_ it is believed that the Egyptians used a finger _22_ a toothbrush to clean their teeth .Chinese people may have _23_ the first toothbrush around 1,60

26、0 BC. Your toothbrush, however, may have also become_24_ .Because it is now possible to clean our teeth _25_ using our hands!Two Canadians, Adel Elseri and Said Fayad, have invented_26_ called T2T or tongue-to-teeth Elseri says he came up with the idea_27_ he was driving home after a long day at wor

27、k His_28_ is a toothbrush that goes onto your tongue(舌) T2T has special edges (边缘) and toothpaste .So just _29_your tongue over your teeth and it cleans your teeth just like a toothbrush _30_! It will make your breath fresh tooElseri and Fayad made this hand-free toothbrush because they believed it

28、was a _31_way for someone to brush their teeth. But people can only use the T2T _32_.Would you use the tongue-to-teeth? The Huffington Post in the US _33_ readers what they thought. Sixty-one percent said that they would use it while only thirty-nine percent said they _34_. Personally I think Im goi

29、ng to stick to(坚持用) the _35_.21. A. So B. Then C. But D. Or22. A. instead of B .because of C .more than D .less than23 A .discovered B. develop C .built D. developed24 A. science B. history C. problem D secret25. A by B. from C. without D for26. A .nothing B. everything C. anything D .something27. A. until B. when C. since D .though28. A .idea B. story C. word D plan29 A. hold B. pull C. move D. check30 A is B.

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