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译林牛津高一英语模块4 Unit 2 Sports events知识点详解教案.docx

1、译林牛津高一英语模块4 Unit 2 Sports events知识点详解教案模块 4 Unit 2 Sports events重点单词1. delight n. 欣喜,喜悦 v. (以)取悦(某人),使(某人)高兴 delighted adj. 愉快的,高兴的,欣喜的 【常见搭配】to ones delight 令人高兴的是take delight in (doing) sth. 以 为乐with delight 高兴地,乐意地 delight sb. with sth. 以取悦某人be delighted atbywith sth. 因而感到高兴be delighted to do sth

2、. 高兴地去做某事be delighted that 高兴 【即时演练】A: 用常见搭配中的词组填空1. I _ your success.2. I _ you succeeded.3. I _ hear you succeed.4. _, my classmates should come to see me off.5. He _ playing tricks on others. 【答案】1. was greatly delighted at 2. was greatly delighted that 3. was greatly delighted to 4. To my deligh

3、t 5. takes delight inB: 单选 Outings are popular and most Australians are _ a cold glass of beer or lemonade with friends. A. delighted to share B. delight in sharingC. taking possession of D. expected sharing 【解析】句意:郊游很普及,绝大部分澳大利亚人喜欢与朋友分享一杯冰啤酒或柠檬汁。be delighted to do sth. “乐于做某事”;take delight in doing

4、 sth.“以为乐”; take possession of“拥有”;be expected to do sth. “被期望做某事”。 【答案】 A2. honour n. 尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣;vt. 给予荣誉,使得到尊敬 【常见搭配】in honour of 为向表示敬意,为纪念,为祝贺have the honour of doing sth. / to do sth. 有做某事的荣幸show honour to sb. 尊敬某人Its an honour to do sth. 荣幸的去做某事gain/ win/ achieve honour 获得荣誉 be/ feel honoured

5、 to do sth. 做某事感到荣幸 【即时演练】 A: 完成下列句子 1. May I _ dancing with you? 我有荣幸与你跳舞吗? 2. We must _ this famous scientist. 我们一定要尊敬这位著名的科学家。 3. I _ have a chance to make a speech here. 我有机会在这里发表演讲感到很荣幸。 4. There is a party tonight _ our new manager. 为了庆祝新经理上任,今晚举行一个晚会。 【答案】1. have the honour of 2. show honour

6、to 3. feel very honoured to 4. in honour of B: 单选 (江西白鹭洲中学2014届高三上学期期中考试) The government has decided to give preference to those environmentally-friendly business and companies in all aspects in _ of sustainable development. A. case B. terms C. honor D. concerns 【解析】句意:从可持续发展角度考虑,政府已决定给那些环保的公司和企业一些优

7、惠。in terms of“从角度”;in case of“万一”;in honor of“为纪念”。 【答案】B 3. attempt n. 试图,企图,尝试 vt. 尝试,努力,试图 【常见搭配】make an attempt to do sth. at doing sth. 试图做某事attempt to do sth. 试图做某事attempt sth. 尝试某事 at ones first attempt 初次尝试 He made an attempt to write a story, but failed at last. 他尝试写小说,但最后失败了。 The firefight

8、ers attempted to put out the great fire before great damage was caused. 消防队员试图在大火未造成大的损失前把火扑灭。 The prisoners attempted an escape from the place where they were kept, but failed. 囚犯们试图从关押的地方逃跑,但没有成功。 【即时演练】 (湖北省八市2013年高三年级三月调考) The plan was so shallow and impractical that no serious _ was ever made t

9、o realize it. A. recognition B. comment C. attempt D. credit 【解析】句意: 这计划如此的肤浅以及不切实际,以致还没有真正地尝试去实施这计划。make an attempt to do sth.“尝试去做某事”。 【答案】 C4. remove vt. 移动,拿开;脱掉,摘掉;去掉,开除 vi. 搬家,迁移 【常见搭配】remove from 将从去除/ 撤职remove from to 从搬至remove to 迁移至,搬至 He removed his desk to another office after argument.

10、争吵后,他把办公桌搬到了另一个办公室。 Please remove your baggage from the seat so that the old man can sit down. 请把你的行李拿开让这位老人坐下。 Hating the cold weather, they have decided to remove to a warm place. 讨厌寒冷的天气,他们已决定迁移至暖和的地方。 【即时演练】 (盐城市2013届高三年级摸底考试英语试题)Through educating himself and strengthening his own will power, ev

11、ery individual should be able to _ the temptation of cigarettes. A. remove B. register C. resist D. reserve 【解析】句意: 通过教育自己和加强自己的意志力,每个人应能够忍住香烟的诱惑。resist“忍住(诱惑等);抵抗”;remove“去除”;register“注册,登记”;reserve“保留;预约”。 【答案】 C5. power n. 力,能力;权力;动力;电力;才能 【常见搭配】have the power to do sth./ of doing sth. 有做某事的能力bey

12、ond/ out of ones power 某人力所不能及 come to/ into power 掌权 in power 当权的(地)in ones power 在某人的支配下;尽可能have power over sth. 对有控制权 This parrot has the power to imitate human words. 这种鹦鹉有模仿人类语言的能力。 After a long times competition, the president came to power at last. 经过长时间的竞争,这个总统最终掌握了政权。 I did everything in my

13、 power to help the old man. 我尽自己所能来帮助那个老人。 【词义辨析】power指政权、权力,也可指做某事的能力,还可指物理中的动力、功率。energy指人的精力、活力,也可指物理学中的能、能量。strength指一个人所具有的力量或力气。force指为做某事儿实际运用的力量,即指物理学中的力,也可指兵力、势力、武力。 【即时演练】 A: 根据句意,用power,energy,strength,force中一词填空。 1) Does he have enough _ to lift these weights? 2) The _ of gravity makes t

14、hings fall to earth. 3) The manager has the _ to fire an employee. 4) He is a man full of _, because he looks never tired. 【答案】 1. strength 2. force 3. power 4. energy B: 单选 Can I get the house cheaper? Sorry, its _ my power to sell it any cheaper. A. without B. except C. beyond D. out 【解析】句意:“你这房子能

15、便宜点吗?”“抱歉,再便宜点已超出我的能力范围。” beyond ones power“某人力所不能及”。 【答案】 C6. absence n. 不在,缺席;缺少,缺乏 absent adj. 不在场的,外出的;缺席的 【常见搭配】in the absence of sb.= in sbs absence 某人不在时;缺少某人after an absence of several years 外出几年后absence of mind 心不在焉be absent from 缺席;缺少,不存在 【即时演练】 A: 完成下列句子 1. He _ school yesterday. 他昨天旷课了。

16、2. _ rain caused the plants to die. 因缺水导致植物枯死。 3. _ the Manager, Mr Smith is in charge of the business. 经理不在期间由史密斯先生管理业务。 【答案】 1. was absent from 2. Absence of 3. In the absence of B: 单选 (襄阳市普通高中2013届高三调研统一测试) Owing to the continual _of any clue to the mystery, the popular excitement greatly increas

17、ed, for which the police suffered great pressure. A. attention B. assumption C. advance D. absence 【解析】句意:由于这件疑案一直找不到什么线索,人心也就越来越骚动了,为此警察遭受了巨大压力。absence“缺少;缺乏”;attention“关注“;assumption“假设”;advance“增长;上涨”。 【答案】 D7. light v. 点燃,照亮;adj. 明亮的,浅色的;n. 光,光亮,发光物 【常见搭配】light a candle/ match 点燃蜡烛/ 划亮火柴light up

18、 点燃,照亮,点亮come to light 显露,为人所知throw light on sth. 将某事弄清楚些bring. . . to light 将曝光,揭露in (the) light of sth. 鉴于某事物,考虑到某事物 To throw further light on this problem, I suggest you carry out an experiment. 为了进一步阐明这一问题,我建议你做一次实验。 The investigation brought to light some important facts. 调查揭露了一些重要的事实。 He rewro

19、te the book in (the) light of further research. 鉴于进一步的研究,他重写了那本书。 【名师点拨】light用作动词时,其过去分词有两种形式:lit和lighted。当作前置定语时只能用lighted。 【即时演练】 I havent seen you for a long time. What are you busy doing? I have been _my French because I will go to work in France this summer. A. speeding up B. lighting up C. mak

20、ing up D. polishing up 【解析】句意:“好长时间不见你了,你在忙什么?”“我在练习法语,因为今年暑假 我将到法国工作。”polish up“温习;修改,润色”;speed up“加速”;light up “点亮,照亮”;make up“弥补;化妆”。 【答案】 D重要短语 1. make way for 给让路;让位于 The people kindly made way for the poor man,so that he could come forward. 人们友好地为那个可怜的人让路,好让他走到前面来。 【相关拓展】make ones way 向前,一路前进;

21、成功feel ones way 摸索着前进fight ones way 拼打出道路push ones way 推挤着前行wind ones way 蜿蜒向前force ones way out 挤出去,冲出去lead the way 领先lose ones way 迷路give way to. 被取代;让步 in a way 在某种程度上in the/ones way 挡道,妨碍in no way 一点也不,决不by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下on ones way to 在去的路上on ones way to (doing) sth. 渐趋于;在接近某状态on the way 在途中

22、,即将到来 【即时演练】 I think if you are determined to make great efforts, any difficulty will have to _ you. A. get in the way for B. be on the way to C. make way for D. be in the way to 【解析】句意:我认为如果你下定决心努力了,任何困难都将会为你让道。make way for“给让道”;on the way to“在去的路上”;in the way“挡道”。 【答案】 C 2. hang on 紧抓不放;坚持下去;不挂断;(

23、在逆境中)坚持 Hang on to the branch till I bring the ladder. 抓住树枝,等我去拿梯子来。 Professor Li hung on and finally made this well-known discovery. 李教授坚持不懈,最终做出了这一著名发现。 Hang on, please. Jack is at home. 请别挂,杰克在家。 【相关拓展】hang out 悬挂;探出身子hang around/ about 闲逛,徘徊hang up 挂断电话 【即时演练】 Sorry, I have to _ now. Its time fo

24、r class. OK, Ill call back later. A. hang up B. break up C. give up D. hold up 【解析】句意:“抱歉,我必须要挂断电话了。该是上课的时候了。”“好,我过后再打。”hang up“挂断电话”;break up“击碎;破坏;分手”;give up“放弃”;hold up“举起;抢劫;阻止”。 【答案】 A3. knock over 推翻;把撞倒 But just under a year ago, Roys father was knocked over by a car. 但就在不到一年前,罗伊的父亲被车撞了。 【相关

25、拓展】knock at . 敲knock down 撞倒;拆除knock into 偶遇某人;将打入knock off 减价,打折扣;杀死;赶紧做完 【即时演练】 A block of flats are being to make room for a supermarket. A. knocked into B. knocked over C. knocked off D. knocked down 【解析】句意:一个街区的公寓正在被拆让路给一个超市。knock down “拆除”;knock into“偶遇某人”;knock over“推翻”;knock off“减价;杀死”。 【答案】

26、 D4. under ones name = under the name of 以的名字 Tom did the same and wrote under the name of George. 汤姆也同样如此,他用乔治作为笔名进行创作。 【相关拓展】by the name of 名叫;以之名in the name of 以的名义 get a good/ bad name 得到好/ 坏名声name after 以的名字给取名 【即时演练】 The police arrest the criminal _ the name of the law. A. in B. under C. with

27、D. by 【解析】句意:警察以法律名义逮捕了这个罪犯。in the name of“以的名义”;under the name of“以的名字”;by the name of“名叫”。 【答案】 A句型解剖1. I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. 我肯定当许海峰为祖国获得第一枚金牌时全中国人民感到自豪。 句中must have done意为“准是”,表示对过去情况的肯定猜测。 He must have heard o

28、f the news, because he looked excited. 他看上去很兴奋,他准是听说了这消息。 【相关拓展】ought to/ should have done “本应该”,表示本应做但未做shouldnt have done “本不应该”,表示本不应该做但做了may/ might have done “可能”could have done “本可以”cant/ couldnt have done “不可能”neednt have done “本不必做”,表示本不必做但已做了 【即时演练】 (2011江苏卷)I left my handbag on the train, b

29、ut luckily someone gave it to a railway official. How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _ it. A. will have stolen B. might have stolenC. should have stolen D. must have stolen 【解析】句意:“我把我的手提包落在火车上了,但幸运的是有人把它交给了一个铁路员工。”“拿回包多么不可思议。我的意思是有人会偷走它的。”might have done“有可能”;should have done“本应该做”;must have done“准

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