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广州新版 八年级下 英语 U5 U6.docx

1、广州新版 八年级下 英语 U5 U6广州新版英语八年级下U5-U6 同步复习 课 题八年级(下)U5单元重点知识复习;重点单词、短语用法,U5-U6 语法知识学习教学目标能掌握U5高频单词、短语的用法;会在实际练习中运用所学的高频单词及语法知识重 点U5重点单词、短语用法辨析;重点短语运用;语法知识运用难 点运用所学知识完成所给的练习 _1、 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分) My country lifeI like to live in the countryside. I live in a small village. There is a river near it. Lots

2、 of trees are around my house. I can see a lot of farms and birds. There is less noise. The air here is cleaner and fresher. There are fewer cars. I read aloud early in the morning. When it is getting dark, the moon is bright in the sky. Its very quiet . What a nice place I live in !二、 根据要点,用六个以上的英语

3、句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)请你根据所给的话题和提示要点,用6个以上的句子说一段话,谈谈你在班级的情况。要求意思连贯,句子通顺。要点:1、我班是我校最好的班级之一; 2、我班有学生,他们上课都很认真 听课; 3、下课后,同学们喜欢打篮球,我班的 篮球队在学校有名气情景反应1. Which is your favourite subject?2. What is your father / mother?3. What does your father usually do after supper?4. How many people are there in your

4、 family? Who are they?5. Do you like travelling? What great places of interest have you visited?一听力(共两节,满分35分)第一节 听力理解(本题包括15小题,每小题2分,共30分。)每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题目要求。请把正确答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡相应位置上)。听下面一段对话,回答第1-2三个小题。1. What are the two speakers talking about ?A TV programmes. B . A football game. C. Things

5、 to do at night.2 Which programme will both of them want to watch?A. Discovery. B. Animal World. C. A football match.听下面一段对话,回答第3-5三个小题。3. What are they mainly talk about ?A. Holiday activities. B. Weekend plans. C. Favourite movies.4. How does the woman like Ice Age 4?A. Its great. B. Its funny. C.

6、 Its boring.5. When will they meet?A. At 4:00. B. At 6:00. C. At 8:00.听下面一段对话,回答第6-8三个小题。6. Whats wrong with Bens robot?A. Everythings wrong. B. It stopped working. C. Its OK.7. Why doesnt Bens computer work as usual?A. It caught a virus. B. It downloaded software. C. It lost a chatroom. 8. What sho

7、uldnt we do when we surf online?A. We shouldnt talk with a stranger. B. We shouldnt accept anything from a stranger. C. We shouldnt go into a chatroom.听下面一段对话,回答第9-12三个小题。9. When is Jack going to watch a movie? A. This weekend. B. This evening. C. Next weekend. 10. How does Jack feel when he is watc

8、hing movies?A. Excited . B. Tired . C. Relaxed .11. Where did Jack play football in the past?A. In the gym. B. On the playground. C. In the park.12. How many people will go to the movies?A. One. B. Two . C. Three .听下面一段对话,回答第13-15三个小题。13. Who makes many kinds of robots? A. Students. B. Doctors . C.

9、Scientists .14. What can robots help people do from the passage?.A. Take a medicine. B. Do the chores. C . Drive a car.15. Which of the following is wrong?A. People will have more free time. B. People will do dangerous and tiring things. C. Robots are very useful.第二节 听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白。请根据

10、题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入下面的信息采集表中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅题时间。录音播放两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时间。请把正确答案写在答卷的相应位置。Lees personal informationAge_LanguageJapanese and _Country_Favourite subject_Favourite kind of movie_第二节 语法选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从26-35各题所给的A,B,C,D项中,把正确答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡相应位置上. Yang Yilin was born 26 August 26, 1992 in

11、 Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. She is 1.50 meters 27 and 35 kilograms heavy. But the little girl not only helped Chinese gymnastics team 28 the gold medal in the 2008 Olympic Games, but also 29 the Olympic all- around bronze medal. Yang Yilin started 30 gymnastics at the age of 5 because her parent

12、s wanted her 31 a brave girl. Later she began to show her talent 32 gymnastics and became a member of the Chinese team in 2007. After that, Yang made big progress 33 her coaches good teaching and her hard training. 34 the spring of 2008, at Chinas National Championships, she won individual medals in

13、 the all- around, uneven bars and floor exercise. Yang Yilin is 35 “Chinas Khorkina(霍尔金娜)”, but Yang is very modest, “Khorkina is my idol. I want to be the best like her.26 A at B in C on D of27 A long B tall C high D height28 A win B wins C winning D won29 A take B takes C took D taken30 A practisi

14、ng B practise C practised D to practising31 A be B is C being D to be32 A on B of C in D about33 A because B because of C since D as34 A On B From C At D In35 A call B calling C calls D called It is + adj. + for sb. +to do sth.翻译下列两句话:1.对我们来说学好各门课程很重要_2.对你来说不交作业是不可能的_拓展:此句型的否定形式为:_ of 表人的个性特征:It is

15、+ adj. + of sb. +to do sth.Its clever of you to work out this question. =You are clever to work out this question.如:It is very kind _ Jackie Chan to raise money for UNICEF.用所学的句型与词造句1.generous, him , give money to the poor_2.clever, Tom, work out the problems_Exercise:1.Its clever _ you _ so many to

16、y ships.of; making B. of; to makeC. for; to make D. for; making2. Its _ for us _ polite in class.A. interesting, to become B.good, to C important, to. D. necessary, to be3._ careless of you to make lots of mistakes.Thats B. Its C. It D. Its4. He is _ to come up with this wonderful enough

17、 B. enough activeC.enough creative D. imaginative enough5.Its very nice _ you to get me two tickets _ the World Cup.A.for;of B.of;for C. to;for D. of; to三完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从36-45各题所给的A,B,C,D项中,把正确答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡相应位置上。Television have been in our houses for a long time. Children enjoy watching TV.

18、Some _36_are happy about that because it stops their children from playing with dangerous things.Watching TV can help your children _37_about lots of things, such as music, other countries, and many other things. They will learn about much about the outside world.However, its _38_to say that watchin

19、g TV doesnt do harm to children. You cant let them watch TV as _39_as they want. Watching TV takes up a lot of time. Children need to _40_the world by themselves, not just from TV. Besides, children need to move around and do lots of _41_.sitting on the chairs and watching TV too much will make chil

20、dren become fatter. It is even _42_when the TV programs are _43_of violent scenes(暴力场景).These things are bad for children.As parents, you should choose the right programs for them, and shouldnt leave the TV on all day. Turn it off right after their programs _44_.Never put a TV in _45_childrens room.

21、( )36. A. parents B. schools C. teachers D. students( )37. A. look B. forget C.think D. learn( )38. A. wrong B. friendly C.right D. careful ( )39. A. much B. many C. little D. few( )40. A. look B. invent C. know D watch( )41. A. sports B. snakes C. parties D. programs( )42. A. better B. good C. bad

22、D. worse( )43. A. fond B. full C. generous D. afraid( )44. A. go B. come C. begin D. end( )45. A. my B. your C. his D. her 中考重点句型突破 not adj. enough to do./ so adj that+从句 too+adj. +to do sth. _eg. He is too young to go to school alone. (not )+adj/adv.+enough to do _Eg. He is not old enough t

23、o go to school.He is old enough to go to school.He didnt run fast enough to catch up with the bus. So+ adj /adv. +that+从句 ._Eg. He is so young that he cant go to school alone.He ran so fast that no one can catch up with him.1. 他年纪太小了,所以不会读也不会写。He is _ young _ he can _ read _ write.2. 他跑得很快,我们跟不上他He

24、ran so fast that we couldnt _ _ _ him3. 这孩子还没到上学的年龄The child is _ young _ go to school.4. 他很累,以致上课时他在桌子上睡着了。He was _ _ _ he fell asleep at the desk in class.5. 虽然这些书很重,但汤姆足够壮可以搬运他们。 6. 她跑得那么慢,所以她不能赶上我们。She ran_ _ that she _ _ up with us.7. 从化的空气是那么清新,因此很适合我们居住。The air in Conghua is _ fresh _ it is p

25、erfect _ _.8. 这个箱子如此重以至于她举不动它.The box is _ _ _ she _ lift it.9. 这位老渔夫虽然60多岁,但他仍然足够强壮的推动这条船. 10. 这个箱子太重了,这个小孩子搬不动.The box is _ _ _ the boy to carry.11. 天娜太了了,不能照顾自己.Tina is _ _ _ look after herself.12. 水太凉,孩子们无法在这儿游泳. 13. 这个游泳池足够大了。它一次能容纳200人游泳。This swimming pool is _ _ to hold 200 people to_at a tim

26、e14. 他年纪太小了不能上学He is _ _ _ go to school.He is not _ _ _ go to school.He is _ _ _ he cant go to school.15. 这个孩子够大可以去上学。The child is _ _ _ to school.16. 我足够幸运在北京见到篮球明星乔丹。I was_ _ _ _basketball star Jordan in Beijing.1. 他们足够勇敢来面对地震带来的伤害。 2. 他很强壮,能把这石头举起。 He is life the stone.3. 我不够高,够不着那幅画。Im not _ _ to reach the picture.1. 充足的睡眠使人看起来健康、年轻。1. He isnt A . old enough B. enough old C. big enough D. enough big2. He wasnt with his knife. He cut himself.A . careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough c

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