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1、高考英语调研大二轮复习北师大版综合检测试题必修118页2020高考英语调研大二轮复习北师大版综合检测试题(必修1)第一部分略第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2019南宁二中高三月考)My divorce was now final and I needed to find a new home for me and my sixyearold son, Dash. A few days earlier Id seen an ad. I was willing to try a

2、nything, so I contacted the owner, a woman named Camille. When she emailed me back I discovered she wasnt renting a house at all. She was renting the attic (阁楼) apartment. I left her a message calling off our meeting.But Camille called me back and insisted I come over. So here I was. I pulled the ca

3、r to a stop and looked up at the tiny cottage. The house was small as it was. The attic window looked too tiny to let much light in. We couldnt live in a dark, depressing place. I could make do (凑合) with almost anything. But Dash needs a good home, a place he really feels safe.No sense in wasting he

4、r time or mine. I knocked. The woman who opened the door was small and brighteyed. She was much older than Id guessed, but I could see she had the energy of someone half her age. She looked so sympathetic that I found myself wanting to keep talking to her. “We have to leave our home,” I explained. “

5、My marriage ended. I only have a few days to find something else, but I want it to be right.”Camille nodded. “Youre a good mother. You never know the miracles that await you around the corner.” Camille walked me to the door and wished me well. I got back in the car and snapped_out_of_it. I drove off

6、 slowly, hoping to make the feeling last. I turned down a side street I didnt recognize. I glanced out of the side window. Just up ahead was a cottage with a sign out in front: for rent.I pulled over. I found the owners had just bought the house themselves and were decorating it, hoping to find the

7、perfect renters. They took me on a tour of the house that was like a copy of my list: a big bedroom for Dash, a backyard with trees, and a great school nearby. The house was meant for us!Camille was right. Miracles await us, just around the corner.本文讲述的是作者离婚后,独自带着儿子寻找出租房屋的经历。21How did the author fee

8、l after receiving Camilles email?ADisappointed. BExcited.CAnxious. DContent.答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“When she emailed me back I discovered she wasnt renting a house at all.I left her a message calling off our meeting”可推知,收到Camille的邮件之后,作者发现她出租的房子并不是自己想要的那种,因此给Camille留言取消见面,由此可推知作者应是感到失望的。故答案选A。22Why mus

9、t the author find a good place?ATo begin a new life.BTo give Dash a good education.CFor her sons sake.DFor her and her sons safety.答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“We couldnt live in a dark, depressing place. I could make do (凑合) with almost anything. But Dash needs a good home, a place he really feels safe”可知,

10、作者觉得她和儿子Dash不能住在黑暗又压抑的地方,她自己可以凑合,但是Dash需要一个温暖的家,一个他真正感觉安全的地方,第四段也提到“Youre a good mother”,由此可知,作者心心念念要找一个好地方完全是为了儿子Dash。故答案选C。23What does the underlined part “snapped out of it” probably mean?ASay something in an impatient voice.BStop feeling unhappy or depressed.CMake a sharp noise suddenly.DLose co

11、ntrol of ones feelings.答案:B解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段的内容,尤其是“.You never know the miracles that await you around the corner.I drove off slowly, hoping to make the feeling last”可知,在Camille的鼓励下,作者重新燃起对生活的希望,摆脱了郁闷的心境,她驾车慢慢离开,希望这种愉悦的感觉持续下去。故画线部分应是“抛掉不愉快的情绪,摆脱郁闷的心境”之意。故答案选B。24What message does the passage mainly conv

12、ey?ANever lose hope.BNo pains, no gains.CEvery little bit helps.DWell begun is half done.答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据文章内容,尤其是第四段中的“You never know the miracles that await you around the corner”及最后一段中的“Miracles await us, just around the corner”可知答案为A。B(2019太原五中质检)Hannahs daddy was a teacher who barely made enough

13、money to raise his six kids. Hannah wore handmedowns from her older sisters. For Christmas she usually got used dolls and books. As a child, she dreamed of having the beautiful clothes, cars, and homes that she often saw on TV.Several years after she graduated from college, she became a partowner of

14、 a successful decorating business in Manhattan. She worked very hard to realize her dream and took little care of herself. Sometimes her head ached and there was a great pain in her leg, but she thought she was young and it didnt matter. Her friends advised her to have a health check regularly, but

15、she didnt take it seriously, saying she was OK.Her life became what she had dreamed about as a little girl. She was on top of the world at 30. Then she underwent a health checkup. Unfortunately, she had developed cancer. Surgery was necessary to determine how much the cancer had spread. Hannah was o

16、perated on a week later. The surgeon suspected (怀疑) that cancer had spread to vital organs. Ten days later, the lab proved his suspicions.Hannahs doctor said he could treat her with the latest treatment, but it was just a matter of time before the cancer killed her. He guessed that she had less than

17、 a year to live. A couple of weeks later, she visited another cancer specialist. He examined her and read her medical and lab reports. He said he agreed with her surgeon. “If you have any plans, do them now,” he advised.Instead, Hannah spent her last months at home. Her family and friends visited he

18、r regularly. The words often repeated by her before she died were:“Dont act as I did. Mind your health. It is the most precious wealth in the world.”一位年轻的女商人在事业腾飞之际却死于癌症。这件事再次提醒我们:无论再忙也不要忽视了身体健康,要经常检查和锻炼,健康才是我们最大的财富。25The following about Hannah are true EXCEPT that _.Ashe had no chance to go to scho

19、olBthere were six children in her familyCshe was eager to change her life as a childDher family was not rich when she was a child答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Several years after she graduated from college.”可知,Hannah大学毕业,由此可知,她并不是没有上学的机会。故选A。26Hannah didnt take her friends advice because _.Ashe was afraid to

20、 see a doctorBshe didnt feel any obvious painCshe didnt believe she would be illDshe was too busy to go to the hospital答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.she thought she was young and it didnt matter.”及“.she didnt take it seriously, saying she was OK.”可知,Hannah之所以没有采纳朋友让她去看医生的建议,是因为她不相信自己会生病。故选C。27What was the r

21、esult of Hannahs health checkup?AHer life was endangered because of cancer.BShe had developed cancer but it could be cured.CShe was just too tired and needed to have a rest.DHer surgeon couldnt be certain of her condition.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The surgeon suspected (怀疑) that cancer had spread to vita

22、l organs. Ten days later, the lab proved his suspicions.”可知,Hannah得了致命的癌症。故选A。28The writer wrote this passage mainly to tell us _.Ahow Hannah succeededBhow important health is to usCwhy a businesswoman died very youngDhow cancer killed a successful woman答案:B解析:写作目的题。结合全文可知,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是告诉我们:健康对于我们来说

23、是多么重要。故选B。C(2019海南中学月考)Few things are as disappointing as having your parents try to run your life. As a teenager, you are trying hard to find your own place in the world and make decisions for yourself. However, because your parents have been teens, they know that you often need to make mistakes to

24、 learn to be independent. So they often interrupt you when you are doing things sometimes.If your parents think that you are hiding things from them in order to do things they wouldnt approve of, they can get anxious. They often fail to understand teenagers and their anxiety makes them act more stri

25、ctly toward you. It is very natural. Your parents are caring about your safety. If they fear that you will suffer physical or emotional harm from your choices, they will try to stop you. Its in their parental nature.What can you do to get your parents to relax and let you make your own choices and m

26、istakes? There really is only one thing you have to do you have to earn their trust. You must behave in an open and honest manner with your parents at all times. You need to give them an idea of how you think and behave when they arent around.You can help them to trust you by showing them that you h

27、ave listened to the things they have taught you and that you appreciate the values they have worked hard to put in you. This means that there will be times when you will have to do exactly as they have asked regardless of how much you disagree instead of quarrelling with them.You can also get their

28、trust by trying to help them with the housework or something else. This is a good chance to show them that you have grown up and you can not only help them but also do things by yourselves.Little by little, your parents may get to understand you and give you the freedom you want.父母为什么会左右处于青少年时期的孩子们的

29、选择?因为他们担心孩子的安全,但是这种担心却妨碍了孩子的成长。青少年要想获得自由,唯一需要做的事情就是取得父母的信任。29According to the passage, parents are often in the way when the teenagers are making their own decision in order to _.Akeep their images in the childrens mindBmake sure of the safety of the teenagersChelp their children to become independe

30、ntDshow teenagers are too young to do that答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的Your parents are caring about your safety. If they fear that you will suffer physical or emotional harm from your choices, they will try to stop you.可知,父母有时候阻止孩子们做决定是出于对孩子们安全的考虑。故选B。30Who are the passage intended for?AParents. BSchool tea

31、chers.CTeenagers. DYoung couples.答案:C解析:推理判断题。文章第一句Few things are as disappointing as having your parents try to run your life.使用了第二人称,说明本文的写作对象是青少年。故选C。31We know from the passage that _.Aparents are afraid of losing control of their childrenBteenagers can never learn to make their own choicesCparen

32、ts have difficulty understanding their kidsDthe writer often quarrels with his parents in his life答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的They often fail to understand teenagers and their anxiety makes them act more strictly toward you.可知,父母很难理解他们的孩子们。故选C。D(2019银川一中高三模拟)I am always nervous when I get an email from my parents with “FYI (For Your

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