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1、广州版英语四年级下册总复习包括讲解及练习U1 He looks like a cook熟悉有关职业的单词: cook teacher policewoman builder doctor nurse farmer athlete painter pilot worker fireman Actor actress driver scientist一、Unit 1 单词哪一个;哪一些有;和在一起眼镜她(宾格)他(宾格)知道;认识女警察建筑工人医生农民护士制服掌握复数形式的名词Glasses 眼镜 jeans 牛仔裤 shoes 鞋子 Trousers 裤子 这些词要表示数量时,要加量词 ,通常用

2、 a pair of glasses / jeans /trousers /shorts policemen 男警察 policewomen 女警察学会描述人的外貌特征Green eyes big eyes small mouth big mouth round face big nose Long hair short hair straight hair curl hair brown hairYoung and shy happy Beautiful strong and kindPretty and friendly lovelyTall and thin 二、Unit 1 词组看起来

3、像 .在她旁边 beside . 带眼镜 .戴着白帽子 a hat带着婴儿 a .穿着黑色制服 a black .三、Unit 1句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1. that ? (那位女士是谁?)2. woman? (哪位女士?)3. The glasses. (戴眼镜的那位。)4. dont him. (我不认识他。) 5. looks a . (他看起来像厨师。)四、知识考点【知识考点一】介词in的用法:1) in 后面加上“衣帽”类单词,表示“穿(戴)着”。如:In a blue coat 穿着蓝色外套 in a red cap 戴着红色棒球帽2)in 后面加“位置”类单词,表示“在

4、里面”。如:The books are in my desk. 这些书在我的书桌里。 【知识考点二】Look like: 看起来像 如:They look like policemen. 他们看起来像警察。跟look 有关的短语: look at: 看; look after: 照顾Lets look the picture. They often look the old man. Look like 同义短语: be like They look like policemen. = They like policemen.【知识考点三】I dont know 我不知道 句型转换:肯定句:

5、I know the boy in blue jeans. 否定句: I dont know the boy in blue jeans.一般疑问句:Do you know the boy in blue jeans? 肯定回答:Yes, I do; 否定回答: No, I dont. 【知识考点四】Whos ? 是谁? Whos = Who is1) 问姓名: -Whos that girl? - She is Amy. 2) 问身份: -Whos that man in a red hat? - Hes my uncle. 3) 问职业: -Whos he? - He is a cook.

6、 Whos 和 whose 的区分:Whose: 谁的 , 如: - is the black dress? -It s my sisters. 重点重型What time is it?Its time to .Its time for.Its half past seven Its a quarter to ten.Its eight oclock.Im so tired.【知识考点五】 Which: 哪一个;哪一些, 放在句首,可接单数名词,也可接复数名词,既可提问人,也可提问物。 one is your English teacher? do you like, apples or ba

7、nanas? 【知识考点六】People: 人;人们 只以复数形式出现,不能出现a people, one people的现象,people后不加s. 如:Chinese people many people young people 【知识考点七】 With 的用法: 有;和在一起The man a red hat is a builder. 戴帽子的那位男士是一名建筑工人。I go to school my brother. 【知识考点八】 Glasses: 1. 眼镜; 2. 玻璃杯(复数)The man with is a doctor. There are three of wate

8、r on the table. 【知识考点九】 Beside: 在旁边 The woman has a baby her. 那位女士旁边有个婴儿。重点句型1.-What day is it today? - Its Saturday.2. Why do you like Wednesday? 3. I love Wednesday. 4. I love sports/ singing.5. I dont like . So I dont like.6. My favourite day is .【知识考点十】 Her: 1) 她(宾格); 2)她的Do you know ? uniform i

9、s black. 【知识考点十一】 Cook: 1) 厨师; 2) 煮David is a good . He a big meal. 课堂训练:1)选择填空.( ) 1. That man in a blue jacket is my father. Can you see ? A. her B. him C. it( ) 2. Kate is a girl glasses and a brown dress. A. in,with B. with,with C. with, in( ) 3. Whos that boy?- boy? -The one with a hat in a blu

10、e jacket. A.Which B.What C.Whos( ) 4.That man in a white coat like a doctor. A. look B.looks C. are( ) 5. The woman in a yellow hat and blue jeans is like a . She works on the farm. A. policeman B.nurse C.farmer( ) 6. There are two in the garden. A. man C. mans( ) 7. He a farmer. A. look like

11、B.looking like C.looks like( ) 8. He has brown and big . A.hairs,tooth,teeth C.hairs, teeth重点句型1. What are the children doing in the playground?2. Some of the children are . Some of them are .3. I think they are skating.4. It looks fun/ interesting / nice / delicious .5. I want go to and try

12、it with them.2)判断画线部分读音是否一致,是填T,否填F( ) 1. A. duck B. black( ) 2. A.nice B. cook( ) 3. A. ask ( ) 4. A. draw B. daughter( ) 5. A.rain B. train( ) 6. B. there( ) 7. B. few( ) 8. A.bear B.near3)选择括号里所给单词填空。1. A: (Which, Who) is the strong man in the garden? B: I think he is Jiamins

13、 father. 2. A: There are two girls in the room. (Which,Who) is your cousin? B: The one with short hair. 3. A: Whos that lady (with, in )a grey sweater? B: She looks like a writer. 4. The boy (in, with)glasses is my cousin Jim. 5. The girls has a doll in her hands. The boy (with, has)a ball under his

14、 arm. 6. A: There is a lady with glasses on the sofa. Whats (his, her) job? B: She looks like a reporter. 7. A: Whos that heavy many over there? B: He looks (like, at ) a cook in our school dining hall. 8. A: Look (like, at ) the boy in the school uniform. Who is he? B: Hes my cousin John. 4)将方框所给句子

15、的编号填入对话中相应的空白处AShe is lovely. BHe looks like hes only sixty.CHe looks like you. DThe little baby is my cousin, too. Ann: What is this, Kate? Kate: Its a photo of my grandpas birthday party. Look, this is my grandpa. Ann: How old is he? Kate: 82. Ann: (1) .Kate: Yes, he looks young. Ann: Whos the boy

16、 in a blue T-Shirt? (2) . Is he your brother? Kate: No, I dont have a brother. He is my cousin. Ann: And the woman with a baby in her arms? Whos she? Kate: Shes my aunt. (3) .Ann: Its a cute baby. Look at those big blue eyes. Kate: (4) Its her birthday, too. Ann: Oh, really? How old is she? Kate: Sh

17、e is one. 5)根据所给情景,选择合适的句子。A Thank you very much. B What time is it? C I usually get up at 6:30 on weekdays. D I am so tired E When do you have class? ( )1. 当你想知道几点了,你问: .( )2. 你想说你很累,你说: .( )3. 你想知道对方什么时候有课,你问: .( )4. 向对方表示感谢时,应说: .( )5. 你告诉别人你工作日通常六点半起床,应说: .6)阅读对话,判断T或F。 A : Whos that man? B: Whi

18、ch man? A: The one with a red hat in a grey jacket and black trousers. He has a spade(铲子)beside him. B: Hes Jacks father. He is a good builder. A: And that woman in a white dress? She looks like a nurse. B: Oh, shes Jacks mother. She is thin and pretty. She is good at cooking. ( )1. Jack is a good b

19、uilder. ( )2. Jacks father is wearing a grey jacket and black trousers. ( )3. Jacks mother is thin. ( )4. Jack s mother is a good cook.( )5. The woman in a white dress looks like a nurse. 课后作业:1 ) 英汉互译1. 戴眼镜 . 2. in a pink sweater and green shorts .3. 他旁边有个包 .4. 看起来像农民 .5. in a white uniform .2) 连词成

20、句1. blue mouth she a has eyes small and (.) .2. bag her she beside a has (.) .3. with is baby who the a woman (?) ?4. pink today she in is blouse a (.) .5. she like what is (? ) ?U2 She is very kind一、Unit 2 单词和蔼的;慈祥的真正地害羞的圆的友好的二、Unit 2 词组在教师办公室 the room年轻又害羞 and . 圆脸 a .陈先生 Chen李小姐 Li王女士 Wang美术老师 te

21、acher长头发 long .三、Unit 2 句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1.The English teacher in the room ?(新来的英语老师在教室办公室)2. ? (真的吗?)3. is like? (她/他长什么样呢?)4. is very and . (她很年轻而且害羞) 5. She (be) very . (她很和蔼) 重点词汇 Be born look at all the presentsWhats going on have a party Jiamins birthdayHappy birthday in January lets Candle Feb

22、ruary MarchApril August JuneJuly November OctoberDecember 四、知识考点【知识考点一】What is like? 像什么? What is like? 可以用来询问人的外貌,意思是“长什么样呢?” 如:-What he like? -He is tall and strong. 同义句: What is like? = What does look like ? What your art teacher ? = What your art teacher ?What is like? 只能用来询问单个人或事物的外貌或特征,当询问多个时,

23、要用What arelike ?- What the Maths Teachers like? - They tall and kind. 【知识考点二】kind: 1) 友好的;慈祥的 (形容词) 2) 种类(名词), 单数为kind, 复数为kindsWhat of music do you like best? The old woman is very . 【知识考点三】Really : 真正地 Really 常单独用在口语中,意思是“真的吗?”, 表示惊奇,惊叹。A: I have a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a little pig and ten fish.

24、B: ? You have a zoo ! 【知识考点四】Shy: 害羞的She is a girl. 她是一个害羞的女孩。单词末尾中y的发音:/ai/ my why try fly /i/ really friendly family Lily【知识考点五】 round: 1) 圆的 (形容词) 2) 圆形 (名词)The boy has a small and face. 这个男孩长着小小的圆脸。其他表示形状的单词: square正方形 triangle三角形 star星形 heart心形【知识考点六】friendly: 友好的 The new Chinese teacher is . f

25、riend: 朋友跟friend 有关的短语: make friends 交朋友; best friend 最好的朋友【知识考点七】中文名字: “姓”在前,“名”在后, 如: Wang Lin 王林 Li Xiaogang 刘小刚英文名字: “名”在前,“姓”在后, 如: Kate Green 凯特格林 Mike White 迈克怀特课堂训练:7)选择填空( ) 1. Look at that boy short hair and a round face. Do you know him? A. have B. with C. has( ) 2. What is your Chinese t

26、eacher ? A.look like B. like C. look( ) 3. The old man is tall and thin. He is very . A.kind and friendly B.short hair C.round face( ) 4.The girl has eyes and long hair. A. young,tall B.pretty, strong C.shy, big( ) 5. What is the baby like? -He is and . A. round, happy B. short, lovely C. big nose,

27、tall( ) 6. that woman? A. Who B.Whose C. Whos8)判断画线部分读音是否一致,是填T,否填F( ) 1. A. cent B. city( ) 2. A.nice B. black( ) 3. A. hair B.fair ( ) 4. A. my B. friendly( ) 5. B. near9)按要求写单词1. he(宾格) . 2. policewoman(复数) .3. friend(形容词) . 4. her(主格) .5. glass(复数) .10)为问句找出合适的答语( ) 1. We have a new Chine

28、se teacher in the classroom. ( ) 2. What is the cat like?( ) 3. Whos the strong man? ( ) 4. Which woman? ( ) 5. What does the cook look like? A. It is small and lovely. B. The one with a baby. C. He has short hair and a small mouth. He is young and happy. D. Really? E. Oh, he is my brother. Hes a do

29、ctor. 11)读一读,选出不同类的一项( ) 1. A. which B. what C. with D. who( ) 2. A. big B. tall C. thin D.know( ) 3. A. nose B. round C. face ) 4. A. policeman B. builder C. cook D.uniform( ) 5. A. really B.happy C.kind D.friendly( ) 6. A. skirt B.jeans C.trousers D.shorts( ) 7. A.round B.long C.happy

30、ort12)选用所给的特殊疑问词填空what where how who which 1. - is the maths teacher? - Hes in the teachers office. 2. - is the old man in the garden? - I think hes Mikes grandfather. 3. - is your new PE teacher like? - He is tall and strong. But he looks kind. 4. There are two girls in the photo. is your sister? - The one with black hair. 5. - is your grand

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