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1、错题精华集九全unit12教师版错题精华集unit12 Life is full of the unexpected.一、单项选择(45分)1(1分)Marry, itseemsyoudontquiteunderstandwhatwearetalkingabout?Sorry, I _ofsomethingelsejustnow.A.havethought B.hadthought C.thought D.wasthinking2(1分)By the time I got up, my mother _ the breakfast well.A.has cooked B.cooked C.ha

2、ve cooked D.had cooked3(1分)I cant find my mobile phone.Dont worry. Maybe you _ it at home.A.forgot B.missed C.lost D.left4(1分)Youdonthavetotakeyourdictionarytoschool.Youmay _ itathome.A.miss B.lose C.leave D.forget5(1分)I hear you missed the school bus this morning.Yes. By the time I _ to the bus sto

3、p, the bus had already left.A.get C.has got D.had got6(1分)Why didnt Tony _at the party? He said he would come.It seemed that he overslept.A.cheer up B.take up C.stay up up7(1分)Im sorry I_my exercise book at home this morning.It doesnt matter. Dont forget_it here this afternoon.A.left;to

4、 take B.forgot;bringing C.left;to bring D.forgot;to bring8(1分)He isnt _. He always _ his school things at home.A.enough careful; forgets B.careful enough; forgetsC.enough careful; leaves D.careful enough; leaves9(1分)Great changes _in Tianjin in the past five years.A.have happened B.have taken placeC

5、.have been happened D.have been taken place10(1分)I was late today because my alarm clock didnt off B.go off C.give out D.give up11(1分)Life is _ the unexpected. Whatever we do, try our best.A.full of B.proud of C.instead of D.because of12(1分)Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy _ over 10,000,000 yua

6、n to help the poor in 2015.A.gave up B.gave off C.gave out D.gave away13(1分)Please dont be late. Come here times the time C.on time D.take time14(1分)The silly crow (乌鸦) wanted to _ its song but none would enjoy it.A.take off off C.turn off D.get off15(1分)Tina got up late this morn

7、ing and hurried to school _ her English book. She had to share one with Lana, her deskmate.A.with B.without D.for16(1分)Hi, Jack. Would you like to come to my birthday party next Friday?Id love to, but Im not _.Im leaving for Beijing on that day.A.believable B.enjoyable C.available 17(1分)Tommy i

8、s clever. He always _ good ideas.A.comes up with B.ends up withC.makes up with D.catches up with18(1分)Whatdidthescientistsayatyesterdaysmeeting?Hesaidhe _somesciencefictionoverthepastfewyears.A.haswritten B.wrote C.hadwritten D.iswriting19(1分)RoseandMinnie_eachotherprettywellbeforetheyworkedinthesam

9、ebank.A.knows B.know C.haveknown D.hadknown20(1分)He told me that he _ here for five minutes.A.has come B.had arrived C.had been D.had come21(1分)This kind of books _ well. They _ out sold; sold B.sell; sold sold; were sold D.sells; were sold22(1分)We are very delighted _ you here i

10、n meet B.met D.meeting23(1分)Life is about waiting for the right moment _, because everyone is in his own TIME act B.acting C.act D.acts24(1分)How is this kind of American dessert?It tastes _ and sells _.A.good; good B.well; well C.good; well 25(1分)WhenIarrivedatthecinem

11、a, themovie_fortenminutes.A.hasbegun B.hadbegun C.hadbeenon D.hasbeenon26(1分)Thevolunteers _alotofwastebottlesonthebeachbytheendofthetourismfestival.A.will collect B.have collected C.was collecting D.had collected27(1分)Pity you missed Georges wedding.Well, I _.A.havent been invited B.wouldnt be invi

12、tedC.hadnt been invited not invited28(1分)When did you meet Jack for the first time?I met him _the airport _National; in B.on; on C.on; in; on29(1分)David promised that he would come to the party, but he didnt _.A.stay up B.grow up C.wake up up30(1分)Mary, could you help me _

13、when the plane takes off on the Internet?Im sorry. My computer doesnt work.A.think of B.try out C.find out D.make sure31(1分)Mr. White plans to move to his new flat _ the end of D.on32(1分)A good teacher can always make his class _ and keep students_ in it.A.alive; interestingB

14、.alive; interested C.lively; interested D.lively; interesting33(1分)My grandparents _ for over 60 years and they love each other very much.A.have been married marriedC.were married D.have got married34(1分)一Why were you late for schoolthis morning?Because my alarm clock didnt go off and I

15、anged B.completed C.overslept D.missed35(1分)Julie, could you help me get the book in the self? Im not tall enough.Sure, Ill give you a _.A.line B.lift C.knife D.kick36(1分)This is nothing _.A.done do C.doing 37(1分)Lifeisfullof_wonders, buttheyrenotalways _ oneswehopefor.A./; the B.the; the C./;

16、/ D.the; /38(1分)Something special happened _ Larry _ the first day of school.A.from; in; on C.from; on; in39(1分)The relation between the two countries gets _. A war seems to break out soon.I hope they will make peace with each other.A.worse and worse B.better and betterC.more and more peac

17、eful D.more and more beautiful40(1分)Catherine got married _ a policeman twenty years ago.A.with B.for D.in41(1分)The poor _losing hope. They will get help.A.isnt B.dont C.arent D.doesnt42(1分)Mary is a clever girl. She keeps _questions about the world.A.asking ask C.ask D.asked43(1分)My most

18、_ moment was trying to introduce a person whose name I couldnt remember. Every time this kind of thing happens, I feel _.A.embarrassing; embarrassing B.embarrassing; embarrassedC.embarrassed; embarrassed D.embarrassed; embarrassing44(1分)It was the second time that he _ marathon.A.had taken part in B

19、.has taken part inC.took part in D.will take part in45(1分)You can go _ the street when the traffic lights turn green.A.through B.across C.cross D.off二、填空题(25分)46(5分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子(1)我的闹钟每天早上6点响。My alarm clock at 6 oclock every morning.(2)这儿离火车站有点儿远,我捎你一程吧。Its a little far from here to the train statio

20、n. Let me .(3)琳达不得不戴上眼镜看卡片上的字。Linda has to her glasses to read the words on the card.(4)我们到达机场时,只迟到了3分钟。 we got to the airport, we were only 3 minutes late.(5)塔拉醒来时发现家里没人。When Tara , she found nobody was at home.47(5分)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)The leaders (expected) arrival threw us into total confusion.(

21、2)The passengers felt lucky to be (live) after the accident.(3)Luckily, some people managed to run out of the (burn) building.(4)The little boy stared at the old man in (belief), shaking his head.(5)In some (west) countries, people go to church on weekends.48(5分)按要求完成句子(1)By the time she got up, her

22、 mother had gone to work. (对画线部分提问) her mother done by the time she got up?(2)When I got home, my mother had cooked dinner. (改为否定句)When I got home, my mother cooked dinner.(3)Have you ever been late for school? (作否定回答)No, .(4)Jim has owned the backpack since his tenth birthday. (对画线部分提问) has Jim own

23、ed the backpack?(5)I was about to go up to my office. At that time I decided to get a coffee first. (合并为一句)I was about to go up to my office I decided to get a coffee first.49(5分)同义句转换(每空一词)。(1)Susan married Tom two years ago.Susan and Tom for twoyears.(2)My favorite car didnt work.My favorite car .

24、(3)Jack cleaned his room the whole day.Jack cleaned his room .(4)The book is more interesting than any other book.The book is of all.(5)When I got to the park, they had left. I got to the park, they hadleft.50(5分)完成句子。(1)你曾经戏弄过其他人吗,尤其在愚人节当天?Have you ever others, especially on April Fools Day?(2)所有的花

25、在两小时内卖完了。All the flowers were in two hours.(3)我们打算出去,但是最终在家看英语录像片。We were going out, but watching English language videos at home.(4)你要记住尽可能多的单词。You should remember possible.(5)锻炼能帮助人们减肥。Exercising can help people .错题精华集unit12 Life is full of the unexpected.一、单项选择1 【答案】D【解析】考查过去进行时。句意:玛丽,好像你不是很理解我们正

26、在谈论的事情。抱歉,我刚才在考虑别的事情。根据语境及题干中的 just now 可知空格处应用过去进行时,表示刚才那个时刻正在做的事情。故选D。2 【答案】D【解析】考查时态。句意:我起床的时候,妈妈已经做好早饭了。根据 by the time 直到/到时候为止,可知主句需用完成时。再根据主从句时态一致原则,因从句为一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时。故选D。3 【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:我找不到我的手机了。不要担心,也许你把它忘在家里了。forgot 忘记(指事情);missed 错过;lost 丢失;left 忘记(指东西),leave sth.+地点:把某物落在某处。故选D。4 【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:你不必把字典带到学校,你可以把它留在家里。miss错过;lose 丢失;leave 留在;forget 忘记。根据空格后面的 at home 可知此处表示“把某物遗忘在某地”用 leave sth. at home 把某物落在家里。故选C。5 【答案】B【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:我听说你今天早上没赶上校车。是

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