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1、学年九年级英语上册单元基础练习题59A Unit8单元知识点复习一、基础词汇(n)1侦探_ 2凶手_ 3线索_4犯罪嫌疑人_ 5事实_ 6受害者_7罪行_ 8仇人_ 9系统_10目击者_ 11.报酬_ 12.逮捕_13.指纹_ 14.老板_ 15.匆忙_16.绑架_ 17.财富_ 18.监狱_19.安全_ 20.项链_ 21.偷窃_22.珠宝_(v.) (adj)1中等的_ 2不整洁的_ 3有罪的_4单身的_ 5收入高的_ 6犯法的_7女性的_ 8缺少的_ 9唯一的_(adv)1沉重地_ 2大概_ 3在某处_二、英汉互译1中等身材_ 2更加严重得多_3任何不同寻常的事_ 4失血过多而死亡_5有

2、罪的_ 6被指控_7提供的悬赏_ 8拨打和警方联系_9提供有用的信息_ 10.无事可做_11.被塑造_ 12的画像_13与某人相处融洽_ 14.靠谋生_15因谋杀而被捕_ 16.原来是_17.坐牢_ 18.保护某人自己对抗犯罪_19防范某事_ 20.浪费时间做某事_21.因谋杀而被铺_ 22. go missing_23.a 25-yearold man_ 24. as a result_25. be wounded with a knife_ 26. at the scene of the crime_27. break into_ 28. according to the record_2

3、9. breathe heavily_ 30. for safety_31. be surprised to do sth. _ 32. have no criminal record_33. do something against the law_34. call the police_35. report sb. to the police_ 36. lead to_37. in a hurry_38.a man of great wealth_39. remember to lock the door_ 40. carry a lot of money with_41. glance

4、at each other in an incredulous smile_42. on the morning of 28th, April_三、根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 1. It is reported that the_ (谋杀案) took place the day before yesterday. 2. Will you please tell me how to_ (联系) Amy? 3. He is a man of great _ (财富), but he often looks untidy. 4. The_(绑架) happe

5、ned in my hometown last night 5. How did you _ (证明) that she was the shoplifter? 6. Have the police found the_(证人) of that accident? 7. The police are now checking the scene for_(指纹) and other clues. 8. Tom did something_(违反) the law. 9. His uncle has been in_(监狱) for half a year for theft 10. For_(

6、安全), the Smiths moved to another city. 11. Ill buy a_ (钻石) necklace for my mother as her 50th birthday present. 12. What made your nose_(流血)all the time? 13. Is there anything wrong with your computer_(系统)? 14. Does the interesting, _ (收入高的) job belong to you? 15. I want to_(举报)Jill to the teacher b

7、ecause he often copies others homework 16. -Have you found any useful_ about MH370? -Not yet, but were not going to give up until we do.17. -My daughter is so honest that she never_. -I really admire you have such a good daughter.18. -I think your lost pen must be put_ else by yourself. . -I hope so

8、.19. -Linda, are you still_ at present? -No. I have been married for half a year.20.-Is it necessary for you to_ all the doors when you leave home? -Certainly.四、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. His uncle is a man of medium_ (high).2. The house is on fire. We have to run out for_ (safe).3. The cat is_ (wound). I nee

9、d some help.4. Many people are wondering whether the victim_ (kill) somewhere else.5. Jills uncle is an_ (experience) detective.6. Its snowing _ (heavy) outside. Youd better stay at home.7. Unluckily, my bike has gone_ (miss).8. Im surprised_ (find) that Lindas mother is blind.9. So far, Alice_ (wri

10、te) many great stories.10. Jim was seen_ (lie) on the ground at this time yesterday.11. He was charged with_ (break) into the teachers office.12. Its said that Mr. David has no _ (crime) record.13. Dont be afraid of_ (enemy) in the war.14. Does he have any criminal records for_ (thief)?15. Have you

11、put up a _ (draw) of the first suspect?16. He likes reading_ (detect) stories like his other classmates.17. It is reported that one of the_ (murder) has been arrested.18. Do you need_ (buy) another car at the moment?19. Can you hear someone_ (call) you outside?20. Millie is always in a hurry_ (catch

12、) the school bus every morning.五、句子翻译1海伦的猫已经失踪好几天了。_2那起谋杀案发生在一个寒冷的冬天的夜晚。_3受害人被枪打伤,并流血至死。_4侦探就是为一些重要的事情寻找线索的人。_5受害人父母提供了五万元对提供线索逮捕凶手的人给予奖励。_6任何有消息的人都应当和警方联系,拨打43938765。_7经常看到米莉熬夜完成作业。_8警方还没查出凶手是谁。_9一千米赛跑后,选手们都喘着粗气。_10.那个猎人因杀死了一只丹顶鹤而被指控。_11.结果是,杰克和那个案件无关。_12你最好立刻报警。_13.那个绑匪进来了,手里拿着杆枪。_14.我一直和隔壁的邻居相处融洽

13、。_15.琳达,不要浪费时间看小说了。_16.开车请注意安全,我不赶时间。_17在五月一日早上,那个五岁的小男孩被绑架了。_18那位老人有一个在部队工作的儿子。_19她居住的城市离海非常远。_20汤姆是第一个通过考试的人。_六、单项填空( )1. Is there anything_ I can do for you? A which B. that C. what D. when( ) 2. That is the most interesting book_ I have ever read A that B. which C. what D. where( )3. Thats the o

14、nly thing_ I can do now. A. what B. which C. what D. that( )4. The girl and her cat_ I always meet are standing by the gate. A what B. which C. when D. that .( )5. I like the cartoon_ has a happy ending and makes me _. A. which; to laugh B. that; to laugh C. whose; laughing D. which; laugh( )6. Liu

15、Yang is the first Chinese woman astronaut_ has ever traveled in space. We are all proud of her. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose( )7. -Do you know everybody_ came to the club? -No, I dont know the one_ you had a long talk with near the door. A who; / B. whose; that C. that; which D. /; whom( )8. -Li

16、nda, can you tell me something about Mo Yan? -Sure. He is the writer_ won the Nobel Literature Prize. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom( )9. The computer_ the day before yesterday has caught a virus. A. which I bought it B. I bought C. what I bought D. I bought it( )10. Id like to tell you about the

17、table manners_ you should know when you visit the USA. A which B. who C. what D. how参考答案、(n)1detective 2murderer 3clue 4suspect 5truth 6victim 7crime8enemy 9system 10witness 11Reward 12arrest 13fingerprint 14boss 15hurry 16kidnapping 17 wealth 18prison19safety 20necklace 21theft 22jewellery (v)1murd

18、er 2guess 31ie 4confirm 5contact 6wound 7charge 8suppose 9report10breathe 11kidnap 12lock 13shut 14Steal(adj)1medium 2untidy 3guilty 4single 5wellpaid6criminal 7female 8missing 9only(adv)1heavily 2probably 3somewhere二、1medium height 2much more serious 3anything unusual 4bleed to death 5be guilty of6

19、 be charged with sth/doing 7offer a reward of 8contact the police on 9provide useful information 10have nothing to do with 11be created by 12the drawing of 13get on well with sb 14dofor a 1iving 15be under arrest for murder 16turn out 17in prison 18protect oneself against crime 19guard against sth 2

20、0lose ones time doing sth21be under arrest for murder 22不见 23一个25岁的男子 24结果 25因为刀而受伤26在案发现场 27破门而人28根据记录29气喘吁吁30。为了安全31惊讶做某事情32没有犯罪记录 33做一些违法的事情34报警 35向警方告发某人 36导致37匆忙地38。一位有巨额财富的人39记得锁门 40随身携带大量的钱41用怀疑的微笑相互看了一眼 42在四月二十八日早上三、1murder 2contact 3wealth 4kidnapping 5prove 6witness7fingerprints 8against 9

21、prison 10safety 11diamond 12bleed 13systems14well-paid 15report 16clues 171ies 18somewhere 19single 20Lockexperice : c.n/ u.nexpericed : adjwritewrote- written lielied-liedlielay- lain - lyinglaylaidlaid- layingsee/hear sb do/doingsb be seen/heard to do /doing四、1height 2safety 3wounded 4was killed 5

22、experienced 6heavily 7missing8to find 9has written 101ying Need doingBe in a hurry to do 11breaking 12 criminal 13Enemies 14.theft 15drawing 16detective 17murderers 18to buy 19calling 20To catch 五、1Helens cat has been missing for several days 2The murder took place on a cold winter night。 3The victi

23、m was wounded with a gun and bled to death4A detective is someone (who looks for clues to something important) 5The victims parents have offered a reward of¥50000 for any information leads to the arrest of the murderer 6Anyone who has /with information should contact the police on 43938765 7Millie is often seen to stay up late

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