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1、探析中国乡村景观园林和环境保护探析中国乡村景观园林和环境保护内容摘要 针对中国乡村城市化进程中的乡村人类聚居环境规划建设, 提出乡村景观园林的问题, 阐述了乡村景观园林的定义、国内外研究动态及其理论与实践意义, 进而提出了作者关于我国乡村景观园林研究的内容、方法及其预期成果。Content based on Chinas rural urbanization in rural human settlement environment planning and construction, bring up the question of rural landscape, this paper e

2、xpounds the definition of rural landscape, theory and practice of domestic and foreign research dynamic and significance, then proposed the author about the contents, methods of rural landscape research in China and its expected outcomes. 1 引言1 introduction 乡村有景观吗? 乡村有园林吗? 乡村需要景观园林吗? 在城市化进程快速发展的今天,

3、在大地景观开始深入人心的现代, 对于中国规划建筑界, 这些问题已经开始引起人们的关注。众所周知, 乡村既是人类聚居环境的基本细胞, 也是中国绝大部分人口的主要聚居地区。乡村园林以乡村景观为背景, 乡村景观在客观方面包括地理位置、地形、水、土、气候、动、植物、人工物等, 在主观方面包括经济发展程度、社会文化、生活习俗, 乡村园林正是在这种综合的景观中孕育、演变、发展、生成, 所以乡村园林与乡村景观密不可分, 故而, 乡村景观园林也就成为本文的论题。根据人类聚居环境学理论(刘滨谊1999) , 作为乡村人类聚居环境的基本背景, 乡村景观园林作为乡村规划的基础背景, 它对整个村落的布局、特色的塑造和

4、生态环境的保育起着决定性的作用, 它的面貌、格局、规划、建设决定着乡村环境的生死存亡。合理而理想的乡村景观园林, 表面看上去朴实无华, 然而在“ 因地制宜”、“就地取材”、“因材致用”、“持续发展” 的基本原则指导下, 其内在却是丰富多彩、形态各异、耐人寻味的, 其中, 不乏有许多优点而令今天的城市人神往。当今中国, 随着城市化进程的不断加快, 乡村景观园林在乡村人类聚居环境规划建设中的作用、地位日渐重要。对于迅速城市化的乡村地带, 乡村景观园林正处于十字路口, 迫切需要予以定位、定性、定向、定型, 而对于当今那些步入病态衰败的城镇, 理想的乡村景观园林无疑将成为“ 治病” “健身” 的一帖灵

5、丹妙药。Rural landscape? Country garden? Country need a landscape? In the current rapid development of urbanization process, at the beginning of the earth landscape is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the modern times, planning and architecture in China, these problems have begun to cause th

6、e attention of people. As is known to all, the country is the basic cell of human settlement environment, and the vast majority of people is also Chinas major populated areas. Country garden is set in rural landscape and rural landscape in objective aspects including geographical position, terrain,

7、water, soil, climate, plants and animals, artificial objects, such as the subjective aspects including the economic development level, social culture and living custom, country garden it was in this kind of comprehensive landscape breeds, evolution, development, generation, so the rural landscape an

8、d rural landscape are inseparable, therefore, the rural landscape has become the thesis of this article. According to the theory of human settlement environment LiuBinYi (1999), as a basic background of rural human settlement environment, rural landscape as the foundation of the rural planning backg

9、round, the layout of it for an entire village, shaping of the characteristics and ecological environment conservation plays a decisive role, its features, landscape, planning, construction decides the survival of rural environment. Reasonable and ideal rural landscape, the surface seems plain, but t

10、he adjust measures to local conditions, use local materials, due to the material tool, sustainable development under the guidance of the basic principles, its are immanent is rich and colorful, forms, intriguing, among them, there are many advantages for todays city people longing. In todays China,

11、with the accelerating of urbanization process, rural landscape planning and construction of human settlement environment in the country the role, status is important. For rapid urbanization of rural areas, rural landscape is at a crossroads, the urgent need for positioning, qualitative, directional,

12、 finalize the design, and for those in morbid decaying towns today, ideal rural landscape will no doubt become a cure panacea fitness of a post. 在学术界, 德国、荷兰、奥地利、美国、日本、韩国等工业先进国家早已关注乡村景观园林这一领域, 而我国在这一领域的理论研究与规划实践几乎还是一片空白。In academia, in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, the United States, Japan, Sout

13、h Korea and other advanced industrial countries have already focused on rural landscape in this area, and our country in this field of theoretical research and planning practice is almost a blank. 2 乡村景观园林的含义2 the meaning of rural landscape “乡村景观园林” (Rural Landscape and Garden) 是一个新兴的研究领域, 对其研究的范围和研

14、究的对象, 目前还尚无完整而确切的定义。单单从字面上看, 它由“ 乡村” 和“景观园林” 两个概念组成。这里用“ 乡村” 而没用“农村” 一词, 主要因为农村是与农业产业联系在一起的, 是以农业生产为主体的地域, 如今在农村, 作为农业生产主体的农民, 有一部分并不一定从事农业生产而是从事非农事活动, 因此, 用“农村” 来界定范围具有一定的难度域概念, 泛指城市和原始无人聚居地带以外的一切地域, 特指城市(包括市和镇) 建成区以外的地区, 是一个空间的地域系统。“ 景观园林” 的定义可以分解为“ 景观” 和“园林” 两个方面。对于“景观”, 从景观规划设计学科角度, 笔者曾有阐述: 扼要地讲

15、, 景观包含着地球表面自然的、人工的人类聚居环境, 并且与社会、文化、习俗、人类精神、审美密不可分(刘滨谊1990 , 1996 , 1999) 。对于“园林”, 张家骥先生在中国造园论一书中汇总了许多专家学者对“ 园林” 的理解和定义(张家骥1991) , 并在此基础上对“园林” 下了定义: “ 园林是以自然山水为主题思想, 以花木、水石、建筑等为物质为表现手段, 在有限的空间里, 创造出视觉无尽的, 具有高度自然精神境界的环境。” 因此, 广义的乡村景观园林是非城市化地区人类聚居环境, 其以大自然真山、真水等自然材料而形成的具有审美价值、高度自然精神境界的环境。Rural Landscap

16、e (Rural Landscape and Garden) is an emerging area of research, its research scope and research objects, there is no complete and precise definition. Just literally, it consists of country and landscape of two concepts. Here use country but not the word rural, mainly because of the rural is linked w

17、ith the agricultural industry, based on regional agricultural production as the main body, is now in the rural areas and farmers as the main body of agricultural production, some does not have to engage in agricultural production, but engaged in non-agricultural activities, therefore, with the rural

18、 to define the scope of certain difficulties to the domain concept, referring to the city and the original no inhabit a region outside the zone, especially cities (including cities and towns) outside built up area is a geographical space system. The definition of landscape can be decomposed into two

19、 aspects of landscape and garden. For the landscape, from the perspective of landscape planning and design disciplines, the author has expounded: briefly speaking, the landscape contains the earths surface, natural, artificial, human settlement environment and the social, cultural, customs, human sp

20、irit and aesthetic inseparable (LiuBinYi 1990, 1996, 1990). For the garden, Mr 张家骥 book Chinese gardening theory summarizes many experts and scholars in the understanding and definition of landscape (张家骥 1991), based on the defined under the garden, garden by natural scenery as the theme, with flowe

21、rs and trees, water, stone, building as the material for performance means, in limited space, create a vision of endless, highly natural mental state of the environment. Therefore, generalized rural landscape is urbanization areas of human settlement environment, its true mountain, water and other n

22、atural materials in nature and form of aesthetic value, high natural mental state of the environment. 需要说明的是乡村景观园林的界定是相对于城市化而言的, 过去许多传统的乡村景观园林目前已成为城市园林, 它们不在笔者所研究的范围内。To note is the definition of rural landscape is relative to the urbanization, in the past, many traditional rural landscape has becom

23、e urban gardens, they are beyond the scope of the author research. 3 乡村景观园林的研究目标The aim of three rural landscape 乡村景观园林存在着一个从传统到现代的演变, 传统乡村景观园林伴随着农耕文明而出现, 随着工业文明及当今后工业文明的进化, 乡村景观园林同样也在走向现代。其演变的根本动力是乡村人们生活的演变, 乡村景观园林始终与广大乡村居民的日常生活环境紧密地结合在一起, 然而, 它的地位和作用长期以来一直未引起学术界和规划设计界的关注重视。Rural landscape there is

24、 a evolution from tradition to modern, the traditional rural landscape with the farming civilization and appear, with the industrial civilization and the evolution of the industrial civilization after today, also in to the modern rural landscape gardens. Its primary force shaping the evolution is th

25、e evolution of the rural peoples life, rural landscape and the rural residents daily life environment closely together, however, its status and role has long did not cause the attention of academia and planning design. 从历史的演变着眼, 就乡村景观园林与中国古典园林的关系而论, 乡村园林在中国古典园林中的地位也不容低估。长期以来人们普遍以为中国传统园林起源于古代帝王的苑囿, 这

26、是极为片面的。根据不断的考古发掘和对古代诗歌的深入研究, 人们发现, 其实全世界最早的园林应该是原始聚落中及周边的园圃和树木绿化等实用性的园林化的土地, 它也是中国园林最早的雏形, 并对后来发展起来的恬淡素静的文人村居园林产生了不小的影响, 就是明清之际的文人园, 也不断从乡村园林中得到启发, 从中汲取营养(刘天华1994) 。因此, 可以毫不夸张地说, 乡村园林在中国园林发展历程中, 起着基础和源泉的作用, 尤其是乡村园林为江南文人园积累了经验、提供了素材、丰富发展了中国古代园林文化, 这是确定无疑的。From the evolution of history, the relationsh

27、ip between rural landscape and Chinese classical garden, the status of rural landscape in Chinese classical gardens also cannot be underestimated. For a long time it is generally thought of Chinese traditional gardens originated in the ancient Kings pestered him, this is very one-sided. According to

28、 archaeological excavations and in-depth study of ancient poetry, it has been found that in fact the worlds earliest garden should be original settlements and the surrounding garden trees and greening, etc in the practicality of garden land, it is also one of the earliest Chinese garden, and the lat

29、er developed is calm, quiet village of literati garden has a lot of influence, is the Ming and qing dynasty literati garden, and was inspired from the rural landscape, to learn nutrition (LiuTianHua 1994). Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say, rural landscape in botanical garden development in Ch

30、ina, plays a foundation and the source of action, especially rural gardens of jiangnan literati garden has accumulated rich experience, provided material, developed ancient Chinese garden culture, thats for sure. 从现代人类聚居环境建设入手, 目前我国正处于城市化快速增长的进程中, 村镇建设正以前所未有的速度进行着。截止1998 年底, 全国有建制镇17015 个(不含县城关镇), 集

31、镇29118 个, 村庄3557700 个, 随着撤乡建镇和拆村并点工作的进一步发展, 建制镇比上一年增加480 个, 集镇减少1206 个, 村庄减少101635 个(1998 年村镇建设统计公报) 。这种乡村城市化不是意味着把乡村变为城市, 而是在于节约用地和提高乡村居民的素质和生活质量。因此, 随着乡村城市化的不断进行, 乡村居民的居住方式、居住文化必然发生相应的变化, 许多传统的聚居村落也将随之消失。乡村城市化使乡村景观园林正在经历着一场历史性的变革: 一方面, 一些有研究价值的传统乡村景观园林已经或将要遭到扼杀的命运; 另一方面, 乡村城市化已经或将要产生出新型的乡村景观园林。新一代

32、的乡村景观园林应以什么样的面貌出现在人们的面前, 如何继承和发扬传统的乡土文化, 创造出具有乡村特色而非城市发展模式拷贝的现代乡村景观园林, 以改变当今新建村落的平庸无味、千村一色的状况, 这是乡村景观园林研究的基本目标。, from the perspective of the modern human settlement environment construction, at present our country is in a rapid growth in the process of urbanization, village and town construction is

33、at an unprecedented rate. By the end of 1998, the national has a town 1998 (excluding the county town), 29118 towns, 3557700 villages, as withdraw township building town and village and work points to the further development of the town increased 480 than the previous year, market town cut 1206, 101635

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