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1、华师网络课程考试综合英语6练习测试题库及答案华中师范大学网络教育学院综合英语6练习测试题库及答案 I. Fill in the following blanks with the most appropriate words.calling submit ends put fizzy tramped preachy tricky long 1. Women who dare to _their own desires first are punished by social exclusion or, worse still, utter insignificance.2. There was

2、 something about her novels which seemed _ and pleased with themselves. 3. In the _ world of modernism Eliots brand of ponderous social realism was like a maiden aunt at a particularly daring dinner party. 4. Not least was the _ problem of her feminism. 5. The woman who_ up and down the Strand unacc

3、ompanied was reluctant to allow others to follow suit. 6. Girton was all well and good, as _ as it didnt turn girls into bluestockings. 7. The highest _ for any woman _ apart from herself _ was looking after other people. 8. This was the fate with which the heroines of her eight novels struggle and

4、to which they eventually _. 9. Dorothea may dream of being a second St Teresa, but she_ up as an MPs wife. 10. The survey_ the needs of working women. follow suit well and good submit to echoing end up out of favour up and down reminiscent of end up11. The masonry colours and shapes are _those of mo

5、untains of South America.12. If we go on in this way, we shall _with millions and millions of unemployed.13. He bowed his head. Mother and Jenny _.14. If the worker can do it in less time, _.15. They had to _a thorough body search at the airport.16. This was a view _Mr. Henley in a Sunday Times arti

6、cle.17. Many of their friends and neighbours have _ in prison.18. Their views are very much _19. If you want to stay here on your own, _20. He started pacing _ the office.On a voluntarydaily basis groom as take over keep pace with to the point assume the reins of to ones hearts content reminiscent o

7、f abreast of 21. I could not fall asleep unless I exercised _of exhaustion.22. After fighting hard in the election, he had finally _government.23. Jack could talk and plan _; it would make no difference now.24. As news reporters, they were, of course, _the war situation.25. Any country which fails t

8、o _these developments will soon be in trouble.26. We run the meals on wheels service _.27. I have been chosen to be _ editor, though I do not have the makings.28. He had _ government, following a civil war. Whereas some of his old friends lost their lives. 29. The hired hands of the company are paid

9、 _.30. There was a sweetish smell, vaguely _ coffee.To no avail spark plead thrill sb. to bits subside keep tabs on note be blessed with come out with droop 31. As the pain _, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.32. I tried to persuade her not to resign, but_.33. This proposal will almo

10、st certainly _ another countrywide debate about how to organize the school system.34. “Did she like the birthday present?” “She was _ with it.”35. I like to _ my bank account so that I dont overdraw.36. There was a _ of triumph in her voice as she reported the news of the teams victory.37. She _ imm

11、ense talent and boundless energy. Everybody envies her.38. Tom was expelled from school for his disruptive behaviour. His parents _ that he should be given one more chance.39. I can see youre tired because your eyelids have started _.40. One evening John _ an unusual proposal which surprised everybo

12、dy.II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. In “Love and Marriage”, the author agrees with the idea that the more someone satisfies your desires and needs, the more you will love that person.2. Fraternal love requires a similar expression of love in return.3. “Love and Marria

13、ge” is a combination of exposition and argument4. In “Uncritical Admiration”. Karls biography leaves no room for the reader to draw conclusions for him/herself.5. George Eliot was a true feminist.6. George Eliots writing was strongly influenced by modernism.7. The development of modern technology pu

14、t the programmers in a very difficult situation.8. Those who try to meet the needs of the screenagers will get a large audience.9. The author of “ The Mythological Crucible” thinks everything in Australia is the best.10. By the end of the text, the writer is worried about her country. 11. Feeling an

15、d intellect are incompatible.12. One should act according to intellect, not according to feeling.13. The writer was interested in literature.14. The writer was happy when he found out the truth about his illness.15. The best medicine for cancer is an optimistic attitude.16. Variation is the essentia

16、l characteristic of the natural world.17. The writer thinks his academic knowledge helped him in interpreting the median correctly.18. The writer thinks he has all the features that make a longer life possible.19. The distribution curve for mesotheliona deaths was asymmetrical.20. The writer lived f

17、or several years instead of eight months. 21. The poet emphasizes the brutality of the hawk as he deliberately uses words like “tear off head”, “kills and eat” and “the bones of the living”.22. Earlier poems focus on form while later poems focus much on meaning. 23. In “The Reciprocity Theory of Lov

18、e”, the writer holds such an idea that we cant love people unconditionally in intimate love. We love someone because of the things they have done to satisfy our needs.24. In “The Reciprocity Theory of Love”, according to the text, fraternal love is one kind of intimate love.25. The main purpose of “

19、Uncritical Admiration” is to make readers know something about George Eliot such as her life experience, personality and her novels.26. The text “Is Storytelling Dead?” demonstrates the characteristics of expository article and argumentative article.27. From the text “Is Storytelling Dead?”, we can

20、judge from the writers tone that he holds a positive attitude toward screenagers.28. From the text “The Mythological Crucible”, we can know the writers impression of Australia is a fixed one. She thought Australia is a paradise in the world.29. One of the purposes of the writer in writing “What is C

21、ommunicative Ability?” is to relate communicative competence to foreign language learning, so from time to time, the writer talks about the implication in foreign language teaching. 30. The writer of this article believes that George Eliot was a woman whose character was full of contradictions and c

22、omplexities.31. George Eliot belong to that school of women writers who write about rebellious romance.32. “Median mortality of eight months”means “Every patient will die in about eight months.”33. In “ the Importance of Attitude”, the writer thinks that variation is the essential characteristic of

23、the natural world.34. In “ the Importance of Attitude”, the writer thinks his academic knowledge helped him in interpreting the median correctly.35. In “ the Importance of Attitude”, the writer thinks he has all the features that make a longer life possible.36. The distribution curve for mesotheliom

24、a deaths was asymmetrical. 37. In “ the Venusian”, people in the neighborhood thought Barba strange and his inventions ridiculous and useless.38. The more children were warned against Barba, the more excited and curious they became about him.39. Barba didnt want to return to the Venus, and therefore

25、 he didnt come out t get onto the spaceship.40. The narrator expected greater excitement from Barbas invention rather than his poetry reciting.III. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 刚才他还是大红大紫的电影明星, 可现在却成了一文不值的傻瓜.2. 虽然你是大学生了,但你也得遵守学校纪律.3. 供需应该平衡,不然经济的发展就会出现问题.4. 有些发达国家企图与我们进行不公平竞争.5.

26、就容量和速度而言,计算机的作用是很大的.6. 他们争论很久都没有结果, 所以决定听取老师的意见.7. 这次实验成功与否取决于我们能不能在困难面前坚持住。 (hinge on, soldier on)8. 很多大学毕业生愿意到外企工作,相对而言,外企职员属于社会高薪阶层。(in a bracket)9. 我们不会在挑战面前退缩,也不会坐失良机,而是接受大家尝试性的建议,采取多种强有力的措施加速经济的发展。(tentative; a multitude of; accelerate)10. 一个家庭的亲情是靠大家去维系的。你可以主动表达你的情感,和家人分享成功的喜悦以及失败的痛苦。 (sponta

27、neously)11. 所有的文章短小精悍,不时引发读者更深入的思考。(to the point)12. 她一想到要孤单单一个人坐火车就心里不踏实,所以将出发的日期一再推迟,暗暗期待能与人同行。(hang up about; deferred)13. 我无法想象这种地方还称得上是五星级宾馆,不仅服务很差,房间还脏的要命。(pass for)14. 老板说他无能,上班才一个月就把他解雇了。(accuse )15. 学校领导让教师对学校的发展提意见, 但我认为大部分意见都被扔进了废纸篓。(find ones way to )16. 没有其他的地方可去了,将就一点吧。(make the best o

28、f sth.)17. 虽然他在那场火灾中幸免于难,但基本上成了一个残疾人。(more or less)18. 随着社会的发展,人们为了谋求新的工作而远离故土。(in pursuit of)19. 人类社会的安定有序比其他任何事情都重要。(take precedence over)20. 他的态度导致了他与领导的某些冲突。(brushes)21. 花园里所有的花几乎都比不过百合。(rival)22. 在这次活动中有相当大的一部分是14至16岁年龄段的青少年。(in athe bracket)23. 他正在努力使自己适应新的工作环境。(orientate)24. 他的财富使他有能力去发展自己对艺术

29、的挚爱。(pursue) Reading Comprehension.Passage 1Some people say that the study of liberal arts is a useless luxury we cannot afford in hard times. Students, they argue, who do not develop salable skills will find it difficult to land a job upon graduation. But there is a problem in speaking of “salable

30、skills”. What skills are salable? Right now, skills for automobiles are not highly salable, but they have been for decades and might be again. Skills in teaching are not now as salable as they were during the past 20 years, and the population charts indicate they may not be soon again. Home construc

31、tion skills are another example of varying salability, as the job market fluctuates. Whats more, if one wants to build a curriculum exclusively on what is salable, one will have to make the courses very short and change them very often, in order to keep up with the rapid changes in the job market. But will not the effort be in vain? In very few things can we be sure of future salability, and in a society where people are free to study what they want, and work where they want, and invest as they want, there is no way to keep supply and demand in lab

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