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1、八年级英语下册词组汇总八年级下册词组Unit 1 Will people have robots?1 will do =be going to do 将做某事wont=will not (wont) 将不 will bewont be 将成为/将不成为2 theyll=they will 他们将 they wont=they will not 他们将不3 shell=she will 她将4 Ill=I will 我将5 space station 太空站 6 go skating 去滑冰 7 be able to (学习之后能够)=can(本能) 能够;能以8 the World Cup 世

2、界杯 9 come true =realize 实现;到达 10 in the future=in future 将来;未来predict the future 预言未来11 hundreds of 好几百,许许多多12 try to do sth 尝试做某事try ones best to do sth 尽力做某事13 a piece of paper 一张纸paper money 纸币;钞票14 use up 用光be used 被使用used to 过去常常the use of 的用途15 little-less-least/last+不可数 很少/更少/最少 few-fewerfewe

3、st +可数复 很少/更少/最少many/much-more-most 许多/更多/最多16 pollution (n.)-pollute (v.) 污染 be polluted 被污染17 live in a tall building /apartment 住在高楼/公寓 live with sb 和一起住 live alone 独自居住 live on a space station 住在太空站18 as an astronaut 作为宇航员19 fly-flew-flew 飞,飞行 fly to = go toby plane 坐飞机去fly rockets to the moon 乘

4、火箭去月球fly away 飞走了20 take-took-taken 乘坐,花费take the train to school 坐火车去上学It took me three hours to get there . 我花了3小时到那儿=I spent three hours (in) getting there . 21 on the moon 在月球上on the earth 在地球上on the space station 在太空站22 fall-fell-fallen 落下fall down 落下,跌倒fall asleep 睡着fall ill 生病fall in love wit

5、h sth/ sb. 喜欢上某物/某人23 do sth alone 单独做某事go to the party alone 独自去晚会24 pat him on the head 拍他的头 pat her on the back 拍她的背 25 probably=maybe 可能;也许 26 go skating /swimming/shopping 去滑冰/游泳27 have ones own sth 拥有属于自己的东西28 dress oneself 给自己穿衣服 dress sb./oneself up 化妆29.the World Cup 世界杯 win the world cup 获

6、得世界杯world peace 世界和平30 a suit of clothes 一套衣服 casual clothes 便装,休闲服装 dress more casually 穿的更随意 wear a suit 穿套装crazy clothes 奇装异服 crazy English 疯狂英语 make sb crazy 使某人疯狂31even 甚至 even if 即使32 which one/girl/boy 哪一个33 no sound in movies 无声电影34.myself- ourselves 我(们)自己herself/himself/itself -themselves他

7、/她/它(们)自己yourself-yourselves 你(们)自己35.interview 采访 interviewer 采访者interviewee被采访者+ee 36.predict-prediction 预言 37. the head of 的头/老大38 be worthy of be worth 值的39 think-thought-thought 认为/想/思考40 unpleasantpleasant 不愉快愉快 the most unpleasant job 最不乐意的工作41 scientistscience 科学家科学42 one hundred years old 一

8、百岁live to two hundred years old 活到200岁hundreds of years 成百上千年in 200 years 200年后43现在完成时(时间标志) already /never /ever /since /yet /for+段时间/ 现在完成时结构:have/has done 44 in/at the factory 在工厂里45.such as 例如 46.get/be bored 感到厌烦47.human being 人类48.possible -possibly 可能impossible-impossibly 不可能more/most possibl

9、e 更可能/最可能 homework 做作业do chores 做家务50.seem的用法 似乎,好象It seems that (从句)=主语+seem to do 似乎 free 空闲的free time/leisure time 空闲的时间 52 study at home on computer53 I hope so/not 我希望/不希望如此54 use sth more 更使用use the water most 最常用水55 in the college in the university 在大学56 rain heavily=rain cats and d

10、ogs=heavy rain 下大雨57 kind of = a little 一点58 do sth over and over 一遍又一遍做某事59 do the same sth as sb 与某人做同样的事 60 a picture of my parents 我父母的一张照片 a map of China 一张中国地图 61 be far from 离遥远62 How is like?=What do you think of? 怎么样?63 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?64 Its adj. for sb to do sth 某人做怎么样65 for examp

11、le 例如66 next year /last year 明年/去年67 science fiction 科幻小说68 make sb do sth 使人做某事 make sth doing 使一直做某事 make the machine working 使机器一直工作69 keep a pet dog/cat 养宠物狗/猫keep on doing sth 继续做某事keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事keep up with sb 追上某人70 look smart 看上去聪明look at 朝看72 at the weekends=on weekends 在周末

12、73 go to on vacation 去某地度假 74 one day 总有一天75 from now on 从现在开始76 work for the magazine 为杂志社工作77 wake up 唤醒Unit 2 what should I do ? 1 keep sb out (of the door ) 把某人拦在门外keep on doing sth 坚持做某事keep up with sb 赶上追上某人keep/make +n+ adj 使怎么样keep the room clean 使房间干净2 play the record too loud 把放音机开得太大声play

13、 soccer/the guitar 踢足球/弹吉他speak/talk loudly 大声说话/谈天walk quickly 快步走3 loud-loudly quiet-quietly 大声的/安静的4 argue with sb on sth 与某人争吵某事argue with sb = have an argument with sb. 吵架fight with sb =have a fight with sb 与某人打架 5 whats wrong with sb /sth ? 怎么了/出什么事了? whats the matter ? whats the trouble? Is t

14、here anything wrong with sb?Whats up ?What happened ?6 out of style 过时的in style 时髦的7 can-could shall-should 能够 / 应该8. call sb up =phone/telephone sb. 打电话给某人call sb at +电话号码 打电话talk about sth on the phone 在电话中谈论某事9. surprise sb 使某人吃惊to ones surprise 令我惊奇的是 be surprised at sth 吃惊于10 pay for sth 付钱11 g

15、et /find a part-time job 找到兼职工作full-time/professional job 全职/专职工作12 either or 或者或者neithernor 既不也不 either否定句尾 too肯定句尾 also 句中13 the same as 相同的 different from 不同的 14 except(排除在外) besides(包括在内) 除了15 get/be upset 不安/沮丧make sb upset 使某人不安16 fail (v.)-failure (n.) 失败fail the test 落第Failure is the mother

16、of success. 失败乃成功之母17 as quickly as possible 尽可能快as early /soon as possible 尽可能早 18 under some pressure 在压力之下19 complain +that从句 抱怨complain about sth to sb =complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨关于某事20 include - including 包括21 send sb sth =send sth to sb 送某物给某人22 all kinds of 各种各样different kinds of 不同种类pare

17、 sth with sb 把跟进行比较 24 organize activities 组织活动25 himself /herself /itself - themselves 他/她/它(们)自己myself - ourselves 我(们)自己yourself yourselves 你(们)自己26 dress oneself up 打扮自己 hide oneself 躲藏 by oneself 由某人自己enjoy oneself=enjoy doing =have fun doing=have a good time to do sth = have a wonderful time 玩

18、得开心27on the one hand, on the other hand 28 an organize group 一个有组织的队伍29 want to do sth 想要做某事30 stay at home =be at home 待在家里31 play CDs too loud 把机子开得太大声32.enough money 足够的钱33.write a letter to sb =write sb a letter 写信给某人 34 go to ones house 去某人的家里35 give sb a ticket (to the concert) 给某人音乐会的票36 ask

19、for sth. 寻求/要sth37have a problem 有问题38 be popular 流行的39 find out 找出 look for 寻找40 plan sth for sb 为某人策谋 plan to do 计划做某事 41 everyone else 其他每个人42 be invited/used /polluted被邀请/被使用/被污染43 start /begin from 从开始44 leave sth at home 落下某物leave for 离开 45 copy sth 模仿某物,抄袭sth. 46 the same ages 相同的年龄47 be angr

20、y with sb 对某人生气48 talk about sth. with/to sb 和某人谈论关于某事talk with/to sb about sth 对某人谈论关于某事49 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事tell sth to sb =tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 50 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事51say/speak to sb 对某人说 52 get alone well =get on well (with sb) 相处得好 53 nothing new 没创意/没新鲜感54give sb some advice 给某人一

21、些建议a piece of advice 一条建议55 fit into 融入之中56 mind him of the book 提醒他关于书 mind sb of sth 提醒某人关于某事57 ask for some advice 向某人征询建议58 take the train 乘火车It take sb sometime to do sth 花费某人时间去做某事 take sb to 把带到去take part in 参加 59 have a walk =take a walk = go for a walk 散步60 busy (adj)+enough 足够忙碌enough +n (

22、money) 足够的钱61 Its time for sth. = Its time to do sth . 该做某事的时候了62 not until 直到才 63 from to 从到64 It seems that从句 =主语 seems to do 似乎 65 one/数词+ more sth 再要一个/多个某物Unit 3 what were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1 barber shop 理发店2 UFO =unidentified flying Object 不明飞行物 3 get out (of sth.) 出去,步出 get out

23、of the door 走出门get out of the shower 走出浴室/洗完澡get out of the bed = get up 起床keep out (of sth) 保持在外/拒绝在外 find out (艰难)找出leave out 落下 look out 向外看 take out the trash 把垃圾拿出去4 take off 脱掉5 train station 火车站6 run away 逃跑7 come in 进来8 Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场9 hear about 听说 10 take place 发生 11

24、asas 像一样 12 in the barber shop 在理发店in the bathroom 在浴室 in the bedroom/sitting-room 在卧室/起居室 in the kitchen 在厨房13 well (adj.) be/look/feel well 看起来/感觉好(adv) do sth well 做某事很好 be good at = do well in 擅长于 sound good 听起来好 14 run with sb/sth 和一起跑run after sb./sth 追赶sb/sthrun up with sb 追上某人15 cut up 切碎 cu

25、t down 砍倒16 ones own experience 某人的经历17 cut hair 剪头发have a neat haircut 有一个简洁的发型 have sth done 使被做have your hair cut short 剪短你的头发18 land着路 on the land在陆地上 take off the hand 起飞19 while+进行时 when+从句 当时候for a while=for a moment 等一会儿 20 look around/go around 看四周 21 stranger 陌生人 22 follow sb 跟着某人23 Are yo

26、u kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?23 make sb scared 使某人恐惧 scary + sb/sth 吓唬sb/sth , 使惊吓24 climb up 向上爬 25 jump high 跳高 26 shout at sb 朝某人呼唤 shout out 喊出28. not at all 一点也不29 come in /come into +地点 走入/走进30 happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上 take place 主语+发生(vt.)a car accident 一场车祸 31what happened ? 发生了什么事?32hear from sb 收到某人来信

27、hear about/of sth 听说sth.hear +that+从句 听到/听说33 on/in the playground 在操场上 34be killed sb/sth 被杀 be murdered 被谋凶 be destroyed 被破坏 35 bright future 光明的未来 bright windows 明亮的窗户36 ring the bell 按门铃 The bell is ringing 门铃在响 37close open 关开closedopen(adj) 关闭着开着的38.keep silence 保持沉默39 recent-recently 最近40 on

28、the earth 在地球上41 hero (男) -heroin(女) 英雄 42 in the front of (内) 在前面 in front of (外)43 sleep late =get up late 睡到很迟44 cook /make +三餐/dinner 做饭/做晚饭45 become a national hero 成为民族英雄46 talk on the phone 在电话中交谈47 right here 就在这里 48 call the police/TV station 打电话叫警察/ 给电视台49 have an unusual experience 不寻常的经历

29、 50 be surprised at sth 对吃惊/吃惊于51 at around = about 大约52 shop assistant 售货员53 Museum of fight 航天博物馆 54 the news of important events 重大新闻事件 55 in history 在历史上56 for example 例如57in modern America history 在现代美国历史上 58 on this day 在这一天59 in the city 在城里60 seem +adj 似乎,看起来It seems + to do 似乎要It seems + th

30、at从句 = 从句主语+seems +to do61 at that time 在那时62 ask sb to do sth 叫某人去做某事 63 tell sb sth = tell sth. to sb . 告诉某人某事64 walk home =go on foot 走路回家65 in silence 沉默的 66 in more recent time=recently 最近的 67 the World Trade Center 世贸中心 68 in New York 在纽约69 be destroyed by terrorists 被恐怖分子破坏 70 have meaning to sb 对某人有意 71not all events/students 不是所有事件 72 walk on the moon 登上月球 73 in more recent history 近代历史 74 the fast China astronaut 中国第一个宇航

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