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1、高三英语语法复习名词语法复习:名 词一、名词的分类: 名词就其词汇意义可分为专有名词和普通名词。普通名词又可分为可数名词和不可数名词。 专有名词 个体名词名词 可数名词 集合名词 普通名词 物质名词不可数名词 抽象名词 二、概念:名词:表示人、事物或抽象概念的名称。专有名词:表示个人、地方、团体、机构、节日等专用的名称。如:Beijing, Smith, the Summer Palace, the United States, the Second World War, May Day。单个的专有名词第一个字母大写,由普通名词构成的专有名词,前面有定冠词the,后面的每个单词第一个字母大写。

2、普通名词:表示同属一类的人或事物,或某种物质或抽象概念的名称。可数名词:(缩写为C)可以用数目来计数的名词。可以用基数词修饰,也可用many, a good / great many, a number of, few, a few, several等词修饰。个体名词:表示同属一类的人或事物中的个体。如:student, tree, chair, car, book。个体名词在句中时前面必须有限定词(如the, my, this等)。集合名词:(又称为集体名词)表示一群人或一类事物。如:army, class, committee, fruit, police不可数名词:(缩写为U)不可以用数

3、目来计数的名词。不可用基数词直接修饰。物质名词:表示物质或无法分为个体的东西。如:iron, cotton, fire, water。它们需要用单位名词来衡量,如:a piece of bread, a cup of water抽象名词:表示抽象概念的名词。如:happiness, education, labour, love【注1】对于单个单词来说,它既可能是可数名词,也可能是不可数名词。如:many rooms (很多房间)-much room(大量空间);rubber(橡胶)-two rubbers(两块橡皮);iron(铁)- an iron(一只熨斗); glass(玻璃)- a

4、glass(一个玻璃杯);wood(木头)- a woods(一片树林); paper(纸)- a paper(一份报纸、文件)【注2】请牢记下列典型的不可数名词及词义。 advice 忠告,建议baggage / luggage 行李change零钱cloth布clothing 衣物equipment 设备English 英语furniture 家具fun 乐趣knowledge 知识information 信息music音乐news 消息progress 进步traffic 交通,车辆weather天气wealth 财富 damage 损坏work 工作word 消息,信息homework

5、 家庭作业 housework 家务 poetry诗歌(总称)machinery(机器设备);jewellery珠宝(总称);clothing衣物(总称)【注3】部分抽象名词可与a(an)连用,此时词义发生变化。如:surprise(一件令人惊讶的事), pleasure(一件让人愉悦的事), honour(一件荣幸的事), help(一个助手), success(一件成功的事/一个成功的人),a heavy rain(一场大雨),two coffees(两份咖啡),a long time(一段很长的时间),two deaths(两个死亡的人)。三、名词的数:可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。可数

6、名词复数的规则变化有以下情况:1一般情况,直接加-s: e.g. port-ports,technique-techniques,hen-hens, hat-hats 2以s, x, ch, sh结尾发s、t、d音的词,加es: e.g. busbuses, boxboxes, bushbushes, branchbranches, 注:stomachstomachs(stomach词尾发/k/,故复数直接加-s) 3辅音字母+ y,变y为i,加-es: e.g. universityuniversities, city-cities, story- stories 元音字母+ y,直接加-s

7、: e.g. boyboys, day-days 特例:Henry(亨利)-Henrys, Mary- Marys, stand-by(备用的人或物)-stand-bys, penny(便士)-pennies / pence4以o结尾 加-es:e.g. NegroNegroes,heroheroes, tomatotomatoes, potatopotatoes, volcano-volcanoes, mosquito(蚊子)-mosquitoes, echo(回音)-echoes 加-s:e.g.zoozoos, kangaroo-kangaroos, studio-studios, ra

8、dioradios, pianopianos, photophotos, bamboo-bamboos, hippo(河马)-hippos, tobacco(烟叶)-tobaccos, kilo(千克)-kilos, auto(汽车)-autos特例:motto(座右铭,箴言)-mottos / mottoes,zero-zeros / zeroes5以f或fe结尾,变f或fe为v,再加-es:e.g. leafleaves, wifewives, thief-thieves, half-halves 特例:beliefbeliefs, roofroofs, proofproofs, safe

9、safes(保险柜),cliff(悬崖)-cliffschiefchiefs,gulfgulfs(海湾), serf(农奴)-serfs, staff(工作人员)-staffs, cafe(咖啡馆)-cafes, grief(悲痛的事)-griefshandkerchief(手帕)- handkerchiefs / handkerchieves, scarf(围巾)- scarfs / scarves,6. 字母、数字、缩写词以及引语的复数:e.g. There are three as in the word banana. 在banana这个单词中有三个a。 The war broke o

10、ut in the 1940s / 1940s. 战争爆发于二十世纪四十年代。 He always speaks politely, full of madams and if I may ask a questions. 他说话很有礼貌,话语里尽是“太太”和“如果我可以提一个问题的话”。 He left out two 4s in that number. 他在那个数字中漏了两个4。 You used too many thats in your speech. 在演讲中你用了太多的that。pp. (= pages),Exx. 3,4 and 5 练习3、4、5,ll. 2 and 3 第

11、2、3行,Dr.(doctor)-Drs., hr.(hour)- hrs, yr.(year)-yrs, many VIPs/ VIPs 很多重要人物,three Ph Ds三个哲学博士而有些度量单位的缩写词,往往不加s:ft. (foot), kg. (kilogramme), km. (kilometre), m. (metre), min. (minute), sec. (second)7. 复合名词的复数: 1)在主体名词上变复数:comrade-in-arms(战友)-comrades-in-arms, passer-by(过路人)-passers-by daughter-in-l

12、aw(媳妇)-daughters-in-law, editor-in-chief(总编辑)-editors-in-chief, looker-on(旁观者)-lookers-on 2)复合名词由两个主体名词构成时,在后一个词上变复数:assistant professor(助教)-assistant professors, pencil box-pencil boxes, dining-room-dining-rooms, girl friend-girl friends, shoe shop-shoe shops,grown-up(成年人)-grown-ups,stand-by(可靠的人)-

13、stand-bys 3)复合词中有man, woman两词时,两个都变复数:man doctor- men doctors, woman teacher - women teachers 但man, woman位于复合词之后时,只将man, woman变复数:policeman-policemen8不规则的名词复数形式: manmen, womanwomen, policeman-policemen, gentleman-gentlemen, German(德国人)-Germans, Roman(罗马人)-Romans, footfeet, toothteeth, goosegeese, mo

14、usemice, childchildren, oxoxen,phenomenon(现象)-phenomena, criterion(评判标准)-criteria, crisis(危机)-crises,analysis(分析)-analyses, basis(基础)-bases, bacterium(细菌)-bacteria【注1】有些可数名词的单复数相同,要根据上下文的意义来确定其单数还是复数,例如: sheep 羊, deer 鹿;fish 鱼(作不同种类的“鱼”解时,有复数形式:fishes),duck鸭(作“家鸭”解时,有复数形式:ducks);data(资料,数据);aircraft

15、(飞机);means手段,方法 works工厂;作品 series系列;crossroads(十字路口);Chinese(中国人);Japanese(日本人);Swiss(瑞士人);jin(斤);mu(亩);li(里);yuan(元); 【注2】有些集合名词,是单形复念(即单数形式复数意义),如果作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。 如:cattle 牛,people 人民(作“民族”解时,有单复形),police 警察 而有些词只有复形,表示复数意义。如:goods(货物), clothes, the Olympic Games, the Asian Games【注3】 集合名词既可看作单数(作为整

16、体),也可看作复数(作为集体的各个成员)。如:audience, class, family, group, enemy, e.g. Her family is well-known in the region. 她家在该地区是名门望族。 His family are quarrelling severely about the property. 她的家人正在为分财产激烈地争吵。 【注4】有些词常以复数形式出现,作主语时,谓语的复数遵循意义一致原则。如:annals(编年史),arms(武器),ashes(灰烬),authorities(当局),belongings(所有物), brains


18、,stairs(楼梯),times(时代),trousers, thanks(感谢),troops(军队),valuables(珍贵物品)有些名词在短语中需用复数:take pains(下功夫),take measures(采取措施),give regards to向某人致以问候,sing the praises of赞颂, be in high spirits情绪高昂,make arrangements作安排,make preparations作准备【注5】不可数名词计量时通常加单位名词,作谓语时单复数依据其单位名词的数而定。a piece of paper / chalk / news/

19、information / advice / work/ furniture, a sheet of paper / metal / ice, a drop of water / oil, a grain of corn / rice / sand / salt, a bar of chocolate / soap, a cup of tea, a glass of beer, a bottle of ink, an article of clothing/ furniture, a set of equipment, a foot of wire, a quart of milk, ten

20、tons of coal 可数名词也可用单位名词计量,此时名词用复数:a crowd of people, a group of soldiers, a gang of robbers, a bunch of flowers, two kilos of apples【注6】一些容易用错的名词:有些名词作可数和不可数名词时意义不同:orange 桔子C;橙汁U;water水U;水域(pl. waters);wood木头U;树林C(可用复形woods,也可用单形);paper纸U;论文;报纸;试卷C;land土地;陆地;大地U;国家C;word单词;话语C;消息U;work工作U;作品C;重工业工

21、厂(单复数同形:works);pain肉体疼痛C;精神上的痛苦U;exercise练习;体操C;锻炼,运动U;experience经验U;经历C;character 人物;角色;字体C;品德,性格U;difficulty 困难U;难题C;room房间C;空间U;glass玻璃杯C;玻璃U;stone石头块C;石头U;sand沙子U;沙滩(复形:sands); green绿色U;蔬菜,青菜(用复形:greens);help帮助U;助手C;people人们(集合名词,无复形);民族C【注7】专有名词一般没有可数不可数之分,但有时也以复数出现:“the + 姓氏的复数”表示某某一家人:the Smi

22、ths史密斯一家/ 史密斯夫妇二人There are two Marys and three Roberts in the class. 这个班有两个玛丽和三个罗伯特。四、名词的格 名词有三种格:普通格、宾格、所有格,其中普通格和宾格就是在字典中以词目出现的形式。名词的所有格有两种形式,用于表示所属关系。(一)在名词后加s构成,用于以下情况: 1)表示有生命的名词以及由人组成的团体:my brothers car ,childrens books,students rooms (当名词末尾已有s时,只加号), workers rest homes(工人疗养院),the teachers rea

23、ding-room(教师阅览室),delegations visit(代表团的访问),the governments policy, the majoritys view, the companys director(公司的董事)2)表示国家、城市、地域的名词: Chinas population,Beijings weather,the provinces population, the farms fruit 3)表示天体、时间、距离、金钱的名词: the moons surface,ten years hard work,todays newspapers,20 dollarsworth

24、 of a stamp一张价值20美元的邮票 【注1】这种加s形式的所有格也有下列变化形式:1)单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词一般直接在词尾加s:a peasants family, the childrens dream2)以s结尾的复数名词只在词尾加:the workers achievements, the teachers reading-room3)以s结尾的复数名词作名词修饰语,表示类别时,在后面可以加, 也可不加:Anhui Teachers University / Anhui Teachers University, Foreign Languages Press / For

25、eign Languages Press4)复合名词和作为一个整体的词组在最后一个词的词尾加s:the editor-in-chiefs office, somebody elses opinion, an hour and a halfs talk5)并列名词表示各自所属关系时,要分别在每个名词后加s,如果表示共有关系,则在最后一个名词的词尾加s:Johns, Marys and Jacks rooms, Kate and Joans desk6)名词后有同位语时,在同位语后加s:Where is my classmate, Nancys bike?7)以丝音结尾的人名后加s或: Engel

26、s works / Engelss works, Dickens novels / Dickenss novels【注2】表示时间的名词必须用s属格:todays newspaper, a months salary, ten minutes rest(二) 其他无生命的名词通常用“of + 名词”的短语表示所属关系。 the object of the sentence 句子的宾语 the title of the film 影片的名字 【注】用s属格的名词也可用of属格形式,尤其是当名词后有较长的定语时:e.g. the governments plan = the plan of the

27、 government, the majoritys opinion = the opinion of the majority, a cats tail = the tail of a cat, the moons surface = the surface of the moonDo you know the name of the girl standing at the gate? They have the support of the people of the whole world. Have you read the articles of the students who

28、were with us at the meeting yesterday? He is a foreign teacher of a university in China.(三)双重属格:+ of + 名词的s属格。它用于以下情况:1. 当所修饰的名词前有别的词修饰时:e.g. They saw a play of Lao Shes. 他们看了老舍的一部剧本。(play前有a限定) Several students of Lao Yangs acted in the play. 老杨的几个学生参加了这个剧本的演出。(students前有several修饰)2. 当用this / that

29、修饰前面的名词,表示一定的感情色彩时。e.g.This performance of the teachers was wonderful. 老师们的这个节目很精彩。That wife of Mr. Browns is constantly complaining. 布朗先生的那位妻子总是抱怨。(四)名词所有格中需注意的内容:1. 一个名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到,则后面往往省略,以免重复。e.g. This is not my dictionary, but Xiao Lins. 这不是我的字典,而是小林的。 She had views quite different from h

30、er fathers. 她有着和她父亲完全不同的想法。2. 在表示某人的家、教堂、店铺或公司时,名词所有格后的名词常省略。e.g. The Wangs is not far from here. 王先生的家离这不远。 I went into a stationers to buy a ruler. 我进了一家文具店去买一把尺子。 Im going to the barbers. 我将去理发店。 He had to go to his sisters for dinner. 他得去他姐家吃饭。3. 在对事物起分类作用时,需用所有格形式:e.g. the teachers book 教师用书,ch

31、ildrens stories儿童故事,a womens college女子学院,a doctors degree博士学位,a summers day 夏季的一天4. 所有格还可用于一些成语中:e.g. at a stones throw一箭之遥,at the deaths door濒于死亡at swords points剑拔弩张,a birds eye view鸟瞰五、名词的功用:除谓语之外的所有句子成分e.g. Mr. Li holds an important position in the government office. (主语;宾语) Today is Sunday. (表语) We elected him monitor of the class. (宾补) It weighs five kilogramm

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