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专题强化训练 8 语法填空 1 2.docx

1、专题强化训练 8 语法填空 1 2(八)语言知识运用专练(限时:25分钟)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The Horse Hug 马之拥抱(修辞)Rescued=saved distrustful 不信任(人)的马的名字:Bo mine指代我的农场 Dylan是我孙子。Victim 受害者1A.approach 方法 Broad 道路Ckey 钥匙,关键 Danswer 回复,回应In 2009, I rescued a distrustful horse. Bo came from a

2、 nearby farm and now lives peacefully on mine with another horse and two dogs. But the 1 to Bos successful recovery from a nervous victim to a happy animal was nothing I did. It was my grandson, Dylan.2A. lookerson B grownups 成人(父母)C. passersby D standersby3A.familiar 熟悉的 dj vu Btemporary 暂时的Cnormal

3、 正常的 Dunusual 不同寻常them 指代啥?( =2 )Dylan came with his parents to spend the Fourth of July with me on their way to Canada for a vacation. Bo kept his distance from the 2 , but he displayed a(n) 3 fascination with Dylan. So we decided to 4 them. “Move slowly, be quiet and bend down sometimes,” I told m

4、y grandson. 4A. support B welcome C. introduce D separateDylan 5 approached Bo, step by step, holding a soft comb. Bo held his ground, but he seemed 6 by this little visitor. Dylan 7 Bos shoulders and neck softly with the comb, 8 the remains of his thick winter coat. Its hard for a fouryearold to st

5、ay 9 for long, but he did it. 5A. quickly 快速地 B cautiously 谨慎地=carefullyC. casually 随意地 D secretly 秘密地6A. attracted 吸引 B puzzled 困惑C. surprised 惊喜,吃惊 D annoyed 恼怒的7A.patted 拍打 Bheld 抓住Cturned 转动 Drubbed 摩擦=combedBrush刷子,刷8A. abandoning 区别在于(马) B removing(人) C. keeping D designing9A.still Bcalm Cout

6、DawayStay still 坐得住/ stay focused/concentrated 全神贯注backed off 后退了一步 preschooler 学前班的娃娃Dylan made one quick move, and Bo shyly backed off. But Bo and Dylan were not ready to 10 . Dylan approached again. To 11 a preschoolers learning to control himself in such a short time was 12 . 10A. keep on B keep

7、 up C. give up D give in11A.suggest Bwitness 见证,目睹Callow Dnotice12A. amazing 不可思议 B promisingC. rewarding D disappointingAs we watched, true love 13 between this once distrustful horse and a gentle boy. Over the next few days, Bo let Dylan throw his arms around his 14 , pat his legs and hold his hea

8、d in his hands. 13A. increased 增加 B restored 恢复 C. faded 褪去 D developed 发展14A. body B cheeks C. neck D tailAnd Dylan felt 15 to sit at Bos feet while Bo carefully nibbled (咬) his shirt collar and hair. Just as Dylan earned Bos 16 , Bo hugged Dylanyes, a horse can hugwithout knocking him off 17 .Knoc

9、k s.b off balance 使某人失去平衡15. A. free= at ease 自在 B uneasy C. amused D scared16A. trust B respect C. confidence D reputation17A. position B balanceC. chance D stageThet 指代马Bo和孙子DylanThey met again one week later as the family passed through on their 18 trip. It was almost dark, but Dylan and his dad

10、still made it to the far reaches of farm. Bo came to meet them 19 . He is now a(n) 20 and trusting horse and Dylan a miracle worker.18A. farm B mountain C. return D business19A.patiently Beagerly 急切地Cshyly Dcalmly20. Ainteresting B satisfying C. changed (从不信任人到信任人对应第一段的fromto) D relaxeda miracle wor

11、ker.=magician 魔术师【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了一匹对人类不信任的马儿通过与一个4岁男孩的相处变成了一匹与人类友好相处的马儿的故事。1A.approach BroadCkey Danswer答案与解析:C通读全文可知,对这匹马的转变起关键作用的是作者的孙子。approach意为“靠近;方法”;road意为“路”;key意为“关键;钥匙”;answer意为“回答”。故选C项。2A. lookerson B grownupsC. passersby D standersby答案与解析:B根据此空后的内容可知,这匹马对迪伦,即小孩入迷,故可推知它对成年人有戒备心。lookeron意为“观

12、看者”;grownup意为“成年人”;passerby意为“过路人”;standerby意为“旁观者”。3A.familiar BtemporaryCnormal Dunusual答案与解析:D根据空前的“kept his distance from”及but表转折可知,此应是指马儿对迪伦表现出不同寻常的喜爱。familiar意为“熟悉的”;temporary意为“暂时的,临时的”;normal意为“正常的”;unusual意为“不同寻常的”。故选D项。4A. support B welcome C. introduce D separate答案与解析:C根据下文中的“Dylan 5 appr

13、oached Bo,step by step, holding a soft comb.”可知,此处应表示作者看到马儿喜爱孙子,所以决心介绍他们俩认识。support意为“支持”;welcome意为“欢迎”;introduce意为“介绍”;separate意为“(使)分开”。5A. quickly B cautiously C. casually D secretly答案与解析:B根据上文中作者对迪伦说的话及空后的“step by step”可推知,迪伦应该是很小心谨慎地向马儿靠近。quickly意为“片刻地;迅速地”;cautiously意为“谨慎地”;casually意为“随便地,随意地”

14、;secretly意为“秘密地”。故选B项。6A. attracted B puzzledC. surprised D annoyed答案与解析:A根据空前的“Bo held his ground”及but可知,马儿被迪伦吸引住了。attracted意为“被吸引的”;puzzled意为“困惑的”;surprised意为“吃惊的”;annoyed意为“生气的”。7A.patted Bheld Cturned Drubbed答案与解析:D根据空后的“with the comb”可知,迪伦用梳子给马儿梳毛。pat意为“轻拍”;rub意为“摩擦”。故选D项。8A. abandoning B remov

15、ing C. keeping D designing答案与解析:B根据空前迪伦拿梳子给马儿梳毛,并结合空后的“the remains”可推知,此处应指迪伦梳掉马儿身上的残留物。abandon意为“放弃”;remove意为“移走;清除,除去”;design意为“设计”。9A.still Bcalm Cout Daway答案与解析:A根据上文中的关键词slowly, quiet, softly和空后的“but he did it”可推知,此处表达的应该是很难看到一个4岁的孩子如此长时间保持不动。still意为“静止的;不动的”;calm意为“镇静的”。10A. keep on B keep up

16、C. give up D give in答案与解析:C根据空前孩子动了动,马儿害羞地后退,再结合空后的“Dylan approached again.”可推知,此处表示他们都没打算放弃。keep on意为“继续”;keep up意为“保持”;give up意为“放弃”;give in意为“屈服”。故选C项。11A.suggest BwitnessCallow Dnotice答案与解析:B根据下文中的“As we watched”可知,这一情景是作者看到的。suggest意为“建议”;witness意为“目睹”;allow意为“允许”;notice意为“注意到”。故选B项。12A. amazin

17、g B promisingC. rewarding D disappointing答案与解析:A根据上下文可知,此处表示作者看到一个这么小的孩子在这么短的时间内学会控制自己真是令人惊叹。amazing意为“令人惊诧的”;promising意为“很有前途的;大有希望的”;rewarding意为“有意义的”;disappointing意为“令人失望的”。13A. increased B restored C. faded D developed答案与解析:D此处应指迪伦与马儿培养出了真正的感情。increase意为“增加”;restore意为“恢复”;fade意为“褪色”;develop意为“培养

18、;发展”。故选D项。14A. body B cheeks C. neck D tail答案与解析:C根据空前的around并结合选项可知,只有neck符合语境。故选C项。15. A. free B uneasy C. amused D scared答案与解析:A根据上文迪伦与马儿接触的动作(拍马腿,抱马头)及空后马儿对迪伦的亲昵动作可推知,此处表示迪伦与马儿在一起是很自在的。feel free to do sth.是固定短语,意为“做某事很自在”,故free符合语境。uneasy意为“不安的;忧虑的”;amused意为“被逗乐的”;scared意为“恐惧的”。故选A项。16A. trust B

19、 respect C. confidence D reputation答案与解析:A根据空后的“Bo hugged Dylan”并结合选项可推知,迪伦赢得了马儿的信任。trust意为“信任”;respect意为“尊重”;confidence意为“信心”; reputation意为“名誉;名声”。故选A项。17A. position B balance C. chance D stage答案与解析:B根据空前的“without knocking him off”可推知,此处应表示马儿没有踢倒迪伦。knock sb. off balance意为“把某人打得失去平衡”,符合语境。position意为

20、“位置;处境”;chance意为“机会”;stage意为“舞台;时期”。故选B项。18A. farm B mountain C. return D business答案与解析:C根据第二段第一句可知,迪伦是随父母来度假的,一周后应是在返回途中,又去见了马儿。故选C项。19A.patiently BeagerlyCshyly Dcalmly答案与解析:B根据上文内容和下文中的“trusting horse”可推知,马儿应该是急切地去见他们,因为他们已经建立了深厚的友谊。patiently意为“耐心地”;eagerly意为“急切地”;shyly意为“害羞地”;calmly意为“平静地”。故选B项。

21、20. Ainteresting B satisfying C. changed D relaxed答案与解析:C文章第一句中的“distrustful horse”与本空后的“trusting horse”形成对比,由此可知,此处是指马儿变了。interesting意为“有趣的”;satisfying意为“令人满意的”;changed意为“发生变化的”;relaxed意为“放松的”。故选C项。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. Adj+n achievements 2. 从句的that/which 3. su

22、ch a+n/ such a short period of time/such a short span of considered as=be thought as被认为是 a witness 见证人It has been known to almost all that innumerable 21 (achieve) have been made during the past four decades in China. Since I arrived in Beijing in mid1975, I think I could well be considered

23、as a witness to that process. According to historians, there hasnt been a country with such a large population in human history 22 has made such profound changes and improvements within such 23 short span of time.根据历史学家的观点,没有一个国家能够像中国一样,有着如此众多的人口,在如此短的时间内在人类历史上取得如此大的改变和成就。4 The largest +n forecasts=

24、prediction 预测 25.动词时态 will take will take the place=will be in the place26. 修饰动词excelling 的词 是副词 所以 globally27. in many respects=in many aspects (=3 ) 很多方面 非谓语被动During the past four decades, China has developed into the second 24 (large) economy in the world, and forecasts show that it 25 (take) the

25、 first place in the near future. China is already excelling (超过) 26 (global) in foreign trade, poverty alleviation (扶贫), infrastructure (基础设施) construction, industrial capacity, spending on research and development, development of advanced technologies, and global influence. Todays China, in many re

26、spects, is “another country” 27 (compare) to the one that I saw 43 years ago. It is true that the road traveled by China in the past four decades 28 (be) easy, and it has had to face numerous difficulties both 29 home and abroad. 28. 40年来中国所走过的路是不容易的 (be动词时态 现在完成时has not been )Manage to do 试图/成功做某事

27、marvel at 诧异于However, China has managed 30 (overcome) them every year and none of the naysayers (反对者) have proved to be true. Today, many western countries marvel at the positive influence of Chinas development.【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者在过去40年里目睹了中国发生的变化,很多历史学家认为在人类历史上还没有一个拥有如此多人口的国家能够在如此短的时间内取得如此惊人的成就。21答案与解析:a

28、chievements考查词性转换。句意:众所周知,中国在过去的40年里已经取得了无数的成绩。空前有innumerable修饰,故此处应填achieve的名词复数形式。故填achievements。22答案与解析:that/which考查定语从句。句意:很多历史学家认为,在人类历史上还没有一个有如此多人口的国家能在如此短的时间内作出如此深刻的变化和改善。hasnt been和has made是两个谓语,故此处需填一个关系词,把这两句话连接起来,设空处为定语从句的关系词,并且在从句中作主语,指代先行词a country。故填that/which。23答案与解析:a考查冠词。句意见上一题解析。“s

29、uch a/an名词”是固定用法,意为“如此的”,此处such a short span of time意为“如此短的时间”。故填a。24答案与解析:largest考查形容词的最高级。large是形容词,前有序数词修饰,后有范围限定(in the world),故应用最高级。此处表示中国在过去40年里,已经发展成为世界第二大经济体。故填largest。25答案与解析:will take考查动词的时态。根据in the near future可知,此处应用一般将来时。此处表示有预言表明,在不久的将来,中国会成为(世界)第一大经济体。故填will take。26答案与解析:globally考查词性

30、转换。句意:中国在对外贸易、扶贫、基础设施建设、产业能力建设、研发投入、先进技术开发及全球影响力等方面,已经处于全球领先地位。修饰动词应用副词。故填globally。27答案与解析:compared考查非谓语动词。句意:与43年前我看到的中国相比,当今的中国在很多方面可算是一个新的国家。本句中谓语动词是is,与compare之间无连词连接,故compare应用非谓语形式。compare与Todays China之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用其过去分词。故填compared。28答案与解析:has not been/hasnt been考查动词的时态和语态。句意:在过去40年里,中国走的道路是不容易的,需要面对国内外的诸多困难。根据空前的in the past four decades及空后的and it has had to和句意可知,此处应用现在完成时的否定形式。故填has not been/hasnt been。29答案与解析:at考查介词。句意见上一题解析。at home and abroad为固定搭配,意为“在国内外”。故填at。30答案与解析:to overcome考查非谓语动词。句意:但是每一年中国都克服了这些困难。manage to do sth.是固定短语,意为“设法做成某事”。故填to overcome。

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