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1、章程样本2北京ABC有限公司章程第一章总则第一条 根据中华人民共和国公司法、中华人民共和国外资企业法及其他有关法律规定, ABC Company(填写投资的股东)决定在中国北京设立北京ABC有限公司 (以下简称“公司”),特制订本章程。第二条 投资者为:ABC Company商业登记证号(或注册号):地区: 法定地址:邮编:第三条 公司名称: 北京ABC有限公司法定地址: _ 第四条 公司为有限责任公司。投资者以其认缴的出资额为限对公司承担责任。第五条 公司为中国企业法人,受中国法律管辖和保护,其一切活动必须遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例规定,不损害中国的社会公共利益。公司是独立核算自负盈亏的

2、经济实体,在批准的经营范围内,有权自主经营和管理,不受干涉。 第二章宗旨、经营范围、方式及规模第六条 公司的经营宗旨:本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,采用先进的适用的技术和科学的经济管理方法,提高经济效益,使股东获得满意的利益。第七条 公司的经营范围: 。(上述涉及商品配额许可证管理,专项规定管理的产品按国家有关规定办理)第八条公司的经营规模:年产值约人民币 万元。第三章出资方式、出资额和出资时间第九条 公司投资总额为 欧元,注册资本为 欧元,注册资本全部由股东以欧元(美元)现汇方式缴纳,外汇与人民币的折算按投入当天中国人民银行公布的汇率折算。公司的注册资本的缴付方式:注册资本由投资者分期缴

3、纳,首次出资额为注册资本的 %,应自领取营业执照之日起三个月内缴清,其余在 年内分期缴付完毕。第十条 在经营期限内,公司因投资总额和生产经营规模等发生变化,需减少公司注册资本的,须经审批机关批准。第四章股东会第十一条公司设股东会,股东会为公司的最高权力机关,股东会行使职权时,应当采用书面形式,并由股东签名后置备于公司。第十二条股东会的职权范围如下:1.决定公司的经营方针和投资计划;2.选举和更换非由职工代表担任的董事、监事,决定有关董事、监事的报酬事项;3.审议批准董事会的报告;4.审议批准监事的报告;5.审议批准公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;6.审议批准公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;

4、7.对公司增加或者减少注册资本作出决议;8.对公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散及清算等事项作出决议;9.修改公司章程。第五章 执行董事(公司比较小就设立一个执行董事,股东比较多就需要设立董事会)第十三条公司不设董事会,设执行董事一人。执行董事由股东委派,任期3年,任期届满,连选可以连任。执行董事同时为公司的法定代表人。第十四条 执行董事行使以下职权:1向股东报告工作; 2执行股东决议; 3决定公司的经营计划和投资方案; 4制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案; 5制订公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案; 6制订公司增加或者减少注册资本的方案; 7制订公司合并、分立、解散或者变更公司形式的方案;

5、 8决定公司内部管理机构的设置; 9决定聘任或者解聘公司经理及其报酬事项,并根据经理的提名决定聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人及其报酬事项; 10.制定公司的基本管理制度。第六章监 事第十五条 公司设监事一名。监事由股东会委派,监事任期3年,任期届满,连选可以连任。第十六条 监事行使下列职权:1.检查公司财务;2.对董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务的行为进行监督,对违反法律、行政法规、公司章程或者股东会决议的董事、高级管理人员提出罢免的建议;3.当董事、高级管理人员的行为损害公司的利益时,要求董事、高级管理人员予以纠正;4.向股东会提出提案;5.依照公司法第一百五十二条规定,对董事、高级管理人

6、员提起诉讼。第十七条 监事可以对董事会决议事项提出质询或者建议。监事发现公司经营情况异常,可以进行调查;必要时,可以聘请会计师事务所等协助其工作,费用由公司承担。第十八条 监事行使职权所必需的费用,由公司承担。第七章管理机构第十九条公司设总经理一名,任期3年,由董事会决定聘任或者解聘。总经理同时为公司的法定代表人。第二十条总经理对董事会负责,行使下列职权:1.主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施执行董事会决议;2.组织实施公司年度经营计划和投资方案;3.拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案;4.拟订公司的基本管理制度;5.制定公司的具体规章;6.提请聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人;7.决定聘任或者



9、和其他外汇收入存入开户银行,一切外汇开支由外汇账户支付,并接受外汇管理部门和开户银行监督。第三十一条公司保证自行解决外汇收支平衡有余。投资者从公司获得的合法利润、其他合法收入和清算后的资金可以汇往国外。公司的外籍员工的工资收入和其他正当收入,依法缴纳个人所得税后可以汇往国外。第九章劳动 管 理第三十二条公司职工的招收、辞退、工资、福利、劳动保险、劳动保护、劳动纪律等事宜,按照中国有关规定办理,由董事会决定,并在劳动合同中订明具体事项。第三十三条公司所需要的职工,可以由当地劳动部门推荐,或公司公开招收择优录用,送当地劳动部门备案。第三十四条公司有权依照合同规定对违反公司的规章制度和劳动纪律的职工


11、拨交工会经费。第十章 保险第三十八条公司的各项保险在中国境内的保险公司投保,投保险别、投保价值、保期等按中国的保险公司的规定,由股东决定。第十一章期限、终止、清算第三十九条 公司经营期限为 年,自营业执照签发之日起计算。第四十条 公司如需延长经营期限,应当在距期限届满180天前向审批机关提交股东决议和股东签署的书面申请,经批准后方可延长,并向登记机关办理变更手续。第四十一条 公司如提前终止经营,应经股东决定,并报审批机关批准。第四十二条 发生下列情况之一时,公司有权依法申请提前终止经营:、发生不可抗力事件,无法再继续经营;、公司连年亏损,无力继续经营;、股东未按规定期限缴付出资额。第四十三条

12、公司经营期满或提前终止经营时,股东应依法组成清算委员会,对公司进行清算。第四十四条 清算结束后,公司应向原审批机关提交报告,并向原登记机关办理注销登记手续,缴回营业执照,同时对外公告。公司解散后,其各种帐册由股东保存。第十二章附则第四十五条本章程的订立、效力、解散、履行和争议的解决,均适用于中华人民共和国的法律。第四十六条本章程用中文书写。第四十七条 本章程的修改需经股东会决议且书面签署章程修正案,并经审批机关批准后生效。第四十八条 本章程经审批机关批准生效。第四十九条本章程于_在中国北京签订。第五十条 本章程有关规定违反中国法律、法规、行政法规及规章规定的,以中国法律、法规、行政法规及规章的

13、规定为准。(本页无正文)投资人:ABC Company董事:日期: Articles of Association ofBEIJING ABC CO.LTDCHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 1In accordance with the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and other relevant Chinese laws and regulat

14、ions,THE ABC LIMITED have decided to establish BEIJING ABC CO.LTD (hereinafter referred as “Company”), these Articles of Association are hereby formulated by the Investor.Article 2Investor:ABC LIMITEDCertificate no.:Legal address:C.P.: 511430Article 3Name of the Company: BEIJING ABC CO.LTDLegal Addr

15、ess: _ Article 4The Company shall be a limited liability company. The liability of each Party with respect to the Company shall be limited to its respective capital contributions to the registered capital of the Company.Article 5The Company shall be a legal person under the laws of China. The activi

16、ties of the Company shall be governed and protected by the relevant published laws, regulations, measures and rules of China and other applicable laws, and the interests of the Company and the Parties shall be protected by Chinese law. The Company is a self-financed and independent accounting econom

17、ic entity and has the right to make its own decisions of the operation and management free from interference within the approved business scope.CHAPTER 2 PURPOSE, SCOPE OF BUSINESS, SCALE OF THE COMPANYArticle 6The purpose of the Company: With the nice wishes of strengthening economic cooperation an

18、d technological exchanges and the desire of the application of advanced technology and scientific management of the economy, the purpose of the company is to enhance economic efficiency, to make the shareholder be satisfied with the Company.Article 7The scope of business of the Company will be: (If

19、any of the foregoing services concerns the management of quota permission,the products shall be subject to operation permit where applicable.)Article 8Scale of the Company: the Company will try to achieve an annual turnover of RMB .CHAPTER 3 INVESTMENT MANNER, TOTAL AMOUNT OF INVESTMEN AND TIMING OF

20、 THE CONTRIBUTIONArticle 9 The total amount of investment of the Company shall be , and the total amount of the registered capital of the Company shall be .All the registered capital shall be paid by the shareholder in cash (Foreign exchange rate between EUR and RMB is referred to the exchange rate

21、announced the same day by the Peoples Bank of China).Timing of the registered capital contributions is as follow: The investor shall contribute its capital by installments. The first payment shall be percent ( %) of the registered capital and shall be paid within ( ) months from the date the busines

22、s license issued. The remainder of the registered capital shall be contributed within two (2) years from the date the business license issued.Article 10 In the event there are changes in the total amount of investment and the scale of the production of the Company the reduction of the registered cap

23、ital is subject to the approval of the competent authority.CHAPTER 4 THE SHAREHOLDERArticle 11The company shall not have a shareholder meeting. Shareholder of the company is highest authority. The shareholder shall adopt the decisions in writing and keep them in the company after them being signed b

24、y the shareholder.Article 12The functions and powers of the shareholder shall include the following:(a) to decide on the business policy and investment plan of the company;(b) to elect and recall director and supervisor whose posts are not taken by the representatives of the staff and workers, and t

25、o decide on matters concerning the remuneration of director and supervisor;(c) to examine and approve reports of executive director;(d) to examine and approve reports of the supervisor;(e) to examine and approve the annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan of the company;(f) to examine a

26、nd approve plans for profit distribution of the company and plans for making up losses;(g) to adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of the company;(h) to adopt resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, transformation, dissolution and liquidation of the c

27、ompany;(i) to amend the articles of association of the company;Chapter 5 Executive DirectorArticle 13The company shall set up an executive director instead of a board of directors, who shall be appointed by shareholder. The term of office of the executive director shall be three (3) years, and he ma

28、y serve consecutive terms when he is re-appointed by the shareholder.Article 14The executive director shall exercise the following functions and powers:(1) to be responsible to shareholder and to report its work to the shareholder; (2) to implement the resolutions of the shareholder; (3) to decide o

29、n the business plans and investment plan of the company; (4) to formulate the annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan of the company; (5) to formulate plans for profit distribution and plans for making up losses of the company; (6) to formulate plans for the increase or reduction of the

30、 registered capital and issuance of company bond of the company; (7) to formulate plans for the merger, division, transformation and dissolution of the company; (8) to decide on the establishment of the companys internal management organs; (9) to decide on appointment and dismiss the companys manage

31、r and the matter on the managers remuneration, and, upon recommendation of the manager, to decide on appointment and dismiss the companys deputy manager(s) and persons in charge of the financial affairs of the company and the matters concerning their remuneration; (10) to formulate the basic management system of the company.CHAPTER 6 SUPERVISORArticle 15 The company shall set up one supervisor.The supervisor shall be appointed by the shareholder. Each term of the supervisor shall be 3 years. The supervisor may,

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