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1、中英文汉英英汉对照资产负债表中英文对照样表资产负债表中英文对照样表Balance Sheet编制单位: 年 月 日 单位:元 Prepared by: 活期历史明细清单: Current Detailed List of History 帐号:Account Number户名:Customer Name操作地区:Operation Region操作网点:Operation Branches操作柜员:Operation Teller工作日期:Date of Work入账日期:Date Recorded币种:Currency Type交易代码:Transaction Code注释:Remark借贷

2、:Lend or Loan金额 Money余额 Balance地区 Region网点Branches操作员 Operator界面 Interface息 Interest税Tax工资 Wage存deposit支取Expenditure汇款remittance收费fee批量业务 Batch Business柜面交易 Counter transaction开户:Account摘要:Abstract地点:location打印机构:Print Agencies现存:Cash deposit转存:Transfer into现支:Cash expenses扣年税:Annual tax deduction包月

3、费:Monthly fee中心入账:Center recorded银行对账单:Bank Reconciliatio打印柜员号printed teller sequence number numro imprim de caissier打印时间 print timeTemps imprim账号 account numbernumro de compte客户名称 account namenom et prnom de compte币别 currencymonnaie钞汇鉴别 cash remittance identificationidentification denvoi de fonds /

4、 remise de billets起始日期 start datedate de dbut终止日期 termination date / expirty datedate dexpiration交易日期 trade /transaction datedate de lopration摘要 abstractextrait交易金额transaction amountmontant de lopration账号余额 account balancesolde du compte对方账号 reciprocal account numbernumro de compte rciproque对方帐户名称 r

5、eciprocal account namenom de compte rciproque操作员号 operator numbernumro de loprateur自述摘要 autobiographical / self-disclosure abstratctextrait autobiographique现金存入 cash deposit dp?t en espces结息 interest settlementrglement dintrt现金支取 cash withdrawretrait en espces中国银行的流水清单 RBS流水查询 RBS Transaction inquir

6、yenqute de transaction终端 terminalTerminal柜员 tellercaissier交易码 transaction codeCode de transaction工作站 workstationPoste de travail页数 pagination / paginal number / page numberpagination起息日 value date Date de valeur 端末机terminal machine Machine de terminal柜员交易码借贷 teller transcation code borrowing and loa

7、n / debit and credit Code de transcation de caissier / Dbit et crdit / emprunter et prter de largent 主管 chief manager / executive Administrateur gestionnaire / chef de service / responsable 这些可以搞定工行流水帐的翻译。其他银行就不清楚了方程-#-英文: BALANCE SHEET _发表时间: 2005-9-23 阅读数: 29060 BALANCE SHEET Printed by For the ye

8、ar(or,quarter,month)ended JULY31,1998 ASSETS LIABLITIES AND OWNEREQUITY LINENO AT BEG OF YEAR AT END OF YEAR CURRENT ASSETS EQUI CURRENT LIABILITIES Cash on handIT 1 Short term loansS Cash in bankloan 2 Notes payableansS Marketable securities 4 Accounts payableties Notes receivableetie 5 Accrued pay

9、rolletie Accounts receivablees 6 Taxes payablevabl Less:Provision for bad debts F 7 Dividends payablebad Advance to suppliersd de 8 Advances from customersbts Other receivablesustom 10 Other payablesesust Deferred and prepaid expenses For 11 Accrued expensesaid Inventoriesns 12 Staff and worker bonu

10、s and welfare fundhe year(o Less:Provision for loss on realizationof inventoriesquarter,mo 13 Long-term liabilities due within one yearinventorie Long-term investments maturing within one yeartoriesquar 15 Other current liabilitiesg with Other current assetslities 16 Total current assetsg with 17 To

11、tal current liabilitiesg with LONG TERM INVESTMENTSliti LONG-TERM LIABILITIESliti Long-term investmentsiesg 18 Long-term loansment Receivables clooectable after onr yearne yearto 20 Debentures payablee aft FIXED ASSETS: pay Premium (discount) on debentures payableeartorie Fixed assets-cost) on d 21

12、一年以上的应付款 Payable due after one yearentures p Less:Accumulated depreciationes pa 22 Total long term liabilitiesbleear Fixed assets-net valueerm li 23 Disposal of fixed assetsm liab 27 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESSsm l OTHER LIABILITIESROGR Construction in progressliab 28 Exchange gain during start-up peri

13、odsbleeart INTANGIBLE ASSETS:ing Deferred gain on investmentsperiod Land occupancy rightvestm 29 Deferred taxes creditstment Proprietary technology and patentsriodsblee 30 Other deferred creditd pate Other intangible assetsd pate 31 Unamortized exchange gainatentsr Total intangible assetsriodsb 32 T

14、otal other liabilities asset OTHER ASSETSer l Total liabilitiessset Organization expensesies 33 OWNERS EQUITYation Exchange loss during start-up perioddsbleear 34 Registered capital Currency and amount)oddsbleeart Deferred taxs debit and a 35 Paid in capital(amount of foreign currency at end of peri

15、od,month)ended D Deferred loss on investmentsn curr 36 Other deferred expensesmentsn 37 Chinese investment(amount of foreign currency at end of periodnth)ended DEC Unamortized exchange loss foreig 38 Foreign investment(amount of foreign currency at end of periodnth)ended DEC Less:Investment returned

16、eign c Capital surplusnede Reserve fundusne Enterprise expansion fundign cu Profit capitalised on return of investmentnd of Current year profitrn o Undistributed profitstrn o Total other assetsted pr Total owners equityrn of i TOTAL ASSETS Tot TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS EQUITYnvestmentn Notes:1. C

17、ustomer materials to be processed_;2. Consignment in_;3.资Goods held for others_;4. Notes receivable discounted with recourse_; 5. Fixed assets under operating lease_;6. Current year payment of import taxes_.d for others_; 中文:资 产 负 债 表 _发表时间: 2005-9-23 阅读数: 29061 资 产 负 债 表 MONETARY UNIT:YUAN 资 产 行次 年

18、初数 资 期末数 资 负债及所有者权益 行次 年初数所有者 期末数所有者 流动资产 流动负债 : 现金 1 短期借款 42 银行存款 2 应付票据 43 有价债券 4 应付帐款 44 应收票据 5 应付工资 45 应收帐款 6 应交税金 46 减:坏帐准备 7 应付股利 47 预付帐款 8 预收货款 48 其他应收款 10 其他应付款 50 待摊费用 11 预提费用 51 存货 12 职工奖励及福利基金 52 减:存货变现损失准备 13 一年内到期的长期负债 53 一年内到期的长期投资 15 其他流动负债 54 其他流动资产 16 流动资产合计 17 流动负债合计 55 长期投资 : 长期负债

19、 : 长期投资 18 长期借款 56 一年以上的应收帐款 20 应付公司债 57 固定资产 : 应付公司溢价(折价) 58 固定资产原价 21 一年以上的应付款项 59 减:累计折旧 22 长期负债合计 60 固定资产净值 23 固定资产清理 27 在建工程 : 其他负债 : 在建工程 28 筹建期间汇兑收益 61 无形资产 : 递延投资收益 62 场地使用权 29 递延税款贷项 63 工业产权及专有技术 30 其他递延贷项 64 其他无形资产 31 待转销汇兑收益 65 无形资产合计 32 其他负债合计 66 其他资产 : 负债合计 67 开办费 33 所有者权益 : 筹建期间汇兑损失 34

20、 资本总额 货币名称及金额 递延税款借项 35 实收资本 (非人民币资本期末金额) 68 递延投资损失 36 其中:资损 其他递延支出 37 中方投资 (非人民币资本期末金额 69 待转销汇兑损失 38 外方投资 (非人民币资本期末金额) 70 减:已归还投资 71 资本公积 72 储备基金 74 企业发展基金 75 利润归还投资 76 本年利润 77 未分配利润 78 其他资产合计 所有者权益合计 80 资产合计 负债及所有者权益总计 81 附注: 1.受托加工材料_;2.受托代销商品_;3.代管商品物资_;4.由企业负责的应收票据贴现_; 5.租入固定资产_;6.本年支付的进口环节税金_.

21、 _; Month: Date: year: Monetary unit: 资 产 行次 年初数 期末数 负债和所有者权益 行次 年初数 期末数 Assets Line No Beg. balance End. balance ( 或股东权益 ) Line No. Beg. balance End. balance Liabilities & Owners (Stockholders) equity 流动资产: 流动负债: Current assets : Current liabilities 货币资金 1 短期借款 68 Monetary funds Short-term loans 短期

22、投资 2 应付票据 69 Short-term investments Notes payable 应收票据 3 应付账款 70 Notes receivable Accounts payable 应收股利 4 预收账款 71 Dividend receivable Advances from customers 应收利息 5 应付工资 72 Interest receivable Accrued payroll 应收账款 6 应付福利费 73 Accounts receivable Welfare expenses payable 其他应收款 7 应付股利 74 Other receivab

23、les Dividend payable 预付账款 8 应交税金 75 Advances to suppliers Taxes payable 应收补贴款 9 其他应交款 80 Subsidies receivable Other payables 存货 10 其他应付款 81 Inventories Other amounts payable 待摊费用 11 预提费用 82 Prepaid expenses Accrued expenses 一年内到期的长期债权投资 21 预计负债 83 Long-term debt investment due with in a year Estimat

24、ed liabilities 其他流动资产 24 一年内到期的长期负债 86 Other current assets Long-term liabilities due within a year 流动资产合计 31 其他流动负债 90 Sub-total of current assets Other current liabilities 长期投资: Long-term investments : 长期股权投资 32 流动负债合计 100 Long-term equity investment Sub-total of current liabilities 长期债权投资 34 长期负债

25、: Long-term debt investment Long-term liabilities 长期投资合计 38 长期借款 101 Sub-total of long-term investments Long-term borrowings 固定资产: 应付债券 102 Fixed assets : Bonds payable 固定资产原价 39 长期应付款 103 Fixed assets-cost Long-term payables 减:累计折旧 40 专项应付款 106 Less : Accumulated depreciation Special payables 固定资产净

26、值 41 其他长期负债 108 Fixed assets-NBV Other long-term liabilities 减:固定资产减值准备 42 长期负债合计 110 Less : Provision for impairment Of fixed assets Sub-total of long-term liabilities 固定资产净额 43 递延税项: Fixed assets-net Deferred taxes 工程物资 44 递延税款贷项 111 Construction materials Deferred tax credit 在建工程 45 负债合计 114 Construction in progress Total liabilities 固定资产清理 46 Disposal of fixed assets 固定资产合计 50 所有者权益 ( 或股东权益 ) Sub-total of fixed assets Owners(Stockholders)equity 无形资产及其他资产: 实收资本 ( 或股本 ) 115 Intang

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