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1、霍比特人3经典台词Bilbo Bagginsto ThorinYouve won the Mountain. Is that not enough(explaining why he has brought the Arkenstone to Thranduil and Bard)I know that dwarves can be obstinate and pigheaded and difficult. And suspicious and secretive, with theworstmanners you can possibly imagine. But they are als

2、o brave and kind, and loyal to a fault. Ive grown very fond of them, and I would save them if I the companyIf any of you ever pass through Bag End, tea is at four. Theres plenty of it. You are welcomeanytime. Dont bother knocking!Thorin Oakenshieldto his companyI have no right to ask this of

3、any of you. but will you follow last timeto Bilbo, last words before dyingFarewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books, and your armchair. Plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place.King Thranduil(to Legolas)Your mother lov

4、ed you. More than anyone. More than life.GandalfYoure not making a very splendid figure as King Under The Mountain, are you Thorin, son of Thrain!You are a very fine fellow, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you. But you are really just a little fellow, in a wide world.Dain Ironfoot(appearing at th

5、e head of an army of dwarves)Good mornin! How are we all I have a wee proposition, if you wouldnt mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider.JUST SODDING OFF!I will not stand down before any Elf!indicates ThranduilNot least this faithless woodland sprite! He wishes nothing but ill

6、 upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, Ill split his pretty head open! See if hes still smirking then!(as Azogs army emerges from beneath the mountains)The hordes of Hell are upon us! To battle, sons of Durin!(as Thorin and Company charge out of gate of Erebor)TO THE KING! TO

7、 THE KING!Dwalin(to Thorin)You sit here in these vast halls, with a crown upon your head- and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been.BardAny man who wants to give their last. FOLLOW ME!Alfrid Your slip is showing.Dialogue1.Smaug:to BardWho are you that would stand against me!Bard, with the B

8、lack Arrow in hand, grabs his bow but finds it brokenNow thatisa pity. What will you do now, Bowman You are forsaken! No help will come!crushes a building with his footMaster of Lake-town:to his menNows our chance! Go now! Head to the open water!Smaug:sees BainHmm. Is that your child You cannot save

9、 him from the fire. He willburn!Bard aims the black arrow while balancing it on Bains shoulderBard: Stay still, son. Stay still.Smaug: Tell me,wretch. how now shallyouchallenge meBard concentrates on Smaugs hollowed scaleYou have nothing left but yourDEATH!roars and makes his way to themBard: Bain.

10、Look at me. You look at me. A little to your left.Bain moves slightlyThats Smaugs heads toward them, Bard shoots the arrow and it strikes the dragons heart, causing him to roar and scream in pain and crash into the tower. The tower falls with Bard and Bain in it. Smaug continues to roar in pai

11、n, flying high until the light leaves his body. He plummets down into the ground. The Master of Lake-town sees the dragons bodyMaster of Lake-town: No! No, no, no!the dead body of Smaug lands on the Master, Braga, the guards, the boat, and the gold, crushing and killing them all; back at the Lonely

12、Mountain, the dwarves hear the crash of Smaugs dead body in the riverOri: What was that What happenedBilbo: It fell. I saw it. Its dead. Smaug is dead!Gloin: By my beard, I think hes right!points to birds flying to the mountainLook there! The Ravens of Erebor are returning to the Mountain!Balin: Aye

13、. Word will spread. Before long, every soul in Middle-Earth will know. the dragon is dead!the dwarves cheer, but Bilbo sees Thorin going back to enter the Lonely Mountain2.after the destruction of Lake-town and Smaugs death, Fili, Bofur, and Oin grab a boat so they can head out to the Lonely Mountai

14、n to rejoin the Company. Kili goes over to TaurielKili: Tauriel.Fili: Kili. Come on, were leaving.Tauriel: They are your people. You must go.starts to walk off, Kili stops herKili: Come with me. I know how I feel, Im not afraid. You make me feel alive.Tauriel: I cant.Kili: Tauriel. Amralime.Tauriel:

15、surprisedI dont know what that means.Kili:grinsI think you do.Fili looks at his brother; before Tauriel could respond, she senses Legolas, who returned from his chase after Bolg, behind herTauriel:in ElvishMy Lord Legolas.Legolas:in ElvishTake your leave of the Dwarf. You are needed elsewhere.Kili a

16、nd Tauriel give each other a longing look, before Kili reluctantly leaves. Then he stops and turns back to Tauriel. He takes her hand and gives her the stone he showed her when they first metKili: Keep it, as a promise.Kili goes to the boat with Fili, Bofur, and Oin and row off. Tauriel looks at the

17、 stone. Her eyes filled with tears as she watches Kili and the others row off in their boat to the Lonely Mountain3.Bolg: Woodland Elves! The Kings son and a She-elf. they tracked us to Lake-town!Azog: And you killed themBolg: They fled. squealing like cowards.Azog:angrilyYou fool! They will return.

18、 with an Army of Elves at their backs! Ride to Gundabad. Let the Legions come forth.addressing his armyElves! Men! Dwarves! The Mountain will be their tomb! To war!4.As Galadriel tries to exit Dol Guldur with the comatose Gandalf, Sauron calls out to her in Black SpeechSauron: Three rings for the El

19、ven-kings under the sky, seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone.Galadriel: Nine for mortal men doomed to die.the Ringwraiths appear in a circle around her, cutting off her escape. Galadriel falls to one kneeSauron: You cannot fight the shadow. Even now, you fade. One light alone in the da

20、rkness.Galadriel:defiantI am not alone.Elrond and Saruman enter Dol GuldurSaruman: Are you in need of assistance, my ladythe Ringwraiths round on him with a shriek. Elrond steps forwardElrond: You should have stayed dead!Elrond and Saruman fight the Ringwraiths5.Sauron:in the Black SpeechIt has begu

21、n. The East will fall. So shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise. The time of the Elves is over. The Age of the Orc has come.Galadriel rises, fell and terrible, and raises the light of Erendil, causing Sauron and the Ringwraiths to recoil.Galadriel:deep, booming voiceYOU HAVE NO POWER HERE, SERVANT OFMORG

22、OTH! YOU ARE NAMELESS, FACELESS, FORMLESS! GO BACK TO THE VOID FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!Sauron disappears. Galadriel faints, Elrond catches her; Gandalf and Radagast watch outside the fortressElrond:in ElvishWe were deceived.Galadriel: The spirit of Sauron endured.Saruman: And has been banished.Galadrie

23、l: He will flee into the East.Elrond: Gondor should be warned. They must set a watch on the walls of Mordor.Saruman: No. Look after the Lady Galadriel. She has spent much of her power. Her strength is failing. Take her to Lothlorien.Elrond: My Lord Saruman, he must be hunted down and destroyed once

24、and for all.Saruman: Without the Ring of Power, Sauron can never again hold dominion over Middle-Earth. Go now. Leave Sauron to me.6.Thorin:staring at the broken throne of Erebor, at the space where the Arkenstone should beIt is here in these halls. I know it.Dwalin: We have searched and searched.Th

25、orin: Not well enough.Dwalin: Thorin, we all would see the stone returned.Thorin:seethingAnd yet its still notfound!Balin: Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people.Thorin: It is theKings Jewel.AM I NOT THE KING!Know this: If anyone should find it and wit

26、hhold it from me. I will be avenged.7.Bilbo sees Balin who looks distressed about Thorins behaviorBalin: Dragon sickness. Ive seen it before. That look, the terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo. It sent his grandfather mad.Bilbo: Balin, if, if Thorin had the Arkenstone, well, if it

27、was found. would it helpBalin: That stone crowns all. Its the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it. But stay his madness No, lad. I fear it would make him worse. Perhaps it is best it remains lost.8.Bilbo sits in a secluded hallway, looking at something in his palm. Thor

28、in enters, and rushes forward.Thorin: demanding What is that In your handBilbo: I-Its nothing.Thorin: Show me.Bilbo: It- opens his hand. It is an acorn on his palm. I picked it up, in Beorns garden.Thorin: his face softens, awed Youve carried it all this wayBilbo: Im going to plant it in my garden,

29、in Bag End.Thorin: smiling fondly Its a poor prize, to take back to the Shire.Bilbo: One day itll grow, and every time Ill look at it Ill remember. The good, the bad. And how lucky I am that I made it home.they smile at each other for a minute.Bilbo: Thorin, I-Dwalin: interrupting Thorin. Survivors,

30、 from Laketown. Theyre streaming into Dale. Theres hundreds of them.Thorin: his face falls Call everyone to the gate. darkly To the gate! Now!9.Bard rides to the Lonely Mountain and sees the dwarves on top of the stone wallBard: Hail Thorin, son of Thrain. We are glad to find you alive beyond hope.T

31、horin: Why do you come to the gates of the King under the Mountain armed for warBard: Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in like a robber in his holeThorin: Perhaps it is because Im expecting to berobbed.Bard: My Lord, we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with meThorin goes down the wall to speak to Bard, as a raven flies overhead into the mountains, and they speak between the wall separating themThorin: Im listening.Bard: On behalf of the people

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