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1、云南开放大学专科英语1秋季学期网上大作业4参考答案网上大作业4试卷总分:100 得分:85一、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)1. How old is the manager? He is 35 years old.答案:正确2.Would you like some crisps? No, Im sorry.答案:错误3. How do I get to the bus station? You take the number 38 bus.答案:错误4. What does he look like? He looks sad.答案:正确5. Whats the weather

2、 like in Shanghai? Thats all right.答案:错误6. What do you think of your new job? I think it is very difficult.答案:正确7. Excuse me, where is the bus stop, please? Its outside the greengrocers.答案:正确8. What was the party like? It was great.答案:正确9. What time does the swimming pool close? On Tuesday.答案:错误10.W

3、hy dont we have a barbecue? Thats a good idea.答案:正确二、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)11. _ Singapore like? Its small and well-organized.A.What doesB.What isC.How is答案:B12.How many _ would you like to buy?A.coffeeB.oilC.oranges答案:C13.I dont need _ coffee, thanks.A.someB.anyC.no答案:B14._ rice do you want to buy ?

4、A.How muchB.How manyC.How答案:A15.I _ buy any wine.A.need notB.dont needC.dont need to答案:C16.One or two days _ not enough to see this big city.A.isB.areC.am答案:A17._ your boss like your plan?A.DoesB.doC.done答案:A18.I like the students _ are clever.A.whichB.whereC.who答案:C19.Look! The boy students are _ f

5、ootball while the girls are _.A.playing, danceB.playing,, dancing答案:B20.Jack has _ to Beijing. He will come back tomorrow.A.beenB.goneC.went答案:B三、阅读理解 (共 3 道试题,共 45 分)25.Franco: Is this your calligraphy, Xiaoyan?Xiaoyan: Yes, do you like it? Franco: Its beautiful. Xiaoyan : I think I m

6、 good at art because my father is an artist. Franco: Im not. My handwriting is terrible, but I always write personal letters by hand- I dont like using the computer for that. Xiaoyan: Neither do I. But my family only send emails, I dont get real letters anymore. Franco: Me neitherIll write you a rea

7、l letter! Xiaoyan: Thank you! But I like using the computer for some things. Im keen on researching my family history and I love surfing the internet for information about that. Franco: Really? Me too.(1).Francos handwriting is beautiful.A.RightB.Wrong答案:B(2).Franco doesnt like using computers for p

8、ersonal letters.A.RightB.Wrong答案:A(3).Xiaoyan doesnt like using computers for personal letters.A.RightB.Wrong答案:A(4).Xiaoyan enjoys surfing the internet for information about her family history.A.RightB.Wrong答案:A(5).Franco is not interested in researching his family history.A.RightB.Wrong答案:B30.Xiao

9、yan: I have most of the things I need. We dont need to buy any rice, and we dont need any peas. Mary: We need some oranges. How many do we need to buy? Xiaoyan: Four are enough. And we need some cream. Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people? Xiaoyan : Two cartons? Shall we get a melo

10、n? And some wine. And I havent got any coffee. Mary: OK. And lychees. Two tins? Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin? Mary: I dont know. Lets get a big tin. We also need some mineral water. Xiaoyan: And the prawns. How many prawns? Mary: One big packet will do. I also need to get some veget

11、ables for next week- potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage I think. Theres a little greengrocers along the road. Why dont we go there first?(1).How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy?A.OneB.A kiloC.Four答案:C(2).Do they need any cream?A.Yes, they do.B.No, they dont.C.The text does not tell us.答案

12、:A(3).How many prawns do they want to buy?A.A packet.B.Two packetsC.Three packets.答案:A(4).Who would like to have some vegetables?A.XiaoyanB.MaryC.Shopkeeper答案:B(5).Which is not included in the shopping list?A.Rice and peasB.Potatoes and coffeeC.Melons and wine答案:A35.One winter day in 1891, a class a

13、t a training school in Massachusetts, USA, went into the gym for their daily exercises. Since the football season had ended, most of young men felt they were in for a boring time. But their teacher, James Naismith, had other ideas. He had been working for a long time on the new game that would have

14、the excitement of American football. Naismith showed the men a basket he had hung at each end of the gym, and explained that they were going to use a round European football. At first everybody tried to throw the ball into the basket no matter where he was standing. “Pass! Pass!” Naismith kept shout

15、ing, blowing his whistle to stop the excited players. Slowly, they began to understand what was wanted of them. The problem with the new game, which was soon called “basketball”, was getting the ball out of the basket. They used ordinary baskets, with bottoms, and the ball, of course, stayed inside.

16、 At first, someone had to climb up every time when a basket was scored. It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through. There have been many changes in the rules since then, and basketball had become one of the worlds

17、most popular sports.(1).When did the story happen?A.In springB.In summerC.In fallD.In winter答案:D(2).What did Naismith do to entertain his students one day?A.He taught them to play an exciting new gameB.He took them to watch a basketball gameC.He trained them to play European footballD.He let them co

18、mpete in getting balls out of a basket答案:A(3).According to the write, what was the problem with the new game?A.The players had difficulty understanding the complex rulesB.The players found the basket too high to reachC.The players soon found the game boringD.The players had trouble getting the ball

19、out of the basket答案:D(4).How was the problem with the new game solved?A.By alerting the size of the basketB.By simplifying the complex rulesC.By removing the bottom of the basketD.By lowering the position of the basket答案:C(5).Which kind of ball was used in basketball games at first?A.VolleyballB.Sof

20、tballC.American footballD.British football答案:D四、简答题 (共 5 道试题,共 15 分)36.将下列英文句子翻译成中文。We had ice cream for dessert after the main course.答案:我们主菜后吃的甜点是冰淇淋。37.Can you figure out what his report means?答案:你能理解他这个报告的意义吗?38.It is said that swimming brings great benefit to our health.答案:据说游泳对身体健康有极大好处。39.I w

21、as not conscious of having made a mistake.答案:我没意识到自己犯了错误。40.The Dragon Boat Festival appeals to many foreigners.答案:端午节吸引了很多外国人。以下内容不需要的请自行删除试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 75 分)1.在Java中,表示换行符的转义字符是( )A.nB.fC.ddD.n答案:A2.下列构造方法的调用方式中,正确的是( )。A.被系统调用B.由用户直接调用C.按照一般方法调用D.只能通过 new 自动调用答案:D3.在调用函数并传递参数时,

22、将变量对应的内存位置传递给函数,而函数会根据内存位置取得参数的值,是指哪种方式( )A.返回值B.地址传递调用C.值传递调用D.以上都不是答案:B4.设 i、j 为int型变量名,a 为int型数组名,以下选项中,正确的赋值语句是( )A.i+ - -j;B.i = i + 2C.a0 = 7;D.a(0) = 66;答案:C5.编译并且执行以下代码,会出现什么情况( )。?public?class?Q?public?static?void?main(String?argv)?int?anar=new?int1,2,3;?System.out.println(anar1);?A.有错误,数组的

23、大小没有定义。B.有错误,数组anar在初始化以前不能正常输出C.2D.1答案:C6.设 x、 y为已定义的类名,下列声明x类的对象x1的语句中正确的是( )A.y x1;B.x x1=x();C.static x x1;D.public x x1=new x(int 123);答案:C7.执行完代码intx=new int25;后,以下( )说明是正确的。A.x25为0B.x24未定义C.x24为0D.x0为空答案:C8.关于Java中数据类型叙述正确的是( )A.整型数据在不同平台下长度不同B.数组属于简单数据类型C.boolean类型数据只有2个值,true和falseD.Java中的指

24、针类型和C语言的一样答案:C9.下列语句序列执行后,i 的值是( )。 int i=8, j=16; if( i-1 j ) i-; else j-;A.8B.7C.16D.15答案:A10.阅读下面程序 class ex3124 public static void main(String args) boolean b=true; if(b) int i=1; else int i=2;System.out.println(i); 现在想先编译再运行该程序,结果是( )。A.运行出错B.编译出错C.2D.1答案:B11.下列程序段的输出结果是 ( )。 public class opera

25、torsandExpressions void stringPlus() int x=3,y=4,z=5; System.out.println(x+y+z); A.以上答案均不正确B.xyzC.x+y+zD.12答案:D12.关于类和对象的叙述正确的是( )A.类的静态属性和全局变量的概念完全一样,只是表达形式不同B.类的成员至少有一个属性和一个方法C.类是对象的实例化D.Java的类分为两大部分:系统定义的类和用户自定义的类答案:D13.设有定义 int i=123; long j=456; 下面赋值不正确的语句是( )A.j=(long)i;B.j=i;C.i=j;D.i=(int)j;

26、答案:C14.下列程序段执行后的结果是( )。 String s=new String(abcdefg); for(int i=0;is.length();i+=2) System.out.print(s.charAt(i); A.acegB.abcdefgC.abcdD.ACEG答案:A15.下列哪个类声明是正确的( )A.public abstract class CarB.protected private numberC.abstract private move()D.abstract final class Hl答案:A16.以下哪个约束符可用于定义成员常量( )A.以上都不对B.

27、staticC.finalD.abstract答案:C17.若已定义 byte x= 11,22,33,-66 ; 其中0≤k≤3,则对x数组元素错误的引用是( )A.xk+5B.xkC.x5-3D.x0答案:A18.下列语句序列执行后,k 的值是( )。 int m=3, n=6, k=0; while(m+) 3 );A.8B.4C.2D.16答案:C21.数组的大小在创建以后( )。A.有些可以改变B.可以改变C.使用new方法可以改变D.不能改变答案:D22.下列关于for循环和while循环的说法中哪个是正确的( )A.两种循环结构中都必须有循环体,循环体不能为空B.两种

28、循环任何时候都可替换C.while循环能实现的操作,for循环也都能实现D.while循环判断条件一般是程序结果,for循环判断条件一般是非程序结果答案:C23.下列方法定义中,正确的是( )A.void?x()?.return?true;?;?,b)?return?a+b;?;?return?(int)ch;?答案:D24.关于以下程序段的说法正确的是( )。 1. public class Myar 2. public static void main(String argv) 3. inti=new int5; 4. System.out.println(i5); 5. 6. A.编译时没有产生错误,运行时发生异常B.编译时产生错误C.第4行编译出错D.第2行编译出错答案:A25.下面的代码段中,执行之后i 和j 的值是( )。 int i = 1; int j; j = i+;A.2, 2B.2, 1C.1, 2D.1, 1答案:B二、多选题 (共 5 道试题,共 10 分)26.说明下列创建数组的方法那些是正确的( )。 twoDim = new int4; twoDim = new int4; twoDim = new int45

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