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1、中考热点作文19篇作文2013英语中考热点作文1. 每个学生有有自己的梦想,让我们写下自己的梦想。请根据提示,在相应的位置写出与你梦想有关的词或短语。(本题4分)Everyone has a dream. I want to be a/an_.My dreamI will _for the dream.Its a/an_dream2 根据上面的提示或者自己平时生活的某个细节写一篇短文,介绍自己的梦想。(本题16分)要求:1 短文要有标题,题目自拟; 2 不能出现真实的人名或者学校的名字; 3 字数6090。3文明,是素养;文明,是习惯.请根据提示词用一句话描述你身边文明的行为: 1.shoul

2、d be friendly to _ 2. can help in trouble _ 3 .Its necessary wait for a bus _ 4 .mustnt drop litter _ 5. had better not waste _.我们的城市正在进行创国家级“文明(civilized)城市”的活动,请你以市长的名义写一篇倡议书,号召大家争做文明市民。要求:语句通顺,书写规范,不得出现真实姓名和校名。 内容要丰富,要从多个角度展示自己的观点。 词数在100 词左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。. Dear friends, This year,were trying

3、to make our city become one of the civilized cities in China._4幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是A、请写出与幸福有关的五个句子,例句只能模仿,不能抄写。(5分)Eg:Help others makes me happy.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事件。(15分)要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确,字迹工整,80100词。Happiness is important in our life

4、. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to face my parents. But when my parents knew what happened, they said to me,“It doesnt matter, my child. Remember well be always around y

5、ou whenever you need help. We believe you can do better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents love. I love my parents and thank them for loving and supporting me. I will do my best to give th

6、em more love.5六月六日是“全国爱眼日”。为此,某中学生英文报拟组织一次征文活动。请你结合生活实际写一篇题目为如何保护眼睛的征文稿,内容要点包括:1、眼睛的重要性;2、保护眼睛的措施:(1)不要长时间看书报;(2)不要在太强或者太弱的光线下看书;(3)坚持做眼保健操; 注 意:词数:80100;不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥。How to Protect Our Eyes_参考范文:How to Protect Our Eyes Eye is the window of our mind. We use our eyes to see everything around us. With

7、out eyes, nothing is left beside you but darkness. How to protect our eyes? Its not right to keep your eyes working for a long time. Youd better not read in a strong or poor light. Dont read in bed or on a moving bus. Remember to keep your books away from your eyes for about a foot and do eye-exerci

8、ses every day. Whats more, a balanced diet is necessary.Follow my advice and form a good habit. Its time to say goodbye to thick glasses.6作为一名初三的学生,现在你的学习非常紧张。业余时间是大家忙碌学习生活的调节剂。你请你以My Free Time为题介绍一下你是如何利用业余时间放松自己的。看书、看电视、听音乐、做运动、还是?你喜欢做什么呢?说说你的想法和理由。提示词语:I, student, be busy, a lot of, things, free

9、time, take exercise, sports, keep healthy, do some reading, evening, relax, knowledge, spend, sometimes, housework, enjoyI am a middle school student. Though Im busy with my lessons, I still have a lot of things to do in my free time. After school I usually take exercise. I like basketball and footb

10、all very much. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I find it a good way to relax myself. I think books are our greatest friends. They give us all kinds of knowledge. We can learn a lot that can not be learned at school. So reading books is the bes

11、t way of spending my free time. Sometimes I help my parents with the housework at the weekends. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking. I enjoy myself in my free time. 7.假如你叫李霞,即将结束初中阶段的学习生活,请你用英文给张老师写一封信,对张老师和学校表示感谢和祝愿。要求;条例清除,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。中学生在复习迎考期间学习时间长,压力大,选择适当的方式放松自己非常重要。 请写出5种你和身边

12、同学的放松方式 watch TV listen to music take exercise chat with friends on the Internet sleep well 根据你所填的信息,谈谈哪些放松方式是适当的(1) 短文要包括第1部分的相关信息(2)词数在80-100 左右 The Proper Ways for Students to RelaxDifferent students have different ways to relax. Some of my friends like to watch TV and listen to music. Some often

13、 chat with friends on the Internet. Some studentsthink taking exercise is a good way to relax. And others think we must sleep well every day. In my opinion, watching TV or chatting with friends on the Internet isnt a good way to help us to relax. I think taking exercise and sleeping well are very im

14、portant for us. They are proper ways to relax because they can rest our brains and eyes. Besides, They can help improve our health. So choose proper ways to relax.8“世界无烟日(Non-smoking Day)”那天,某中学对该校学生吸烟情况进行了一次调查,结果如图所示。请就此话题用英语写一篇短文。 要求:1对调查结果进行描述。 2表明自己的看法并提出建议。 3所写内容符合“世界无烟日”主题。 4词数80个左右。 提示词语:do a

15、 survey about(做一个有关的调查),3of the students(百分之三的学生) On Nonsmoking Day, a school did a survey about how many students smokeHere are the results:3of the students often smoke7of the students smoke sometimesThese students say they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smokingNearly everyone knows sm

16、oking does no good to peoples health,especially for teenagersAs students,we should not smokeThose who smoke should give up smokingAnd if our family members smoke,we should try to stop themStudents who have never smoked should never try it 9当前,许多青少年会在学习和生活中遇到一些问题。请根据表格中的内容写一篇80词左右的短文,描述安和米莉的问题,并给她们提供

17、一些建议。问 题建 议Ann很害羞,在聚会上不知道该说什么、做什么。和某个看上去友善的人交谈。Millie在考试的前夜睡不着觉,考试时由于太累而不能取得好成绩。睡前散步,喝点牛奶,不要看令人兴奋的电视节目。Ann has such a problem. She is shy. She doesnt know what to say and what to do at parties. I think she should talk to someone who looks friendly. Then she wont feel so shy. Millie cant fall asleep

18、the night before an exam. She is too tired to get good marks. I think she may take a walk and drink some milk before going to bed. That can help her relax. At the same time, she shouldnt watch exciting TV programmes. 3. 山东泰山被联合国教科文组织定为世界自然文化遗产。假设外国友人到你学校参观后准备去旅游。请结合以下要点和图片向外国友人简单介绍泰山:1. 位于山东中部,是中国著名

19、旅游胜地。每年有大批中外游客去旅游观光。2. 乘汽车大约要2个小时,也可以乘火车。3. 登山便可领略。 云海 奇松 怪石 日出(the sea of clouds) (wondrous pines) (unique rocks) (sunrise)注意:字数不少于80词,可适当发挥,不要逐字翻译。 Mount Tai is one of the most famous mountains in China. It is in the middle of Shandong Province. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners visit

20、 there. Its not far from here. It takes you about two hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by train. Autumn is the best season to climb Mount Tai. On the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines, unique rocks around you and the sunrise. And the sunrise is wond

21、erful. Mount Tai is really a nice place to visit.10你即将初中毕业,在这三年的学习生活中,许多人给过你了关心、帮助和无私的关爱:比如你的亲人,老师,同学,朋友等等。请任选三个人,分别写出一句最想对他或她说的话。 注意:范例可以适当参考,但不得抄袭;句中不得出现真实的人名和校名。e.g. My dear friend, thanks for helping me with my English._ My dear father, I love you.My dear English teacher, youre the best teacher.

22、My dear classmates, thanks for helping me with my study.11母爱是每个人的至爱, 母亲为我们付出了许多。对每个人来说, 母爱恩重如山, 情深似海。请以”I love My Mother”为题, 用英语写一篇80词左右的短文, 表示对母亲的感恩之情。短文应包括: 1. 母爱(生活、学习、成长等方面)。 2.感恩。注意: 1. 文中不要出现“我”和“我母亲”的真实姓名以及与其有关的真实地点名字。 2. 短文开头已经给出,不计入作文字数。I Love My MotherThere are many people around me, but I

23、 love my mother best. _I Love My MotherThere are many people around me, but I love my mother best.My mother is a great mother. She tries to do what she can to help me with my study and my life. She often tells me to work hard and to be honest. Every morning, she gets up early to make breakfast. She

24、looks after me well. One midnight, I had a high fever. She was very worried and took me to the hospital at once and stayed with me all the time. Two days later, I was well again but she fell ill. I was truly sorry for that.Mother, Ill love you forever.12水是生命之源。凡是生物,都需要水,没有水就无法生存。我们的日常生活离不开水,工农业生产也离不

25、开水。请例举五个水的用途的句子。注意:范例可以适当参考,但不得抄袭。e.g. We can use water to produce the corn._ We can use water to wash clothes.We can use water to feed animals.We can use water to drink.We can use water to water flowers.We can use water to plant vegetables.13去年,我国西南地区经历了百年不遇的干旱,水资源对人类是重要的。我们如何保护水,成为人们必须面对的问题。请以“节约用

26、水、从现在做起”为题,写一段80词左右的短文。必要性没有水人类无法生存不良现象不关水龙头(tap);洗澡时间很长;没喝完水,就把瓶子扔掉建议(你的23个建议)注意:1、词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数)。 2、不得透露学校、姓名等任何信息,否则不予评分。 Act now to save waterWater is very important to us. _ Act now to save waterWater is very important to us. People cant live without water. Plants and animals will die wi

27、thout water. Almost everyone knows the importance of the water. But therere still many people wasting water. For example, some people forget to turn off the taps; some people take showers for a long time; some people throw away the bottles though theres still water in them.I want to give some advice

28、 on how to save water. First, we should turn off the taps after we use water. Second, we should take a short shower. Third, when we drink water, make sure the water in the bottle is drunk up before throwing it.14进、现代的许多发明,让我们的日常生活变得舒适、方便。请用英语列举五种现代发明。_ _ _ _ _TV computer mobile phone plane radio15现在

29、互联网已经基本普及,正因为有了它,我们的世界变成了一个地球村,我们可以利用它做很多事情。比如我们可以上网发邮件,网上购物,开网店,同时我们还可以利用互联网在家里上班等等。以 “The Internet has changed our life(互联网改变了我们的生活)”为题,写一篇不少于80字的短文。 注意:文中不得出现考生姓名,校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。 提示:1、What changes has the Internet brought to our life?2、What was your life like before the Internet was widely used?3、What do you think of it?The Internet has changed our life_

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