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1、届河南省南阳市高三上学期期中质量评估英语试题及答案南阳市2016届高三上学期期中质量评估英语试题第I卷选择题(共100分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Read the notice at the window. B. Get a new bus sch

2、edule. C. Go and ask the staff2.What does the man dislike? A. Getting lost in a new place. B. Touring big noisy cities. C. Traveling to natural places.3What happened to the man? A. He has lost his job. B. He couldnt make ends meet. C. He has made a mistake in his job.4.How much does the woman have t

3、o borrow? A. $180 B. $200C. $3605. Where does the man probably work? A. In a hotel. B. At an airport. C. In a travel agency. 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6; 7题。6. Why is the man going to Los Angeles?

4、 A. To take a holiday. B. To host a show. C. To visit some athletes.7.What does the woman want to do? A. Become a famous basketball player. B. Go to meet Tyson Chandler. C. Get a sports award. 听第7段材料,回答8、9题。8. What does the woman like about the watch? A. The pattern on the back. B. The sound of its

5、ticking. C. The shape.9. Who is/are coming next week? A. The mans grandchild. B. The womans mother. C. The womans grandparents. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12jghm 。10. How many English classes will the woman probably take this spring semester? A. Two B.Three C. Four11Which class does the man have to take? A. Math.

6、 B. Biology. C. Spanish.12. What kind of job will the man try to find? A. A gas station clerk. B. A restaurant waiter. C. A taxi driver. 听第9材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is Maria doing? A. Making a birdhouse to sell. B. Contacting an overseas customer. C. Making some artwork for the woman.14. How does the w

7、oman say about Art Enables? A. Its free to professional artists. B. Its run for profit. C. Its for the disabled.15. How much can an artist receive from a100 sale? A. $100 B. $80 C. $60.16. What does the man decide to do? A. Learn to make artwork. B. Tell Anna to join Art Enables C. Show his artwork

8、at the gallery. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the prize for the winner of the competition this week? A. A photograph. B. A special CD. C. Two concert tickets.18. When did the mystery star get his first guitar? A. Iu 1945 B. In 1952. C. In 1962.19. When did the mystery star write his song Tears in He

9、aven? A. After his wife left him. B. After his young son died. C. After he gave up using drugs.20. What will the speaker probably do next? A. Answer a plkone. BContact the star. C. Listen to a song.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AClass 10

10、1 This class is intended for adolescents to learn social skills all of us need. Well cover everythingfrom how to begin conversations with strangers to ways of calming your nerves when you do. Youlllearn what makes some people more popular than others and simple things you can do to feel morelike you

11、 fit it.Place: Karman Executive Center, BellevueTime: From 6:30 PM to 8:30PM, on Saturday in MayFee:135.00 includes workbooksClass 102 We design this class to help to get over fears. In this class, well cover the basics- the origins ofshyness, strategies for focusing on the kind of shyness your chil

12、d experiences, social skills you canteach in your home, and tips for working with teachers to help your child fit in at school.Place: Karman Executive Center, BellevueTime: From 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, on Sunday in MayFee: $85.00Class 103 Do you find yourself searching for something to say when you meet

13、 someone new in your work?Then why not ,join us in learning the secret of successful conversation? In this fun-filled evening,well demystify(深入浅出地解释)the art of conversation and practice some easy techniques to putyourself and others at ease.Place: North Campus, BellevueTime: 6:30PM to 9:30PM on Thur

14、sday, May 23rdhee: $49.00C1ass 10421If a student wants to be popular with others, he or she should choose .A. Class 101 B. Class 104 C. Class 102 D. Class 10322. The class that can help a child to improve their EQ costs A.135,00 B.85.00 C.59.00 D.$ 49.0023We can learn from the text that A,most of th

15、e classes are given in the same building B. all of the classes are given on weekends C.all the classes are given in May D. fees for most classes include workbooks B Leon, 12, was born without fingers on his left hand.That didnt -stop him from being able to domany tasks. But Leon could not grasp more

16、 than one object at a time. So Leons father, Paul, createda prosthesis(假肢),using a 3D printer. Now Leon has fingers that open and close.It was ado-it-yourself, father and son adventure, says raw. When Leon was a baby, his doctor advised his parents not to give him a prosthetic hand until hewas in hi

17、s early teens. The doctor said Leon should first learn to get full use out of the hand he wasborn with, says Paul. As Leon got older, his father looked into buying a prosthetic hand, which cancost as much as $30,000. Paul found a more affordable solution. One day, Paul discovered a video on the Inte

18、rnet about Robohand, a prosthesis created with a 3Dprinter. He downloaded the free instructions and called Robohands creators for advice. They toldhim all he needed was a 3D printer一which costs around $2,000- and some materials. Luckily, Leons school had recently purchased a 3D printer and it offere

19、d to help Paul build thehand for Leon.“We used a soccer shin guard(护胫),cardboard, and tape. They cost about10, saysPaul. With his new hand, Leon can do things better. I can help my mom more, because now I cancarry two grocery bags,”he says. Leons father has already built .several hands for Leon. Leo

20、n helps design each one. He saystheres one thing in particular that he wants to do with a future prosthesis.“The goal, he tells thereporter from the local evening paper,“is to be able to tie my shoelaces:24. Why did Leons doctor disapprove of his using a prosthesis in his childhood? A.The prosthetic

21、 technology was underdeveloped then. B. A prosthesis was very expensive at that time. C. To master the disabled hand was important. D. The original hand could do many tasks.25. Leons father managed to get Leon a new hand by A.collecting money on the Internet. B. buying a prosthetic hand C. purchasin

22、g a 3D printer D. printing a hand26. The materials used for Leons hand can be described as A. cheap and common B. strange and valuable C. personal and lovely D. basic and solid27. Where can the passage be taken from? A. An advertisement B. A newspaper C. A poster D. A travel guide C Whenever we turn

23、 on the TV or radio, read the newspapers, surf the Internet, well besurrounded by the word diet everywhere. We have so easily been attracted by the promise of dietproducts that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying forproducts that harm us psychologically(心

24、理上地)and physically. Its obvious that diet products weaken us psychologically. They allow us to jump over thethinking stage that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling theconsumption of fat. All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word diet in food labe

25、ls. Whats more, diet products have greater psychological effects. Every time we have azero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves that we dont have to work to get resultsDiet productsmake people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance andstruggle. As a matter o

26、f fact, the danger that diet products bring not only lies in the psychological effectsthey have on us, but also in the physical harm they cause. Diet foods and diet pills contain zerocalorie. oaly because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products, Andthey can indirectl

27、y harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we arestopping our bodies having basic nutrients. Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemicalsthat go into diet products are potentially dangerous. Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemica

28、ls. Think twice beforebuying diet products. Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, 3rdtherefore, prevent the psychological and physical harm that comes from using them.28. From Paragraph 1,we learn that A. diet products are in our daily life B. people have trouble

29、 choosfng diet products C. people should put up with diet products D. diet products are misleading people29. The psychological effect of diet products is that people tend to A. hesitate before they enjoy diet foods B, pay attention to their daily diet C. watch their weight rather than their diet D.

30、try out varieties of diet foods30. The underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably means A. diet products cause no pain B, it costs a lot to.lose weight C. losing weight is effortless D. diet products are free of fat and calories31Diet products indirectly harm people physically because such products A.

31、are over-consumed B. are short of basic nutrients C. lack chemicals D. provide too much energy D According to a survey,more Europeans go digital一changing from fixed lines to mobile phonesand from narrowband to broadband Internet connections. The survey showed that 22 percent of EU households use only mobile phones, up from I8percent a year ago,while the percentage of households with at least one fixed line decreased by 5percent to 72 percent, although the percentage of households with at least one mobile phone remainsfairly stable at 8l per

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