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本文(春中国农业大学《大学英语Ⅲ体验英语》在线作业A及满分答案更新.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、春中国农业大学大学英语体验英语在线作业A及满分答案更新2015春中国农业大学大学英语-体验英语在线作业_A及满分答案一 单项选择题1. There has been a heated controversy over the new traffic _ forbidding automobiles in downtown during the daytime.regulationslawsbansalerts本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:regulations知识点:-2. It is pleasant to see that the whole community has par

2、ticipated in this environmental action with great _.vigorvisionvalidityvow本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:vigor知识点:-3. Human cloning has been the most controversial _ in life sciences this year.problemquestionissuetrouble本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:issue知识点:-4. Its no use _ wit him. You might as well argue with a sto

3、ne wall.arguingto argueof arguingin arguing本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:arguing知识点:-5. Those high school students _ to computer games will usually lose interest in their studies.addictedapproachedabsorbedadapted本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:addicted知识点:-6. The chemical works that has _ the fertile fields faces billi

4、ons of dollars in fines.rottedupsetspoiledinjured本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:spoiled知识点:-7. The two most common _ in making a cake are flour and sugar.elementsingredientscomponentsfactors本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:ingredients知识点:-8. For the health of babies, breastfeeding is far superior _ bottle-feeding.versusb

5、eyondtothan本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:to知识点:-9. Do you want to see my ID card or student card? Oh, _.each will be fineeither one does welleither one will doeach one is good本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:either one will do知识点:-10. In summer I like to go to the seaside. It _ good to lie on the beach or swim in the co

6、ol sea.doesgetsmakesfeels本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:feels知识点:-11. The number of people invited to the party _ two hundred, but a number of them _ absent for various reasons.was waswas werewere werewere was本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:was were知识点:-12. The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position

7、.significancedeterminationstatestatus本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:status知识点:-13. The visitors were amazed to see so many _ and precious treasures in the museum.infrequentrareoddstrange本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:rare知识点:-14. On no _ will you be allowed to drive after drinking alcohol.circumstanceconditionsituation

8、occasion本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:occasion知识点:-15. The official figures of unemployment revealed that millions of citizens could hardly make a _ living.decentsuitableappropriatehonest本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:decent知识点:-16. The last ten years _ tremendous changes in the city.investigatedsearchedwitnessedoverl

9、ooked本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:witnessed知识点:-17. _ in thought, Mr. Smith almost ran into the car in front of him.LostHaving lostTo loseLosing本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:Lost知识点:-18. The first two items of this contract are especially _ of notice.worthyworthworthlessworthwhile本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:worthy知识点:-19. She has won a _ prize for her poems published in the past 10 years.prestigiousrewardedawardedprivileged本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:prestigious知识点:-20. In the course of a day our students do far more than just _ classes.attendingattendattendedto attend本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:attend

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