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1、Esxcfr294句考研热点话题亮点词句生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔294句考研热点话题亮点词句 1. superior to others高人一等 2. The large scale development of West China is of profound significance西部大开发具有深远意义3. revitalize our nation实现我们民族的伟大复兴 4. lag behind(发展)滞后 5. the opening-up policies 开放

2、政策 6. lure more foreign capital吸引更多的外资 7. leave far behind 把远远地甩到后边 8. In addition, the wests unique unfavorable geographic positions greatly limit its development 另外,西部极为不利的地理位置限制了其自身的发展。 9. subsistence problem温饱问题 10. If left unchanged, the underdevelopment in the west will greatly affect overall

3、prosperity and even social stability.这种状况若不改变的话,西部的落后将极大地影响共同富裕的目标甚至社会稳定。 11. However, the western region development is a long-term systematic project.然而,西部开发是一个长期的系统工程。 12.It calls for tremendous efforts of several generations.它需要几代人的共同努力。 13.economic prosperity 经济繁荣 14. social progress社会进步 15.pol

4、itical stability政治稳定 16. beautiful landscape风光秀丽 17.a deep-rooted concept一个根深蒂固的观念 18. materialistic society物质社会 concerned about关心 20. the sense of achievement成就感 terms of从的角度 22. a sound attitude一种正确的态度 23. strive for为 而努力 24. bookworm书呆子 25. the pursuit of our ideals对我们理想的追求 26. materi

5、al well-being物质财富 27. utilize the natural resources利用自然资源 the future needs满足将来的需要 29. Competition exists everywhere and it is one of the motive forces of the development of society竞争是社会生活中的一个司空见惯的现象 30. However, we often find competition exists together with cooperation.然而,我们经常发现竞争与合作共存的情况。

6、31. While we are advocating competition, we cant forget cooperation.我们在倡导竞争是不可忽略合作。 32. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures.纯粹排他的竞争会导致一事无成。 33. Only competition together with cooperation helps us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.只有既竞争又合作,我们才能实现目标,才能满足自身需要。 34

7、. The current education system现行教育体制 35.(be) aimed at致力于 36. the practical application of what they have learned他们所学知识的实际运用 37. challenge examination-oriented education挑战应试教育 38. advocate quality-oriented education倡导素质教育 39. focus on the students ability as a whole重视培养学生的整体能力 40. play a key role 起到关

8、键作用 41. contribute to solving the problem of 有助于问题的解决 42. bring up a new generation培养一代新人 43. on a large scale大规模的 44. compulsory education义务教育 45. a top priority最优先(事项) 46. water loss and soil erosion水土流失 47. Evidently, the deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of

9、mankind很明显,环境质量恶化会危及人类的生存。 48. Therefore, the best solution is that we should devote to the protection of our home while we are developing our economy. 因此,最好的策略是,在发展经济的同时致力于保护环境。 49. sustainable development可持续发展 50. Both the government and ordinary people should join hands to make this world a bette

10、r place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.政府和百姓应携起手来,一起打造更好的生存环境,不仅为了自己,更为了我们的子孙后代。 51. Some academic works are full of plagiarisms.一些学术作品里充满了剽窃来的思想和文字。52. money-oriented salespeople惟利是图的商人 53. fake commodity假货 54. achieve success取得成功 55. impart knowledge(to)传授知识 56

11、. the soul engineer of mankind人类灵魂的工程师 57. raise teachers social status and improve their material welfare提高教师社会地位,改善教师物质待遇。 58. an empty slogan一个空洞的口号 59. international prestige国际地位 60. promote the unification of China促进祖国的统一 61. in the long run从长远看来 62. 62. make every citizen aware that使每个人都意识到 63

12、. take the lead起带头作用 64. deforestation森林砍伐 65. ecosystem生态系统 66. According to its definition, the purpose of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.根据定义,可持续发展战略提出的目的是在不损害子孙后代的利益的前提下满足今天人们的需要。67. The f

13、ulfillment of ones duty and obligations履行某人的职责与义务 68. maintain the stability and unity of our country 维护我们国家的稳定和统一 69. Childrens love for their parents is the latters best reward.孩子对父母的爱是对父母最好的回报。 70. vigor and vitality生机与活力 age of awakening觉醒的时期 72. lay a good foundation for the future为将来奠定坚实

14、的基础 73. lack of awareness of times passage不能意识到时光的流逝 74. go sightseeing出去观光 75. remain fresh in ones memory让某人记忆犹新 76. It turned out that结果表明(接从句) 77. lengthen peoples life expectancy延长人们的寿命 78. If science is properly used, it will benefit mankind, while if it is misused, it will lead to tragic resu

15、lt.如果正当利用,科学将造福人类,如果利用不当,科学将引发灾难。 79. So its up to us to make science a blessing rather than a curse to mankind.让科学造福而非引发祸端,这是我们的责任。 80. propagate endangered animal species促进濒危动物种群的繁衍。 81.produce replacement organs for transplant patients为病人制造可用于移植的替代器官。 82. The same applies to robots.机器人也存在着相同的问题。

16、83. The concern is good for it calls for adequate attention to the problems of modern technology and the steps to be taken to guide the direction of its development.此类想法不无裨益,它能唤起人们对现代科技技术带来的问题的足够重视,同时促使人们采取措施引导技术的发展方向。 84. come up with想出,找出(答案,计划等) 85. Tools are the milestones of technology as well

17、as human beings progress.工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。 86. medical breakthrough医学上的重大突破 87. eradicate根除 88.(be) popular with受到的欢迎 89.(be) enslaved使沦为奴隶 90. greenhouse effect 温室效应 91. decisive factor决定因素 92. serve the interests of 服务于利益的需要 93. I miss very much our traditional culture whose loss is too high a pri

18、ce to pay.传统文化令我十分留恋,它的缺失意味着高昂的代价。 94. Gone forever are not only, but永远失去的不仅是,还有 95. I treasure traditional culture, for it embodies the very customs and values that sustain our friendship, family and spiritual life.我珍惜传统文化,因为它代表了维系我们的友谊,家庭和精神生活的固有方式及价值观。 96. lift intellectual property窃取知识产权 97. e-c

19、ommerce电子商务 98. cause great financial losses导致巨大的经济损失 99. It is high time for us to take all the effective measures to battle against hackers.我们应立即采取有效措施,制止黑壳犯罪。 100. Spot some weakness on the Web.窥探到网上的一些漏洞。101. Enhance the management on the web 加强对网络的监管力度。 102. Put what we have learned into practi

20、ce将我们所学附诸实践 103. We should take advantage of science to serve our society.我们应利用科学服务社会。 104. desirable满足需要的 105. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet.在网上,商品的形状,大小和颜色一目了然。 106. click the mouse 点击鼠标 107. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.所订商品立刻送到。 1

21、08. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.一旦上当,投诉无 109. abuse 滥用 110. an indispensable part in modern life现代生活不可或缺的一个方面。 111. mass education大众教育 112. a two-edged sword一把双刃剑 113. a national long-distance educational system全国远程教育系统 114. provide educational opportunities v

22、ia Internet通过网络提供教育机会 115. So I think people should use cell phones as little as possible and turn them off on important occasions.因此,我认为人们应尽量少用手机,在重要场合要关掉手机。 116. Of course, cyber games also have their negative effects.当然,网络游戏也有负面效应。 117. It is strongly suggested that we should not indulge in them.

23、 我们千万不能沉迷 118. prohibit 禁止 119. pour all their pocket into cyber games把全部的零用钱都花在网络游戏上。 120. skip school逃学 121. lead students astray 将学生引入歧途 122. enhance the punishment of the illegal owner of the cyberbars加强对不良网吧业主的惩罚力度。 123. In this way, children will become very lazy and unwilling to use their min

24、d 这样,学生就变得非常懒惰,不喜欢用脑。 124. E-mail, an entirely new way of communication by means of computers, is becoming so popular nowadays that its difficult to imagine modern life without it.电子邮件作为一种全新的通信方式日益普及,我们很难想象若无电子邮件,现代生活会是什么样子。 125. language barrier语言障碍 126. But after all, computer is computer, it can

25、never replace a human brain.但不管怎样,电脑终究是电脑,它永远不可能取代人脑。 127. for the sake of relaxation为了达到放松的目的。 128. Participate in social activities参与社会活动 129. Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between the audience and the general directors of the annual spring festival galas.如今,观众和春节晚会导演组之间常缺乏相互理解。

26、130. take the first step迈出第一步 131. unethical不道德的 132. Ecologists point out that a cluster of high-rise buildings in a city often overburden public transportation and parking-lot capacities.生态学家指出,城市里的高层建筑群使公共交通和停车容量负担过重。 133. interfere with干涉,影响 134. In order to protect the only earth for ourselves

27、and for our children, lets work together and keep our cities from growing further in height!我们只有一个地球,为了我们自身及后代着想,兴建摩天大楼风不可涨! 135. Have more say in the international affairs在国际事务中有更多的发言权 136. try to give up their absolute power in family to give a better image to their children尽量放弃他们(父母)在家中的绝对权利,在孩子面

28、前树立良好的形象。 137. laid-off workers下岗工人 138. call on the efforts from all sides号召各个方面做出努力 139. job vacancy就业空位,就业机会 140. seize every chance to begin a new career抓住一切机会来开创新的事业 141. new post新的岗位 142. social transformation era社会转型阶段 143. a rational system of setting prices合理的定价体系 144. improve the quality提高

29、质量 145. lower the cost降低成本 146. cheap in price and high in quality质优价廉 147. Generally speaking, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. 一般说来,城市化可以带来下列好处。 148. quicken our pace加快我们的步伐 149. improve the standards of living提高生活水平 150. lottery tickets of social welfare, sports industry a

30、nd football games福利彩票,体育彩票和足球彩票 151. lottery citizens“彩民” 152. sponsor charities or athletic development扶持慈善事业与体育发展 153. try ones luck碰运气 154.make easy money轻松赚钱 155. great temptation巨大的诱惑 156. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects t

31、han positive effects, if any.在我看来,购买彩票与赌博在性质上并无二致,它有很多负面作用,而正面作用却微乎其微。 157. earning-quick-buck mentality迅速暴富的思想 158. Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.第二,不少人对彩票痴心不改,对工作失去了积极性,对生活失去了兴趣。 159. Wishful thinking如意算盘 160. fal

32、l into four categories归结为四类 161. addiction to drugs吸毒成瘾 162. habitual drug-takers(吸毒)瘾君子 163. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.首先,通过大众传媒,我们对世界风云变幻了如指掌,否则我们就会一无所知。 164. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid im

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