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九年级英语下Module 2检测题外研版附答案听力MP3.docx

1、九年级英语下Module 2检测题外研版附答案听力MP32016九年级英语下Module 2检测题(外研版附答案听力MP3) dule 2 Eduatin检测题(时间:60分钟;满分:100分)一、听力部分(满分20分)A听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,满分分)1 A Fine, thansB H d u d? u, t2 A Gd afternnB Hell! Nie t eet u, t3 A es, I aB Than u I 4 A Gd rning, ieB Than u Gdbe, ie A es, I aB Than u Fine, thansB听句子,选择正

2、确的图片。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,满分分) 6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10 _听短,根据其内容选出能完成下列句子的最佳答案。短读两遍。(每小题2分,满分10分)11 This is _ r A English teahersB hinese teahers r Lis12 There are _ n the table A se bs and a televisin B se bs and a puter se bs and se flers13 The puter is _ A n the tableB n the hair n the des14 r ang an _ A pl

3、a basetballB pla ftball ride a hrse1 _ n the all A Se pitures and a ap f England are B A ap f hina and se pitures are A ap and a ite are二、笔试部分(满分80分)单项填空(每小题1分,满分1分)16 hih d u prefer, ffee r la? _, thans Id lie a up f tea A EitherB Bth NeitherD Nne17 u, Bill is ing t dinner this evening Lets give hi

4、 _ t eat A sething differentB different anthing anthing differentD different sething18 r ang ade a _ at the dinner part A saB spea speehD taled19 Usuall the students have _ hlida in suer A a 8-eeB a 8-ees an 8-eeD an 8-ees20 Please give e _ abut the train t Hng ng A a fe infratinsB a little infratin

5、s a fe infratinD a little infratin21 u dnt l s _ as usual h nt g t see a dtr? A ellB better badlD rse22 i spent five ears _ English befre he ent t anada t stud A learnedB t learn learningD learns23 e have learned _ three hundred ne rds this ter A at neB at all at tiesD at least24 She uld spea _ apan

6、ese _ hinese, s I had t tal ith her in English A nt nl; but alsB bth; and neither; nrD either; r2 _ is athing TV Turn it ff, ill u?A NbdB Sebd AnbdD Everbd26 h taught _ English? Nbd I learned all b _ A u; B ur; self u; selfD ur; 27 The hild ill lib the hill if it _ trr A nt rainB didnt rain desnt ra

7、inD isnt raining28 Nne f the shes in the shp fit e ell The are _ t big _ t sall A bth; andB either; r neither; nrD nt nl; but als29 The b is _ I rte _ nae n its ver _ A ; ; selfB ine; ; self ine; self; D self; ine; 30 Gt an infratin abut High Shl Exainatin? ell, I as tring t, but fund _ A neB n ne n

8、neD se完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分) Several das ag, se students fr the US visited ur shl hen e taled, I disvered 31 differenes in shl life beteen the US and hina Fr exaple, eah lass 32 fift inutes in the US It is a little 33 than that in hina e usuall have frt r frt-five inutes in eah lass Anther differene is t

9、hat the have less brea tie beteen 34 Besides, althugh st shls in bth untries finish their 3 lasses at 12 l, the students in the US nl have an hur-lng brea, s the 36 eat lunh quil Their afternn lasses begin at 1:00 p and shl is ver 37 3:00 p Then the tae part in lub ativities r pla sprts an hinese st

10、udents dnt r during their high shl ears, hile the US students lie t find a part-tie b in 38 free tie The dnt have a drea b in ind The thin 39 is n differene beteen bs ring is a useful experiene fr the and the an ae ne at the sae tie Se f the even tae ne-ear full-tie bs 40 the leave high shl and then

11、 g t llege31 A nB fe littleD se32 A lastsB finishes startsD stas33 A shrterB lnger earlierD later34 A shlsB lasses ealsD students3 A daB night rningD afternn36 A antB ustnt need tD are able t37 A inB fr duringD arund38 A B his theirD ur39 A itB there thatD this40 A afterB ith hileD during阅读理解(每小题2分,

12、满分20分)AIn Singapre, an iddle shl students spend a lt f their tie n their studies Gd eduatin is ften regarded as a tiet t suess in their future S an f these students tr their best t get gd ars in their exainatins The have a lt f her ever da and exas are a big headahe Seties se f the are even ade t g

13、t reedial(补习的)lasses after shl Shls run prgraes utside shl hurs The students an tae part in sprts and gaes, usi and dane, hiing and r-libing, et The are als ver ative in unit servie(社区服务)In their spare tie, st students lie t listen t pp usi Hlld blbusters(大片), and Hng ng and Singapre vies are ver pp

14、ular ang the The understand IT ver ell Se f the als spend their free tie surfing the Internet, e-ailing their friends, and plaing puter and vide gaesThe seties g t afes, fast-fd restaurants, shpping enters and big bstresS, it ls lie life as a iddle shl student in Singapre is nt eas but it is rih and

15、 lrful41 hat is NT entined in the passage?A ShlrB After-lass ativities SubetsD Things t d in the spare tie42 h d students r hard at shl in Singapre?A Beause the have a lt f herB Beause the have t g t reedial lasses Beause the ant t get a gd futureD Beause the have an utside shl ativities43 hat des t

16、he underlined sentene ean in the first paragraph?A abe se students are afraid f exas and have diffiult getting gd arsB Students have a headahe befre an exa Students have fe exasD Students are in pr health beause f exas44 Prgraes utside shl hurs are _A the sae as spare tie ativitiesB reedial lasses a

17、fter shl sprts ativitiesD ppular ang students4 hat d u n fr the last sentene?A The iddle shl students live an eas life in SingapreB The iddle shl students life in Singapre is aazing The iddle shl students life in Singapre is bringD The iddle shl students life in Singapre is hard, but interestingB e

18、spend hurs, das and ears f ur lives in eduatin But h perfet d u thin ur shl is? Iagine u uld design(设计) ur ideal(理想的) shl hat uld it be lie? e anted t find ut hat teenagers arund the rld thught Here is se designing fr fur hildren f different untriesa, hina drea shl uld have an lpi-size siing pl, t f

19、tball pithes and a glf urse It uld als have a inea, a g, a restaurant and a shpping entre shl has nne f these and I thin there shuld be re enable things fr pupils t d hile the are studingSnia, ItalId lie a r here e an g and relax and pla puter gaes and hat ith friends Se lder pupils in the shl have

20、this but I thin there shuld be a plae fr everne t g hen the ant t sith ff(转换注意力) fr the lessnsRihard, USAI thin it uld be great t have a da ff ever ee, as ell as the eeend If that da as a Frida r a nda, e uld have a lng eeend ever ee hat fun! I als thin shl shuld start later, at abut 10 l, and finis

21、h earlier e spend a lt f tie at shl ding nthing at all I sure e uld learn ust as uh in feer hursRebea, Australia drea shl uld be big and r ith a puter fr ever persn in the shl Id als lie t have a usi r here e an ust g and pla instruents hen e ant e need a rerding studi, t I hpe that teahers an respe

22、t(尊重) ur pinins46 a thins his drea shl shuld prvide _ fr students A re enable thingsB a frtable puter r a plae t sith ff fr the lessns47 Snia thins students shuld share a r here the an _ A pla sprtsB pla instruents pla puter gaes48 Rihard ants t have _ ff ever ee A t dasB three das fur das49 Rebea a

23、 lie _ arding t the passage A plaing usiB hatting ith friends ding se shpping0 e an infer(推断) that in the fur hildrens pinin, the ideal shl shuld be a plae here _ A students an learn re nledge B students an get n ell ith their teahers students ishes and interests an be respeted补全对话(每小题2分,满分10分) 根据对话

24、内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余项。A H abut ur life?B I lie uping, running, plaing basetball and s n h nt al in the fresh air?D H ften d u exerise?E D u agree ith e?F I have t finish her first (Da ei es arss Li Lei, h is studing, in the shl librar) A: Hi, Li Lei Are u bus ith ur her n? B: h, eah, Da ei

25、And u? A: I here fr a b He, Li Lei Have a brea! e shuld be utside in the fresh air Its gd fr us B: Srr, I ant 1 I ust hand it in trr A: h, I see But e ant alas sta indrs e ust ften tae exerise 2 B: Never I hardl have tie n A sea f her alst taes up all free tie Its sad but thats life 3 A: u ean life?

26、 In fat, I als ver bus lie u But u n I lie sprts 4 henever I have a little tie, I ill tr the B: N nder u are s energeti A: eah, better health, better grades B: es, u are right It sunds as if I shuld als tr t exerise ften in the future Da ei, shall e pla basetball fr a hile n? A: Lets g!完成句子(每小题2分,满分

27、10分) 根据所给中意思完成句子,每空限填一词。6我自11岁开始就一直在帕克学校。I _ _ at Par Shl sine I as 117我如果通过了考试,就可以上中学了。If I _ _, I ill g t _ _8这个工厂就在我家附近。This fatr is _ he9在帕克学校没有人学习汉语。N ne _ hinese in Par Shl60我们学校有一个大型运动场,在那儿我们可以踢足球。In ur shl, there is a _ sprts grund _ e an pla ftball书面表达(满分1分)难忘的初中生活就要结束了。假如你是韩梅,即将迎全新的高中生活。为了

28、尽快适应新的环境,你打算在英语俱乐部的QQ群里留言,谈一谈自己在高中学习、生活和与人相处等方面可能遇到的问题,并向大家寻求帮助。注意: 1词数:80左右。2中不能出现自己的真实姓名和所在学校名称。3留言开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hi, everbd Hs it ging? Ill bee a senir high shl student this Septeber _dule 2 Eduatin检测题听力原及参考答案听力原:A听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。1 H are u?2 Nie t eet u3 Are u angang?4 Gdbe, iss Ga ele t hinaB听句

29、子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读两遍。6 Gdbe7 ele t hina8 Gd rning9 Nie t eet u 10 This is r Lee听短,根据其内容选出能完成下列句子的最佳答案。短读两遍。r ang is hinese teaher This is his r Its ver ne and big There is a table in the r u an see se flers n the table Se bs are n it Next t the table there is a des n the des, there is a puter Behind the des, there is a hair Under the hair, there is a basetball r ang an pla basetball He lies it ver uh There is a ap n the all Its a ap f hina There are se pitures n the all, t答案:1 AAB 610 DBEA 1

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