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1、英语专业精读第二册u14复习资料Unit 1: My Fathers ShadowApprehension: anxiety about the future, expectation of something unpleasantEx. We waited for their decision with a great deal of apprehension. apprehensive: adj.Ex. I must admit that before my baby was born I was apprehensive about motherhood.Typical (charact

2、eristic) of.Ex. Its typical of Peter to scatter things around when he is finished with what he is dong.Ex. This poem is typical of his early work.Stern: serious; strictEx. The college principal was a stern old man called Mr. Fraser.Hold up: to show as an exampleEx. Mary always holds up her daughter

3、as a model of good behavior.Gregarious: liking the companionship of others; sociableEx. My gregarious neighbor, Mrs. Brown, throws parties every weekendMingle: to mix so as to form an individual whole, while keeping separate qualitiesEx. She mingles tradition and originality in her design for womens

4、 shoes.Ex. As I spoke his expression was one of amazement mingled with fury.Enroll (A.E.): to make officially a member of a group, school or course enrollmentEx. Ann decided to enroll in the interior design course at this college. Marry into (a family or a social class): to become a member of a cert

5、ain family or social class by marriageEx. The only reason Britney has so much money is that she married into the long-established clan.Subsequent: following or happening afterEx. In subsequent lessons the teacher continued to emphasize the importance of revision after each class.Ex. They started the

6、ir research using a method which was subsequently proved to be unsatisfactory.Resonate: to make a deep, clear, echoing or continuing soundEx. My mothers advice has been resonating in my head for a long time.Disapproval: having or expressing an unfavorable opinion disapprove ofEx. Many employees expr

7、essed their disapproval of the new policy openly.Taking his devotion as my due: taking his devotion as grantedProdigal: careless and wasteful with moneyEx. Mrs. Blair is very concerned with her son because he is too prodigal. The prodigal (son) returnsBreach: an opening or hole made in a wall; a bre

8、ak in friendly relations; breaking or neglect the law or dutyEx. The incident caused an irreparable breach between the two countries.The breach between us would be complete: our relationship would endRetire: to go to bedEx. It is getting really late, you can retire to our guest room upstairs.Fretful

9、: anxious because of discomfortEx. After eight hours of working, everybody began to have this fretful look on their faces.Gurgle: the happy low sound that someone makes in his or her throatEx. For every parent, the happy gurgle of their children is the best music in the world.Gleefully: in such a wa

10、y as showing great joy and satisfaction Ex. He takes gleeful pleasure in watching politicians make fools of themselves.Churn: to shake or move about vigorously or violentlyCroon: to sing (usually old popular songs) with feelingEx. She gently crooned a lullaby.Spell: 1) a period of a particular kind

11、of activity, weather, illness, etc. a cold/hot/wet/bright/. spell Ex. There will be rain at first, with sunny spells later.2) words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; a piece of magic that happens when sb says these magic words:Ex. The wizard recited a spell. to c

12、ast/put a spell on sb to be under a spell (= affected by magic)Scrap: material which has been thrown away and can be reusedEx. Please give me a piece of scrap paper, I need to write down his number.Ex. We sold the car for scrap (= so that any good parts can be used again). scrap metal a scrap dealer

13、 scraps pl. food left after a meal:Ex. Give the scraps to the dogTrail: n. a long line or series of marks that is left by sb/sth;Ex. Tourists who leave a trail of litter everywhere they go.Ex. Fortunately the trail was still warm (= clear and easy to follow) v. to follow;Ex. That red car has been tr

14、ailing us, lets drive to the police station.Bouncing: (especially of babies) healthy and activeEx. A bouncing toddler can bring you a mixture of pleasure and lively as a cricket 极活泼 as mad as a wet hen 非常生气 as mild as a dove 非常温和 as plain as the nose in your face 一清二楚 as poor as a church mou

15、se 赤贫的as proud as a peacock 极骄傲 as strong as a horse 健壮如牛 as stupid as an owl 极愚蠢as thin as a wafer 极薄 as true as steel 绝对可靠 bald as a coot 头发脱光的 as blind as a bat 有眼无珠 as blind as an owl 瞎透了 as bold as brass 厚颜无耻 as busy as a bee 极忙碌 as clear as a bell 健全的 as clear as day 一清二楚的 as cool as

16、a cucumber 极为冷静的as easy as a pie 极容易 as hard as the millstone 铁石心肠 Translations1.Animal conservationists strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals.2.Sally walked into the museum under the stern gaze of the curator.3.After a spell in the advertising business, Jim began to work for a large insur

17、ance firm.4.It was estimated that 50,000 people flooded into London over the weekend for the opening of the Commonwealth Games.5.He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowd, hoping in that way the police would not spot him.6.He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up.7

18、.He bought the painting as a status symbol, not because he was particularly interested in art.8.Jim was always disappointed that his son never followed in his footsteps and took over the farmUnit 2: The Teddy Stoddard StoryVenture: (n.) an activity or undertaking involving risk or uncertainty/ (v.)

19、dare to do, say, utterEx. Nowadays, a lot of people are taking ventures in the Chinese stock market. venture capital joint ventureEx. Nothing ventured, nothing gainedSlump: v. 1) to sink down 2) to fall suddenly by a large amount (暴跌)n. period of depressionEx: Sales have slumped in the last month.Ex

20、. USA hasnt come out of the slump of the subprime lending crisis.Unkempt: messy, having untidy clothes and hairEx. Please fix up your unkempt hair, otherwise you will scare your blind date away.Constantly: all the time, or very oftenEx. Mrs. Brown constantly complains about her husband and it is dri

21、ving him nuts/bananas.It got to the point.: It got to the extent that.Take delight in: to get great pleasure from (doing something)Ex. I take great delight in watching my boy playing with my dog.Broad: 1) wide 2) general, not including a lot of details (概括的)Ex. Please give me a broad description of

22、your proposal. a broad smile/grin broad bean 蚕豆 In broad daylight: 在光天化日之下Ex. Surprisingly, the robbery took place in broad daylight and nobody offered to help.Bold: 1) brave, enterprising, daring; 2) clearly visible, distinct, strikingEx. Bold, legible handwritingSullen: silently showing lack of ch

23、eerfulness, gloomy, silent a sullen skyEx. If you want to be Mr. Popular, you need to get rid of your sullen face. YPut off: to move to a later date, to delayEx. The rehearsal has been put off until next Tuesday because the director is sick.Be in for: to be about to have something unpleasantEx. Were

24、 in for some big trouble if we dont finish our cleaning task quickly.Inquisitive: always wanting to find out the details about things and peopleEx. Good reporters have to be inquisitive, fearless, and diligent. Syn. Curious & enquiringWithdraw: not to take part in withdrawalEx. I withdrew from the c

25、ontest two days before it took place cause Im too nervous. withdrawn: not wanting to talk to other people; extremely quiet and shy;Tardy: slow in action (literature)Ex. A tardy arrival, departure, returnEx. Shes always tardy for school. tardinessTake pains: to make a great effort or take great careE

26、x. Mary took great pains with her history lesson and got high marks at the end. pains (plural): great care or effortsEx. We must give him sth for his pains. Stifle: to prevent from happening, suppress, restrain;Ex. Jeff stifled a yawn immediately because he saw the teacher was looking at him.Ex. A g

27、roup of girls sat at the back of the class, stifling giggles throughout the lesson.Ex. They hope the new rules will not stifle creativity. stiflingEx. Its stifling in herecan we open a window?Ex. The room was stiflingly hot. Syn. suffocating/stuffyExclaim: to cry out or speak suddenly and loudlyEx.

28、“Oh, no!” exclaimed Bill in terror. “The house in on fire!” Exclamation markDab: 1) to cover with light quick stroke, press lightly and gently; 2) pressing but not rubbing (dab at)Ex. After hearing the sad story, Jenny dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief.Ex. She dabbed at the cut with cotton wool.

29、quit: stopEx. Suddenly she quit talking, turning her face to the pillow and went to sleep.Vow: to promise solemnlyEx. Ben vowed to avenge his mothers death.avenge & revengeAvenge is a verb; revenge is (usually) a noun.People avenge something or avenge themselves on somebody: Ex. She vowed to avenge

30、her brothers death; Ex. He later avenged himself on his wifes killers;Ex. You take revenge on a person.In more formal or literary English, revenge can also be a verb. Ex. People revenge themselves on somebody or are revenged on them (with the same meaning): Ex.He was later revenged on his wifes kill

31、ers. You cannot revenge something. Ex. She vowed to revenge her brothers death.Stick with: (informal) to stay close or loyal to someone or something Ex. Stick with the new plan and youll be successful very soon.Assure: to declare positively, to tell someone that something is definitely trueEx. The d

32、octor tried hard to assure the old man that this medicine has no side effects.Bet: to state confidently (what will happen)Ex. I bet Tom has a hangover this morningyou should have seen how much he was drinking last night.I bet. You bet!Translation1.He admitted that his failure was caused by his lack of

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