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1、安徽高考英语试题全解析版2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(安徽卷解析)英 语第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she want.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案是B。21. As the story_, the truth about the strange f

2、igure is slowly discovered.A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops【解析】选D。考查动词辨义。句意为:随着故事的展开,那位奇特人物的真实情况被慢慢地揭示出来。本题考查动词辨义:A项为“开始”;B项为“发生”;C项为“结束”;D项为“发展,展开”。根据句意选择D项。22. Surprisingly, Susans beautiful hair reached below her knees and made_ almost an overcoat for her.A. them B. her C. itself D. herse

3、lf 【解析】选C。考查反身代词。句意为:令人惊奇地是,苏珊的秀发直抵膝盖以下,就像给她披上了一层外衣。本题考查代词辨义。根据句意及句子结构,选项表示的是主语hair,故应选择与主语hair同义的反身代词itself。23. Oh, you sounded just like a native. _, I still have trouble expressing myself.A. Well, not quite B.I dont careC. Yes, youre right D. Im glad you like it【解析】选A。考查情境交际。句意为:“哦,听起来你说地就像说母语的人一

4、样。”“那里啊,我要表达自己的看法仍然有些困难”。A项为“并非完全”;B项为“我不介意”;C项为“你说的对”;D项为“你能喜欢我很高兴”。根据句意选择A项。24. To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, _, honest.A. therefore B. above all C. however D. after all【解析】选B。考查副词辨义。句意为:要想成为伟大的人物,你必须聪明、自信,而最重要的是要为人诚实。A项为“因此,所以”;B项为“首先,尤其是,最重要的是”;C项为“可是,然而”;D项为“毕竟;终究”。根据句意选择B项。25

5、. Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek_ food safety problem.A. in B. to C. on D. after【解析】选B。考查介词。句意为:有时不容易找到解决食品安全问题的适宜的办法。本题考查名词后的介词的固定搭配。此句中主语为answers,意为“解决办法”,作此意时后跟介词to或towards,故选B项。26. What do you think of store shopping in the future?Personally, I think it will exist along with home s

6、hopping but _.A. will never replace B. would never replaceC. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced【解析】选 C。考查时态和语态。句意为:“你认为未来的商场购物会如何?”“依我看,商场购物会和家庭购物并存,但是永远不会被代替。”本题考查时态和语态。根据句子结构,but后应为一般将来时;句中主语it指store shopping,but后应用被动语态,故选择C项。27. The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the

7、 rest of which _ saved for other purposes.A. is B. are C. was D. were【解析】选 D。考查时态与主谓一致。句意为:该工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的用作其它用途。非限制性定语从句中的主语rest意为“其余的”,谓语动词应与of后的名词一致,而which指代先行词materials,故谓语用复数;定语从句中的谓语应与主句中的谓语动词used一致,故用过去时态。从时态和主谓一致两方面考虑,选择D项。28. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _ it wi

8、ll keep for two or three weeks.A. when B. which C. where D. while【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意为:剩下的任何东西都可以放入冰箱,在那里可以保存两三周。本题考查非限制性定语从句的关系副词。由句型结构可以看出,该题中的先行词refrigerator在从句中作介词的宾语,该介宾结构在定语从句中作地点状语,故选择关系副词where。when在从句中作时间状语;which在从句中作主语或宾语;while是连词,不能用于定语从句。29. You can have a pet dog, but suppose you get bored w

9、ith it in a few days?_? We wont, we promise!A. Then what B. All right C. How come D. So what【解析】选 A。考查情境交际。句意为:“你可以养只宠物狗,但是假如过了几天你厌烦了呢?下一步会怎么样呢?”“我们保证不会厌烦的。”A项为“下一步会怎样?下一步怎么办?”;B项为“好吧”,表示赞同别人的建议;C项为“怎么会呢?”,表示惊讶;D项为“那又怎样?”,表示对某事不关心或认为某事不重要。根据句意选择A项。30. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make th

10、e chocolate easier _ into small pieces.A. break B. breaking C. broken D. to break【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意为:汤姆问糖果制造商他们能否把巧克力制作地更易弄碎。该句中的形容词easier为宾语补足语,相当于表语的作用,其后应该使用不定式结构,类似于It is + adj. + to do结构,故选择D项。31. _, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.A. Hopefully B. Normally

11、C. Thankfully D. Conveniently【解析】选C。考查副词辨义。句意为:幸好,我设法打完了比赛,为此做出的努力也没有白费。本题考查作句子状语的副词词义辨析。A项为“充满希望地”;B项为“正常地”;C项为“庆幸地,满怀感激地;幸好”;D项为“方便地,便利地”。根据句意选择C项。32. I didnt ask for the name list. Why _on my desk? I put it there just now in case you needed it. A. does it land B. has it landed C. will it land D.

12、had it landed【解析】选B。考查句子时态。句意为:“我没有要名单,怎么名单在我桌上?”“我刚才放在那里的,免得你需要。”问句中谈论的事情即“放”的动作发生在过去,强调的是对话发生时的情况,需要使用现在完成时,故选择B项。33. His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out _it is he is trying to express.A. that B. how C. who D. what【解析】选 D。考查名词性从句。句意为:他的笔迹非常混乱,很难弄清他想表达什么意思。本题考查动词短语make out引起的

13、的宾语从句,该空在宾语从句中作express的宾语,表示事物,故选择D项。That在宾语从句中不作句子成分;how作方式状语;who作主语,指人。只有what可用作宾语并且指事物。34. If you _faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.A. come across B. care about C. look for D. focus upon【解析】选A。考查短语动词。句意为:如果你发现自行车有瑕疵但还想买,可以要求店员降价。A项为“(偶然)发现”;B项为“在意,

14、介意”;C项为“寻找”;D项为“集中于”。根据句意选择A项。35. We got here Tuesday afternoon._Why didnt you call us earlier?A. Good luck! B. You did? C. Its no surprise. D. You are welcome【解析】选B。考查情境交际。句意为:“我们是星期二下午到达这里的。”“是吗?那为什么不早点给我们打电话?”A项为“祝你好运!”,用于事前的祝愿;B项为“是吗?”,是对对方回答的惊讶;C项为“毫不惊奇”;D项为“不用谢!别客气!”,在美国英语中用于道谢的答语。根据下句话Why did

15、nt you call us earlier?选择B项。第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I begin planning to move to Auckland to study, my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these 36 , I got there in July 2010. 37 I arrived, I rea

16、lized the importance of getting a job 38 my living experience. Determined to do this 39 , I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found 40 response(回应).One afternoon, I walked into a building to ask 41 there were my job opportunities(机会). The people there advised me not to continue m

17、y job search in that 42 . As I was about to 43 , a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside 44 . Nearly ten minutes later, he 45 . He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay 46 . Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to 47 a job.I was a little surprised, but

18、had a 48 feeling about him. Along the way, I realized that I had 49 resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man 50 at his business partners office to make me fifteen 51 copies. He also gave me some 52 on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very 53 . The following day, I receiv

19、ed a 54 from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.It seems that the world always 55 to you when you need it. And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.【文章大意】作者由于去国外学习,人地生疏,求职困难,生活无着,但在好心人的帮助下,顺利地找到了一份工作,于是感到了人间的真爱,生活的美好。36. A. doubts B. concerns C. instructions

20、 D. reasons【解析】选B。上文提到尽管作者的妈妈担心a lack of jobs and cultural differences,作者也没有顾忌这些concerns (忧虑,担心),而是于2010年7月到了Auckland。A项为“怀疑”;C项为“指示,说明”;D项为“原因”。37. A. Even if B. Every time C. Now that D. Soon after【解析】选D。作者到了Auckland后不久(soon after),就意识到了找工作的重要性。A项为“即使”;B项为“每当,每次”;C项为“既然,由于”。38. A. of B. at C. for

21、D. with【解析】选C。作者意识到的是找工作以求生计。此处用介词for表示目的。39. A. on my own B. on my way C. by any chance D. by the day【解析】选A。作者决心“独自”(on my own)去找工作,于是花了几周的时间挨家挨户地去找。B项为“在路途上,行动中,前进中”;C项为“万一;也许,可能”;D项为“按日,按日计算”。40. A. any B. much C. some D. little【解析】选D。尽管作者挨家挨户地去找工作,但是回复的“不多”,故选择little。此项的关键是转折连词 but。41. A. why B.

22、 wherever C. whether D. whenever【解析】选C。一天,作者走进一座大楼去问“是否”(whether)有自己能做的工作。A项为“为什么”;B项为“无论在那”;D项为“无论何时”。42. A. direction B. attitude C. language D. manner【解析】选D。那里的人建议我不要再以这种“方式” (manner)找工作。A项为“方向”;B项为“态度”;C项为“语言”。43. A. answer B. work C. leave D. refuse【解析】选C。此处寻找工作未果,作者正要“离开”(leave)。A项为“回答”;B项为“工作

23、”;D项为“拒绝”。44. A. for ever B. at any time C. as usual D. for a while 【解析】选D。那里有一个人一直在听我说话,这时他走到我跟前,要我在外面等“一会”(for a while)。A项为“永远”;B项为“在任何时候”;C项为“像往常一样,照例”。45. A. returned B. hesitated C. passed D. regretted【解析】选A。大约十分钟后,他“回来”(return)了。B项为“犹豫”;C项为“过去,通过”;D项为“后悔”。46. A. silent B. busy C. positive D. c

24、omfortable【解析】选C。他问了问我的打算,鼓励我要振作起来,不要灰心。A项为“沉默不语的”;B项为“忙绿的”;C项为“积极乐观的,有信心的”;D项为“舒适的,舒服的”。47. A. pick out B. search for C. take on D. give up【解析】选B。然后他主动提出带我去Royal Oak“寻找”(search for)份工作。A项为“挑选出”;C项为“承担;接纳;雇佣”;D项为“放弃”。48. A. dull B. good C. guilty D. general【解析】选B。作者对他的主动帮助感到有点惊奇,但是对他充满了“好感” (good fe

25、eling)。A项为“阴暗的,无趣的”;C项为“内疚的”;D项为“一般的,普通的”。49. A. made use of B. taken care of C. run out of D. become tired of【解析】选C。在路上,我意识到简历“用完”(run out of)了。A项为“使用,利用”;B项为“照顾,照管”;D项为“对感到厌烦”。此处注意A项和C项:A项强调使用的过程,而C项强调使用的结果,即“用完,用光”,亦即已经没有了。50. A. stopped B. knocked C. glanced D. appeared 【解析】选A。明白了这个问题,他在他生意伙伴的办公

26、室“停”(stop)了下来。B 项为“敲打,敲击”;C项为“扫视,匆匆一撇”;D项为“出现,露面”。51. A. right B. more C. former D. different【解析】选B。他给我“又”印了15分简历。此处数字后用more表示“再,又”。52. A. pressures B. agreements C. impressions D. suggestions【解析】选D。他又针对我的穿衣和说话提了些“建议”(suggestion)。A项为“压力”;B项为“协议,契约”;C项为“印象”;53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. s

27、atisfied【解析】选D。我分发完简历回到家感到非常“满意”(satisfied)。A项为“寂寞的,孤独的”;B项为“滑稽的,可笑的”;C项为“失望的,沮丧的”。54. A. call B. tip C. present D. report【解析】选A。第二天,我收到Royal Oak这个地方的一家商店打来的“电话”(call),提供给我一份工作。B项为“小费”;C项为“礼物”;D项为“报告”。55. A. turns off B. goes over C. gives back D. looks up 【解析】选C。当你需要这个世界时,世界似乎总会对你有所“回报”(gives back,

28、归还)。A项为“关闭”;B项为“转变;检查”;D项为“仰望;尊敬;拜访”。第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。APassage 1The Information Highway is the road that links computer users to a large number of on-line services: the Web, e-mail, and software, to mention just a few. Not long ago, the Info

29、rmation Highway was a new road, with not many users. Now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide. Not surprisingly, this well-traveled highway is starting to look like a well-traveled highway. Traffic jams can cause many serious problems, forcing th

30、e system to close down for repair. Naturally, accidents will happen on such a crowed road, and usually victims are some files, gone forever. Then, of course, theres Mr. Cool, with his new broad-band connection, who speeds down the highway faster than most of us can go. But dont trick yourself; he pa

31、ys for that speeding.Passage 2Want to know more about global warming and how you can help prevent it? Doctor Herman Friedman, who is considered a leading expert on the subject, will speak at Grayson Hall next Friday. Friedman studied environmental science at three well-known universities around the

32、world before becoming a professor in the subject. He has also traveled around the world observing environmental concerns. The gradual bleaching (变白) of the Great Barrier Reef, which came into the public eye in 2002, is his latest interest. Signed copies of his colorful book, which was published just last month, will be on sale after h

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