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1、英文毕业论文西方电影中人物语言对人物性格塑造的影响摘 要 自电影这门艺术形式问世以来,不少杰出的导演为观众打造了一部又一部精彩的电影,塑造了一个又一个生动的电影人物。这些电影之所以深深地打动了观众的心,是因为成功地塑造了一个又一个性格鲜明的银幕人物形象。而话语又是人物塑造的关键。因此,从语言学角度,结合社会语言学在人际交往方面的论述等,对电影人物对白进行分析,探索话语分析与电影人物的表现之间的关系,从而以此来探询人物语言对电影中人物性格塑造的影响。关键词:西方电影;人物性格;人物语言;影响Abstract From movie birth until today, many outstandi

2、ng directors have created many brilliant movies for audience. The reason why these films can deeply touched the hearts of the audience is that film have succeed in shaping many vivid film characters. The discourse is the key of the shaping of the characters figure. In addition, from the linguistic p

3、oint of view and analyze characters dialogue, to explore the performance of the film characters and the relationship between characters and language. And the aim is to study the impact of language characters nature. This article attempts to explore.Keywords: western film; characters nature; characte

4、r language; impactContents 4.2.1 Serious language style.10 4.2.2 Comical language style.11 4.2.3 Pithy language style.12 4.2.4 Tactful language style. .13 4.4 The importance of character language.151 IntroductionGenerally speaking, the characterization is reflected by the language of the people in t

5、he film. The kind of language is the appearance of the kind of personality. But film is different from it: only through the language and actions of the character the audience can know what kind of the character in the movie is, so is the reverse. Therefore,this paper, figures from the movie to start

6、 with the language of the characters explore language shape the impact. The article listed a considerable number of classic movie dialogue for analysis and dialogue will be different types of classification in order to better conclusions. Finally I can refine my point of view. Through this research,

7、 I hope to gain a deeper understanding of Western films in the implication Significance.2 The Formation of Character Language in the FilmLanguage, as we all know is a human-specific tools, it is used to express specific symbols or a few relatively fixed meaning. With the passage of time, the progres

8、s of society, the type and form of language has been increasing. For example, we have living language, written language, official language, stage language and movie language which we want to discussion.From a professional point of view, movie language is a special language arts which to understand a

9、nd reflect the objective world, transmission of the feeling. Such as the affection by Spielberg and historical details of Kurosawa Akira. But now, we will talk about western movie language which is just means the words by character in the western film.Since it is the words by character, so we should

10、 know where those words come from. In other words is how character language in the film be formed. And then I will be divided into three aspects to explain the formation of movie language.2.1 The fundament of movie languagereal life in western developed countriesSince the birth of the capitalist mod

11、e of production, capitalism began to affect the world. Capitalist countries have established and the establishment of the capitalist system has changed the whole world in everywhere all. Initially, application of the steam engine led to the rapid development of the industry, so that the capitalist e

12、conomy has become dominated around the world. Then development of printing, invention of gramophone, and emergence of movies and so on, led to capitalist culture became fashionable all over the world. Even today, despite the socialist country like us, but it is undeniable that capitalism is still th

13、e main impact of this world! Capitalism was born for several centuries and in the capitalist countries (the developed western countries),it has formed a unique way of life, including their language. People in western developed countries, the western education, political, culture and so on constitute

14、 their real life. In this life, people will be gradually developed into a unique language. Of course, this language is not a new type of language or new language norm, but the language by the community environmental impact. The sources of movie language are not baseless, but refined in life. No life

15、 no movies, also no life language no movie language! Whatever the nature of the country is, the fundamental source of movie language is our life. Therefore, the fundamental of movie language is the reality of life in the developed western countries!2.2 The tone for different types of movie language

16、settled by the Scriptwriter and scriptThe script is the basis of a film, or the drawings of the film. So the film comes from the script. A good script can create a great film. Of course, a good script is not just means the grand scene, deep historical background, and complex characters relations. Ev

17、en if it is a prosaic script, as long as to tell a story by heart, we also could say this is a good script!Screenwriter is the soul of a script. No scriptwriter no script! Have just said, even if it is a prosaic script, as long as to tell a story by heart, we also could say this is a good script. Th

18、e person who tells the story by heart is the scriptwriter. With the script and the scriptwriter, the main contents of a film will be structures up, which also include the character language in the film. Character language in the film of the script, called lines. Lines are different from written lang

19、uage, but a life of language. It is the need for by the actor. Life language is also inseparable from the languages of expression and rhetoric scope of linguistics. So movie language is a standardized language. The film also has many types. Even a same story which use one type of film to shoot, it c

20、an be formed several different scripts. In other words, according to the different types of movies, scriptwriter should write different types of movie language. For example, to shoot a story into a comedy, scriptwriter should make character language very rich sense of humor. This is the reason why s

21、criptwriter and script can set the tone for different types of movie language.2.3 The importance of performance by actor on making their words rich and deepAs we all knows, the well-known American Oscar awards for the greatest concern is the best actor award. This can adequate proved the importance

22、of actor in the film! Why a good actor or a movie star can make film hyper chromic many? Of course, here we dont talk about the reasons for economics. This is because good actor or movie star with a good quality of performances can depict every aspect of characters in the film better and make movie

23、characters reduction of the script better, even beyond the script! Actor in the film performance can be summed up as two aspects: First is limb movements, and second is language. Early films such as Charlie Chaplins films are silent, limb movements become the only means of the method. With the emerg

24、ence of movies with sound, and the importance of language will reveal the plan. Film language is directly from the creation of the script by scriptwriter, so the actors performance should be on the need to show the script. And actor performing is on the quality of the script to be affecting the cont

25、ent of expression. Actors in the performances are not just fluent in accordance with the script of, but need to play. For a good actor who grasp the language will be very accurate, and that is to say he can play better, can make language be enriched and deepened! 3 The Process of Shaping Characters

26、NatureThe character is complex, but has its basic characteristics of the more prominent. To create a good image of character must be able to adhere to these basic characteristics. For example, to create a heroic figure: First of all, his brave is one of the basic characteristics, then we will join t

27、he unique characteristics. At last, after enrich the limb movement and language; we will see a vivid hero.I just simply talked about the process of shaping a personality. If really want to create characters nature for good, we need to from many sides to be studied. Next, I will be start from two spe

28、cific aspects to discuss how characters nature be formed in the film.3.1 The characters nature stereotyped by the scriptsWe have said that script can set the tone for the language in the film, and script for the characters can be stereotypes too. Is a wide variety of characters nature, each has a un

29、ique personality of each individual. Film from the life and the characters in the film come from life too. So script must be able to portray an image of vivid characters. Such characterization is not just a simple description; it is just like in the novel, but to use a detailed description of moveme

30、nt and language to portray characters. In the screen, we can see all kinds of people; these people are not easily arising, but at the request of the script by arise. People out in the script for the choice must be based on the plot of the story. For example, to heighten protagonist image of the hero

31、ic, struggling with the bad guys and bad guys be subdued. When they are in their battle for the critical moment, we cant arrange the police suddenly appeared. But in order to realize the legal community, the police will have to appear after the bad guys are subdued. I talk about the characters come on the stage is not unrelated to shape with characters nature, but they are directly related. Because the figures in the character in a film are shown by clear it is very difficult. Therefore, only adhere

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