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1、餐饮管理岗位职责餐饮管理-岗位职责高档海鲜酒楼副总1、35-45岁,男女不限,经济学、酒店管理、营销等相关专业本科以上学历2、10年以上餐饮业工作经验,5-8年大中型酒楼同职岗位工作经验,熟悉高档连锁餐饮整体经营; 3、品貌端正,语言沟通能力强,为人正直,性格开朗,具有较强的服务意识;4、职业心态佳,踏实敬业,愿意承担责任;5、良好的团队管理与凝聚力; 6、较强的公关、外联、营销能力,能独立解决工作困难,擅长全局管理;7、精通酒楼的全面事务及流程,有较强的宏观策划能力及组织领导能力;8、具有高档酒楼筹备经验,善于处理各种突发事件。岗位职责:1、全面负责酒楼的经营管理工作,直接对集团总经理负责。



4、酒楼筹备及相应的日常管理工作。中餐行政总厨无论是在大型星级酒店的餐饮菜点供应中,还是在不同规模的餐饮企业中,都离不开厨房,厨房的食品生产是它们赖以维持经营的基础。一个酒店的厨房生产能否保证有效的生产运行,出品的各类食品是否优质美味,则取决于厨 无论是在大型星级酒店的餐饮菜点供应中,还是在不同规模的餐饮企业中,都离不开厨房,厨房的食品生产是它们赖以维持经营的基础。一个酒店的厨房生产能否保证有效的生产运行,出品的各类食品是否优质美味,则取决于厨房管理人员业务水平和管理能力的高低。负责厨房生产管理的最高管理人员就是行政总厨,也有的酒店称为总厨师长。由于厨房是饭店、酒楼的生产部门,而且是唯一的一个生产

5、部门,这就确定了厨房在管理上与其它部门的独特性。厨房的管理是建立在以生产优质食品为主要目标的管理内容之上的,而酒店其它部门则以提供无形的服务产品为管理目标。不仅如此,厨房作为生产部门,其生产任务又完全取决于服务销售的结果,也就是说,厨房的生产管理与一般的工业生产的生产管理有很大的区别。由于厨房生产管理的特殊性,使行政总厨这个角色在整个酒店的管理岗位中富有特别的意义。一、中餐行政总厨的岗位特点 对于熟悉酒店管理的人员来说都很清楚,中餐厨房的最高管理者行政总厨,不是所有具有管理能力的人都能够胜任的。由于中餐厨房所具有的特殊性,导致行政总厨的岗位也具有一定的特点,大致说来有如下几个方面。1、既要懂技

6、术,又要精通管理 中餐厨房菜点的生产加工是一个专业性较强、技术性高的工作,如果负责管理厨房生产的行政总厨不懂烹调技术,其结果可想而知。这是因为,菜点、食品的生产过程与产品质量都无法进行严格意义的量化,具有很大的模糊性与随意性。要想确保厨房菜点的出品质量符合出品的标准,行政总厨首先必须是一个烹调技术高超的技术型人才,这就是“内行管理内行”的道理。如上所述,厨房的生产又不同于一般的工厂生产,行政总厨除了要具有一般的管理知识与管理能力之外,还必须能够根据中餐厨房的生产特点进行有的放矢的管理。因此,行政总厨所精通的管理不仅仅精通一般的管理理论,更重要的是要把管理理论与厨房的具体生产管理相结合,形成厨房

7、生产的有效管理。2、既要负责生产,又要配合生产营销 一般的工业生产,生产车间只负责产品的生产,而无须分心关注产品的销售问题,但作为中餐厨房的行政总厨来说,只负责菜点等食品的生产还是远远不够。因为,菜点的生产取决于餐厅销售菜点的情况,如果餐厅没有销售,厨房就无法进行生产。菜点的生产和销售是连在一起的,这确定了中餐厨房的行政总厨不仅仅要负责厨房产品的生产,而更重要的在于能够很好地与餐厅、销售部门进行良好的配合,生产加工出客人喜欢的菜点来,以促进菜点的销售。从这个意义看,中餐厨房的行政总厨既要全面负责厨房的生产管理,还要从菜点的生产开始就注重菜点的销售情况。因为没有菜点的销售就没有菜点的生产,所以一

8、个不具有销售意识的行政总厨最终会失去生产管理的意义。3、既是管理者,又是生产操作者 毫无疑问,中餐厨房的行政总厨在日常工作中承担的主要责任是管理,但由于菜点的生产加工具有一定的技术性,行政总厨在督导中还必须对技术不达标和低等级的厨师进行技术培训,如示范表演菜品生产,对新菜品确定技术标准等等,这些都需要行政总厨亲自进行操作。这就是说,中餐厨房的行政总厨不仅能够很好的管理厨师和厨房生产,同时还是厨房生产操作和规范烹调技术的生产者。4、既要具备一定的文化素养,又要富有创新能力 一般来说,在中餐厨房从业的人员,即使文化水平很低,甚至没有文化,经过刻苦的学习和训练,最终也可能成为一名拥有精堪烹调技术的高

9、手、大厨。但没有一定的文化知识却决对不能成为一位合格的行政总厨。中餐厨房管理,特别是随着近几年来厨房生产逐步推广和完善现代化的生产管理模式,对行政总厨的要求越来越高,不仅应具有一定的业务理论知识和文化素养,同时还要具备一定的现代科学知识与美学知识,如食品卫生学、食品营养学、食品美学、调味的科学与艺术等。只有这样,才能在餐饮业竞争异常激烈的市场中,不断开拓创新,不断推出客人喜欢的新菜点,以提高餐饮产品的市场竞争力。厨师长(中餐)Job Summary:He is responsible for the efficient and successful operation of the desig

10、nated Kitchen. He controls, checks and supervises the kitchen operations and works hands on as and when needed. He assumes the responsibility for training related functions of all his staffHe assists the Executive Chef in the day-to-day kitchen operations and represents him, in his absence, with all

11、 its responsibilities. 岗位概述:承担起行政总厨赋予的某一个厨房的工作职责。同时也要负责员工岗上培。协助行政总厨完成所有与厨房相关的工作。他控制、监测并领导整个厨房的运作。当行政总厨不在时要全权负责起厨房的运作。协助行政总厨负责每天厨房的运作Duties & Responsibilities:Supervise efficient, productive and profitable kitchen operations and ensure that high standards of food production and presentation are consi

12、stent throughout the hotel at all times.1.Food ProductionHe is responsible for the quality of all food prepared in the kitchen he supervises. He constantly inspects taste, temperature and visual appeal. He makes sure that all dishes are uniform and that established portion sizes are adhered to.He is

13、 very careful to prevent the use of spoiled or contaminated products in any phase of food preparation and prevents associates who are ill or suffering from an infection from taking part in the preparation or handling of food.To assist with the planning of menus and food promotions.Develop and test n

14、ew dishes and productsEnsure that outstanding special events and special food promotions are carried outTo control standards of food production and presentation throughout the hotelTo examine goods for quality and quantity.He controls the Chefs and Cooks to follow standard recipes and methods of pre

15、parationHe informs the Executive Chef immediately of bad products.2.Standards & Procedures.Total knowledge & understanding of Food Preparation Standard & Procedure.Ensure that all P&P and S&P are carried out consistentlyTake part in the setting and evolving the standards and procedures3.HygieneRespo

16、nsible for hygiene standards with the Steward Coordinators, in all kitchens, store room, refrigerators and work areas.Responsible for the personal hygiene and grooming standards of the kitchen staff.He ensures personal cleanliness and proper discipline of all associates under his supervision.He assu

17、res that soiled or damaged utensils are not put into use, watching for cracked and chipped china and glassware and trains his staff to follow this rule.4.ControlTo work closely with the Executive Chef on the development of food cost and quality control procedures.To ensure that these control procedu

18、res are carried out consistentlyAssist with the costing and pricing of menus and other food services having taken into consideration the profit margins lined out in the hotel budgets.Together with the Executive Chef investigates food cost issues with a view to take whatever corrective action may be

19、necessary.Make sure that all the Equipment and fixtures are maintained well and reports any faults and damage.5.Purchasing and Stock controlHandle and store stock according to stock control procedures.To constantly examine food supplies to ensure that they conform to the quality standards stipulated

20、 by the company are adhered toThe Sous Chef is responsible for the purchase of food in absence of the Executive Chef. In cooperation with the Purchasing Manager, he assures the best quality for the best price.6.Maintain a safe and secure working environment.Be aware of duty of care, and adhere to oc

21、cupational health and safety legislation, policies and procedures.Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors managers of potential hazards and dangers.Adhere to the hotels security and emergency policies and proceduresBe familiar with property safety, current first aid f

22、ire emergency procedures.Comply with all hotel and corporate Safety and security guidelines7.TrainingTakes an active part in all facets of Training activities in the Food Preparation Department.On the job trainingTraining on New menu ItemsConducting Classroom Style Training in all Food Preparation r

23、elated subjectsAssist Chief Steward with Sanitation and Health Training.To assist with the development and implementation of a training program for kitchen staff.8.Staffing management & Communication.To work closely with the Executive Chef, Human Resources, Personnel manager, and plan for future sta

24、ffing needs.Assist in Recruiting staff and conduct interviews.Maintain up-to-date staff records.Hands on and take active part in day-to-day operations.Manage staff training and development using Sheraton Human Resources management system.Assist with the planning and delivery work.Implement staff per

25、formance appraisals.Carry out exit interviews. Supervise staff performance.Provide ongoing advice and support to staff under your supervision.Provide one to one instructions to staff members when required.Implement appropriate management practices to foster a culture of open door approach and enhanc

26、e staff motivation.He also liaises with other outlets and Departments on guest comments and follows up with necessary action.Inter act with department and hotel staff in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two-way communication.Deal eff

27、ectively with guests and workplace colleagues from a variety cultures.Work effectively in a team.9.Kitchen PlanningTo assist the Executive Chef with the planning and design of new kitchens and kitchen improvement schemes.To discuss with the Executive Chef on the choice of kitchen equipment.To keep u

28、p to date with new development techniques and equipment and instruct his staff on how to use it correctly.10.ComputingMaintain computer systems.Access and use basic word processing and spreadsheet computer packages.11.Abide by the Sheraton Code of Conduct.12.Abide by the Sheraton Employee Handbook.1

29、3.Abide by both the hotel and Sheraton policies and procedures.14.Administration proceduresPrepare and maintain files, reports, letters, memorandums and other relevant business documentation.Ensure all reporting and servicing deadlines are met on a timely basis.15.GeneralTogether with the Executive

30、Chef he schedules working hour of all kitchen staff, taking into consideration volume of expected business but being careful at all time to conserve labor cost. He authorizes overtime if warranted by unexpected business or dismisses them earlier if business it low.He assigns in detail, specific duti

31、es to all associates under his supervision and instructs them in their work.He works very closely with the Steward Coordinator whose duty is to keep kitchen area clean and orderly. He insists upon meticulous cleanliness and orderliness. 职责义务:提供高标准的服务并提出建议。保证高效率且有利润的厨房运作。负责厨房的运作。1.食品知识11负责监督所有厨房食品质量的

32、准备、要不断的检查食品的味道、温度外观。12确保所有的食品没有腐烂、变质时刻注意在提供食品时避免员工使用过期及肮脏食品。13协助行政总厨制定菜单及食品节。14发展新菜肴和产品。15确保优秀的烹饪技术不外传。15控制食品出产的标准。17监测收货的食品质量和数量。18控制厨师要按照配料卡标准及程序准备食品。19及时将变质食品拿出并通知行政总厨。2.标准和程序21了解并熟知所有食品准备的标准和程序。22保证所有的政策和程序和标准和程序是。23参与 制定和发展标准和程序。3.卫生3-1同管事部协调员按照卫生标准共同管理好厨房、库房、冰箱的卫生。3-2监督所有员工的个人卫生和仪表仪容达到标准。3-3确保个人卫生并对于员工过失作以相应处罚。3

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