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学年度人教版英语选修78选修7Unit 2 Robots复习特训第六十八篇.docx

1、学年度人教版英语选修78选修7Unit 2 Robots复习特训第六十八篇2019-2020学年度人教版英语选修7、8选修7Unit 2 Robots复习特训第六十八篇第1题【单选题】To my delight, I from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.A、was chosenB、was being chosenC、would chooseD、had chosen【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】He urged the participants of the meeting tominor differenc

2、es for the sake of achieving peace.A、set asideB、set forthC、set aboutD、set off【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】Was it near the white building, if I may ask, _ Martin Luther King gave a speech “I have a dream”? ( )A、whereB、thatC、whyD、in which【答案】:【解析】:第4题【完形填空】完形填空I was required to read one of Bernie Siegels books i

3、n college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional1and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so2to me and had such a big3on how I saw life from then on.Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to4my own cance

4、r experience?Im an ambitious5, and when I started going through chemo(化疗), even though Im a very6person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the7. One day, while waiting to go in for8, I had one of Dr. Bernies books in my hand. Another patient9what I was reading and struck up a

5、 conversation with me10he had one of his books with him as well. It11that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was 12a published author, and he was currently13on a new book.We would see each other at various times and14friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell mysel

6、f, he was definitely a(n) 15of Dr. Bernie. He really put a 16on my face. He unfortunately17last year due to his cancer,18he left a deep impression on me and gave me the 19to pick up my pen again. I20to myself, If he can do it, then so can I.A、tastesB、ideasC、notesD、memoriesA、amazingB、shockingC、amusin

7、gD、strangeA、strikeB、pushC、challengeD、impactA、learn fromB、go overC、get throughD、refer toA、readerB、writerC、editorD、doctorA、positiveB、agreeableC、humorousD、honestA、moodB、positionC、stateD、wayA、adviceB、referenceC、protectionD、treatmentA、viewedB、knewC、noticedD、wonderedA、whileB、becauseC、althoughD、providingA、

8、came outB、worked outC、proved outD、turned outA、naturallyB、merelyC、hopefullyD、actuallyA、decidingB、investingC、workingD、relyingA、becameB、helpedC、missedD、visitedA、patientB、operatorC、fanD、publisherA、signB、smileC、markD、maskA、showed upB、set offC、fell downD、passed awayA、sinceB、butC、soD、forA、guidanceB、trustC、

9、opportunityD、inspirationA、promisedB、sworeC、thoughtD、replied【答案】:【解析】:第5题【阅读理解】阅读理解When I was a child, I had to go to church and obey many other rules, though these rules at times caused resentment (怨恨). Perhaps the most extreme parenting decision my parents made for my four brothers and sisters and

10、me was to create a home environment without a television.We hated this decision at that time, because there was seemingly no way to keep this embarrassing fact a secret at school. Naturally, simple pleasures like cartoons, football games, and movies became huge novelties (新奇事物). I would go over to f

11、riends or relatives houses for that access alone.When I reached high school, my parents bought a television, though it had no cable. However, I did spend most of my childhood in a home without a television. In fact not having a television did contribute a great deal to my skills, and it also forced

12、me to develop other valuable interests. We grew up in a small town, so my brothers and sisters and I spent time exploring streets, fields and woods. And of course I read and wrote and studied, which pushed me toward a career path.So would I give a similar situation to my own children if I had them?

13、I doubt it, at least not in the most extreme sense. Im too much of a football fan, not to mention the TV serials (连续剧) like The Wire. But television or almost anything for that matter is unhealthy for kids. It can prevent them from living a full life. So maybe a reasonable answer is no cable or no v

14、ideo-game systems or simply setting the time limit, but I havent exactly worked out how to confine it yet. Although some people are against my idea, we do need limits after all.From the passage we can learn that _.A、the author didnt like watching TV as a childB、the authors family seldom went to chur

15、chC、not having a TV set brought the author many benefitsD、few homes had a TV set when the author was a childFrom the last paragraph, we can learn the author thinks that _.A、children shouldnt watch TV too muchB、children should be forbidden to watch TVC、children should only watch serials and sports on

16、 TVD、watching TV is unhealthy for both adults and childrenWhich of the following can replace the underlined word “confine” in the last paragraph?A、Limit.B、PunishC、Reject.D、Support.【答案】:【解析】:第6题【翻译】They _ _(离婚)two years ago.【答案】:【解析】:第7题【翻译】Are you going to the meeting_ _ _ _ _(今天下午举行的)?【答案】:【解析】:第8题

17、【翻译】We have raised 50,000 yuan _ _(总共) for the Hope Project.【答案】:【解析】:第9题【翻译】We _ _ _ _ _ _ _(不被允许使用电脑)without permission.【答案】:【解析】:第10题【翻译】翻译与仿写。(汉译英,英译汉)His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine.翻译 _仿写 与其说她是个演员,不如说是个歌唱家。_As she turned around, there stood her best friend.翻译 _

18、仿写 我们的校长来了。(倒装)_It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.翻译 _仿写 你昨天在街上所见到的就是李蕾的兄弟。_But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt. You cannot have women falling in love with machines.翻译 _仿写 他让我们在午饭期间一直笑个不停。_It was going to be tested

19、 out by Larrys wife, Claire.翻译 _仿写 这种新的开关尚未经过充分检验。_【答案】:【解析】:第11题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】He got great s_ from helping people learn.【答案】:【解析】:第12题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】A teacher should not_(偏爱)any of his pupils.【答案】:【解析】:第13题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】The scientists theory has filled in a gap in _(生物化学).【答案】:【解析】:第14题【书面表达】请你以The Sports

20、 Activities I Like Best为题写一篇英语短文,应该包栝以下内容:1).你最喜欢的体育运动;2).喜欢这项体育活动的理由;注意:1).词数100左右;2).可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。The Sports Activities I Like Best【答案】:【解析】:第15题【语法填空】结合语境,用适当的介词、副词填空。Meanwhile they set _part of their funds for the motorized boats.The teacher set the papers he was marking on one side and reach

21、_ his cigarettes and matches.Small businesses are anxious to experiment _ computers.The university students will test _the computer program for any bugs.Dont leave her _ to sweep up after the party.This new product, or _,this new style of shirt, is not very attractive.The bus had to back up and turn _.Thats 5.40 pounds _ all.He was absent _the meeting for one reason or another.They were filled _ wonder at the sight.【答案】:【解析】:

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