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1、新蕾快乐英语第四册1 Im tall.1我很高。Lets listen and say.听一听,说一说。tall short young高的矮的年轻的old strong年长的强壮的Lets chant!念一念!Lets have a talk.让我们一起来说一说。Let s have a talk.让我们一起来说一说。My father is tall.我的爸爸很高。My mother is short.我的妈妈很矮。Is he strong他很强壮吗Yes, he s strong.是的,很强壮。Is she old她很老吗No. She s young.不。她很年轻。She isnt o

2、ld. Shes young.她不老。她很年轻。Lets sing!唱一唱。他很高吗是的,他很高。Is she tall, too No, she isn t.她也很高吗不,她不高。She s short. Look at me.她很矮。看看我。I m tall. I m strong.我很高。我很强壮。I can help her. Great! Great! Lets help her.我可以帮助她。好极了!好极了!让我来帮助她。Is he tall Yes, he is.他很高吗是的,他很高。Is she tall, too No, she isn t.她也很高吗不,她不高。She s

3、short. 0Look at me.她很矮。看看我。I m tall. I m strong.我很高。我很强壮。I can help her. Great! Great! Lets help her.我可以帮助她。好极了!好极了!让我来帮助她。Lets listen and point.听一听,指一指。Number 1 young, Number 2 strong1号年轻的, 2号强壮的Number 3 short, Number 4 old3号矮小的, 4号年长的Number 5 tall5号高大的Lets listen and tick or cross.听一听,划勾或是打叉。1 Mar

4、y is old. she is young.1玛丽很老。她很年轻。2这位是汤姆,他很矮。3 Is Mike strong No,he isnt.3迈克很强壮吗不,他不强壮。4 Is Lucy short No,she is tall.4露西很矮吗不,她很高。5 Im Lily. I am old.5我是莉莉。我很老了。Lets listen.听一听。Wow! What a tall horse!哇!好高的一匹马啊!Yes, Oh look, It comes to Baby horse. Its veryyoung.是的,哦,看,它到小马驹的旁边了。马驹很小。Look at the bear

5、.看看那头熊。Oh, so strong.哦,好强壮。Look at the monkey.看看猴子。Do you think its young你认为它很小吗No, it s very old. what a poor monkey.不,很老了。可怜的猴子。what a happy monkey. look. Ahh.多快乐的一只猴子。看。哈哈哈第2单元衣服Do you like my new dress你喜欢我的新xx吗Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。Lets listen and say.让我们听一听说一说。a shirt, a jacket,一件衬衣,一件夹克,a skirt, a

6、sweater,一条短裙,一件毛衣,a coat,一件外套,Lets chant!让我们唱歌谣!Do you like her skirt你喜欢她的短裙吗Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。Do you like his shirt你喜欢他的衬衫吗No, I don t.不,我不喜欢。Her skirt is red.她的短裙是红色的。His shirt is black.他的衬衫是黑色的。I like red.我喜欢红色。I don t like black.我不喜欢黑色。看我的毛衣。Oh. I like it.噢,我喜欢它。Lets sing!让我们唱一唱!I like my cap. My

7、 cap is blue.我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是蓝色的。I like my hat. My hat is yellow.我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是黄色的。Does she like her dress Yes, she does.她喜欢她的连衣裙吗是的,她喜欢。Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt她的连衣裙是绿色的。他喜欢他的T恤吗No, he doesnt. He doesnt like pink.不,他不喜欢。他不喜欢粉色。I like my cap. My cap is blue.我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是蓝色的。I like my

8、 hat. My hat is yellow.我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是黄色的。Does she like her dress Yes, she does.她喜欢她的连衣裙吗是的,她喜欢。Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt她的连衣裙是绿色的。他喜欢他的T恤吗No, he doesnt. He doesnt like pink.不,他不喜欢。他不喜欢粉色。Lets listen and number.让我们听录音,标序号。1 a shirt, 2 a skirt1一件衬衫2一条裙子3 a sweater, 4 a coat3一件毛衣4一件外套

9、一条连衣裙Lets listen and colour.让我们听一听,着颜色。1 She is short. She has a red skirt.1她长得矮。她有一条红色的裙子。2 She is tall. She has a yellow dress.2她长得高。她有一条黄色的连衣裙。3 He is strong. He has a green shirt.3他长得强壮。他有一件绿色的衬衫。4 He is old. He has a blue coat.4他年老了。他有一件蓝色的外套。5 She is young. She has a pink sweater.5她年轻。她有一件粉色的毛

10、衣。Lets listen.我们听一听录音。Look! A monkey, he has a red coat. How funny!看!一只猴子,他有一件红色的外套。多么滑稽!Haa! Look at the cat, she is in a red skirt. Sheis beautiful.哈!看这只猫,她穿着红色的裙子。她很漂亮。Yes, she is beautiful. Where is the dog是的,她很漂亮。狗在哪里Hes on the bowl.他在碗那儿。Hes in a blue sweater and green trousers.他穿着蓝色的毛衣和绿色的裤子。

11、Hes dancing there.他在那跳舞。Who is that in yellow dress over there那穿着黄色连衣裙的是谁Thats the duck. She is dancing too. Ha.Unit 3 Weather第3单元天气3 Its sunny.3xx。Lets listen and say.让我们听一听,说一说。sunny cloudy windy晴朗的xx的有风的rainy snowy下雨的下雪的Lets chant!让我们唱歌谣!Hows the weather Its windy.天气怎么样天气有风。Hows the weather Its c

12、loudy.天气怎么样天气xx。Hows the weather today Its snowy.今天的天气怎么样今天下雪。Is it rainy No, it isnt.天在下雨吗不,没下雨。Is it sunny Yes, it is.xx吗是的,xx。Its a sunny day.今天xx。Lets go out and play.我们去外面玩吧。Lets sing!让我们唱一唱!Sunny. Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. Snowy.晴朗的。多云的。有风的。下雨的。下雪的。今天天气怎么样有风。Sunny. Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. Snowy.晴朗的。

13、多云的。有风的。下雨的。下雪的。How s the weather today It s windy.今天天气怎么样有风。Cool! Lets fly kites together.太好了!我们一起去放风筝吧。Lets listen and number.让我们听一听,标序号。1 cloudy, 2 windy, 3 sunny,1xx的2有风的3晴朗的4 snowy, 5 rainy,4下雪的5下雨的Lets listen and match.让我们听录音,找搭配。How is the weather in Beijing Its fine.北京的天气怎样天气晴朗。How is the we

14、ather in Tianjin Its snowy.天津的天气怎样在下雪。How is the weather in Nanjing Its cloudy.南京的天气怎样多云。How is the weather in Hongkong Its windy.香港的天气怎样。有风。How is the weather in London Its rainy.伦敦的天气怎样在下雨。Lets listen.让我们听录音。Good morning, mum!早上好,妈妈!Morning!How is the weather today早上好!今天天气怎样天气晴朗。Great! Lets go to

15、the park.太好了!我们去公园吧。OK. Lets go.好的。我们走吧。Can I wear my new dress Sure!我可以穿我的新裙子吗当然可以!Thank you! Mum.谢谢你!妈妈。Unit 4 Vehicles第4单元交通工具4 Lets go by plane.4我们坐飞机去吧。Lets listen and say.让我们听一听,说一说。by taxi, by bus, by plane,坐出租车坐汽车坐飞机by bike, by ship,骑自行车坐船Lets chant!让我们唱歌谣!How do you go to Beijing你怎样去xxHow d

16、o you go to Shanghai你怎样去xxHow do you go to Hongkong你怎样去xxHow do you go to Dalian你怎样去大连By bus OK. By train坐公交车好的。坐火车Oh, yes. By plane噢,是的。坐飞机Oh, great. By ship噢,不错。乘船Oh, super!噢,xx!Lets sing!让我们唱一唱!你怎样去上学How do you go to school你怎样去上学Can you make a guess, can you make a guess你能猜一猜吗,你能猜一猜吗By taxi, by b

17、us, by car or by bike坐出租车,坐公交车,坐小汽车还是骑自行车I go to school on foot. Ha-ha!我步行去上学。哈哈!How do you go to school你怎样去上学How do you go to school你怎样去上学Can you make a guess, can you make a guess你能猜一猜吗,你能猜一猜吗By taxi, by bus, by car or by bike坐出租车,坐公交车,坐小汽车还是骑自行车I go to school on foot. Ha-ha!我步行去上学。哈哈!Lets listen

18、and point.让我们听一听,指一指。1 by taxi 2 by ship1坐出租车2乘船3 by bike 4 by plane3骑自行车4坐飞机5 by bus5搭汽车Lets listen and draw.让我们听一听,画一画。I go to China by plane.我坐飞机去xx。我坐船去xx。Lets listen and match.让我们听一听,找搭配。1 Hello! Im Mr Brown. I go to Beijing by train.1你好!我是布朗先生。我坐火车去北京。2 Hello! Im Miss Wang. I go to Hainan by p

19、lane.2你好!我是王小姐。我坐飞机去海南。3 Hi! Im Lucy. I go to Dalian by taxi.3嗨!我是露西。我坐出租车去大连。4 Im Peter. I go to school by bike.我是彼得。我骑自行车去上学。5 My name is Li Xin. I go to school by bus.5我叫李欣。我坐公交车去上学。Lets listen.让我们听一听。I want to go to Xinjiang for holidays.我想去新疆度假。Great. By how太好了。怎么去By plane.坐飞机去。Good. Lets go to

20、gether.好。我们一起去吧。OK.好的。Xinjiang is beautiful.新疆是一个美丽的地方。Look, so many grapes! I like grapes. Haa.看,这么多的葡萄!我喜欢葡萄。哈.Unit 5 My Home第5单元我的家5 This is my bedroom.5这是我的卧室。Lets listen and say.让我们听一听,说一说。a living room, a dining room,一间客厅一间餐厅a bathroom, a study,一间浴室一间书房a kitchen,一间厨房Lets chant!让我们唱歌谣!Welcome t

21、o my home! Thank you, thank you.欢迎来我家!xx你,xx你。This is the living room. Wow, nice!这是客厅。哇,漂亮!This is the dining room. Oh, clean!这是餐厅。噢,干净!Bathroom, bedroom, study and kitchen.浴室、卧室、书房和厨房。They are all nice rooms.它们都是漂亮的房间。Lets sing!让我们唱一唱!Look at my home.看看我的家。A very nice home.一个非常漂亮的家。这里是客厅,客厅。Heres m

22、y bedroom, my bedroom.这里是我的卧室,我的卧室。Come to the dining room and come to the kitchen.来餐厅看看,来厨房看看。This is my study and this is the bathroom.这是我的书房,这是浴室。I like my home, my nice home.我爱我家,我漂亮的家。Look at my home.看看我的家。A very nice home.一个非常漂亮的家。Heres the living room, living room.这里是客厅,客厅。Heres my bedroom, m

23、y bedroom.这里是我的卧室,我的卧室。Come to the dining room and come to the kitchen.来餐厅看看,来厨房看看。This is my study and this is the bathroom.这是我的书房,这是浴室。I like my home, my nice home.我爱我家,我漂亮的家。Lets listen and number.让我们听录音,标序号。1 a living rooom, 2 a dining room1一间客厅2一间餐厅3 a kitchen, 4 a bathroom3一间厨房4一间浴室5 a study,

24、6 a bedroom5一间书房6一间卧室让我们听一听,找搭配。1 Hello! Im Tiantian. Look! This is my bedroom.1你好!我是天天。看!这是我的卧室。2 Im Jinjin. I like my study.2我是今今。我爱我的书房。3 Im Coco. Coming to our living room please.我是可可。请来我们的客厅。4 Im Peter. I like our dining room.4我是彼得。我喜欢我们的餐厅。5 Im Amy. This is my kitchen.5我是艾米。这是我的厨房。Lets listen.

25、让我们听一听。This is my new home. Welcome to my home.这是我的新家。欢迎来到我家。You can see a living room, two bedroom,你可以看见一间客厅,两间卧室,a study, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom.一间书房,一间餐厅,一间厨房和一间浴室。I watch TV in the living room.我在客厅看电视。I sleep in the bedroom.我在卧室睡觉。I read book in my study.我在书房读书。Ihavedinnerinthed

26、iningroomandIcookinthekitchen.我在餐厅吃饭,在厨房做饭。I like my new home.我爱我的新家。Unit 6 Happy Time第6单元快乐时光Lets look, imagine and say.让我们看一看,想象一下,说一说。Lets listen, match and say.让我们听一听,找搭配,说一说。Welcometomyschool!Look!Thisisourclassroom.欢迎来到我的学校!看!这是我们的教室。We have a math class here in Monday.我们星期一在这上一节数学课。Look! This

27、 is our gym. We are here on Friday.看!这是我们的体育馆。我们星期五在这里。Look! This is our music class.看!这是我们的音乐课。We have a music class on Wednesday.我们星期三有一节音乐课。Look! This is our library. We are here on Sunday.看!这是我们的图书馆。我们星期天在这里。Lets listen and match.让我们听一听,找搭配。Welcome to my home. Look!欢迎来到我的家。看!This is the living r

28、oom.这是客厅。A toy gun is in the living room.客厅里有一把玩具枪。This is the dining room.这是餐厅。A big window is in the dining room.This is the kitchen. A chair is in the kitchen.这是厨房。厨房里有一把椅子。This is the study. A book and a desk are in thestudy.这是书房。书房里有一本书和一张桌子。This is bathroom.这是浴室。How nice!多么漂亮啊!Thank you!xx你!Le

29、ts make a new chant!让我们创作一首新歌谣吧!Hows the weather天气怎么样Sunny, sunny, sunny.晴朗,晴朗,晴朗。Do you like shorts你喜欢短裤吗Yes,yes, yes.是的,是的,是的。Lets go by car我们乘车去吧Sorry, sorry, sorry.对不起,对不起,对不起。How do you go你怎么去By bus, bus, bus.乘车,乘车,乘车。Lets sing!让我们唱一唱。梦,梦,一个神奇的梦,I love my magic dream.我喜欢我这个神奇的梦。Dream, dream, a sweet dream,梦,梦,一个甜美的梦,I love my sweet dream.我喜欢我这个甜美的梦。Dream, dream, dream, dream.梦,梦,梦,梦。Sing, sing together.唱,一起唱。Merrily, merrily sing.快乐地,快乐地唱。Sing, sing together.唱,一起唱。Merrily, merrily sing.快乐地,快乐地唱。Sing, sing, sing, sing.唱,唱,唱,唱。

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