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1、沈阳中考英语真题及答案2018年沈阳中考英语一、单项填空(共0小题, 每小题0.分,满分5分)从A、B、C、中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项( ). mal caaruful in tiswit narow_A.tres cieas C.saes D. sops( ) hr will bfewer wkers in facis because most work_by rbots in ur.A. one . ws done . will be doe D.wl d ( )3. e _loka the sars every ight, b now he es tA.dbtr ued to C.

2、out to D. do ( ) . Lus oher ile _hiihe isth redinomptitinA.prud of B. iedf C. orred bout D. strit ( )5 .-_do ou bush r teet? -Tice r mo ada.A.How son B. Hw f C.Howlog D. o ften( )6.Bo dilie cofee, so heamot _dris it.A.ote B. lys . ever .evr( ) 7.Srah_mnplacs of eest i Bejing lreadyA.visited B. has v

3、isite C.willvisit D. ever( ) 8.My granaent rot ltters o kein touh with ots_hey ereyu.AheB.ince C.fer befre ( ) 9-T , I we to t pary esterdayvni.-Oh,I want to know_at the ay.A. h d ou eet B.wou mee C.ho id youee . yo met( ) 10. -I dot likee ho story“Th gifts”, Ithn it ot o dae.-Im sorr,ut_atouht may

4、b o ,I stil hik itsa mving doent mate B .Idotagree C. your wecme D thatsalrigt二、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意, 然后人、B、C、中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Oe day, a huewethuntingwthhs dog. H w a abbit runng out f aush not fari rot nd _rased hi gu to ht .Therabitwsu. trn awa_12_Thtr ae to te og to_3_it,

5、thewaed dog rhe like arrow, rnning vyat an fl of _1_.The rabtan epratel(拼命地)thatit_15_no toave beehurt t all Hoever ,e og was surprisingl left beind. Gradually(逐渐地),e og was osin sht of (看不见)the abt,Alast when te o_16_empt-handd,tehuer asngy and blmed(责备)i, “Ho_1_!Unabl to cat a iud rabbi! o suppr f

6、o yu ” Feeli sad, the dg trid to epla fo _1_, “hgh I didn cch t hd doney est.”When terabbi got home, althe ohe abits were surprsd atis _1_,Thy dingto k, “ How id _20_trunawahe thedg amost augtou ? I nelievabe!”The frghtenedbbit aswed, “edog wold onlyb blmed or otachig mat t, _21_all it id wasto do i

7、 est, tsituation is ompletly diffrent _22_me. I woud surely los my lite_23_Iwacaught. I had togoall o(竭尽全力)!”W canlearna lesso for r dalyife frothe stry Hv e eer examied ourselves d ked _24_we di ur bstorwnt al oute we lked for ()_25_for r failure?( )1.Aslol qickl .asl .strang( ) order .n ned

8、 fear .in surrise( ) 3 bark at Blookat .o fr .u after( ) nowledge Bkindne C.hmo .confidece( ) 1A.see Bbece Ctsted .sondd( )1A.floed B.left etrne Dwaitd( ) 7A.aeles B.useless .hmless D.harmess( ) C.imsef .i( ) 19.A.sanss B.luk orry .aec( ) 0.A.suce .fil C.ange D.sgst( ) 2A.ut .or .ye

9、Ds( ) fo .as of( ) 23.tugh B.unls C.until D.if( ) 2wheter Btht .wht .whee( ) 5.rspet B.hoe ecuse Defft三、阅读理解(共5小题, 每小题1分,满 分15分).CaiLu inenepapr aoud2,000 yersao in Cina. t san importnt invetn. eforeteivntonofapr, poplhad to rememrlts o ormatin owite it n ston, wod,leaves,etc.Tody eeroein he w

10、ld e aper. Wih paer,e caakebos nd prnt newspapesharg nformations a lotasr th th helpof e.Peple use par every dy. tes do homework an ep a diyo paper.Pe is grea inentin.Alan urin wbrn n ondn,Eland, in 192.He attended Cambrdge Uivesi ro 931o1934.Turing was a mathtcin(数学家)and a omper cieist. Many eolcal

11、le Turig he father of ompte ience. He creted the fis dsign(设计)fra mode copuerTurn want tokoif a mahine coud thnk fritself nd trick oeone ito lievigty were inganversatonithanotr pesn.Ths becme kno as the ruing est. In e tes, huan takd o oother peple through a compute. ne was amchn, and he her s a ers

12、on.This idea s sill e tody.( )26.Whn was pape inveed by Cai n?A.ound 2,000yeas aB.Aout 200 yers agoC.Arond,000 years agoD.o100 ars ag( )7 eope o te followithigs with papr XCE_.A. sharing infraion B.pintinnepes Chavin te Turing test D maibooks( )8. May pplcosieed AlaTurng o b _. the inventroprinting

13、B.the father of modeneducation C.te ienor ofpritin D teathr o coputersience( ) 9.Inoder tohae the tet,Turing neeed_A.he pope,on cpe ana aineB.twope,one computer nd mcneC . Two pepl,two coputerand a chneDoneprson, one omter na achne( ) 30rote assae, w koCi Ln invetn nd Turgs da are_A. hard toacept B.

14、nosed an more . unknon t eple D. sillusedtoday.BMy hiden arerown up st.My daugheri16 n m byis arad in jnio hgh shool. As teygt big.Our house seems t ealler. o we want o el somof tngin a y se(庭院拍卖会)ad gi the money to achildre omeWe have lredycleare out alotofthings fom rbedrooms.We hve dcddtoeac el f

15、e thing tht e o longer use Mswas quite sad at fist. Althug h ha not playe wihis ld tosfora lng m, he till nd o kee them. Fo eampl, hes wne aain and raily set since hisfourthbirthdy, ad he playedwi t almot evrywek unl ewasabou seve And he ddnt want lose hi y onkey,ithr. H pt x tthe mky eve ni wen he

16、was ild .My daghrws more undrstndig, althoh shaso flt sato part with (出让)ctain toys . And my wi uldnt likeol hrhaswhichwee otf fasion.As or m, I dnot w ogveu my footbll shrts, bt, to behnt, Ihae notplay for a while no, aetig older, too!( ) 3. The amily decidedo sellsme ofheir hins_A. to by a bigger

17、hose B. t mae mo spe hoda arale D. t become rcher( ) 32. The son gotthe raiand railay et at the g f_A.fou B. even . fouteen D ixten( ) 33. How did bof thidseeabou selling hir old toy?A.Nervos B. Angry C. Hppy . ad( )3. Te assa wsprobabl writte by _A.h so B. th daughter C. heaher D. the moher( )

18、35. The passg i manlyabout_A.popular Bamly life C. halthy dit sopingplanIaine avingasimpleapp that worklke his, wen you need help, ut on the app, touchh “otOK” uttoand text messag ilbe setto fve preselecte eople , lon with a lcatinto showweryou are.T eseds,” Hey, I not OK ease callme, t ,or come o i

19、nd e”U teeages Hannah Lus,15, a he broher Charle,1,hae reated a p cllednotOK pljust neeto a $1.(12 yun)achonh to se it.anah wa npired rt te ap duringa darkime n hr ife las er.hesuffeefm a disase hat causd her topass out t school.Other kids oetes bullied abut this she elt sadn antd to nanpp tha old a

20、lloheto get help when he asnt feei Kheskedher broterhe, whos ncmeis “ech suport”, to find such aapp.When they ouldt fid oe, teydecied tceate one theselves.Th came up with somedis for te appfst .Caretook a progamig classlsumer an buia wesite fr theapp.Hnnh als shae he idea in er suerusinss class, Sm

21、a deelpers showe iterestnd eciddo hl er t last, the p cm out inte Uand aaa o Jary3Hani apythatherpp is helng. “It mae evering I went through latyer wrth t.” se sad .( ) 36.Who wil nowyorein troble whe touch th n “O” tn?A.Fe pre-seected peple . Five famlmmbers.C Fve ap velopes. D. Fveclseriends( )7.

22、Wha do he unerlined words “tet me” i araraph e prbly ean?A.Sd me a repot Send me an eil. Send me amessageD. ed me aem( )3. The ain pupoof inventnhe appis olowpope_A uid webit B ttake classe C .tarn money . toask for help( )39. Te ightoeroftefollowin statemntsaut e iventonofth appis _a. Hannah uffd ro a disas las year b.Carlie ok a pogamming lass lastsummerc. The app cae out in te US and Canad i January. Hannah and Charle fildt findsuch a usefl ap. c,d,a, B , d, b, a C a,d, , c D., d, c,

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