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1、英语复习重点第一章mist n. 薄雾 Persia n. 波斯(西南亚国家,现在的伊朗)Greece n. 希腊 Roman adj. 罗马的,罗马人的trace n. 踪迹,痕迹 relay n. 接力,传递station v. 安置,驻扎monopoly n. 垄断,专营服务 monarch n. 君主,帝王prince n. 王子 domain n. 领土,领地courier n. 信使,送快信的人 monastery n. 修道院,寺院rudimentary adj. 初步的,未发展的 penetrate v. 渗透,穿透strata n. (pl.)阶层 steadily adv.

2、 稳定地inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地 impetus n. 推动力,促进definitively adv. 确定地,最后地 assume v. 呈现(某种形式)currency n. 流通,货币 navigation n. 航海,航空formality n. 正式手续 creation n. 创造,产生propose v. 提议,建议 submit v. 呈送,提交ongress n. 代表大会 treaty n. 条约collective adj. 集体的 convention n. 公约extraordinary adj. 非常的,特别的 erect v. 树立,直立

3、commemorative adj. 纪念的 inaugurate v. 举行(落成)典礼sculptor n. 雕刻家 motto n. 题词,座右铭granite n. 花岗岩 federal adj. 联邦的bureau n. 局 sublime adj. 崇高的,卓越的harmony n. 和谐 territory n. 领土,领域supreme adj. 最高的 revise v. 修订,修正legislative adj. 立法的 council n. 理事会,委员会consultative adj. 咨询的 liaison n. 联络continuity n. 连续性,连贯性 s

4、upervise v. 监督stakeholder n. 利益相关者,股东The first Congress which is called Berne Congress resulted in the signing of the l874 Treaty of Berne, which established the first collective Convention and founded the “General Postal Union”邮联第一次大会叫做伯尔尼大会,签署了1874年伯尔尼条约。据此条约,第一个共同公约出台,同时成立了“邮政总联盟”。The five figure

5、s representing the five continents are the most sublime expression of .the harmony of the peoples in the postal field纪念碑上的5个人向代表了五大洲,这是个民族在邮政领域内的协调关系的一种最庄严的象征。Every four years the members of the large postal family meet to revise international postal regulations and to draw up programs of action to

6、deal with the concerns of the moment邮政的大家庭的成员们每5年开一次会,对国际邮政法规进行修订并为解决当前最关心的问题制定行动计划。It consists of non-governmental organizations representing customers, delivery service providers, workers organizations, suppliers of goods and services to the postal sector and other organizations that have an inter

7、est in international postal services, including direct marketers, private operators, international mailers and printers.它由代表客户、送货服务商、工人组织、商品供应商以及邮政部门服务商的非政府组织以及包括直营商、私人经营者、国际邮件商和印刷商在内的对国际邮政服务感兴趣的其他组织。第二章subsidiary n. 子公司,分公司 establish v. 建立,设立 telephony n. 电话业务insurance n. 保险 outlet n. 营业网点subpostma

8、ster n. 代办英国邮政 业务的商店店主 community n. 社区oversee v. 监督,指导 maintain v. 保持,维持van n. 厢式货车 majority n. 多数,大半portable adj. 便携式的,手提的 location n. 地点,场所premises n. 生产经营场所 approximately adv. 大约,几乎transaction n. 交易,业务With a nationwide network of Post Office branches across the country the Post Office network is

9、the UKs biggest retailer. 英国皇家邮政局是英国最大的零售商,它的支局网络遍布全国 This enables Post Office Ltd to maintain a service in smaller communities in addition to supporting existing branches.这便使得邮政公司能在其既有支局的基础上,保证在较小社区的服务。More than 80% of the full range of Post Office products and services are available through the pa

10、rtner service and services are generally available during the same opening hours as the partners retail business.邮政局全部产品和服务的80%以上都可以通过合作服务零售商得到。一般来说,只要是在他们的营业时间内,你就可以得到这些产品和服务。chore n. 家务事,杂事 fingertip n. 指尖dispense v. 分配,派发 withdraw v. 提款grocery n. 食品,杂货 kiosk n. 售货亭,亭子purchase v. 购买 adhesive adj.

11、带粘性的maximum n. 最大限度,最大量 receipt n. 收据alternative n. 抉择,可供选择的办法 install v. 安装,安置prompt v. 提示;鼓励 sticker n. 涂有粘胶的标签或纸片第三章outlying adj.边远的,偏远的 sort v.分拣,把分类circular n.印制的广告,传单 packet n.小包bundle n.信把 redirection n.改址sticker n.粘贴标签 helmet n. 头盔driveway n.车道 load v. 装head v.朝着去 gear n.(某种活动的)装备,用具outskirt

12、s n.郊外 contractor n. 承包人Flap n.门扇,封盖 bundle up 捆扎,把打包watch out (for) 提防,密切注意back out (of) 倒出Manawatu 马纳瓦图(新西兰城市名)Palmerston North 帕默斯顿(新西兰城市名)She begins sorting her letter mail into houses and shops, putting the private box mail to one side in number order. 她把信函按照住宅和商店进行分拣,把需要投递到私人信箱的信函按照编号顺序排好放在一边,

13、这类邮件将在邮局被分拣到私人信箱。 If people have moved she adds a redirection sticker with the new address, and sends the mail on to them. 如果收件人它迁,她就将印有新地址的改寄标签贴在封套上,将邮件寄往收件人。As well as delivering, they collect mail and CourierPost items from customers Rural Post letterboxes, which open at the front. 除了负责投递外,他们还揽收乡

14、村客户放在信箱里的普通邮件和快递公司的邮件,信箱的前面可以打开。 Rural Post letterboxes all have a front flap which the Rural Post driver can open from their vehicle乡村地区的信箱开口都在正面,乡村邮递员不用下车就能打开信箱。greed n. 贪婪 violence n.暴力staple n. 主题,主要内容 compassion n.同情心curbside n. 路边 grab v. 抓取stack n. 堆,垛 outgoing adj.发出的,外寄的supervisor n.监管人 pee

15、r v. 仔细看,端详unconscious adj.失去知觉的,未觉察到的paramedic n.护理人员overdose v.一次用药过量medication n.药物 resume v.重返,恢复credit v. 认为是功劳,把归于recognition n.赞誉,承认 patron n. 赞助者mobility n. 活动 babysit v.当临时保姆summon v. 召集oddler n.学步的儿童 clutch v.抱住,抓住curve v.绕弯,成曲线 veteran n.老手,富有经验的人oncoming adj.迎面而来的 recruit v.动员(提供帮助)guilt

16、 n.内疚 rouse v.唤醒witness v.目击,见证 on the scene 现场reach out 伸出(手) take action 采取行动pass out 昏迷,昏厥 low bloody sugar 低血糖slip away 溜走Fresno 弗雷斯诺(美国加利福尼亚州中西部城市)California 加利福尼亚州(美国州名)Muncie 曼西(美国印第安纳州城市)Indiana 印第安纳州(美国州名)Colorado 科罗拉多州(美国州名)Pueblo 普韦布洛(美国科罗拉多州城市)the Star Press 曼西星空通讯社第四章possess v.占有,拥有 pro

17、fessional adj.专业的morality n.道德;伦理 far more than 远不只是accurately adv.精确地 content adj.心满意足的 outstanding adj.杰出的 complain v.抱怨reliability n.可靠性 in exchange for 作 为的交换accordingly adv.相应地 individual n.个人genuinely adv.真正地 sympathy n.同情rectify v.纠正;改正 apparent adj.明显的hassle v.打扰,麻烦 revenue n.收入,收益perceive v

18、.感知 bare adj.仅有的be aware of意识到emotional n.感情的 frustrating adj.令人泄气的,使人沮丧的occasionally adv.偶尔的 verbally adv.言语上;口头地acknowledge v承认 be distressed about对感到痛苦的pertinent adj.恰当的;相关的 courteous adj.有礼貌的,殷勤的rather than 而不是 aggressively adv.盛气凌人地detached adj.不偏不倚的 take sides偏袒authority n.当权者;权威 pass on to 传递

19、at fault 有错误,出毛病 on behalf of代表 Occasionally it is enough to make you angry and upset as well. When your customers lost their temper, remember it is important that you, as a professional, dont lose yours偶尔这样的愤怒也足以让你生气和不安。Be sure to explain to the customer what you intend to do, so that he understand

20、s the solution一定要向顾客解释你打算做什么,使他能够了解解决的方案。Sometimes we complain and sometimes we are on the receiving end有时我们抱怨,有时我们被抱怨If you are not sure, its wiser to give the benefit of the doubt to the customer.如果你不能确定,明智的做法是在情况不明时假定顾客是无辜的。听力填空的重点啊!第六章Mailshot n.邮寄广告 sugar-free adj.无糖的brilliant adj.杰出的;非凡的 targe

21、t vt.把.作为目标(或对象)personalized adj.个人化的;个性化的 campaign n.活动unaddressed adj.(信等)不写姓名地址的; 无姓名地址的 preconception n.偏见extremely adv.极其地;非常地;极端地 relevant adj.相关的;切题的engaging adj.有吸引力的 profitable adj.有利可图的;赢利的pinpoint vt.明确指出;确定(位置或时间) 为准确定位Insight n.洞察力 retention n.保留;保持sector n.部门acquire v.获得;得到 raffic n.流量

22、 memorable adj.容易记忆的;值得怀念的 retain v.保持;保留 reluctance n.不愿意;勉强 execution n.实行;执行;实施 diabetic adj.糖尿病患者的 maximize vt 最大化;增至最大限度 retention n.保留;保持 pack n. 包;包裹;背包 philosophy n. 哲学;信条;观点 show off 使突出;炫耀;卖弄craft vt.精巧地制作 historically adv. 在历史上accomplish vt.完成,实现,达到目的 generate vt.产生,引起literally adv.确实地,真正

23、地 eye-catching adj.引人注目的;显著的dimension n.维度,范围,规模,方面 landmark n.地标fiber-optic adj.光纤的 pop up 突然弹出的东西,弹出式pedestrian n.步行者,行人 stand out 引人注目,脱颖而出prominently adv.显著地;重要地 light up 照亮;使放光彩billboard n.广告牌 sales pitch 兜揽生意的话,商品宣传,推销词incentive n.刺激;鼓励 customize vt.定制定做skyline n.地平线,以天空为背景映出轮廓What better way

24、to accomplish that than to have the piece literally pop up?除了让邮件弹出外,有什么更好的方法能使营销方案脱颖而出呢? Because those structures are “lit up” - that is, already connected to tw telecoms fiber-optic network - the companys spring 2008 campaign targeted other companies in the same buildings.这些办公大楼被标识出来,因为铺设了tw公司的光纤网络

25、。因此tw公司2008年春季营销的目标是针对这些办公大楼里的还未成为其客户的公司。Thats far better than the typical direct mail response rate, which historically has been closer to 1 percent to 2 percen这一结果远远超过了通常的直邮回应率,以往的直邮回应率一般约为百分之一至百分之二。第七章intra-regional adj. 区域内的,地区内的 domestic adj. 国内的capture v. 夺取,占领 emerging adj. 新兴的pioneer v. 开辟,作

26、先驱 shift n. 变化,更替interior adj. 内地的,国内的 infrastructure n. 基础设施consolidation n. 整合,统一,合并 portfolio n. 系列产品,系列服务strive v. 争取,追求 hub n. 枢纽,中心depot n. 仓库,储藏所 fleet n. 机群,车队prospect n. 展望,愿景 resilient adj. 有活力的;适应力强的comprise v. 包含,构成 gateway n. 口岸,关口stopover n. 中途停留 integrated adj. 综合的,整合的 acquisition n.

27、收购 complementary adj. 互补的,补充的efficient adj. 有效的,效率高的 source v. 寻求(尤指供货)的来源fulfillment n. 完成,履行 optimize v. 优化streamline v. 使简化,使有效率 critical adj. 紧急的,至关紧要的refurbishment n. 翻新 specification n. 规格,要求inventory n. 存货(清单) crystallize v. 具体化,计划成型 inbound adj. 入境的,归航的 visibility n. 能见度replenishment n. 补充(货

28、物) optimal adj. 最佳的,最理想的 strategically adv. 战略上,颇具策略地 conserve v. 节约,节省 Capabilities in logistics design, re-engineering and management, and service parts logistics make us the provider to turn to when you want a single, trusted source for product or parts distribution. 我公司有能力提供物流设计、再设计和管理以及零部件物流服务,

29、是您产品采购、零部件配送的可信赖选择。Its the full support you need to get the right products to the right places, on time and in excellent condition.Best of all, 要准时、完好地买到满意的产品,然后送到合适的位置,我们为您提供全方位服务。Whether youre part of a global company or a small but growing business, it makes sense to turn your distribution needs

30、over to UPS无论您是全球公司的一部分还是一个规模较小正在发展壮大的公司,将您的配送需求交与UPS都是明智的决定。 This allows for optimal staging of your inventory, which helps speed transit and lower overall transportation costs. 这样就优化了库存布局,以加速运送、降低运输成本。第八章possess v.占有,拥有 professional adj.专业的whirr v.发出呼呼声 buzzv.(机器等)嗡嗡作响awesome adj.令人惊叹的 precise adj

31、.正确的,准确的flip v.轻弹 postmark n.邮戳destination n.目的地 slot n.槽Trucks and vans come and go, machines whirr and buzz, and people sort and check letters and parcels at an awesome speed.递送货车来来往往,机器嗡嗡转动,工作人员在高速地分拣,检查信件和包裹At the Local Delivery Branch, Posties sort the mail into the precise order theyll deliver it - by streets and house numbers.在当地投递部门,邮递员根据街道和门牌号将信件按照投递的确切顺序进

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