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本文(内蒙古正镶白旗察汗淖中学七年级下学期期末考试英语试题无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、内蒙古正镶白旗察汗淖中学七年级下学期期末考试英语试题无答案察汗淖中学2017-2017学年第二学期期末考试 年级:七年级 科目:英语(总分120) 第一部分听力(共20分).听对话,选答案(5分)请听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 每段对话读两遍。( )1.What does Toms father look like?A. He is of medium height. B. He is tall and thin. C. He is of medium build.( )2.How much does the man have to pa

2、y?A. $80. B. $18. C. $8.( )3.What does Grace think of her trip?A. Exciting. B. Relaxing. C. Boring.( )4.How did David go to Shanghai?A. By train. B. By car. C. By plane.( )5.What did the girls father do last Sunday?A. He watched a soccer game. B. He bought a soccer. C. He played soccer.听对话,回答问题(10分)

3、请听下面四段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听一段对话,回答第6至7小题。( )6.How is the weather?A. Sunny. B. Cold. C. Rainy.( )7.What is Rose doing?A. She is singing. B. She is watching TV. C. She is playing volleyball.听一段对话,回答第8至10小题。( )8.What does the girl want to do?A. She wants to buy some drinks.B. S

4、he wants to eat something. C. She wants to have a rest.( )9.How long does it take to get there?A. About 5 minutes. B. About 15 minutes. C. About 10 minutes.( )10.Where is the restaurant?A. Next to the post office.B. Across from the supermarket.C. Between the police station and the supermarket.听一段对话,

5、回答第11至12小题。( )11.How much is a small bowl of noodles? A. Two yuan. B. Three yuan. C. Five yuan.( )12.Is there a medium bowl of noodles in the restaurant?A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. We are not sure.听一段对话,回答第13至15小题。( )13.What did Tom do on Saturday morning?A. He went to the beach. B. He p

6、layed badminton. C. He visited his grandparents.( )14.Who did Tom go the beach with?A. His brother. B. His friends. C. His grandparents.( )15.When did Cindy help her mother clean the house?A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday morning. C. On Saturday afternoon.听独白,回答问题(5分)请听下面一段独白。独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出

7、最佳选项。独白读两遍。( )16.What was the weather like yesterday?A. It was rainy. B. It was cool. C. It was cloudy.( )17.Who did the girl go to the museum with?A. Her father. B. Her brother. C. Her cousin.( )18.Were there lots of people in the museum?A. Yes, there were. B. No, there werent.C. We dont know.( )19

8、.What did they do in the afternoon?A. They went to the movies. B. They went shopping. C. They went to the beach.( )20.Who did the girl buy gifts for?A. Her friends. B. Her cousin. C. Her parents.第I卷第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30)第一节 单项选项。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)( )21.-Hey,Jimmy,What _sunny weather it is! -Yeath! T

9、hen Lets go outside and practice playing _ guitar A,a ;a B.a;the C. /;a D./;the( )22.-_is it from your school to the library? -About ten minutes walk. A How long B. How old C. How much D. How far ( )23.-Hey ,Tim_? -I can play chess. A.What are you doing ? B. What do you like doing ? C. What can you

10、do ? D. How do you do it? ( )24._ sleep in class, boys and girls. A.Not B. Cant C. Dont D.Arent ( )25.-Do you like the movie? -Yes , I think its _ interesting. I want to see it again. A.a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of D. kind ( )26.Tina and Mary are talking _ the phone _ their school rules. A.on; a

11、bout B. to; about C. in ;about D. on with ( )27.-You look very tired. -I _ too late to watch the basketball game last night. A.Put up B. woke up C. stayed up D. called up ( )28. The boy _ of medium height and _ short black hair. A.has ;has B. has ;is C. is ;is D. is ;has ( )29.-Alice is a lovely gir

12、l . I always have a great time _ with her. A.stay B. to stay C. staying D.stayed( )30.I saw a cat _ with a ball in the living room. A.will play B. played C. plays D. playing ( )31.The show wasnt _.I wasnt _in it at all. A. interesting; interesting B. interesting; interestedC .interested; interested

13、D.interested;interesting( )32.He put his book down and _ me pick up my pen. B. helped C. helps D. helping( )33.Jimmy likes _soccer. Look! He is _ soccer.; play B. playing ; plays C. playing; playing D. plays ; plays( )34.In our school about two _students get to school by bike. A.hundre

14、d B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of( )35.My house is _the garden. A. cross in B. across from C. cross from D .across at完型填空(10分Do you want to stay healthy? Let me tell you 36 have a healthy diet(饮食)In the morning. you can eat some bread, cakes and eggs. You should drink a glass of milk. It is

15、 very important for you because it can 37 you much energy(能量)It 38 good for you to go to school or to work without breakfast.You must feel very 39 at lunchtime. So you should have something good 40 lunch Youcan have some fish or chicken. 41 ,such as carrots and tomatoes ,are also very important beca

16、use they can keep you healthy. In the evening, you must be tired. You should eat things 42 noodles or other things with some vegetables. But remember 43 eat too much because you dont do much exercise in the evening. Before going to bed. you can have a glass of milk. It can 44 you sleep well.At last.

17、 you should eat more 45 .Heres a proverb(谚语): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 36. A. how B how to C what D. what to37. A. get B spend C. give D. take38. A. does B. doesnt C. is D. isnt 39. A happy B. sad C hungry D. Busy40. A. to B. for C. of D. with41. A. Vegetables B. Meat C. Fruit D Snacks4

18、2. A. are like B. like C .look like D. likes43. A. don t B. to C not to D./44. A. turn B. start C. improve D. help45. A. apples B. oranges C. bananas D. pears 阅读理解AMr. Smith is from Canada. He likes traveling very much. Last year he came to China on vacation. He stayed in China for a week and went t

19、o a lot of beautiful places. He thought China was a great country. He went to the Great Wall on his first day. He felt very excited when he got to the top of the Great Wall. He also went to the Tiananmen Square and other beautiful places. He stayed in Beijing for three days. Then he went to Xian. He

20、 thought Xian was an old city and had a long history. He visited a lot of places in Xian and had some special food there. He had a very good time in Xian. He also wanted to go to Shanghai, but he must go back for work. He hoped to come to China again for his next vacation.()46.Which cities did Mr. S

21、mith visit in China?ABeijing and Shanghai. BShanghai and Xian.CXian and Hangzhou. DBeijing and Xian.()47.Mr. Smith stayed in China for _Aseven days Bthree days Csix days Dtwo weeks()48.What does the underlined word “excited” mean in Chinese?A难过的 B兴奋的 C感动的 D害怕的()49.What did Mr. Smith do in Xian?AHe h

22、ad some special food. BHe visited a lot of places.CHe had a good rest. DA and B.()50.Which of the following is TRUE?AMr. Smith is from New York.BMr. Smith stayed in Beijing for four days.CMr. Smith didnt visit Shanghai.DMr. Smith didnt want to come to China for his next vacation. BLast Sunday, Mr. B

23、lack and his neighbor went out to a place outside their city. It was sunny and the sea was blue on that day. How happy they felt! When they climbed the mountain they saw some monkeys eating bananas in the big trees. After that, they found a small house on the top of the mountain and there was a very

24、 nice smell. It came out of a house. The owner of the house must be cooking something delicious. So they couldnt wait to enter(进入) the house.To their surprise, when they came into, they heard some noise in the house. What was it? Oh! Some students were having a picnic(野餐) inside the house happily.Fi

25、nally(最后), Mr. Black and his neighbor joined the teenagers. They all had a wonderful time last Sunday.()51.Last week, the weather was_ when Mr. Black went out with his neighbor. Acloudy Brainy Cfine Dsnowy ()52.Mr. Black and his neighbor saw some _ eating bananas in the trees.Alions Btigers Cpandas

26、Dmonkeys()53.Some students were having a picnic _Aat the foot of the mountain Bin a small house Cunder the trees Dout of the house ()54.When Mr. Black and his neighbor smelt the cooking smell, they _Awent into the house Bclosed the door Cleft the house Dwent away()55.This story happened on the _ day

27、 of a week. Afirst Bsecond Cthird DlastCToday is the first day of the week. It is in theafternoon. Mr. Nead is driving his car to hissisters school. Now he is much closer to theschool, but he doesnt know the way to it. At thistime, he sees a young woman. Mr. Read comes out of car and goes to her. Ex

28、cuse me! wheresthe school, please? he asks. The young womansays, Its very near here. I want to go with you. Now the young woman is sitting in the car.Soon they come to a small house and she says, “Stop, please!Mr Read stops the car and says, But this is not a school”“No,” says the youngwoman, this i

29、s my house. I want to get home early before supper time. Thanks for driving me home. The school is behind the factory. So go back to the factory and then turn right, you canfind the school”56. Today isA. Monday B. Saturday C. Tuesday D. Sunday57. What is Mr. Read doing this afternoon?A. He is going

30、to his sisters factoryB.He is mending(修理) a car for the young womanC. He is driving his car to his sisters school.D. He is driving his car to see a young woman58. What does the young woman want to do?A. She wants to go to the school with Mr. Read.B. She wants to get home in Mr. Reads carC. She wants Mr. Read to go to her houseD. She wants to stop Mr. Reads car59. wheres Mr. Read s sister s school?A. Behind the factory. B.Near the young womans houseC In front of the womans houseD. Behind the womans house

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