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1、新编陕旅版小学五年级上册英语全册教案教学设计课题Unit 1 Get up on time!Part A 教案学习目标1.Students can listen, speak, read, and write the vocabulary: clock, wall, in, sit down, be the newest, and play computer games.2.Pair work or group work, Ss can use the sentence pattern: What time is it? Its. Q &a on time in the practice.重难

2、点1.Review digital expression and time expressions. 2.Master the vocabulary and sentence patterns.导学准备Word cards, A model clock导学过程Leading in1.Give students a self introduction.2.Organize students to complete think and draw.1) Warming up:Think and drawT show a model clock to Ss and say: What this? It

3、s a clock. What time is it?(T draw at seven o clock on the clock on the blackboard)then said while drawing:I have breakfast at seven thirty.I have lunch at twelve.2) Ask and answer.T: What time do yo get up/ go to school/go to bed?Ss: .New PresentationLets learn 1. Teach the word: clockT: Its Sunday

4、 morning. What time is it? Look at the clock. Its eleven.T show a model clock and word card to Ss, and say: Look at the clock. Its one. Its two. Its eight.Its twelve. T read the word ask Ss repeat.2. Tech the word: wall1)T hang the clock on the wall, and say: Look at the clock. Where is the clock? T

5、he clock is on the wall.The picture is on the wall. The book is on the wall, too.2)Read and repeat.3)Read and spell.4)Look and on the wall.3. Teach the phrase: come in、be late、and sit down.T give Ss a scene, lets the student cognition in specific language environment, and learn these phra

6、ses.S1: May I come in?T: Come in, please!(T repeat “come in” several times)S2: May I come in?T&Ss: Come in, please!S3: May I come in? Ss:Come in,please!T:You are late.(The teacher said to S1 and guide its answer)S1:Sorry .Im late.T:He/she is late.(T points at Tom and say it to Ss)T write “be late” o

7、n the blackboard,and read it ask Ss to repeat.4. Teach phrase: play computer gamesT: Hey, children, do you play computer games on the weekend?Ss: Yes.T lead Ss to repeat the phrase several times5. Listen to the tape and repeat.Practice1.Play the game”Listen and find”2.Self work.课堂小结1.vocabulary: clo

8、ck, wall, in, sit down, be the newest, and play computer games.2.sentence pattern :What time is it? Its.Unit 1 Get up on time!Part B教案学习目标1.Students can listen,can say,can use follow sentence patterns: 1)-What time is it? -It s. 2)-May I come in? -Come in, please! 3)Im sorry. -That all right.2.Can a

9、ct out the dialogue in “lets talk”3.Can complete Part B “work in pairs”.重难点1.Master the sentence patterns.2.Can act out the dialogue in “lets talk”.导学准备Word cards, a model clock, tape recorder导学过程Leading in1.warming up1)Ask and answerT:Good morning,everyone.look,whats this?Ss:Its a clock.T:Yes. Look

10、 at the clock. What time is it?Ss:Its.2) Show the word cards to review the new words.2.Leading in1)T:May I come in?Ss:Come in, please.2)T:Oh, look at the clock on the wall.Its 8oclock .Im sorry.Im late.May I sit down?Ss:Yes.T:Thank you!New PresentationGive Ss a scene, lets Ss cognition in specific l

11、anguage environment, and learn the phrases and sentence pattern.1.T pretend to sleep, ask a S to wake up.S1:Get up!Get up!T:What time is it?S1:Its seven.2.Practice.-What time is it? -Its. 3.Write the sentence pattern on blackboard. Ask Ss make practice just like right now. 4.Put a clock on the wall(

12、8:20),Ask a S go out and then come in.S1:May I come in?T:Come in, please. Oh! Look at the clock on the wall.Its eight twenty. You are late.S1:Im sorry.T:That all right. Sit down.please.Write the new sentence pattern on blackboard.and lead Ss to read.5.Ask several Ss come to the front and act out acc

13、ording to above dialogue. Practice1.Make a sentence.1)Show the word card and ask Ss to order them to make sentences.2)Ask Ss to read the sentence that they make.2.Part B work in pairs. 预期效果及备注课堂小结-What time is it? -Its. -May I come in? -Come in, please!_Im sorry. -That all right.课后作业1.Read the dialo

14、gue.2.Act out the dialogue.Unit 2 Be Helpful at HomePart A 教案教材分析 本单元主要是围绕家务劳动的话题展开教学的,此话题和学生的日常生活比较的贴近,有利于教学目标的实现。主要学习和做家务有关的词汇以及关于做家务的对话。学生分析 学生对发音规律和和个别单词在上学期已经有初步的接触,而且这个话题离学生的生活比较近,为本节课的学习打下了良好的基础,学习目标1、能掌握make the bed, sweep the floor, do the dishes, water the flowers, clean the window, cook t

15、he meal, wash the clothes。会灵活运用句型Can you.? Yes, I can./No, I cant. .can. -What can you do? -I can.2、同桌合作或者小组合作,能用句型进行简单的对话。3、会唱歌曲。培养学生热爱家务劳动。重点难点1、熟练掌握四会词语。2、句型的运用。教学方法情景教学法、自学、合作教学准备单词卡片、学生预习准备的单词卡片,录音光盘,多媒体课件,实物过程设计步骤时间内容教师怎么导学生怎么学设计意图Step13分导入创设情景、检查预习情况。引入Warming-up完成Warming-up并进行交流导入新课,把学生带入情景。

16、Step22分出示目标用PPt出示学习目标感知学习目标,初步了解内容让学生了解要学什么,做到心中有数。Step318分钟新知呈现(自学、听、讨论练习、展示汇报、及时纠正)make the bed 1、引导学生认识单词(利用多媒体课件)。2、试读;3、听(光碟);4、汇报并纠正;5、书写练习并检查(转动)。6、句型的练习。以相同的方法指导学习其他单词,1、根据图片认识单词;2、认真听并参与小组的练习;3、认真书写(书写要范)。4、句型的练习(自己造、交流、汇报、点拨、互评)。以相同的方法学习其他单词。体现老师导,学生为主体,整个过程要让学生动起来。整个过程要有对学、群学、师评、生评相结合。Ste

17、p47操练(展示、评价、点拨)游戏指导;转动,进行二次备课并根据情况展示,给与适当的指导。利用图片练习单词的书写和拼读并造句;积极参与展示。在游戏中练习单词、句型。巩固练习刚刚学过的词句。Step57过关检测出示检测题1、抽查单词的拼读,并及时纠正。独立完成,参与讨论、解决问题,积极参与汇报。及时掌握学生的学习情况并及时补救。Step63整理小结这节课我们都学习了些什么呢?words:Sentence:认真参与小结,对知识进行整理。整理思维、汇集知识点、回归学习目标。Unit 2 Be Helpful at Home Part B 教案教材分析 本单元主要是围绕家务劳动的话题展开教学的,此话题

18、和学生的日常生活比较的贴近,有利于教学目标的实现。本节课主要是要学习Lets talk .的对话部分。学生分析 学生对发音规律和和个别单词在上学期已经有初步的接触,而且这个话题离学生的生活比较近,为本节课的学习打下了良好的基础,本节课的主要实在接了帮爷爷、奶奶干家务的对话,学生应该比较容易接受。学习目标3、会用句型Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 向他人提供帮助。会用Can you .?Yes ,of course.并能在日常生活中求助及答应。4、同桌合作或者小组合作,能灵活运用句型。5、在类似的场景下能进行简单的对话。重点难点1、熟练掌握句型。2、

19、对话的熟练运用。教学方法情景教学法、自学、合作教学准备挂图、录音光盘,多媒体课件。过程设计步骤时间内容教师怎么导学生怎么学设计意图Step13分复习,导入创设情景、检查预习情况。创设情境。积极回顾,进入情境。导入新课,把学生带入情景。Step22分出示目标用PPt出示学习目标感知学习目标,初步了解内容让学生了解要学什么,做到心中有数。Step318分钟新知呈现(自学、听、讨论练习、展示汇报、及时纠正)1、给学生时间自学。2、播放音频。3、在各个小组转动。了解学生,做二次备课。4、有选择的请学生汇报 。并点拨。5、根据汇报做好评价。1、学生自学,画出不懂的。(描红)2、合作、讨论,解决问题(学生

20、一起消红)3、认真听并跟读,结症错音,4、各组派代表做汇报,并在老师的指导下及时改正(师生共同消红)。体现老师导,学生为主体,整个过程要让学生动起来。整个过程要有对学、群学、师评、生评相结合。Step47操练(展示、评价、点拨)两人一组练习对话;转动,进行二次备课并根据情况展示;进行场景对话,请一部分学生表演。两人一组练习;积极参与表演。巩固练习刚刚学过场景对话。Step57过关检测出示检测题1、表演对话。(1).Can I help you?的同义句是_.(2)You are helpful.的意思是_.独立完成,参与讨论、解决问题,积极参与汇报。及时掌握学生的学习情况并及时补救。Step6

21、3整理小结这节课我们都学习了些什么呢?1、句型:2、对话:认真参与小结,对知识进行整理。整理思维、汇集知识点、回归学习目标。Unit 3 My Favourite Food Is Hamburgers Part A 教案一、教学目标1. 能力目标:(1)能够灵活运用句型:Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is/I like (2)能够在真实的语境(picnic)中操练句型和实际运用句型,能将句子结构和句型实际意义结合起来记忆并运用。2. 知识目标:掌握以上句型,并能“在做中学,在用中学”.3. 情感、文化目标:节约粮食,合理饮食,健康生活

22、。二、教学重、难点1. 重点句型:Whats your favourite food? I like/My favourite food is.2. 难点:询问别人并表达自己对某种食物的喜好。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warm upSay hello to the students and the teachers.Lets know something about me.(PPT出示)Whats my name? A. Sandy B.Wendy Whats my favourite colour? A. pink B.purple Whats my favourite food? A.

23、cakes B. beef (设计意图:以此调动学生的积极性,让学生尽快地投入到课堂中来。)Lets chant(PPT出示)Lead out:Attention code: food, food, food, whats your favourite food?(设计意图:运用多媒体的声像效果,创设情境、导入新课、激发学生学习的兴趣。)Step 2 PresentationFinish the tasks. challenge!T: Boys and girls, today I take some presents for you. AfterClass, we will have the

24、 buffet. If you have the tickets,you can go to the buffet. Here is the tickets. How can you get it? Lets look the four tasks. If you can do a good job in the four tasks ,you can get the tickets. Are you ready for this tasks? Lets go! 1. Task One:1)Sharp eyes game.Review the words of food words.(设计意图

25、:用一种简单而又高效的方法让学生对本单元学过的单词进行温故,为下面的环节作铺垫。)2)Words spider, Write down the foods on the sheet according to the different food items. Do a sorting activity.(设计意图:让学生在食物这个大家族里面,对单词进行分类,知识点在这里有了一个梯度的提高。PPT的展示直观、清晰,学生能很好地完成这一环节的任务,对food的分类掌握到位。)2. Task Two: 1)Train games. Ask and answer: 2)Make a survey(us

26、ing the sentence pattern: Whats your favourite food? I like) Namefruitmeatdrinkvegetablefast food(设计意图:有利于培养学生的记忆能力,同时又让知识有了很好的复习和巩固与拓展。)3. Task Three: 1)Sing a song!2)Make a new song.Work with your group members and make a song like this: My Favourite fruit is apples (Tune: My Bonnie is Over the Oc

27、ean) My favourite fruit is apples. My favourite meat is chicken. My favourite drink is coffee. And my favourite vegetable is carrots. Favourite, favourite, my favourite friend is you, is you.Favourite, favourite, my favourite friend is you, is you.(设计意图:运用多媒体的声像效果,播放学习歌谣、激发学生学习的热情。)4. Task Four:1)Te

28、ll a story: Looking for Mom (Baby bird flies and flies. She is lost. She is looking for her mom. She only knows her moms favourite food is worms.)Bird: Mom, mom, where are you? (She flies and flies. She meets a big animal)Bird: Excuse me. Whats your favourite food?Rabbit: Im a rabbit, my favourite f

29、ood is carrots.Bird: Oh, no, youre not my mom. My moms favourite food is worms. Bye. (She flies and flies. She meets a beautiful animal)Bird: Excuse me. Whats your favourite food?Butterfly: Im a butterfly. My favourite food is flowers.Bird: Oh, no, youre not my mom. My moms favourite food is worms. Bye. (She flies and flies. She meets a funny animal)Bird: Excuse me. Whats your favourite food? Monkey: Im a monkey. My favourite food is bananas.Bird: Oh, no, youre not my mom. My moms favourite food is worms. Bye.(She flies and flies. Shes so tired. At last, she meets a kind animal)Bird: Excu

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