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1、人教版高中英语选修六基础梳理训练及答案新人教版高中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji2014高考英语宏志班优化设计系列基础梳理训练及答案:新人教版选修6综合检测阶段检测六 (选修6)高考链接完形填空(记叙文)The story of“Making Pancakes” reminds me of Mothers Day in Georgia in 1970. That Mothers Day1, my family and I were at the Church2for the preacher to begin when I looked around noticing our 1

2、2-year-old son was3. My wife and I looked at each other with4eyes, thinking he was5outside playing with his friends.Thirty minutes later the preacher was well into his sermon(布道) and6no son. Since we only lived about a block from the7, all through the sermon I was8he had gone home to watch televisio

3、n.The moment the preacher said his sermon was over, my wife and I9for the door. With10 growing with every step I took toward the house, I imagined what I would say and what I would do as11as we found him.With all that tension and anxiety12, can you imagine our surprise when we walked into the house

4、and found him sitting on the sofa waiting for us with a(n)13?I was just about to let it all14, when without saying a word he stood, took his mother by the hand, and15her into the kitchen.There before us was a beautiful table of16spread our 12-year-old son had prepared for my17as his Mothers Day gift

5、 with his smile.Later, we learned he left immediately after Sunday School to rush home to have it18for his Mom.In our life, we often look at our circumstances and think how19 we think things are. Then, when we see the outcome, we can only bow our humble heads in amazement at how things20for our good

6、!1. A. MondayB. Sunday C. ThursdayD. Friday2. A. lookingB. asking C. waiting D. paying3. A. brightB. naughtyC. absent D. honest4. A. questioningB. puzzlingC. surprising D. satisfying5. A. surelyB. probably C. actuallyD. mostly6. A. nearlyB. eitherC. ever D. still7. A. hospitalB. schoolC. houseD. chu

7、rch8. A. realizing B. proving C. thinking D. enjoying9. A. rushedB. travelledC. went D. left10. A. angerB. joyC. sadness D. pride11. A. wellB. soon C. long D. far12. A. changingB. growing C. stopping D. moving13. A. excuseB. apologyC. smile D. view 14. A. up B. down C. inD. out15. A. talked B. force

8、dC. droveD. led16. A. giftsB. drinkC. food D. fruit17. A. relativeB. friendC. mother D. wife18. A. bought B. prepared C. borrowed D. carried 19. A. badB. lucky C. good D. strange20. A. turn outB. turn up C. turn onD. turn off参考答案26.BCCABDDCAABBCDDCDBAA: 第卷第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分1

9、5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Do you advocate _ trucks from the city centre?I cant agree more.After all, peoples health is the most important thing of all.Ato banBbanning Cto banningDban22I feel nervous before the exam._.It wont be too difficult for you to pass.ATake it easily BTake things easy

10、CTake your time DTake things easily23A dog found his owners son in the wood.Really?How did this _?Acome up Bcome about Cgo up Dgo about24These measures would make a valuable _ towards reducing industrial accidents.Acontribution Bcatastrophe Cprogress Dposition25If you _ your teachers advice,you woul

11、d not have failed the exam last week.Atook Bwere taking Chad taken Dtake26_ the high price, demand for these cars is very high.ABecause of BIn spite of CIn case of DDue to27Peter looked tired and a little absentminded at the meeting.He _ up too late.Amay stay Bcould stay Cshould have stayed Dmust ha

12、ve stayed28Would you like some more soup?_.It is delicious, but Ive had enough.AYes, please BNo, thank you CNothing more DId like some29Lily shows a special interest in playing _violin, hoping to become _ worldfamous violinist in the future.Athe;a Bthe;the C/;the Dthe;/30I always had doubts _ he wou

13、ld be the best man for the job, but now I dont doubt _ he can do it.Awhether;whether Bthat;if Cif;whether Dwhether;that31John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _,he gladly accepted it.Afinished Bfinishing Chaving finished Dwas finished32Do you think _ worthwhile to go all the way to

14、 Beijing to buy that computer?Well,Im going to visit the Birds Nest and the Water Cube.Ait B/ Cthis Dthat33Do you feel like _?No,but Id like _ today.Ato skate;skate Bskating;skating Cskating;to skate Dto skate;skating34A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses,_ has happened in Iraq and o

15、ther countries.Awhat Bit Cas Done35_ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.AWaiting BTo wait CHaving waited DTo have waited第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2012郑州第一次质量预测)I wanted to be just like those b

16、ig kids I saw wearing their medals and carrying their ribbons(绶带)So I _36_ the crosscountry team at my school.However,I was very slow in the team.In races,I would finish almost _37_.Id always have to _38_ in the longer races.The _39_ races and at least 100 people competing in it made me really _40_.

17、Every time I stopped,10 people would _41_ me.But I still couldnt push myself to keep going,even though I _42_ watching them go by me.After every race,Id go home and burst into tears.Then one of my friends joined the crosscountry team,too.She never got tired and didnt get cramp(抽筋)in her legs.I just

18、didnt understand how that was _43_!Id been running much longer than she had,but she could run _44_ while I had to suffer.She even came 8th in a big race with over 200 people in it!My _45_ was lower than ever and I wanted to quit badly.I didnt,_46_.Even a whole month before a race,Id get so nervous t

19、hat I felt like I might give up.Still,I _47_ to quit.I still had that _48_ appearing in my mind and I hung on to it.Finally,I realized the reason why the bigger races made me so nervous was that I was always worried that I wasnt _49_ for them.I started to practice at home almost every day.I _50_a pl

20、an that had me running almost three kilometers every day,which helped me build up a steady _51_.When the time came for the big race,all the practice really _52_.I stopped only once and my pace was much better.I was _53_ of myself for sticking with it even though it was really hard and Id even wanted

21、 to quit.I showed myself that I was _54_ enough to keep going.That was what made me feel good about myself and gave me confidence.The next time Im faced with a tough _55_,I will know that I can take it up.None of this would ever have happened if I had quitted!36A.liked Badmired Csupported Djoined37A

22、.best Bfirst Clast Dleast38A.stop Brest Cbreathe Dsuffer39A.exciting Btiring Cinteresting Ddisturbing40A.nervous Bfrightened Csad Bencourage Cleave Dpass42A.missed Bhated Cavoided Descaped43A.equal Breasonable Cfair Dtolerable44A.quickly Beasily Chappily Dhopefully45A.strength Bdemand

23、 Cgoal Dconfidence46A.yet Beither Cthough Dstill47A.refused Bdecided Cfailed Dwanted48A.lesson Bfaith Cfuture Dpicture49A.suitable Bactive Cready Dwell50A.took out Bmapped out Cfigured out Dlet out51A.pace Brace Cwill Dlevel52A.set off Bpaid off Cgot off Dtook off53A.sure Baware Cproud

24、rong Bpatient Csteady Ddevoted55A.job Bsport Ccompetition Dchallenge第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2012山东潍坊三县市上学期联考)Long bus rides are like television shows.They have a beginning,a middle,and an end with commercials(广告) thrown in every three or four mi

25、nutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window.“Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.” “Drink Good Wet Root Beer.” “Fill up with Pacific Gas.” Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off

26、,are you spared the unending cry of “You Need It!Buy It Now!”The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if youve traveled that way before.Usually some things have changednew houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.The bus driver has a style of driving and its fun to t

27、ry to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particularly reckless (鲁莽的) or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left hand lane?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping

28、for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more interesting.But youve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and t

29、heres a kind of expectation and excitement in that.The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now youve sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the armrest or even with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.Th

30、ere are just no more ways to sit.56According to the passage,what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?ABuses on the road. BFilms on television.CAdvertisements on the billboards. DGas stations.57The writer of this passage would probably favor _.Abus drivers who arent reckles

31、s Bdriving aloneCa television set on the bus Dno billboards along the road58The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are _.Aboring Bcomfortable Ctiring Dexciting59What is the purpose of this passage?ATo give the writers opinion about long bus trips.BTo persuad

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