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1、中考语法易错题汇总405题含答案基础卷 语法易错题汇总t ( C ) 1: There are twenty _ in our hospital A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctor (woman 修饰名词时要用复数)( C ) 2: Dont make a _ . The baby is sleeping. A: sound声音的总称 B. voice人的声音 C. noise噪音 D. noisy ( A )3: Which of the following is right? _ A. She

2、is English B. She is a French C. She is an English D. She is an American (表示某个国家前面不要加a, an)( A )4: Have you found some _ on the leaves? A. drops of water B. drops of waters C. drops water D. drops of waters(数量词是可数名词)( C )5: Room320 is the _ office. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers D. teacher( A )

3、6: This is _ room. A. Tom and Marys B.Toms and Marys C. Toms and Mary D. Tom and Mary ( D )7: We had a good time during our_ holiday. A. two-weeks B. two weeks C. two-weeks D. two weeks(用连接号连接起来的词语只能用单数)( C )8: The _ are big and bright in our school. A: classrooms windows B. classrooms windows C: wi

4、ndows of the classroom D. windows of the classrooms(没有生命的物体的所有格用of表示)( D )9: I can see some _ on the hill. A. sheeps and deers B. sheep and deers C. sheeps and deer D. sheep and deer( C )10: Please pass me _ .I will correct them. A. the test paper B. some pieces of test paper C. the test papers D. s

5、ome piece of test paper(表示试卷时,是可数名词)( C )11: _ are usually cheap. A. The modern car B. A modern car C. Modern cars D. The modern cars( D )12: My father left his bird outside _ and went in. A. the doctor B. a doctor C. doctors D. the doctors( C )13: Professor Green taught _ physics last term. A. thei

6、r B. they C. them D. themselves( C )14: These two books are very interesting. You can choose _ of them. A. both B. each C. either D. any( B )15: The students are cleaning their classroom. _ are sweeping the floor, and _ are cleaning the windows. A. Some; the others B. Some; others(some只能与others搭配使用)

7、 C. Ones; other D. One; another( A )16: You gave me some ideas, but _ of them can solve my problem. A. none B. no C. not any D. nothing(none与of搭配)( A )17: I am afraid I cant finish so much work with so _ time. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( B )18: This machine is very easy to use. _ can lear

8、n to use it in a very short time. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Few people( B )19: He had _ milk but _ bread for breakfast. A. many; few B. much; little C. few; much D. little; many( D )20: The teacher said _ of the boys would finish his work. A. all B. both C. every D. each(可以与of连用)(直接跟名词)( C

9、 )21: I want _ to eat, _ will do. A. something, something B. anything, anything C. something, anything D. anything, something( D )22: Everyone must do _ best to learn English well. A. their B. ones C. your D. his( D )23: _ of our parents went to the party because _ of them were very busy yesterday.

10、A. Neither; each B. none; both C. Both; neither D. Neither; both( C )24: I found _ important to be honest. (形式宾语) A. its B. that C. it D. this( C )25: My father is a man of _ words. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( D )26: Mary invited the three of _ , Linda, Tom and _ . A. we; me B. us; I C. o

11、urs; I D. us; me( A )27: Who is that at the door? I think _ is Peter. A. it B. he C. she D. this( D )28: _ want to have a picnic on such a fine day. A. Every student B. Each student C. All of students D. All the students( C )29: MingMing has arrived, but _ students in your class arent here yet. A. o

12、ther B. others C. the other D. the others(表示其余的都用”the other”)( C )30: They were so excited because their class had got _ first in the sports meeting. A. other B. the other C. another D. one another( A )31: To talk is one thing, but to practice is _ . A. another B. other C. the other D. one more( B )

13、32: Lei Feng asked _ for return when he helped others. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something( C )33: Is it your ticket? No, _ is in my pocket. Its _ . A. mine; her B. my; his C. mine; hers D. my; hers( B )34: The old woman kept one black dog and two white _ . A. one B. ones C. those D. o

14、nes( D )35: You may go and ask him. He knows _ about Japanese. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little( A )36: Mikes words are different from _ . We really cant agree with _ . A. ours ; him B. ours; hes C. us; him D. us; his( C )37: Chongqing is bigger than _ in Japan. A. any other city B. all the oth

15、er cities C. any city D. the other cities( B )38: All parents love their children, and my parents love _ , too. A. ours B. theirs C. them D. his( B )39: Bob jumps farther than _ in his class. A. any other boys B. any other boy C. any boy D. another boy( B )40: Where is Jack? Hes away to spend his ho

16、liday. Hes gone either to Hangzhou or to Wuhan, but its no sure _ . A. that B. which C. where D. there( A )41: I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _ . A. everything B. anything C. nothing C. something( D )42: Excuse me. How far is _ from here to the museum? Quire near, only a f

17、ew minutes walk. A. this B. / C. that D. it( A )43: Li lei often talks _ but does _ . So everybody says he is a good boy. A. less; more B. few; much C. more; little D. little; many( A )44: I dont like to talk with those know-alls. They seem to know _ . A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothi

18、ng( C )45: The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight SARS. They think more of others than _ . A. they B. them C. themselves D. theirs( D )46: Our class teacher looks _ than she is. A. much young B. more young C. more younger D. much younger( C )47: Computers can work out difficult problem

19、s _ quickly than human beings. A. very more B. more far C. far more D. very( B )48: Uncle Wang is _ man that he always helps others. A. such friend of B. such a friendly C. Such friendly a D. Such friendly( C )49: I Can _ believe that he works so _ . A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hard C. hardly; hard D

20、. hard; hardly( C )50: Edison is one of _ in the world. A. most famous inventors B. the most famous inventor C. the most famous inventors D. the more famous inventor( B )51: This _ film made all of the students _ . A. exciting; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; exciting D. excited; excited(

21、A )52: My parents were happy because every day I was getting _ . A. better and better B. more and more better B. well and well D. more and more well( D )53: I have spent _ time on my studies than my brother. A. fewer B. well C. more good D. more ( B )54: You look _ today. A. good B. well C. more goo

22、d D. more well( B )55: There are _ in Class Four _ in Class One. A. students as many; as B. as many students; as C. so many students; as D. students so many; as( D )56: Have you finished your homework _ ? No, not _ . A. already; never B. yet; already C. ever; yet D. yet; yet( A )57: Old people must

23、be spoken to _ . A. politely B. polite C. lucky D. luckily( C )58: There was a _ wind last night and it rained _ . A. strongly; heavily B. strongly; heavy C. strong; heavily D. strong; heavy( B )59: The dress is very beautiful, but it is _ dear. A. too much B. much too C. many D. more( A )60: Get up

24、 earlier tomorrow, _ youll miss the first train. A. otherwise B. and C. and yet D. and then( D )61: Mingming got up very _ , so he came to school half an hour _ . A. late; lately B. lately; late C. lately; lately D. late; late( C )62: I am _ worried about my parents healthy conditions. A. some time

25、B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times( C )63: The food in this restaurant is not good, _ , the price is high. A. therefore B. then C. besides D. except( B )64: _ will your father be back? In two hours. A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How often( C )65: John is my _ friend of all classmates. A

26、. good B. better C. best D. the best( A )66: Beijing has _ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours. A. so B. very C. too D. much( C )67: Mr Smith thought the Century Park was the second _ in ShanGhai. A. large B. larger C. largest D. very large( A )68: We should keep _ in the read

27、ing-room. A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quickly( B )69: Uncle Wang is _ man that he always helps others. A. such friend of B. such a friendly C. such friendly a D. so friendly( C )70: Its twelve o clock at night, but he is _ working. A. already B. ever C. still D. yet( C )71: Wei Hua ran _ than Hu

28、i Fang. A. slowlier B. very more slowly C. more slowly D. very slowly( C )72: Youre _ late. He has already gone. A. terrible B. nearly C. terribly D. near( B )73: _ children there are in family, _ their life will be. A. The less; the better B. The fewer; the better C. Fewer; richer D. More; poorer(

29、C )74: We find it _ to do some reading every day. A. easily B. be enjoyable C. helpful D. interested( B )75: The number of the trees in our school is getting _ . A. more and more B. larger and larger C. less and less D. higher and higher( C )76: Speak English _ , or you wont do well in it. A. as man

30、y as we can B. as much as he can C. as often as you can D. as quick as they can( A )77: Its _ far _ walk home from here. Lets take a taxi. A. too; to B. to; too C. so; that D. too; too( B )78: _ the weather was not so wet as it is today and we played happily. A. Lucky B. Luckily C. Unlucky D. Unluck

31、ily( A )79: Its such an _ film that all the students are _ in it. A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting C. interesting; interesting D. interested; interested( A )80: I want _ eggs. I have eaten too much. A. no more B. some more C. much more D. many more( A )81: I think English is _ French. I dont agree with you. A. less popular than B. the most popular C. so popular as D. as more popular as ( D )82: Im getting fatter and f

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