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1、鸡蛋的12个基本常识有关鸡蛋的12个基本常识核心提示:为什么营销人员努力使我们相信他们所卖的鸡蛋来源于幸福、快乐、健康的鸡?但是那些标签真正意味着什么?褐壳鸡蛋比白壳鸡蛋更有营养吗?现在就来告诉你有关鸡蛋的一些基本常识。1、Free-Range Means Hens Live Outside: True or False?自由放养意味着母鸡生活在户外:对还是错?False. It simply means they have access to the outdoors, but the door may be tiny, and the outdoors may be nothing mor

2、e than a concrete slab. This photo shows how most free-range hens do NOT live.错。其只不过是表示它们能“接触”户外,而那扇门则可能非常小,“户外”可能只不过是一块混泥土板。2、he Grade Of An Egg Indicates How Nutritious It Is: True or False?鸡蛋的等级表示其营养程度:对还是错?False. It is simply an indication of size, as well as quality of the exterior and interior

3、. Processors have to pay to have their eggs graded.错。其只不过表示鸡蛋的大小以及内外部的质量。3、Brown Eggs Are Slightly More Nutritious Than White: True or False?褐壳鸡蛋比白壳鸡蛋更有营养?对还是错?False. The color of the egg says nothing about its nutritional value. Chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs and those with red earlobe

4、s lay brown eggs.错。鸡蛋壳的颜色与其营养价值无关。4、The Natural Protective Coating Is Removed By Processors: True or False?自然保护膜被加工者去掉了:对还是错?True. They do this to remove any surface bacteria that may be on the egg, but the downside of this chemical wash is that it could be inadvertently making the porous egg more v

5、ulnerable to bacteria and salmonella.对。他们做这个工作以去除鸡蛋表面的细菌。但是使用化学方法进行清洗的缺点是这一非故意的处理会使有气孔的鸡蛋更易受到细菌和沙门氏菌的感染。5、Chickens Are Not Vegetarians: True or False?鸡不是食草动物:对还是错?True. If they had a say, they would eat meat (worms and bugs) along with their grains and grass. The term vegetarian feed that you may al

6、so see on a carton, simply refers to the fact that there are no animal by-products in the feed.对。如果它们有发言权,它们会选择吃肉(蠕虫和臭虫)以及谷物和青草。你可能在包装纸箱上看到“蔬菜饲养”,这只不过表明其饲养料中没有畜牧副产品。6、Hens Are Fed Flaxseeds To Darken Their Yolk: True or False?给鸡喂食亚麻籽可使蛋黄变暗:对还是错?True. This also adds Omega 3 to the egg that allows the

7、 brands to write this claim on the carton. If a hen is pasture raised, she would get significant levels of Omega from grass and bugs.对。这可以增加鸡蛋的Omega 3。如果母鸡饲养于牧场,其能从草料和虫子里获得较高的Omega。7、Fresher Eggs Peel More Easily Than Older Eggs: True or False?新鲜鸡蛋比陈鸡蛋更易剥壳:对还是错?False. Older eggs peel more easily bec

8、ause the air sac on the inside gets bigger as the contents contract over time.错。陈旧的鸡蛋比新鲜的鸡蛋更易剥壳,因为鸡蛋里面的气囊气孔会因鸡蛋里的东西随时间收缩而变大。8、Freud Had A Role In Making Eggs A Popular Breakfast Food: True or False?弗洛伊德在使鸡蛋成为流行早餐过程中起着作用:对还是错?True.对。备注:弗洛伊德有个外甥叫贝尔耐斯(Bernays),在上个世纪二十年代,他是一名“公关”,当时受雇于推销培根。一般的公关专家会建议用削价

9、贱卖或多作广告来推销产品,但贝尔耐斯深受弗洛伊德理论的影响,认为当你想让人们做一件事的时候,你不是光听人们嘴上说什么,而是要搞清人们的内心真正想的是什么。贝尔耐斯先是在医生中做了一个调查,只问了一个简单的问题:“你是支持丰盛的早餐还是简便的早餐?”,医生们的回答是丰盛早餐是最好的。贝尔耐斯然后开展了一场造势运动,把培根和鸡蛋定义为丰盛早餐。靠着医学界的支持,关心自己健康的人们从此开始把培根加鸡蛋当成是“全美式”早餐不可或缺的部份。9、Cage-Free Is The Same As Free-Range: True or False?无笼饲养等同于自由放养:对还是错?False. While

10、free-range hens must have access to the outside, cage-free simply means they are not in cages. But they may still be living in cramped indoor quarters. This label also says nothing about the hens being fed organic feed or given antibiotics.错。自由放养的鸡必须能“接触”户外。无笼饲养只是说它们没有被关在笼子里,但它们可能生活在拥挤狭窄的室内单元里。这个标签与

11、有机饲养和用抗生素饲料饲养没有关系。10、Eggs Do Not Require Refrigeration: True or False?鸡蛋不需要冷藏:对还是错?True and False. Store-bought do, because the protective coating has been removed and because they have been refrigerated. Eggs bought at a farmers market with the coating intact, that have never been refrigerated, do

12、not need to be. (If the farm HAS refrigerated them, then they DO need to be.)既对又错。商店里卖的鸡蛋要冷藏,因为鸡蛋的保护膜已被去除而且已经被冷藏。如果是从农夫手里买的完整无损的鸡蛋则不需要冷藏。(如果农夫将其冷藏过,则这些鸡蛋需要冷藏)11、Pastured Hens Always Receive Organic Feed: True or False?牧场产的鸡蛋都是有机饲养:对还是错?False. The term pastured is highly unregulated and suggests that

13、 the hens spend most of their time outside, foraging for worms and bugs and grass. But a pastured hen could still be fed non-organic feed.错。“牧场产的”意味着未受管控,母鸡经常生活在野外,找虫子和草籽吃。但是牧场养的鸡仍可能不是有机饲养。12、The Humane Certification Claim Means The Same As Organic: True or False?“人道认证”(Humane Certification)等于“有机”:对还是错?False. In most cases, it is an entirely different standard and in some cases goes beyond what basic organic certification means. It is largely based on the humane treatment of the animals.错。在大多数情况下,它是完全不同的标准,在一些情况下,它比有机更严格。其很大程度上取决于人道地对待动物。

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