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1、高三英语参考教案Unit6nbspMainlyrevision高三英语参考教案 Unit 6 Mainly revision 一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生复习第15单元出现的日常交际用语和语法;并围绕环境保护和废弃物处理这一题材,让学生认识废弃物的危害性和如何正确处理废弃物,从而达到保护环境这一目的。二、教学重点与难点1重要词汇remind, throw away, get rid of, treat, break up, break down, seek, sort 2重要句型1)No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isnt

2、safe2)Waste must be treated so that it does not become a danger to life3语法 复习第15单元出现的语法项目4日常交际用语 复习第15单元出现的日常交际用语三、难点讲解1Waste must be treated so that it does not become a danger to lifeAdanger用作不可数名词,意为“危险”。例如:There is danger in climbing a high mountain爬高山有危险。Bdanger用作可数名词,表示“具体危险”或“造成危险的事物”。例如:That

3、 man is a danger to society那个人对社会是一个危害。C短语:in danger处于危险中。例如:He is in danger of losing his life他处于丧生的危险之中。2No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isnt safe“no matter + 疑问词”有时等于“这个疑问词+ever”。本句可换为:However much you want to bathe, it just isnt safe又如:No matter how hard it is, you should have a tr

4、y= However hard it is, you should have a try不管有多难,你应该试一试。3How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world todayget rid of 排除,摆脱,处理掉。例如:1)Ill get rid of these old clothes我将处理掉这些旧衣服。2)Its hard to get rid of a bad habit很难摆脱掉坏毛病。四、复习与检测从A、B、C、D中找出其粗部分与所给单词的加粗部分读音相同的选项。1entranceAburyBhurryCbusyD

5、expect2sugarApupilBsupperCwoofDgold3shallowAspecialBofficerCcoupleDcook4mountainAweightBoperateCcaptainDexact5clapAdistantBgraspCgatewayDcattle选择填空。6He is a musician _Aat birthBby birthCof birthDwith birth 7China is a socialist country and a developing country _.AalsoBeitherCas wellDas well as 8Poli

6、tics _ one of the subjects that I studyAareBisCwereDwas 9_, he was unable to support his familyAAs out of workBTo be out of work COut of the workDBeing out of work 10When he heard the bad news, his heart sank, but he _ to be happyAappearedBseemedCsawDwatched 11There were five people at the table, an

7、d they asked the waitress for _ and _.Atwo cups Of tea; three coffeeBtwo teas; three coffeeCtwo teas; three coffeesDtwo cup of tea; three cup of coffee 12On the top of the hill _, where the old man once lived.Aa temple stands thereBa temple standing Cdoes a temple standDstands a temple 13_ a reply,

8、he decided to write another letter to her.AHaving not receivedBNot received CNot having receivedDNot receives 14_ a noise just there? AHave you heardBWere you hearing CDid you hearDAre you hearing 15_ today, he would get there by FridayAWould he leaveBWas he leaving CWere he to leaveDIf he leaves 16

9、In warm weather fruit and meat _ longAdont keepBcant be keptCare not keptDare not keeping 17_ of the students in our school is increasingAThe numberBA numberCThe amountDA great deal 18He is _ of our schoolAthe teacherBa teacherCteacherDonly teacher 19He went on foot, but the _ by busAmight have gone

10、Bshould goneCcould have goneDought have gone 20Walking along the river, we heard someone _ for helpAshoutingBshoutCshoutedDhaving shouted 21On entering the office, I found Mr Tompson _ at the desk and _ somethingAseated; writeBseated; writing Cseat; writeDseating; writing 22I ran too fast _ where I

11、was goingAto noticeBfor me to notice Cto notice for meDand notice 23_ he did it remains a secretAWhatBWhomCWhichDHow 24Time is money? We should _ our timeAbe fit forBmake good use of Cplay a part ofDtake the place of 25President Brown promised to come, but he never _ up.AkeptBputCpickedDshowed 完形填空。

12、Londons River Thames has twenty-seven bridgesTower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel towards 26 from the sea, is the 27 of them allThe thing that is surprsing about 28 is that it opens in the middleIt does this 29 the big ships through to the Pool of LondonIf you are 30 to see t

13、he bridge with its two 31 arms high in the air you will never forget itTower Bridge is less than one hundred years oldIt was built in the 32 1850, everyone 33 that a bridge 34 the Thames near the Tower London which almost a thousand years old was most necessaryBut 35 argued about the new bridge for

14、about another thirty yearsThey took 36 long because they had two problemsThe new bridge must look like the Tower of London-everyone said soIt 37 look like a modern bridgeBut because of the tall ships it was 38 to have a modern designAt last two 39 designers had the idea of an opening bridgeAnd they

15、made it look like the TowerSo everyone was 40 It was a wonderful successThere was 41 much traffic on the 42 that the bridge opened at least twelve times a day hundred years 43 , the River Thames was Londons busiest roadToday big ships 44 come so far up the ThamesTower Bridge opens perhaps only twice

16、 a week, 45 the same wonderful machinery is still 46It still has the two 47 opening arms-each 1000 tons-leaving seventy metres for the ships 48 And they can still open and close the 49 in one-and-a-half minutesThings are changing now at Tower Bridge, but whatever 50 , Tower Bridge will always mean L

17、ondon26AEuropeBthe BritainCLondonDthe Thames27AoldestBhighestCnewestDmost famous 28Athe riverBthe bridgesCLondonDTower Bridge 29AletBmakeCleadDstop 30AgoingBgladCafraidDlucky enough 31AbiggestBlongerCopeningDstrongest 32A1850B1890sC1880D18th century 33AagreedBsuggestedCtoldDhoped 34AthroughBacrossCa

18、longDabove 35AtheyBLondonersCthe buildersDthe designers 36AsoBnotCveryDnot so 37AwouldBneedntChad toDmust not 38ApossibleBimpossibleCnecessaryDimportant39AcleverBfoolishColdDyoung40AhappyBmovedCsurprisedDdisappointed 41AsoBveryCnotDto42AstreetBstreetsCriverDbridge 43AagoBlaterCbeforeDpassed 44Astill

19、BdontCoftenDalways 45AforBbutCandDthen 46AthereBworkingCbusyDinteresting47AlongBheavyCshiningDwonderful48Across the riverBgo throughCmove quicklyDstop there49AbridgeBriverCtowerDship50Atook placeBwill take placeChappensDhappened阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。A One of the most famous singing stars in

20、 the west, Elton John has been in the singing circle for over 30 years“Candle in the Wind 97”, a song in memory of Diana, the late Princess of Wales killed in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997, was especially well receivedAbout 318 million copies of records have been sold, breaking the Guin

21、ness World Record of 30 million copies set by Bing Crosbys “White Christmas”From the 1970s to the 1980s, Elton published over 30 albums and made quite a lot of singing toursHe was known as the best rock-and-roll singer (摇滚乐歌手) in the world after the Beatles because he filled the blank left by the di

22、sappearance of the latter in good timeElton is not only a singer but also a philanthropist (慈善家)In 1993 he organized “Elton John AIDS Fund” and within four years he collected 12 millionIt was the same interest in charity that made him a good friend of Princess DianaHe was given the title of Lord (勋爵

23、) in 1995Written by Bernie and sung by Elton in 1973, “Candle in the Wind” used to be a song especially for Marilyn Monroe, a famous US film starWhen hearing the death of Princess Diana, they rewrote the song to honour herThe money from the sales of the records was given to Diana Charity Foundation5

24、1The Song “Candle in the Wind 97” was produced in order to _Aremember the date when Diana died Bbreak the Guinness World Record Chonour Princess Diana Dhonour Marilyn Monroe 52_ composed the song in memory of Princess DianaABernieBBeatlesCBing CrosbyDBernie and Elton 53Elton John was given the title

25、 of Lord because _Ahe was a good friend of Princess Diana Bhe was famous in singing and active in charity Che could collect 12 million in only 4 years Dhe was a member of the royal family 54Princess Diana took Elton John as one of her good friends because _Ahe got the title of Lord Bhe was the best

26、rock-and-roll singer after the Beatles Che got the same interest in charity as she Dhe sang a song to honour Marilyn Monroe 55Which of the following is not true according to the passage? AElton John has sung for over 30 yearsBBing Crosby was a very famous singerCPrincess Diana died in an accident in

27、 FranceD“Candle in the Wind 97” is the same as that song in memory of Marilyn Monroe.B Clouds put interest into the skyThey make the beauty of the sunset and sunrise, when they often “look like” rain, they look like flowering snowballs throw across the skyWhen dark clouds sometimes “dampen (压抑) our

28、spirit”, the northwest wind drives them away, leaving a sky of blue to make us happyNo doubt people have been interested in the beauty of the clouds since earliest times and poems and stories written by early writers often speak of beauty in the cloudsWhen you are inside of a cloud, it looks just li

29、ke fogHave you ever ridden through a cloud in an airplane? Or have you ever been in a car when it is driven through a cloud on top of a high mountain? If so, you find that when you are inside of a cloud, the cloud looks just like the fog you walk through on the sidewalk on a foggy morningFog and clouds are both made of drops of waterBut clouds are higher than fogThin light clouds are much higher than the hig

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