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1、完整word版雅思口语PART11. Do you like to take photographs?I got into photography because of my friends, most of my friends are amateur photographers, they organize shooting sessions during the weekends, and these sessions really pulled me into it.我走近摄影是因为我的一些朋友们,他们都是业余摄影爱好者,他们每周末组织摄影讨论,这让我也喜欢上了摄影。2. What k

2、ind of photos do you like to take?I prefer to take pictures of portrait, coz the moments involving people are usually quite hard to capture. So, every time a nice photo of persons can give me a sense of satisfaction and achievement.我喜欢拍人像,因为有人的瞬间是最难捕捉的。所以一张不错的人像照片每次都能给我成就感和满足感。3. How do you keep you

3、r photos?People like to save tons of photos on the hard drive. I think its taking up too much space. I wouldnt hassle burning them all onto CDs, that way I have a hard copy of them.人们喜欢把大量的照片存到硬盘里。我觉得这占用了大量的硬盘空间。我不怕麻烦把照片刻录到CD上,这样我就能有一份备份了。4. Why do some people do not like taking photographs?Well, I

4、guess some people believe that the best moments should be stored in mind rather than in photos. In some other cases, people dont like being in a photo might because that they are camera-shy or they are not photogenic.我估计一些人认为最好的瞬间不该存在照片里而应该存在脑海中。还有时候,人们不愿意照相是因为他们觉得不愿上镜或者自己不上相。5. Why some people like

5、 taking photographs when they visit another place?Photography gives people a chance to document every detail of the surroundings they are in during a trip. The small snapshot or photograph can enrich and refresh the memories of the travelling. 摄影给人们提供了一个记录旅途中身处环境的细节的机会。即便是一张快照或照片,都可以刷新或丰富人们对旅途的回忆。tr

6、ansportation1. Do you often use public transportation?If I need to commute to and fro somewhere without the hassle of jam, I use the public transport. I bet you know how it feels to self-drive in jams.如果我需要往返于某地又不想被交通堵塞困扰的话,我选择公共交通。我打赌你一定理解自驾时被堵住的感觉。2. What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?My

7、 hometown is too congested during the day. I get dropped off in the morning by either my mom or my sister so I dont have to worry about being late. I walk home from school. Occasionally I get rides.我的家乡白天时候特别拥堵。早上要么是我妈要么是我姐姐送我,这样我就不用担心迟到了。晚上我从学校走回家,偶尔搭个顺风车。3. What do you think of the transport condi

8、tions in your hometown?I used public transportation all the time to get to & from work. The transportation in big city is crap. So owning your own car or taking a taxi isnt such a good idea. You could be stuck in traffic forever plus the expenses for gas and parking garages.我上下班一直搭乘公共交通。大城市的交通可恶心了,自

9、己开车或者打车不是明智的选择。你可能被交通堵塞一直堵死而且还得考虑油费和停车费。4. Do you think transportation costs are expensive in your hometown? It depends on what you are looking to get to. Bus prices vary, but are mostly on a local basis, not for moving from city to city. Prices depend entirely on the distance, for long distance rou

10、te, train might be the best cost.这取决于你要去哪。公共汽车票价是浮动的,只要不是跨城市,多是根据当地标准定价的。价格主要依据距离而定,如果是长途旅行,火车性价比更高一些。5. Can you suggest any ways to improve the transport system in your hometown? Invest money in it. The problem is its a vicious cycle. No one wants to use it because it sucks, and it sucks because no

11、 one uses it. The only way to break out of the cycle is to pour in some money and give it time. More bicycle friendly streets, solar powered vehicles, higher speed trains, incentives for public transportation, etc.投钱!这个问题是恶性循环。因为交通系统烂,所以没人愿意用,因为没人用,所以它就烂。唯一打破这个恶性循环的方法就是投钱并且给它时间发展。方法很多:更多适合骑行的街道、太阳能汽

12、车、更高速的列车、对使用公共交通给予奖励等。NAME1. Does your name have any special meaning?I was named Eve. I dont like it. I cant stand it for religious reasons. I dont like being named after the woman who picked the apple in the Garden of Eden. The only thing I like about it is that its short and easy to pronounce and

13、spell.我叫Eve,我不喜欢这个名字。我受不了的是宗教原因。我不喜欢以一个在伊甸园里摘了苹果的女人而命名。我唯一喜欢这个名字的是它够短,方便读,方便拼写。2. Do you like your name?I love my name and I dont think I would change it because its a name my parents picked out for me and Im proud to have it. Im quite happy with my name now. I think its pretty, fairly unique, and s

14、ort of formal.我喜欢我的名字,我觉得我不会改名字,这是我父母为我挑选的,我为之自豪。我现在很喜欢我的名字,它很美,与众不同,还有些正式。3. What name do people at home call you?My full name is Liu Hong Ning, they call me “Hong Ning” for short. Sometimes my mom called me babe, which is such a sweet sentiment.我的全名叫刘洪宁,他们叫我洪宁作为简称。有时候我妈叫我宝贝,非常甜的感觉。4. How are babie

15、s given their names in China?People have always showed particular concern for the meaning, and sound when they name children. It is expected that a name given by parents carries their wish, hope, pursuit, aspiration, etc.给孩子们起名的时候,人们经常尤为关注名字的含义及发音。人们希望父母起的名字可以承载他们的愿望、希望、追求、渴望等等。5. Do people in China

16、 ever change their names?There are many reasons someone would change their names, parents divorce, personal preference, fortune-telling, etc.Gifts1. Do you often give gifts to people?Well, I guess that gift giving is a pretty disturbing thing. Well, for one thing, its hard for me to find valuable gi

17、fts for my friends or family. Ive no idea on their preference and taste and Im so afraid of that they dont feel happy when they receive my present.我觉得送礼是一件挺烦人的事情的。首先,对于我来讲为家人或朋友选择有价值的礼物并不容易,我对他们的个人喜好和品位一无所知,我很怕他们收到我的礼物后并不开心。2. Do you and your friends or family members give each other gifts?Well, yes

18、, I often buy something unique form other countries to my friends and family members. Its about my care and love. However, some people give expensive gifts in hopes of receiving an expensive one, which becomes a competition. It ruins the original purpose of sending gifts.是的。我经常给我的朋友和家人从各个国家买回特殊的礼物。这

19、是我对他们的关心和爱。但有些人送贵重的礼物就是希望也能从别人那收到贵重的礼物,这变成了一种竞争。这破坏了送礼的原本目的。3. Do you think its easy to choose what to give other people?No, its really a challenging task for me to select an excellent and much-appreciated gift, because people have different personality and people are fickle, just like my friends, y

20、ou know, they change their taste easily and its really hard to find what they really want.不容易。对于我来说,选择一个让人喜欢的好礼物确实是个挑战,因为人们性格各不相同而且变幻莫测,比如我的朋友们,他们很容易变换品味,找到他们喜欢的东西挺难的。4. Do you think its important to give expensive gifts?No, its totally unnecessary. Gifts dont mean material object all the time and c

21、an be something special, including forgiveness and kindness.完全没必要。礼物并不是一直意味着物质的东西,有时候是可以有一些特殊意义的,包括谅解或友善。5. In China, is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone?Well, I think its expected. Its common etiquette to bring some gifts if someone invites you over for dinner, you know like, a b

22、ox of chocolate, a bottle of wine or stuff like that. Well, on top of that, gifts are often wrapped in wrapping paper, especially red wrapping.我觉得是应该的。比如受邀到别人家里赴宴,给别人带一盒巧克力或一瓶酒这样的礼物是一般礼节。而且,礼物一般都要用包装纸包好,尤其要用红色包装。TIme1. Do you usually wear a watch?2. I know some people say that with mobile phones, th

23、e wrist watch is out-dated. I disagree. A quick glimpse at your watch during a meeting or on the production line is a lot better than pulling out your cell phone. I find a watch to still be the most convenient method of time keeping.我知道有一些人说,有了手机,手表就过时了。我不同意。开会时候或者在生产线上工作的时候迅速瞥一眼手表要比掏出手机看时间强多了。我觉得手表

24、还是最方便的计时工具。2. Do you think time is very important?People say “Time is money”. Actually, time is more valuable than money. The money we have lost can be gained again, but the time we have wasted cannot be regained. Since time is an invisible thing, people often waste their time unconsciously.人们说时间就是金

25、钱。其实,时间比钱更贵重。钱没了我们还能再挣,可时间一去便不复返。由于时间是无形的,人们常常不知不觉地就浪费了时间。3. How do you feel when you are late?If you are the one whos late, it is very ashamed to make an apology when you really have no intention to be late. Ive always tried to be right on the dot for any appointment.如果你是那个迟到的人,当你并非故意迟到的时候去道歉是很难为情的

26、。我一直尝试着准时赴任何约会。4. Do you think its important to be on time?Punctuality is a virtue, being late is RUDE. I always run on time and feel ashamed if I am late to anything. It just seems these days that nobody is on time and running late is the norm.守时是一种美德,迟到是粗鲁的。我经常守时而且在任何事情上迟到我都觉得很羞愧。5. When does time

27、 seem to move fast and when does it seem to move slowly?Age makes a difference to whether time moves fast or slow. And thats not a matter of perception. The older you are, the faster times moves. Time is slipping by faster than you can blink. Time is never in your favor.年龄决定了时间过得快慢的差异,这不是感觉的问题。你岁数越大

28、,越会觉得时光飞逝。时间比你一眨眼过得还快。时间从不受你掌控。PARTY1. Do you like going to parties?Sure, Im crazy about parties, especially balls. Though I rarely have chance to participate in a charity ball, I usually take part in many school dances, which usually take place during weekends. Its really exciting and romantic.当然,我

29、非常喜欢聚会,尤其是舞会。虽然我鲜有机会参加慈善舞会,我经常参加学校的舞会,经常在周末举行,非常让人兴奋,很浪漫。2. Do most Chinese people like parties?Well, I guess yes, we have different types of parties, such as birthday parties, baby showers as well as cocktail parties. However, activities, just like playing cards or singing karaoke, are always the e

30、ssential parts of the party. 我想是的。我们有不同种的聚会,比如生日聚会,宝宝派对,还有鸡尾酒会。无论如何,打牌、唱歌这类活动是聚会不可缺少的部分。3. Why do some people dislike parties?Well, I dont know, I guess, maybe, people dont like noisy atmosphere, what I mean is, someone like talking with others but not in a crowded place with non-stop strong-beat mu

31、sic. Theyd prefer choosing a place like coffee shop or teahouse to disco or night pub.我也不知道。我估计可能是他们不喜欢吵闹的气氛。一些人喜欢和别人聊天但是不喜欢伴着永不停歇的重节奏音乐,在人头攒动的地方聊天。他们宁愿选择个咖啡厅或者茶楼也不去迪厅或夜店。4. Do you prefer family parties or parties with friends?Well, I like to have parties with friends, because we have more interesting things to do, or maybe to talk with, like exchanging gossips and playing pokers.我喜欢和朋友们聚会,因为我们有更有意思的事情一起做或一起谈论,比如分享八卦,打扑克。5. Who do you think enjoys parties more, old people or young people?Well, young people are more fascinated with parties because they are more likely to enjoy the

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