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1、外研版初一上册英语课文及翻译1-1李老师:你好,我的名字叫李芳。.我是你们的老师你们是我的学生。我是中国人。我来自武汉。你叫什么名字?Ms Li: Hello, my name is Li Fang. Im your teacher and youre my students. Im Chinese. Imfrom Wuhan. Whats your name?玲玲:我的名字叫王玲玲Ling: My name is Wang Lingling.李老师:.见到你很高兴。玲玲,你来自哪里?Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Lingling. Where are you from?玲

2、玲:我来自北京。我是中国人。Ling: Im from Beijing. Im Chinese.李老师:你多大了?Ms Li: How old are you?玲玲:我十三岁。Ling: Im thirteen years old.李老师:好的。你好,你那?Ms Li: Good. Hello, what about you?大明:你好,李老师。我的名字是李大明我也来自北京。我十二岁。Daming: Hello, Ms Li. My name is Daming and Im from Beijing too. Im twelve years old.李老师:谢谢。你好,你来自美国吗?Ms L

3、i: Thanks. Hello, are you from America?托尼:不,我不是。我来自英格兰。我的名字叫托尼史密斯。Tony: No, Im not. Im from England. Im Tony Smith.李老师:见到你很高兴。托尼。嘿,你也是英国人吗?Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Tony. Hi, are you English too?贝蒂:不,我不是。我是美国人。我的名字叫贝蒂金。Betty: No, Im not. Im American and my name is Betty King.玲玲:托尼和贝蒂是我们的朋友。Ling: Tony

4、 and Betty are our friends.李老师:好的。欢迎来到七年级四班。Ms Li: 1-2大家好。我叫李大明,我的英文名字叫戴维。Hello, everyone. My name is Li Daming and my English name is David.我12岁,我来自北京。北京是中国的首都。Im twelve years old and Im from Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China.这是玲玲,她的英文名字叫露西。This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy.她是我的朋友

5、。她也来自北京。Shes my friend. Shes from Beijing too.你们好。我叫王玲玲,我13岁。很高兴见到你。Hello, Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteen years old. Good to see you.王辉是我的朋友,但他不在我们班。Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class.他的英文名字叫亨利。他来自上海。His English name is Henry. Hes from Shanghai.上海是个很大城市。Shanghai is a very big city.你们

6、好,我的名字叫托尼史密斯。我来自剑桥。Hi, my name is Tony Smith. Im from Cambridge.他在英国是个小城市。Its a small city in England.托尼是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name.我13岁。很高兴见到你们所有的人。Im thirteen years old. Its nice to meet you all.2-1玲玲:这是你的家庭吗?Ling: Is this your family?托尼:是的,它是。Tony: Yes, it is.玲玲:

7、好大的一个家庭啊!这是你的妹妹吗?Ling: What a big family! Is this your sister?托尼:是的,这是她。她叫琳达。Tony: Yes, it is. Her name is Linda.玲玲:这些人是你的祖父母和外祖父母吗?Ling: Are these your grandparents?托尼:是的,他们是。我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。Tony: Yes, they are. My mums parents are on the left, and my dads parents are on the right.玲玲:我明白了。这是谁?L

8、ing: I see. Whos this?托尼:那是我爸爸。Tony: Thats my dad.玲玲:这是你的妈妈吗?Ling: Is this your mum?托尼:是的。在她旁边的妇女是我爸爸的姐姐,我的姑姑利兹。Tony: Yes. The woman next to her is my dads sister, my aunt Liz.玲玲:这是她的丈夫吗?Ling: Is this her husband?托尼:不,那是她的兄弟,我的叔叔保罗。Tony: No, thats her brother, my uncle Paul.玲玲:在保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁?Ling: Wh

9、o are the boy and the girl in front of Paul?托尼:那是保罗的儿子和女儿,我的堂兄妹迈克和海伦。Tony: Those are Pauls son and daughter, my cousins, Mike and Helen.2-2我叫贝蒂金。这是我的父母。我们是美国人。My name is Betty King. These are my parents. Were American.我爸爸是一名男演员,我妈妈市一家剧院的经理。My father is an actor, and my mother is the manager of a the

10、atre.我叫李大明这是我的父母。我们是中国人。My name is Li Daming. These are my parents.Were Chinese.我爸爸在警察局工作。他是一名警察,我妈妈是一名护士。My fathers job is at a police station.He is a policeman, and my mother is a nurse.我叫托尼史密斯,是英国人。My name is Tony Smith and Im English.这是我的妈妈,她是一所学校的英语老师。This is my mother. Shes an English teacher

11、at a school.这是我的父亲,他是一家饭店的经理。This is my father. Hes a hotel manager.我叫王玲玲。我是中国人。My name is Wang Lingling. Im Chinese.我妈妈是一名护士,她和大明的妈妈在同一家医院。My mother is a nurse. She and Damings mother are at the same hospital.我爸爸是北京的一名公共汽车司机。My father is a bus driver in Beijing.3-1大明:琳达,你在英国的教室是什么样子的?它大吗?Daming: Li

12、nda, whats your classroom in England like? Is it big?琳达:是的,特别大。在我们班有三十名学生,在北京你们班有多少名学生?Linda: Yes, its really big. There are thirty students in my class. How many students are therein your class in Beijing?大明:有四十名学生,二十名女生,二十名男生。你们教室里有什么?有许多家具吗?Daming: There are forty students, twenty girls and twent

13、y boys. Whats in your classroom? Isthere a lot of furniture?琳达:是的,有许多。Linda: Yes, there is.大明:在每个人的书桌上都有电脑吗?Daming: 琳达:不,没有。但在教师的讲桌上有一台电脑。Linda: 大明:哦,在教室的墙上有一些图画吗?Daming: Oh, are there any pictures on the classroom walls?琳达:是的,有,在教室的前面。Linda: Yes, there are, at the front of the classroom.大明:有世界地图吗?D

14、aming: And is there a map of the world?琳达:不,没有,有一幅英国地图。Linda: No, there isnt. Theres a map of England.大明:在我们教室里有一幅世界地图,但墙上没有图画。Daming: Theres a map of the world in our classroom, but there arent any pictures on ourwalls.3-2这是我们学校的地图。This is a map of our school.我们学校有六座建筑物:一个图书馆,一座办公楼,一座教学楼,一个餐厅,一个体育馆

15、和一座科学楼。There are six buildings in our school: a library, an office building, a classroom building, ading hall, a sports hall and a science building.在学校中央是一个大操场。In the middle of the school is a playground.图书馆在学校大门附近,操场的左边。The library is on the left of the playground near the school gate.里面有很多图书、地图和电脑

16、。 在图使馆后面的左侧是学校的办公室。Behind the library, on the left, are the school offices.在这栋楼和餐厅之间是拥有二十四个教室的教学楼。Betweenthisbuildingandthedinninghallistheclassroombuildingwithtwenty-fourclassrooms.在教学楼右边的建筑物是餐厅。On the right of the classroom building is the dinning hall.在餐厅前面是体育馆,在体育馆前面的那座建筑物是用于科学课的。In front of the

17、 dinning hall is the sports hall and the building in front of that is for science.在科学楼里有六个科学实验室和五个微机室 托尼的爸爸:托尼,我们去购物买些食物和饮料吧。现在,我们没有肉了。我们买鸡肉吧。Tonys dad: Tony, lets go shopping for food and drink. Now, we havent got any meat. Letsget some chicken.托尼:好吧。我们有巧克力吗?Tony: OK. Have we got any chocolate?托尼的爸

18、爸:是的,我们有。吃太多的巧克力对你的身体不好。我们买些水果吧。Tonys dad: Yes, we have. Too much chocolate isnt good for you. Lets get some fruit.托尼:什么种类的水果?苹果?Tony: What kind of fruit? Apples?托尼的爸爸:不是,我们有许多苹果。我们没有橘子了,所以我们买些橘子吧。Tonys dad: No, weve got lots of apples. We havent got any oranges, so lets get some.托尼:好吧。买一些橘汁怎么样?Tony

19、: OK. How about some orange juice?托尼的爸爸:是的,好主意!还有咖啡。我们给你妈妈买些。她没有咖啡了。Tonys dad: Yes, good idea!And coffee. Lets get some for your mum. She hasnt got anycoffee.托尼:好吧,给妈妈一些咖啡,给我一些可乐。我没有可乐了。Tony: All right, some coffee for Mum, and some cola for me. I havent got any cola.托尼的爸爸:不要可乐!可乐对你不好!买一些茶好吗?Tonys d

20、ad: No cola! Cola is bad for you! How about some tea?托尼:哦,太不好了!Tony: Oh, too bad!4-2对儿童健康的食物和饮料Healthy food and drink for children你的食物和饮料健康吗?Is your food and drink healthy?大量的冰激凌、汉堡包和可乐是不健康的。A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not healthy.肉是健康的,但是吃太多的肉对儿童是没有好处的。Meat is healthy but too much me

21、at is not good for children.可乐和糖果都是很甜的,并且吃太多的糖对你是不好的。Cola and candy are very sweet, and too much sugar is bad for you.吃合适的食物并保持健康。Eat the right food and be healthy.胡萝卜、鸡蛋和甜土豆对你的眼睛有好处。Carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes are good for your eyes.牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有好处。Milk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth

22、.有点儿劳累吗?喝大量的美味的鸡汤吧!A bit tired? Have lots of delicious chicken soup!记住这些是很重要的:吃好,保持健康,不要变胖!It is important to rember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get fat!吃面条或米饭,不吃汉堡包。Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers.每天早上吃一顿好的早饭。Have a good breakfast every morning.喝果汁、水、茶和牛奶,不喝可乐。Drink juice, water and milk,

23、 not cola.吃大量的水果和蔬菜,不吃太多的糖果和冰激凌。Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.5-1托尼:贝蒂,星期一我们上什么课?Tony: Betty, what are our lessons on Monday?贝蒂:8点钟我们上语文课,8点55分我们上科学课。在10点20分我们上信息技术。然后我们上数学课。你喜欢数学(课)吗,托尼?Betty: We have Chinese at eight oclock and science at five to nine. At twenty past ten wehave IT. Then we have

24、 maths. Do you like maths, Tony?托尼:是的,我喜欢,但是它很难懂!我喜欢周一下午的课:英语和美术。我们周五上什么课?Tony: Yes, I do, but its difficult! I like the lessons on Monday afternoon: English and art.What lessons do we have on Friday?贝蒂:我们上英语、语文、体育和地理。Betty: We have English, Chinese, PE and geography.托尼:那么下午呢?我们上数学吗?Tony: And in the

25、 afternoon? Do we have maths?贝蒂:不,我们不上。我们上美术和历史,但是我们不上数学。我喜爱历史并且我擅长历史。它是我最喜欢的科目,因为它很有趣。Betty: No, we dont. We have art and history, but we dont have maths. I love history and Imgood at it. Its my favourite subject because its very interesting.托尼:我最喜欢的科目是语文,我可以与我的中国朋友谈话。Tony: My favourite subject is

26、Chinese. I can talk with my Chinese friends.5-2你好!我是阿里克斯格里诺尔。我13岁了,我在英国牛津的帕克中学上学。Hi! Im Alex Greenall. Im thirteen and I go to Park School in Oxford, England.我工作日去上学,但在周六和周日不去。I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and Sunday.这是我的上课日。我在早上7点半起床,然后吃早饭。This is my school day. I get up at half p

27、ast seven in the morning, and then have breakfast.我的学校在我家附近。My school is next to my house.我8点半去上学并看望我的朋友。Igo to school at half past eight and see my friends.我们9点钟开始学习。We start work at nine oclock.我们上午有3节课。我最喜欢的课是美术。We have three lessons in the morning. My favourite subject is art.在11点钟,我们在操场上休息,我和朋友

28、们聊天。At eleven oclock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends.他们去操场踢足球,但是我不喜欢足球。They go to the playground and play football, but I dont like football.我们12点半在餐厅里吃午饭。We have lunch in the ding hall at half past twelve.我喜欢学校的午饭!I like school lunch!我们吃带蔬菜的肉和米饭,或者汉堡包。我喝果汁或者水。We have mea

29、t and rice with vegetables, or hamburgers. I drink juice or water.下午1点半我们开始上课。We start lessons in the afternoon at half past one.我们在下午有两节课。然后在3点半我们回家。We have two lessons in the afternoon. Then we go home at half past three.晚上,我和家人一起看电视、吃晚饭。In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family.我做

30、家庭作业,然后在10点钟上床睡觉。I do my homework and go to bed at ten oclock.6-1导游:欢迎到北京动物园。动物园里有许多种动物,比如熊、斑马、长颈鹿和熊猫。它们来自许多不同的国家,而且它们吃不同的食物。这是狮子。Guide: 托尼:狮子吃肉吗?Tony: Do lions eat meat?导游:是的,它们吃肉。它们吃其他动物。它们很危险!Guide: Yes, they do. They eat other animals. Theyre dangerous!玲玲:啊!熊呢?它们吃肉吗?Ling: Ugh! And what about bears? Do they eat meat?导游:是的,它们吃肉,但是它们也吃植物。Guide: Yes, they do, but they also eat plants.托尼:看这头大象,它很高。它吃肉吗?Tony: Look at this elephant. Its very tall. Does it eat meat?导游:不,它不吃。它吃植物。

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