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版高三英语复习 第1部分课时提能练12 unit 8 adventureb北师大版必修3.docx

1、版高三英语复习 第1部分课时提能练12 unit 8 adventureb北师大版必修3 Unit 8Adventure(B).阅读理解(2017河北石家庄高三复习教学质量检测(二)Among the international students in Canada who are struggling to find a job there after graduation, some eventually make it with relative ease.Theyre the ones whove already built up much internship (实习) experi

2、ence while still attending university, as their majors offer a cooperative program.Coop programs, a feature (特色) of Canadian university programs, allow academic studies to be combined with work experience.During school years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in rele

3、vant fields, and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.Coop programs are available in most comprehensive universities, like the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and York University.These programs are not only open to students majoring in business but also

4、to many science and art majors.Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the Coop program.“Its easy to understand,” said a senior education counselor.He noted that working opportunities are provided by employers that build bridges w

5、ith the university and most of them are wellknown companies or local government organizations.Moreover, the average salary for interns is as high as C$30,000 to C $40,000 a year.Students can choose to work during vacations or termtime freely.The required duration of the internship for undergraduates

6、 ranges from eight to twelve months, or four to six months for graduate students.“The programs also benefit those students who want to apply for immigration,” added the counselor.“Thats because the policies of many provinces in Canada require a certain length of work experience of the applicants.”【语

7、篇解读】本文介绍了加拿大的一些大学针对留学生的合作项目。该项目为留学生提供了工作机会。1Whats the main characteristic of Coop programs?AThey offer a variety of jobs in all fields.BThey make academic credits easier to gain.CEmployers work with students on their studies.DStudents get work experience while at university.D考查细节理解。通读全文可知,第二段介绍了该项目的

8、特点;根据第二段的第二句“During school years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.”可知,该合作项目的主要特点是学生可以在大学期间就获得工作经验,故D项正确。干扰项分析根据第二段第二句中的“gain internship experience in relevant fields”可知,学生实习时的工作

9、与自己所学的领域有关,而不是各种领域,故A项错误;根据第二段第二句中的“and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.”可知,学生可以通过参加该合作项目赢得学分,而不是使学分更容易获得,故B项错误;根据第二段第二句中的“students get to network with employers”可知,C项错误。2What does the example of foreign applicants indicate?ACoop programs are becoming more popular.BTh

10、e average salary for interns will increase.CCoop programs are open to all majors.DCompanies welcome foreign students.A考查推理判断。根据第三段的第三句“Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the Coop program.”可知,数据显示,将近30%的外国留学生选择的专业都支持该合作项目;据此可以

11、判断,文中提及该例旨在说明该项目越来越受到留学生的青睐,故A项正确。3Which section of a website does the text probably come from?ABusiness. BEducation.CLifestyle. DCulture.B考查文章出处。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了加拿大的一些大学针对留学生的一种合作项目。该项目为留学生提供了工作机会。据此可以判断,本文与教育相关,可能来自网站上的教育版块,故B项正确。.阅读七选五(2017辽宁省部分重点高中第三次统考)When apologizing, chances are that youve utt

12、ered the phrase, “I never meant to hurt you.” 1In a talk, Caroline Myss, a spiritual seeker and researcher, took on the topic of forgiveness and healing.She explained why “I never meant to hurt you” is never a sufficient apology, no matter who it comes from.“Picture that person coming up to you and

13、saying, Im sorry I did this. 2 And can we just call it a day?” Caroline says.As tempting as it can be to move on and bury the hatchet (和解), that type of apology wont sit well with the person on the receiving end.“That whole little thingI never meant to hurt you thats the thing you cant forgive,” she

14、 says,“It goes right to your soul, that sick feeling.”Instead, Caroline says its important to approach the conversation differently.Ultimately, its about offering more than an apology. 3“Lets redo the scene,” Caroline says.“The person comes up to you and says, I need to tell you something. 4 It was

15、guilt.I heard my conscience tell me not to do this but I didnt listen.And I now know that my actions redirected the course of your life.This is not an apology.I am confessing(忏悔) my soul to you. 5 ” Even saying those words on stages makes Caroline visibly emotional, and she points out that this is h

16、ow deeply within the soul apologies are supposed to resonate.And thats what heals.AHere is my apology.BBut it doesnt matter to you.CIm asking now for your forgiveness.DI consciously knew what I was doing.EBut you know I never meant to hurt you.FIts about sharing a soultosoul confession.GHowever, its

17、 not a suitable way to apologize.【语篇解读】本文援引了Caroline Myss的话向读者阐明了用“我从没想过要伤害你”来道歉是不够的。1G根据下文的内容尤其是“She explained why I never meant to hurt youis never a sufficient apology, no matter who it comes from.”可知,此处讲的应是用“我从没想过要伤害你”这句话来道歉的不足,故G项“但是,这并不是一种合适的道歉的方法”符合语境。2E根据本段内容可知,此处是Caroline Myss让大家想象一下有人用“我从没

18、想过要伤害你”来向你道歉时的情景,故E项符合题意。3F根据上文的“its about offering more than an apology”以及下文的“This is not an apology.I am confessing(忏悔)my soul to you.”可知F项“Its about sharing a soultosoul confession.”与之相呼应,表示道歉应该是心灵对心灵的忏悔。下文中的“within the soul”亦是提示。故选F。4D根据空后的“It was guilt.I heard my conscience tell me not to do th

19、is but I didnt listen.”可知,此处讲的应该是当时所做的错事方面的内容,故D项符合语境。易错点拨:此题易错选A项。但A项表述的内容“这是我的道歉”与后面的“It was guilt”相矛盾,且与下文中的“This is not an apology”矛盾,所以A项错误。5C根据上文中的“As tempting as it can be to move on and bury the hatchet(和解).”可知,向别人道歉的目的是获得别人的谅解,故C项符合语境。.语法填空(2017江西九江二模)Chengdu has been making a name for itse

20、lf in Western countries in recent years, as the city has moved to 1 (strength) its cultural exchanges with the rest of the world.Chengdu Week 2 (host) in Madrid in January as a major activity of the 2017 Happy Spring Festival in Spain, 3 is an annual event held by the Chinese embassy in Spain to cel

21、ebrate 4 traditional Spring Festival holiday with overseas Chinese, locals and other visitors.It was the first time that the Chinese embassy had 5 (patient) introduced a city to the traditional Lunar New Year celebration.During the festival, classic regional art forms such as paper cutting, shadow p

22、lays and face changing opera performances were 6 display at the famous Plaza Mayor in Madrid.“The performances are so 7 (amaze) that I want to buy a ticket to Chengdu right now,” said Manuela Carmena, mayor of Madrid, during the event.Mayor Carmena said that the two cities shared 8 (similar) in many

23、 aspects and she hoped two cities could have 9 (far) exchanges than before in tourism and culture.Chengdu has become more closely tied to Spain since a direct flight between Madrid 10 Chengdu was launched on December 17.【语篇解读】近年来,成都通过文化交流,大大提升了在世界上的影响力。本文介绍了2017年春节期间在西班牙举办的成都(文化)周,剪纸、变脸等传统艺术或表演引起了轰动

24、。1strengthen考查词性转换。句意:因为这座城市已经采取行动来加强其与世界其他地区的文化交流。空后是名词结构,所以此处用动词,和空前的to构成动词不定式结构。故填strengthen。2was hosted考查动词的时态和语态。设空处在句中作谓语,和主语Chengdu Week之间是被动关系,且根据时间状语in January可知,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was hosted。3which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Happy Spring Festival,指物,且在从句中作主语,故用which引导该从句。4the考查冠

25、词。此处特指传统的中国春节假期,用定冠词the。5patiently考查词性转换。句意:这是中国大使馆第一次耐心地介绍一个城市给这个传统的农历新年庆祝活动。设空处修饰谓语动词introduced,作状语,应用副词。故填patiently。6on考查固定搭配。句意:在节日期间,经典的地方艺术形式如剪纸、皮影戏和变脸表演均在马德里著名的马约尔广场进行。on display为固定搭配,意为“展览;展出”。7amazing考查词性转换。设空处在系动词are后作表语,主语为The performances(表演),前有副词so修饰,所以用amazing,意为“惊人的;了不起的”。8similaritie

26、s考查词性转换及名词单复数。句意:卡梅纳市长说两个城市在很多方面有相似点,她希望两个城市能够在旅游业和文化方面有比以往更深入的交流。设空处作谓语动词shared的宾语,应用名词:similarity为可数名词,所以用复数形式。9further考查形容词比较级。根据后面的标志词than可知,此处用比较级。10and考查连词。between.and.为固定搭配,意为“在和之间”。【33220160】.短文改错(2017东北三校二模)I will never forget a military training in California Summer Camp that August.The bi

27、g sun was overhead, burned hot.The drillmaster was very strict and we were all afraid of him.If one of us made a mistake, all of us will get such punishment delaying a meal, standing for 10 minutes or whatever.Therefore, after training, it was no doubt that our drillmaster was energetic and agreeabl

28、e.His strong local accent kept us laugh madly.More interesting, he sang out of tune, from beginning to end.Every time when he sang, we could help laughing to tears.【答案】I will never forget military training in California Summer Camp that August.The big sun was overhead, hot.The drillmaster was very s

29、trict and we were all afraid of him.If one of us made a mistake, all of us get such punishment delaying a meal, standing for 10 minutes or whatever., after training, was no doubt that our drillmaster was energetic and agreeable.His strong local accent kept us madly.More, he sang out of tune, from be

30、ginning to end.Every time he sang, we或help laughing to tears.第一处:athe考查冠词。此处特指在加利福尼亚夏令营的那次军训。故用定冠词the。第二处:burnedburning考查非谓语动词。burn和其逻辑主语“The big sun”是主动关系,故用现在分词。第三处:willwould考查动词的时态。本篇文章讲的是过去的一次训练情况,故用过去相关的时态。第四处:delaying前加as考查介词。根据“delaying a meal, standing for 10 minutes”可知,此处是举例说明。as意为“像”,符合语境。

31、第五处:ThereforeHowever考查副词。前后句之间是转折关系,而不是因果关系,故把Therefore改为However。第六处:itthere考查固定句型。there is no doubt that.意为“毫不怀疑”,是固定句型。第七处:laughlaughing考查固定用法。keep sb.doing sth.意为“让某人持续做某事”,是固定用法。第八处:interestinginterestingly考查副词。修饰整个句子应用副词。第九处:删去when考查状语从句。every time可引导时间状语从句,故去掉when。第十处:couldcouldnt或could后加not考查固定用法。can/could not help doing sth.意为“忍不住做某事”,是固定用法。【33220161】

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