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1、听力考试内容1、Listening inPassage oneInterviewer: Can you tell mehow do you think you have changed as you have matured?What things have had a major influence on you?Speaker 1 : Well, let me thinkI suppose going to university had a big impact on my life. It made me much more open-minded. I met so many diff

2、erent types of people there with weird and wonderful ideas and it changed the way I see the world. Im much more tolerant now It made me a more rounded person.Interviewer: Great, and had any particular person had a central role in forming your character?Speaker 1: I guess thatd have to be my grandfat

3、her. I was very close to him, and he taught me to stand up for my beliefs. He was always telling me about thisInterviewer: So what people or events have had an impact on your life?Speaker 2: I think that traveling my gap year made me grow up and see both the beauty of the world and, welljust the gen

4、erosity of ordinary people. I traveled a lot around Asia and you know, I found that in some of the poorest countries, like Cambodia and Laos, people share whatever little they have, and they possess a real joy for life. Its probably made me a less selfish person.Interviewer: Interestingso you would

5、recommend that young people take a gap year to discover themselves and the world?Speaker 2: Definitely. It gives you an opportunity o learn about the world beyond the one you grew up in and I found it reallyInterviewer: Could you tell me what things in your life have had the greatest influence in fo

6、rming your personality?Speaker 3: Wella couple of years ago I was on a reality TV show where a group of young people all lived in a house together. Each week some one was voted off by the audience. I got down to the final three! I suppose being on the show and seeing how the other contestants behave

7、d made me realize how selfish and spiteful some people can be just to get what they want. I also realized its best to just be yourself in life. If you pretend to be someone different people will eventually see through the lies.Interviewer: RightAnd how did you feel when you were eventually voted off

8、?Speaker 3: Relieved, to be honest with you. But you know, a slight regret that I didnt win because I kind ofInterviewer: So you can tell me, what one thing do you think that has had the biggest impact on your life?Speaker 4: Hmm, thats a difficult question. But I think helping victims of the tsunam

9、i in 2004 had a very great impact on me. Im half Thai and Id just arrived in Thailand for a family Christmas holiday. When I heard the news I knew I had to help-you couldnt not. I ended up acting as an interpreter for a group of volunteer doctors. It was an incredibly difficult time but you know, ev

10、en in the middle of such a horrific tragedy there is still a huge amount of genuine human kindness.Interviewer: Thats amazing! And has it changed the way you view your future采访者 你能不能告诉我你认为在你渐渐成熟的过程中产生了怎样的变化呢?什么事情对你产生了主要的影响?发言人1 嗯,让我想想 我认为上大学对我的生活产生了重大的影响。大学生活让我的思想更加开明。我在那遇到了太多不同类型的人,他们有着奇特而又令人称赞的想法。

11、这让我改变了我看世界的方式。我现在宽容多了 上大学让我成为了一个更加全面的人。采访者 太棒了那有没有一些特殊的人在你的性格塑造上产生主要影响呢?受访者1 我觉得这个人应该是我的祖父。我和他非常亲近,是他教会了我要坚持自己的信仰。他总是这么和我说采访者 那什么人或事对你的生活产生了重要的影响呢?受访者2 我认为在我的空档年旅行让我逐渐成长,让我同时看见了世界的美丽和单单是普通人的慷慨。我去亚洲游玩了很多地方,你知道的,我发现在一些最贫困的国家,像柬埔寨和老挝,人们会分享他们所拥有的一切,无论多少。因此他们拥有对生活最真的快乐。这很可能让我成为一个不那么自私的人。采访者:很有趣。所以你建议年轻人在


13、受访者3:说实话,我感觉如释重负。但是你知道,还会有一点儿遗憾,我有些采访者:那么你可以告诉我,在你的生活中,什么事情对你起到了最大的影响么?受访者4:恩,这是个很难回答的问题。但是我想在2004年的时候帮助海啸受难者给我了巨大的影响。我有一半的泰国血统,那时我刚刚到达泰国去参加家庭的圣诞聚会。当我听到这个消息的时候,我知道我必须去帮助他们你不可能什么都不做。我最终成为一名医生小组的口译员。那是一个十分艰难的时期,但是你知道,即使是在这样巨大的灾难之中,仍然会有很多人性的善良。采访者:真的很震惊!那么它改变了你对未来的想法么?Passage twoTony: Talking to us tod

14、ay in our Life Choices series is Joan Robinson, an academic counselor at Manchester University. She gives advice to school students on choosing the right subject to study at university. Joan, welcome to the show.Joan: Thanks Tony.Tony: So Joan, what do our listeners need to think about when choosing

15、 a course? Its a huge, potentially life-changing decision, isnt it? Joan: Yes. I generally give students advice in two areas. Firstly, know yourself, and secondly, think to the future.Tony: When you say “know yourself” what do you mean?Joan: Basically, I mean evaluate your own personal strengths and

16、 weaknesses, your personality traits and the things you like.Tony: I seeSo how can our listeners do this?Joan: Well, start by asking yourself questions to help reflect on your life so far. For example, what subjects are you good at? Are you an organized and self-disciplined person? Are you confident

17、 and outgoing? Do you like working with others in a team or do you prefer working alone? These kinds of questions will help you discover more about yourself. Tony: Sounds like good advice. How about your second point regarding the future?Joan: Well, your choice of major subject is likely to have a s

18、ignificant impact on your future career so its important to look into this carefully. I recommend you check not only which academic subjects will help you get into a particular area of work, but also look carefully at what universities offer. Each university has its strengths so try to choose one th

19、at is the best in your chosen field. Find out what links the department has to related industries and leading companies in it.Tony: Good point. Now Id like to take some calls from our listeners. First up we have James on the line. Hi, James! How can we help?James: Hi. Im interested in career in IT a

20、nd Id like to ask Joan whether she thinks its better to go to a highly respected university, like Oxford, or to study somewhere that has more of a vocational focus?Joan: Well, James, you know it really depends on what you expect to get out of a university and how you see your future. Basically a han

21、dful of the brightest graduates are picked from the top universities around the world to join the leading IT companies. So Id say if youre a high-flyer then this is the route that might be for you. But if you are looking for a more mainstream career then you should consider a course that helps you a

22、cquire practical, transferable skills that you can use in the workplaceand look at which universities have the best levels of graduate recruitment for the kind of job you are aiming for.James: I see! Thanks a lot. That really helps me outTony:今天我们生活选择栏目的嘉宾是曼彻斯特大学的学校顾问乔恩罗宾逊。她将会给学生们一些在大学里如何去选择正确的学科的建议

23、。乔恩,欢迎来到我们的节目。Joan: 谢谢,托尼。Tony:那么乔恩,我们的听众在选择课程时需要考虑些什么?这是一个重大的,可能改变生活的选择,对吗?Joan:是的。我一般给学生们两个方面的建议。第一,要了解自己;第二,要对未来持有看法。Tony:你说的“了解自己”,具体是什么意思?Joan:基本上,我的意思是要评价自己的优缺点、性格特征和兴趣。Tony:明白。那么我们的听众要怎么做到这一点呢?Joan:目前,要从自我反思开始。例如,你擅长哪一科?你是不是一个有条理的,能自律的人?你是不是自信的,开朗的?你喜欢在一个团队中与别人合作还是孤军奋战?这些问题能帮助你更多地了解自己。Tony:听起


25、Joan:很好,詹姆斯,你知道这完全决定于你想要从大学里得到什么还有你对未来的看法。基本上,大把的精英都是从世界顶尖高校中被挑选出来进入到领先世界的IT公司工作。我想说,如果你是一个有野心的人,这可能是一条属于你的路。但是,如果你正在寻找主流行业,那么你应该考虑一门能帮助你锻炼在工作中有用处的实践能力与可传递能力的课程,和比较一下在哪一间大学里,你的目标专业的就业率最高。James:明白了!非常感谢,这些建议真的让我豁然开朗。2、Listening in Passage1One of the strangest feelings Ive ever had was when I returned

26、 by chance to a place where Id been happy as a child. My husband and I were visiting some friends for the weekend-they lived about 200 kilometers away. We were driving along when I suddenly saw a church in the distance that I recognized. My favorite aunt had lived very near it on a farm that my brot

27、her and I used to visit once a year with our parents.We were city kids, brought up in the middle of London, and this was a working farm-the real thing-with cows in cowsheds, fields with ponds and a muddy yard full of smelly pigs-we had the run of the whole place-it was just paradise for us.And then-

28、there was the food-home-made jam and bread and cakes, milk fresh from the cow. And my aunt Lottie-a farmers wife-and her husband, uncle George and their kids, Katie and Ben, our two cousins who my brother and I really got on with. It was heaven that week we used to spend there. They moved from the f

29、arm when I was how old? - about 14. So Id never been back or seen it again.Anyway, there we were, and Id just seen the church-, so we turned off and drove down this really narrow lane. And before I knew it we were in front of Aunt Lotties farm. The extraordinary thing was that it hadnt changed- not

30、one tiny bit.It was a lovely old place with a typical country cottage garden, full of flowers. There were lots of barns and sheds-they were next to-next to the farm. And you know, I cant even begin to describe the feeling I had standing there. It was-oh, what was it? an incredibly powerful feeling o

31、f longing-nostalgia for the past-for times Id been very very happy. But it was the past. I hadnt been there for 20 years and I couldnt go back, so also I had a feeling of huge sadness, that I couldnt have those times again. And-at the same time-great sweetness, because those times had been so happy,

32、 so innocent-because I was a child. So there was this extraordinary mix-of longing, sadness and sweetness, all at the same time. It was the strangest feeling Ive ever had.译文:我曾经有过的最奇怪感觉就是当我偶然间来到我童年时十分快乐的地方。当时我和丈夫在周末去看望朋友们,他们都住在200公里外的地方。就在我们沿路开车的时候,我突然看见了在远处有个熟悉的教堂,我最爱的婶婶曾经住在附近的农场,爸妈每年都带我和哥哥去那里。我们我无法再拥有曾经的那段时光。但同时,我心中又如此甜蜜,只因那时的我是那样开在伦敦市中心长大,是城里的孩子,而这个农场又是一个真正的劳作的农场,那里有住着奶牛的牛舍,带池塘的耕地,满是臭猪的泥院子。我们在整个农场里疯跑,那里就像

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